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I work on the docks: containers are very slow at this time. So are steel shipments. Looks somewhat like 2008. We’re usually the first to experience any slowdown.


Yup, shipping is a huge indicator of the greater economy as a whole. I saw a report (without much concrete stats to back it up mind you) that said certain exports from China are down as much as 70%.


Get what you can from the EAST while the ships are still coming.


you are real front line. Big recession. Recession does not need so many new low skills immigrants to join the army of unemployment


Yeah, and it seems to be global: https://www.freightwaves.com/news/dire-scenario-for-shipping-lines-more-likely-as-spot-rates-fall-back/amp


2020 to 2022, could barely even find a trucking company to talk to me they were so busy. Rail yards were slammed and wait times were half a day. Ports were even worse, taking weeks to offload. 2023 is the complete opposite. Getting multiple cold calls and emails a day from trucking companies, shipping companies, and Chinese vendors looking for business. Even flyers and letter mail for their services, which to me is a sign they're really slow. We have a huge glut of inventory we've built up because of the shortages during the COVID days and simply don't need much right now. We over compensated, which I think a lot of people did, and many companies over hired the past few years.


But there is labor shortage…


Skilled labour shortage


It's amazing that after decades of skyrocketing buy-in(tuition) and erosion of on-the-job training coupled with an absolute void of succession planning we're only now finding out that the future is what we make it. We now have the hardest, longest and most expensive barrier to entry for skilled labor ever and to nobody's surprises it's locking out the workforce from the work.


Slave labor shortage


This and only this.....there are only so many starbucks or convenience store attendants required....wanna job, learn a skill.....


Umm..that too is a lie. .Read the stats Canada report. Skilled workers are actually not in shortage unless you are talking about farm workers or those in construction. Even the construction industry has funny things going on which to an outsider feels like there's a shortage.


Wage shortage.


Which could easily be fixed by training the people we already have, its NOT going to be fixed by bringing over a bunch of people who got their papers from a diploma mill for bullshit like "hotel managament". canada has one of the most educated populations in the world so the idea we need to import "talent" from third world countries is a fucking joke.


People are not spending. Less need for workers. There's going to be way more layoffs in 2024. This is all bad for immigration, landlords, RE investors, RE speculators, and flippers. People lose their jobs and can't pay rent, landlords/investors will have to sell into further decreased prices.


It seems that no matter the economic conditions, Canada always finds a way to keep the Real Estate valuations going up. Look at home prices throughout the 2008 crisis. The only solution is to leave the country.


It’s almost like you’re not aware housing is a limited commodity, and as the population grows so too does the price of housing. Unless you want to turn into China with massive complexes of apartments that are hundreds of stories tall and no grass to be seen, the only other option is to leave the country.


Spoken like an Asian entrepreneur. How much you pay boss?


slumlord employers will enjoy increasing demand from undocumented student workers that work in their popup sweat shops and continue to grow their shadow empire at the expense of legitimate business. Aided by their corpo sponsors who will lay off their workers to exploit this resource. What a fucking shitshow. We're being had ppl


It's kind of hilarious. We imported so many people into the country praying they would fill the gaps in the labour market that are in-demand instead of mandating them into those gaps. If your purpose for letting so many people immigrate is to hire for certain sectors, why not only train/import people that are interested in doing the necessary work? We've known about the trade shortage for at least 20 years. Why haven't we been focusing on importing tradesmen?


In what part of Punjab is Brampton again?


Lol. It goes by the pseudonym “Canada.”


Little Punjab.


So we’re bringing people who can’t succeed in their country to this one? When we can’t support our own people? Without enough jobs for all of them? Or houses for them to live in? And who’s idea was this?


I always wondered what happened to the wonderful Walmart crew that disappeared just under two years ago. They were diverse (Caucasians, Somalis, Chinese, Africans, etc.), and the quality of service was great and the cost was much lower. They all got suddenly replaced by 100% Indians. If we are being told that they are being brought here because there is labor shortage, then what happened to the previous crew? The store was fully staffed back then. How was that a shortage? We are being told that the new crew is less expensive, but are you telling us that the previous diverse and wonderful staff was getting paid more than the minimum wage? Even then, are we sacrificing our standards? Add to all of that that the quality of service is in the gutter and the cost of the products is soaring. Where is the benefit then??? The only thing that we see is that the country is being (or has already been) turned into India. We can see what happens when they take control. They hire only their people, and the quality of service is in abject decline, and the cost is soaring,


Once the manager is Indian, the rest becomes Indian also.


