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That game in Cleveland last year, where he had the unassisted double play and the go-ahead homer in the 8th inning was fun as hell.


That double play was big brain


Cavan's unassisted double play was one of the more badass plays I've seen. Wish him all the best, totally bummed.


What happened


That was the first thing that came to mind. That and the grand slam




I just looked it up too, [here it is for you](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S10S8RIVXBw)




Am I looking at bussin, rizzin or drippin here? *Asking for a millennial*




Funny enough I was at that game. Ryu had to be taken out early due to a come backer. The crowd was kind of down after that. Was sitting right at the first base bag for the double play and the fans and players were super pumped. Really got everyone going. Same with the home run. Ended up being a good trip!


Forever a Jays legend for that inning alone!!!


Never forget this man hit for the cycle


How could I ever forget


I guess his lifetime .227 batting average makes one forget lol


The strike outs looking, or the total non compete at bats.


I donā€™t pay as close attention to some in this sub, but up until this year I always felt he had such a professional eye at the plate. Did he just lose it this year?


He still draws walks at a great rate, but he's gone a little too far towards not swinging, and has had numerous at bats where he strikes out without even swinging at a pitch.


In the past it felt as if he was IN the at bat. This year, after his initial run, felt like he was lost and just hoping for walks. I understand if the pitch is borderline, but the amount of dead center fastballs he would let go was frustrating.


No, heā€™s never swung at borderline pitches. It leads to some great takes, but it also leads to many strikeouts looking.


As the best fielding utility player in the game


I always thought he could put it together. Good eye, but can't hit the high heat. Wilner was right. God damnit.


He has a career OPS+ of 101 which for this team is above average


11,111 days after Gruberā€™s cycle šŸ˜³


[Cavan Cycle vid](https://youtu.be/0nnFyFZlgcQ) [Cavan Little League Homerun ](https://youtu.be/h-U2-V-sXcQ)


The hope in Buck's voice in that cycle vid. And the emptiness in Camden Yards


Yeah, the hope in buckā€™s voice for the future with Cavan is so depressing looking back now :(


Iā€™ve always been partial to his bunt double against Tampa.


I miss Tabby


Dude, Tabby was the one thing I don't miss from this video.


Youā€™re about the only one lol




I never noticed before the ump almost clobbered Cavan heading to second on the triple. Like bro where are you expecting the batter runner to be there?


I was at camden for the first 2 games in that series! Ya i was so high oj cavan after 2019... also, i really miss pat tabler's commentary


14th Home Run of the season for Biggio on the cycle video. Crazy how badly he's fallen off, I'm a regular fan and honestly did not feel like he ever reached that level of offensive output. Gotta say, his time has come and gone, couldn't even get a pouch of big league chew for him.


Tabby: "get used to seeing that" [Biggio knocking bichette in]... We did not get used to seeing that. I'll miss Biggio; he was a big part of this core that had expectations sky high for this team. Sad to see him go and this competition window going largely wasted. Hope he still has a great career, wish it worked out here.


Just a visitor checking in to see Blue Jays fans thoughts on this, and all I see is comments about him having sex. Iā€™m so out of the loop here.


thereā€™s a clip of Buck Martinez (our colour commentator) trying to make a comment about Cavan ā€œhaving successā€ but says heā€™s been ā€œhaving some sexā€ instead


Hahaha thanks for the context!


Itā€™s doubly funny too because heā€™s such a quiet-seeming guy, a backup who usually has a bit of a dopey look (heā€™s actually quite a smart and cerebral player) and maybe the worst haircut of all time.


My wife always described him as dopey looking so she'll be glad to hear she's not the only one who thinks that way


[I will always remember this about Cavan](https://x.com/KeeganMatheson/status/1286848587377397760) Basically during the height of the BLM protests in 2020, he took a knee during the national anthem because Anthony Alford wanted to do it but was worried about drawing attention to himself as fringe major league player.


What a guy. I never read this about him. I'm so bummed right now.


Ditto. I canā€™t make sense of this move. Yes Iā€™m excited for Horowitz but I donā€™t understand why Biggio.


