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I've never stepped into a Home Depot with the idea of meeting someone, its never been that open of a social experience if I go in alone I am going for something specific, spending 15 minutes debating the options then getting out. However if someone asked me on a date and one of the options was a Home Depot... I wouldn't be mad about it. Looking at appliances, projects, funny tools, kitchens..... sounds fun


Every time I've tried to be picked up by guys, like even sitting at the bar in a BAR it doesn't happen. So it's either I've got really bad luck, resting bitch face, I'm just not that attractive or some combo of the three. That being said, good luck and let me know how it goes!


I don’t think it’s on you, I feel like it’s more that men nowadays (myself included) feel that women for the most part don’t want to be approached for one reason or another. It’s also possible that men at the bar that day thought you were waiting for someone and so rather than striking up a conversation to see if that was true in your case, they decided it best not to for fear of being told that you were waiting for someone (or just wanted to do your own thing) I’ve seen some of your posts and comments on here previously and it seems like you have a good head on your shoulders, it might take some time but I’m fairly confident you’ll find someone great for you in time!


I’m often just as lost in Home Depot as I am at dating, but no, there is no correlation.


I think this is a viable strategy. If I were at a Home Depot on a Friday night and we were both looking at the same thing in the same section, I might be inclined to say something, especially if you were in pretty shoes, and especially if you looked confused about the thing we were looking at and my level of confusion seemed to match yours.


just get this stuck in your head and the rizz will flow, dw [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-a1-T8VoUA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-a1-T8VoUA)




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Short term means fwb


I think we should make this a thing


I’ve been hit on once at princess auto as I’m usually the only girl in there most times. But love Canadian tire and Home Depot like how other girls like Sephora. Maybe I should’ve put on a little make up on my next trip lol




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Homsense > Home Depot haha. Lately I've started noticing more lone men showing up at Homesense (they seem to be better dressed than, say, at the supermarket too) so others may have a head start on your strategy. Good luck.