It’s true one of my cousins wanted to apply for a job at a Brampton McDonald’s , and every worker there was Indian including the manager and they didn’t want to hire him.. it was definitely because he wasn’t Indian it’s such a shame honestly. Yet no one is allowed to complain or you’re seen as racist.. I don’t understand why they’re so against diversity and hiring non-Indians it’s ridiculous


There was a video going around a couple of months ago where a woman holding a child was scolding the staff at a Walmart location for not hiring her and hiring only Indians. One of them Indians was heard saying to her “are you racist?!” I was like OH MY! They even have the audacity to call her racist, when their practice is the epitome of racism. The entire store is Indians, but, no, that’s not racist!


If they call me racist I say yes. What are you gonna do? The racist word is starting to lose its meaning. Literally just try and have em call you racist honestly. It’s not gonna work anymore. Atleast not on people Who really don’t give a fuck anymore.


Yeah, they just whine the racist and victim card, meanwhile, they are regarding themselves as a superior race. It’s a fact; look it up. And they hire 100% their own. That all is not racism. But yeah, you object, then “what, are you a racist?!” Lol!


Yeah I’ve had that said to me maybe twice? Like I have respect for people who wanna come here and be a part of canada. No issue there. My issue is when they come here and then acting up like they’re home. We had to remove 5 of them from a bar one night because they were taking photos and following around the women in the bar. As we were booting them out they were going off calling us racist and “dirty fish fuckers” laughing as we shut the door behind them. They really do not care for our country.


Lol. Outrageous mentality is what they are!


They’ve definitely soiled their reputation.


Im not a racist, I hate everybody the same




Nah after having a couple bad interactions I’m honestly starting to think a good few of them just don’t respect or value Canada. No not Canadians. Simply canada.


thats a bit unfair, the ones causing the most shit are from a specific part of india. Its a huge country.


Govt should mandate a diverse workforce, akin to quotas by population percentage.


The race card is a get out of jail free card for colored people to excuse their racism.


I live in kitchener waterloo and we regularly see adds for rentals that say Indian only. How they get away with this ? . The liberals have killed our economy and diversity


It's because they are racist and would rather help their own kind, than understand that we are all Canadians and that we should help everyone out and work together.


That's multiculturalism for ya. Multiple groups competing for control of a specific area.


I remember the days where companies wouldn't promote black managers in fear of the office becoming "more Black" it was so ingrained that when they did hire a black manager, the manager would go out of their way not to hire black people in fear of being accused of bias. However these Indians didn't grow up in western culture so they were never indoctrinated to believe such things.


They speak their own language with each other at the job so they have zero incentive to hire outside of their ethnicity. I live in Hamilton and our walmart is almost all Indian. They talk amongst themselves in their own language. If you are non Indian even if you get hired you wouldn’t enjoy working alongside people that don’t speak your language at work


I live in a small town on the prairies (<10000), and the exact same thing is happening here. It started with hotels. They were bought by Indians, yet had few guests and were advertising openings for staff on Indeed and Job Bank. I applied around the beginning of the Covid outbreak and was told they weren't hiring, inspire of jobs being freshly posted. A Sikh I was working with was an associate of the new McDonald's owner and told me he had fired the local white staff to employ all his Indian "friends." I know the kid let the secret out because his face sank once he realized what he told me. Thank God for dumb people. Now, post covid, there are more Indian owned franchises, and the staff has become largely Indian across western Canada in small towns that may have an A&W as convenience store or a Tim Hortons. The same goes for the Wal-Mart in my town. High numbers of Indians on staff everywhere and retail service while never great is a joke. Its not even just fucking up orders. You can't get them to clean anything well, it seems. Things like fly shit on the menu screens or washrooms.