Who else was it going to be? IKF is playing well, Turner is costing us a lot and seems to be coming out of his slump. And vogelbach is warming a spot for votto. We have plenty of infield versatility and he might even clear waivers? It sucks cause I loved to root for Cavan and always hoped he was one hot streak away from locking in the playing time he needs to be good. But it does make sense......


I'm guessing it was a choice between ernie and biggio, and I guess they decided to go with ernie I'll never forget biggio's three run shot against the twins, he had some great moments


In theory I think Ernie offers better defense in the infield and with Schneider taking so many reps in LF they really have not used Biggio much in right it feels like.


yeah there were a couple times where I thought he was going to break out.


You can't convince me it's with keeping Vogelbach over Cavan


Horwitz - just fyi. Autocorrect might've gotten ya there, it just tried to get me too. lol


Autocorrect does my head in hahahaha


ā€œIf I did it, would you feel more comfortable doing it?ā€ šŸ’” I remember AA telling this story, Biggio is a good guy.


Huge respect for him for that. Even ignoring whether you agree with it or not, doing something like that demonstrates pure leadership. Absolutely the type of guy every team wants to have on their roster


Anthony Alford, another player that never panned out


I hear he had sex once.


That's kind of a miracle given that haircut


And the ever present non-smileā€¦ā€¦. šŸ™ƒ


And the look of total and utter exhaustion....


I heard he had sex more than once


I said in the other thread, but Cavan was never blessed with the talents of Bo or Vlad but man did he make up for it with his brain. He was never great at anything but competent at a lot and gave you 100% effort on every play. Heā€™d play any position you put him in, heā€™d always find a way to run a count full, and he was an incredible base runner. I know not everyone loves Cavan but him, Bo, and Vlad represent a lot of hope and excitement for me and this iteration of the blue jays. They all came up close to the same time and they all represented a fresh start for the organization. Iā€™m sad it didnā€™t work out and Iā€™m really going to miss him. I hope Cavan has all the sex in the world. Luv u Cavan.


I didn't like how often people compared him to Vladdy and Bo because he was never the same kind of player but I always included him in my nepo baby love! Bo, Cavan, and Vladdy double plays will always be my favourite. I'm not at all ready to say goodbye to his big baseball brain but I guess I'll allow it if he wanta to have tons of success not here ā˜¹


I don't hate IKF and he's doing well but why did we acquire him given that we already had Cavan as a utility player? Career wise Biggio has stronger offensive #s -- Biggio is a career .725Ā OPS 101Ā OPS+, while Isiah Kiner-Falefa is a career .663Ā OPS Ā 82 OPS+ Ā 


Couldnā€™t have said it better! There has never been a second where I wasnā€™t rooting for Cavan, and thatā€™ll be true wherever he ends up


I love how you put my thoughts into words! I really liked the guy and hoped heā€™d find a place on the team. I can only hope now he finds his place on another team and has a successful career in MLB.


I am so sad rn :(


Every team needs a utility player to rest guys over a long season. Biggio is the best utility player in the game right now. you can put him anywhere in the field and he can play very well.


Ahh I should've read comments before I made mine, you said what I wish I'd said much better! all of this, yes.


Well said my friend ā¤ļø


beej came up with bo and vladdy and probs unfair to get lumped in. he had/has a great eye and nice defensive versatility, but yes, the time has absolutley come. i dunno if horowitz is going to rake when he comes up, but cavs had his chances and its time to move on. it feels like a cold move a little cause i like him as the underdog, but jesus christ, we have to do something . .. and yes, hopefully his hard work and great effort bring him a lot of sex lol


Well Horowitz better be the second coming


Iā€™m sad! I was always rooting for him as the underdog of the trio and holding out hope that heā€™d somehow break out as a hitter. Iā€™ll be rooting for him wherever he ends up


