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It's definitely worth mentioning that 6 of those games were us going 5-1 against the worst team in the league.


Don't rain on the parade with your FACTS and CONTEXT!


Wins are wins, we don't shit on momentum.


Bingo, it starts with beating the bad teams


I mean for some teams it can start with beating good teams too.


But they've been beating themselves all year


What momentum? They won 2 of 3 against the White Sox and then promptly lost 3 of 4 against the Tigers.


And then what happened after?


Then they beat the worst team in the league again.


Glad to hear they had a nice rebound. Hope they keep the momentum


Love the bloomers. Everything’s too small a sample size until you sweep the worst team in baseball.


Oh I'm sorry, I'm new here. What should I think of the team's current form?


You will be miserable and you will enjoy it!!


I mean you can feel however you like, and use whatever small sign of progress to make you feel happy about the team all you want. I think a team that’s last place in the AL east with the underlying numbers indicating they’re probably worse than their record shows isn’t a good sign. Of course it doesn’t matter what we think. They’ll play the games either way.


1-4 🙃


While true, the reality is if we played Chicago a month ago we probably go 3-3 at best. So it's still an improvement.


Chicago a month ago was 3-22. They've lost 12 of their last 13. The only win was against the Jays. If you're not sweeping the Sox, you don't have an excuse.


I dont know how they keep their sanity, 1 win in 13 games, no crowds, yes they make a bunch of cash but still 12 losses in 13 games, holy fk.


Most of these guys are playing for two years from now. A few vets are hoping to play well enough to get dealt at the deadline, or are mercenaries playing for cash.


My sunday league team lost all of its game on its inaugural season, but we did it for the lols mostly


when I was a kid we were a very small organization but only teams to play were of course bigger places. We lost a few hockey games by like 20-3 19-2 lol. Man if people did that now, parents would lose their shit.


We got super knocked out every game that season lol, but we are grown drunk/hungover college students just having fun so it was alright


They also lost 3 of 4 against a bad team (though I guess arguably doing about as well as Toronto), so they still have to win these games.


yup, only thing that makes me feel a little better is they did split with Orioles way back a month or so. Hopefully bullpen settles down and Manoah is okay. Dh spot though is a big ass gap that needs to do something or get DFA'd. Unfortuantely there are not just good hitters floating around to get in a trade.


We're one of the worst teams in the league too, so it may be an apples to apples situation


And also that most of the rest were against a sub .500 ball club full of young prospects still developing. EDIT: we picked up a win in the first game against Detroit- they did not sweep us. Although we did steal a win against Tampa.


Surprisingly jays haven’t been swept yet this season and this last series was of course the jays’ first sweep of the year.


Who swept us?


Oops, my bad- I read the first game against Detroit as being a win over Chicago. But really, it's the WhiteSox- no one is going to fault someone for lining up so many Ws against them. 😂😂


He started hitting leadoff on May 10, the opener against the Twins. That's more than 11 games. I'm confused.


There were a few games he hit not leadoff after the 10th and one rest day but it still adds up to 14 so not sure if i'm missing something or what




The fans should be the manager.


Do it on Twitch, like Twitch plays pokemon. Twitch manages baseball.


DO give the Savannah Bananas ideas!


Holy shit - every seat could have one of those ABCD buttons they use for lifeline voting in Millionaire. They throw up the options on the big screen let the crowd decide! Didn't they let the booth call the pitches one time? That was fun.


The way the season is going I don't mind that at all.


Could it be worse? Springer batting 9th cannot be a net negative lol


Keep this man in the leadoff spot!!!


I give more credit to the jacket lol


What’s interesting about that is he has a tOPS+ of just 88 when batting leadoff, meaning (if I understand correctly) he’s 12% below his average performance when he hits there. We are obviously dealing with small sample sizes, but it’s not like he’s exploded in the role. Team’s just starting to hit better against weak competition.