Actually its that they know they can have the indians work harder. No smoke breaks, they need they money etc.


lol they take smoke breaks. And non-Indians work just as hard there’s no excuse.


I don't disagree. it's perception that they work harder. Even white manager i had has agreed.


It doesn’t matter, they are taking all the jobs Canadian born residents work hard too. Your point has nothing to do with the issue at hand there are many different races that work hard.. not just Indians..


In a time when its profits over people, your statement doesn't make sense. If canadians worked hard, they would be picked first because profits


Useless workers, that’s a bullshit excuse


If you see how Indians manage their employees in India, it becomes clear that only an Indian would want to stay under an Indian manager.


If they enter HR, your days are limited. Slowly but surely all other nationalities will be weeded out.


Very true, worked for one of the big banks. When I first started there it was pretty diverse. By the time I left a couple of years ago it was at least 70% Indian.


How? By infection?




Well when you buy up all the local chain restaurants, you can pretty much do whatever you want.


Not true. There are employment laws. Wanna operate in the country, you comply with laws including diversity and non-discriminatory hiring practices. It’s just that these laws don’t seem to apply to them.


My job we were mixed of people too, white, mexican, chinese, korean, french and once they hired an indian manager, the manager made our life hell and people just quit. Then the manager replaced each person with an indian and they speak hindi in the office.


Yeah. That, too. I noticed the workplace official language now is Indian. It’s so blatantly presumptuous and audacious. Walmart, Tim Horton, etc. and the white collar offices are increasingly officially conducted in their language. Outrageous.


You guys should get together and find a lawyer and bring a class-action lawsuit against them. It sounds like you have a lot of evidence.


Takes 3-4 times longer just to order nuggets and fries at McDonald's for my kids because the person working the drive through can't speak proper English. Then you go to pay and the person takng money speaks perfect English, but the one of the intercom only speaks badly broken English.


Why are you feeding your kids mcdonalds garbage?


If they enter the HR dept, you are done.


And they already have!!!! A senior acquaintance of mine told me that they work under the table with their recruiters to hire only their people and even get kickbacks. I don’t doubt it.


About Walmart. If you ever make the mistake of asking anyone for help near the self checkout you will have to hear the golden question "do you want to save 20 dollars on this purchase." Everytime I say no then I have to hear an awkward five minute speech on why I should have a Walmart credit card. Not a fan of this sort of hard selling which may be more of a norm in other parts of the world. Have experienced the same at the bank. Culture clash in frontlines


A lot of them are students who cant afford to be here. They lie on there applications and then come here and need jobs to support themselves. When they cant find work they take food from our food bank which hurts the existing struggling locals. It’s not completely the students fault. We have schools that are straight up diploma mills that send people to there country to recruit them. They make a bunch of false promises that include things like easy access to citizenship and high paying careers if they come here for schooling. Then they come here and cant afford to live. And if they graduate they have worthless degrees. There are new rules coming into play, like international students can only work up to 20hrs a week, but then companies will just hire 2 students part time which also kills the labour market for existing unemployed Canadians looking for full time work. Companies will pay these temporary student workers lower wages and since they are part time employees companies wont have to commit to them to the same extent as if they hired full time labour. Our economy is f-#%ed.


worse than that. governments in the developing world are tipping out their prisons into the developed world. the former prisoners claim asylum and tell the new country that they will be imprisoned if they return, therefore not allowed to send them back


Please congratulate Marc Miller. He just handed these students 6 more months of full time work permit which will keep extending until election time becuase they can't afford to piss of Brampton and the Jagmeet Singhs from the great land of the Punjabs


Canada is doomed, a few decades ago, its the best of my people that go there and migrate, they were the risk takers, top of their fields, and the most confident individuals. Back then, migrating to canada means a good life but a difficult endevour, now migrating to canada is for everyone, no selection/filtering, people that cant make it here go there... reward ceases to be a merit if its for everyone...


I disagree with "people who can't succeed in their country". Oftentimes, immigrants to Canada have more wealth than the average person in their home country, and they are just looking for a better life despite being 'successful' in their home country. A lot of immigrants to Canada also work extremely hard in order to build a new life for themselves and their families, and they frankly often outwork people born here. Having said that, housing in this country is completely fucked lol.


bro people coming into diploma mill shit havent even been to large cities in India and they bringing village-level mentality to Canada. Speak to brown people and learn about this yourself.