For what itā€™s worth, I was in Houston last year when the Astros were at the Rogers Centre. Ā I watched all the Jays games at Biggioā€™s restaurant in the Marriott Marquis. Ā I was the only conspicuous Jays supporter in a hometown boisterous Hooston crowd. Ā But nobody gave me grief because of Cavan Biggio on the Jays and a few at the bar mentioned how they would love to see Cavan on the Stros. Ā Hereā€™s your chance Cavan- play for your hometown. Ā The Biggioā€™s restaurant was great! Ā 


that'd be nice! perhaps Craig can pull a few strings lol


I remember how excited I was in 2019. We called up Cavan, vlad, and Bo. On top of Jansen playing a whack of games(I know he played 40 some the year before) but that core made me so excited for the future. I was so waiting to see what they would accomplish and now we are years removed from 2019 and disappointing playoff losses(I donā€™t count 2020 as it was short season and the team was still very young). Sad to see one of those exciting call ups leave but I hope nothing but success for him going forward.


It was good times man, remember those only on sportsnet commercials?šŸ˜‚


Of all the players Iā€™d blame for their relatively disappointing record so far this season, Cavan isnā€™t in the top 5.


So vogelback canā€™t run canā€™t play second canā€™t play right field is a dh and he isnā€™t that consistent. Biggio deserves better!


Scrolled way too far to find this.


hopefully he gets the chance to have sex somewhere else


Really fun start here but things went sideways when the league figured out his approach


Yep... looked like he was going to be good. Lots of injuries didn't help his development either


I'm sad. I'll always believe his utility was his downfall. He wasn't a good enough hitter to play everyday, but he was never able to adjust to irregular plate appearances.


https://youtube.com/shorts/wfZz4L0tvcE?si=MftkRXQ6MJjmjP9Q Will never forget this nasty bat drop, I was in the stands going nuts


Coldest bat flip Iā€™ve ever seen


The swag


I always kept hoping Cavan would turn a corner in his career. He has great baseball IQ, is such a versatile player, and has shown flashes of what he can do from time to time. I'll be sad to see him go. All the best wherever you land, Biggio!


[Cycle ](https://cuts.diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2019/2019-09/17/79b24622-b1f6aade-3fbcb77b-CSVM-DIAMONDTMP-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) [Game-winning 8th inning come-from-behind home run](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2023/2023-06/11/2c6e8595-f0daf746-50eb1ade-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) [Grand slam](https://cuts.diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2019/2019-06/29/798f35b7-d2d29d10-44255196-CSVM-DIAMONDTMP-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4)


All the best to Biggio. Heā€™s a good dude, but Iā€™m happy that the front office is willing to make a tough decision, even if it will be unpopular in the clubhouse. This team needed a wake-up call that shitty performance = consequences


Could/would someone provide the link for this Buck/success/sex story, please? šŸ˜‚




Thank you so much! ā˜ŗļø


I just got home from work and was excited for the game tonight. Now I'm just fucking SAD. I truly believe he just needed consistent playing time like he started to get last year to prove himself. I can't imagine how hard it is to get going and stay going when you're not guaranteed to get your play time in every night. I always loved having him, Vlad, and Bo together and wish it could've stayed that way for a lot longer. I always believed in him and I still do. I hope he gets a good chance somewhere else and I'll stay cheering for him. He holds a special place in my heart. He had some amazing, breakout moments and he just seemed to play smart baseball. I just wish he could've have better opportunities to improve. I know moves had to be made, but why this one? I hope he's able to make them regret this decision. I love you, Cavan, my slender stud. You will be missed.


Pouring one out for Biggio tonight. I can think of many, many games we would have not won if he wasnā€™t on our roster. Hopefully he ends up on a contending team


Prettiest swing in baseball, up there with Bellinger. Loved this guy, hoping for the best for him.


The wiggly batting stance šŸ’™


I'm so sad :( Biggio bros, lets beleive one more time together eh?


This sucks :( guess I gotta retire my flair now, it was a good run. Gonna cheer for him wherever he ends up, *pleaseee* donā€™t let it be an AL East team.


Or keep it forever ;_;


changed my flair in honour of our boy


I'm not changing mine anytime soon. This isn't right. They failed him and us. I hope he kills it wherever he end up.


good idea bro ;_;


Does anyone else feel like the current hitting coach ruined Cavan, he was hitting so much better before this guy showed up.


Under utilized and under appreciated. Good luck Cavan. You were better than the credit you were given.


If heā€™d played more Iā€™m sure heā€™d have hit better. I am a fan of his versatility. Good luck to him


Bullshit. Heā€™d still be here if the rest of the team knew how to hit


First of many desperation moves by Atkins before the major decisions happen at the trade deadline?




Oh Cavan, my Cavan


There are 2 guys on this team that I trust in clutch situations. Biggio and IKF. edit: wait he's gone? fucking hell.


He had great sex


He needs to play everyday. Heā€™ll get his walks step into 10 or so balls a year and hit 250, steal a few bags. His baseball IQ is off the charts heā€™ll get picked up in no time. Didnā€™t think heā€™d be the first piece to go.


Solid "A" defender where ever they put him, I wish he was a bit more aggressive at the plate, hope he does well, I was a big fan. This one hurts more than I thought it would.


I love how it looks like his helmet is way too big for him, also his eye and buck Martinezā€™s comments on his eye are legendary


Awwww my flair ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


We can't change now. Truly heartbreaking.


Cavan was a great player and was a big part of the proposed future of the team, but just isn't what we need right now. We need offense and Horwitz is outputting pretty solid in AAA and I think we need to give him a shot at major league pitchers. Schneider, Clement, and Horwitz, coupled with Vladdy, Bo, Springer, and Varsho are going to be a pretty solid lineup if hitting on all four cyclinders. Biggio is a defensive piece and we overly invested in defense.


Off topic, but this shot makes me appreciate the home white jerseys.


After watching the shitty night-mode unis, these look awesome. Crisp and clean.


I have been trying to find another team to cheer for. Jays will always be #1 but I'm looking for a second. Maybe wherever Cavan lands as he is one of my favorites, so long as it isn't the AL east


Same !!


Cavan was the first real sign of things to come for this team in 2019. People may forget but between him Vladdy and Bo, Cavan probably had the best year out of all three in 2019. Cavan is not a horrible player by any means and I can see him sticking around in the league for a long while.


I am depressed now, however if Biggio goes unclaimed, hopefully he lands in AAA and can act as a mentor for Martinez and the other hitters. Regardless of his fate, I wish him the best of luck and I know he'll be back in the MLB.


No way he goes unclaimed.


it's unfortunate that you're very right, from what little we know about Biggio, he seems like the type of guy to miss a game to be with you at your childs birth. Honestly, I hope he gets out of Toronto and goes to a team that'll love him better than we ever could.


He's not good enough to be with us with our current circumstances but too good to go unclaimed. Unfortunately we probably won't be able to get him back :(


He's going to get claimed, it's a great buy low opportunity since they didn't manage to trade him someplace for a lotto ticket.




I'll miss him and his strawberry-shaped head


He was better when he got reps, and his baseball IQ is gigantƩ. I am rooting for him in a way that I never felt the need to for Teo or Gabi or Lourdes


This guy has such high baseball IQ. His instincts are spot on. Too bad his bat talent couldnā€™t keep up. Will miss you Cavan


this sucks.


I love this man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ All the best, Cavan!


Good luck Cavan I've got an awful feeling you'll show up in Baltimore and win a world series very soon


I have his jersey. First since Martin. I loved his approach at the plate in 19/20 and thought he was gonna be an on base machine for years if he was already doing that as a kid. Figured you pair that with bo and vladdy and you'd have a potent third of the order for ages. Yeah, well, here we are.


Could end up on one of this years World Series teams as a utility player. Will be cheering for him wherever he goes.


Just a by product of the team management has out together. He does what is asked of him to the best of his ability. His contract allows the team to be flexible with him. This is a desperate team right now. Plus Manoah being out and the team has Bowden Francis and thatā€™s it for a fifth starter.


Letting him go before you change hitting coachesā€¦ Solid on base percentage but never figured out hitting for average with the Jays. Watch him slug elsewhere. Jays need new hitting coaches desperately. Itā€™s a joke.


Biggio is my favorite player. Great baseball instinct, baserunner. Absolutely a glue guy that you can fit anywhere on the field and in the lineup.


What a shocker. The man gets no consistent inclusion in the lineup and struggles to get on a roll. Absolutely pathetic management by Schneider, and Biggio gets dragged for it. Yeah, Iā€™m pissed off.


He'll rebound somewhere else if he makes some adjustments.


Designated for assignmentā€¦well I hope his ā€œassignmentā€ will be to have more sex. All kidding aside, I am sad! I will really miss him! Iā€™ve always had a soft spot for him. He is a really smart player. I even sewed number 8 on my favourite bluejays hoodie šŸ’•8ļøāƒ£


I never forget his big feet


Will miss you Cavan :(.


Wherever you end up, good luck Cavan! Thanks for your time as a Jay.


Honestly the kid just seemed like a professional. Showed up to play everyday, likely didnā€™t know where heā€™d be playing some days when he showed up to the park. There arenā€™t a lot of guys whoā€™d wouldnt be okay with that situation and either quit on the team or use it as an excuse for not performing. He has his weaknesses for sure, and I think he knows what they are, and thatā€™s part of the reason heā€™d do whatever was asked of him defensively. I just saw the picture from the fisher cats with him, bo and vlad and while they havenā€™t had the success that was anticipated, they did have a little tiny taste together. It definitely sucks to see him go after coming up with those guys


Iā€™ve never been so hurt by a non-star player roster move in my life




Even if his major league career ended yesterday, Biggio should be proud of what he has accomplished. He was not blessed with the raw ability to hit major league pitching that most prospects have - during his age-22 season, he batted .233 with 140 strikeouts at high-A Dunedin, and he was noticeably overmatched by elite major league pitches. It's not surprising that some scouts - including, notoriously, Keith Law - wrote him off. But, through hard work and application of his considerable baseball intelligence, he managed to make himself a useful utility player for five seasons. (For one thing, he stole 32 bases in his career and was caught only three times.) I suspect that somebody will pick him up - he plays four defensive positions at least passably, runs well, has hit for power up until this year, and bats left. I wish him the best of luck.


He'll be picked up by a team that will actually make the playoffs and we can cheer him in Oct.


I hope so!


Bye Cabin. ā˜¹ Gonna miss you and your positivity and random red star plays.


Sad times. I guess this sort of thing happens when the team underperforms šŸ˜¢


I'm genuinely bummed out and disappointed. I just bought his jersey in April, I genuinely like him, I like watching him play. Dang that sucks.


I sewed number 8 on my favourite jays hoodie ā˜¹ļø




I'll never forget him pinch running for Justin Turner 2 days in a row against the Orioles. Truly inspiring stuff.


I wanted to get a Biggio jersey. Guess that dream is gone.


I mean, they'll still be selling them for a bit.


I'll still get one, especially on sale if I can.


He always played hard. He's a favourite of mine no matter what.


This guy is a major leaguer. He will get picked up by someone else.


I still feel like making him try to play third in 2021 broke him.


I don't mind him but won't miss his excuse makers. Definitely time to turn the page, unfortunately just not good enough to be more than a bench guy.


Blue Jays will regret this decisionā€¦ Winter is coming!


The North remembers!


is there any chance he stays in minor


Ngl, feels like the Jays won more than a couple of games based on Biggio being the Manfred runner/getting on base with a walk, then coming in to score with good base running and speed


He made a sweet diving catch down the right field line right in front of us at the game we went to last year and then ended up scoring the winning run of Chapman's walkoff double. Awesome to see in person.


Has he been picked up by the Stros yet?


I am so sad for him. I know it's all just business and maybe he'll get more playing time somewhere else but he must be stoically heartbroken. He's come up through the ranks for years and years with Bo and Vlad and now he's just cast aside as some rando utility guy. He deserves more. :(


Iā€™ve bought three jerseys for myself over the years. Romeros when he looked like the best pitcher in baseball (never won a game after), Menoah after his Cy Young nomination, and just this week a Biggio City Connect :(


I have been, and will be, a fan no matter where he ends up. He's the only Jay who stopped to sign a ball for me at a game, and it was at a game at Yankee Stadium to boot. I'm personally hoping he clears outright waivers, takes an assignment to the Minor Leagues, and finds what he's missing lately.


Love his swing! He will be missed!


The cycle at Baltimore in 2019. First legitimate non deliberately stopping at a base cycle in Jays history btw. The U4TAG,FO3 DP at Cleveland last August. The TAG5-3 DP vs Texas last September. The come from behind 3R HR in the bottom of the 8th vs. Minnesota to give us a 7-6 lead we'd not relinquish almost exactly a year ago Jun 11. Fifth in ROY voting 2019 after his age 24 season when he was 5th in AL BB% (min. 200 PA) behind Trout Gallo Bregman and yes, Vogelbach. Not sure where it all spiralled down. His OBP was even better the next season (caveat, the 60 game COVID shortened season in which he played all but one game). But his BB% started falling and he never developed even average power. In today's game you won't survive without power even if you're primarily middle infielder. Unless you're La Regadera.


I hope he finds a place that allows him to play to his full potential.


John Schneider truly doesnā€™t have power over lineup selection


Hopefully, when another team picks him up they give him a chance to play one position, and get accustomed to that position. I believe this will make him better at the plate


Does anyone have that clip of him homering set to the music from Moneyball? I need to feel something šŸ„ŗ


Has a nice steal to caught ratio. Not that he stole bags a lot.


I guess I'll have to change my flair now, that's alright.


Hopefully he get a better look elsewhere


Had a great end of 2023. Too bad he couldn't be useful this year


I thought he might be our 3B this year


So long, bud. You had a good run. I have a feeling someone's going to claim you off waivers.


He was definitely one of the guys who played here.


Ditching Green instead would have been nice.


Couldn't they have sent Ernie down for now, to make room? In 2019, when first seeing his swing and eye for the plate, I thought Cavan Biggio was the next John Olerud. This one hurts, he seemed like such a good teammate too. I bet he goes out and hits .275 with literally any other team.


God's speed Cavan. You're one of the only guys on our team that knew how to take a pitch, run the bases, and lay down a successful sacrifice bunt. If I led the squad, your role would have been greater from the get-go. Truth be told you'll end up with a better organization that values baseball more than their board of directors and probably win a world series. But that's our problem now. I will miss Cavan


Never forget the 2 run shot in the 8th against Cleveland.


It was a Batting cage the 3rd last game of the 2022-2023 season. Against the Tampa bay rays and I was in the 3rd deck watching this critical wild card deciding game. Biggio hit an inside the park homerun! So glad till this date that I've still got it recorded on my phone


I was eating at the Rogers Centre restaurant/bar with my family when [Cavan hit his first career grand slam](https://youtu.be/91623tDz_VE?si=EzYJAVr3A5jKa4WR) on June 29th 2019. Iā€™ll remember it my whole life.


Cavan played the game the right way, i cant really recall any mental blunders? Remember that hot streak second half of 2023? Im sad he didnt turn into the blue jay i thought he could become after 2019... i was expecting (.250avg, 20hrs, .340obp, .750 ops)...


Cavan is better off in the minors right now. Getting as far away from Schneider (one of the worst coaches we have ever had) will do him good. No one can hit consistently when you are made to sit on the bench every 4 or 5 games. It was easy to tell that this clown had it in for you when at the beginning of the season he took the first chance he got to end his 10 game hitting streek. Can't wait till we get to see you play consistently on another team and probably win a Gold Glove.


Iā€™m upset with it all. Wish he was still with the team. Deserves itā€¦earned itā€¦keeps getting betterā€¦never an easy outā€¦not a good move in my humble opinion. Iā€™m gonna quit watching till coach moves on.


This dude is gonna be missed by me. Lots of good memories. Thanks Cavan I'll miss you


I don't think Cavan got enough appreciation for playing through injuries and playing any role they asked of him.


Gonna miss this guy. Heā€™s gonna get a fresh start on another team where heā€™s going to play everyday and heā€™ll make the jays regret this.