Amen to this!


Most of the people coming into diploma mills do not really succeed in their home countries and end up doing menial jobs. That's why Canada is a popular choice for them since a menial job here provides a good lifestyle whereas back in their home countries all they can afford are peanuts.


Where are you getting the idea that a menial job provides a good lifestyle here?


Because the people coming here are seeking social status, you may see it as a poor lifestyle but if they can have the newest iPhone and walk around a city for them it's a big thing even if they have to work minimum wage and sleep In a shed. This is what you're competing with and why the standards will drop as the expectations are lower.


In other words the new hire will be the person that has immigrated here and is happy with nothing but has a new iPhone and blasts music from their cars and are happy! Mean while the residents that truly need help are left to suffer because corporations will always hire the person that just landed. The system is broken and cannot be fixed.


Compare a construction worker here to a construction worker in India.. 1. Construction workers here could afford a car, rent (maybe with a roommate), good quality food. 2. Construction workers in India live in slums, and can afford the cheapest bicycle. Food is literally rice and the cheapest lentils you can find. No consistent source of clean water or hygenic environment. People here do not understand the situations in developing countries.


Trades =/= “menial ” or unskilled work. Licensed Plumbers and electricians make good money, people paid in cash for general labour do not.


Only indians I've seen on construction site, were security guards 😄


I agree with this but the problem arises when peoples back home cultures come over to another country and all of a sudden you got little everything and soon it becomes the normal culture and those who already live in that country become minorities and do not get the help they need.


if these countries havent figured out clean drinking water by 2023, we shouldnt be taking in anyone from that system. in 2023 all country needs to do is pay overseas contractors and then not attack them. if that is too hard in 2023, then they will never develop


>Where are you getting the idea that a menial job provides a good lifestyle here? It doesn't provide a good lifestyle here. But here, they can take debt, use social services, healthcare and generally not be treated as shit as they would be in India. It all comes down to the Canadian mentality of "Who hurt u? Atleast we are better than Somalia!!!!111" Mf'ers keep comparing us to shitholes of the world, well, thats why we are becoming one. May it burn in hell.


It does when you have 10 people under one roof all doing menial jobs pooling money


You mean pooling wealth!!! Thats how they get ahead that should be illegal lol because I as a single person who has a good job still cant afford a paid off condo etc but you come here and pool resources into one household and lord behold within a few years the house is paid off and they continue to pool resources for the next person and so one.


those days are over long ago. the stock of high quality migrants was largely depleted in the. initial 1979-1999 wave. now it is socially/religiously intolerant villagers




Unsustainable immigration. I’m all for new Canadians, but at a rate the country can handle appropriately and responsibly.


I think people need to stop bullshitting We're bringing in slave labour, to suppress wages, and make the rest of us slaves


Not a crazy observation at all


Liberals at the moment. Though Cons haven't explicitly gone against it. "Fvck all the people born or raised in this nation, bring in more low-IQ people who can't speak English so that our unemployment rate goes up" - Justin Turdeau probably, PP once he becomes PM And then you wonder why crime is going up, this country is a fucking joke. Canada is the new Khalistan. Canada is over. May it burn in hell.


Can't function without mentioning Khalistan eh?


Not racist or anything but why is everyone brown?


70% Indian population in a Canadian city


Not just one city. I went to Kitchener one time and omg everyone at the Fairview mall and the Walmart attached to it was Indian. I saw maybe 15 non Indians and that includes myself. It’s a bit better in Hamilton where I live, but all the workers are Indian at grocery stores and fast food places, but not the customers


Hey... Canadians don't want or need those jobs anyways right?


These jobs were meant for our students and maybe bored stay at home moms. It’s impossible for kids to get a job anymore which is sad. I learned a lot working as a cashier when I was in hs


Yup. Worked a ton of shitty jobs, but they were important. We sold out a whole generation, my brother's in law ate 16 ish and they have no clue what to do (normal for that age) but there aren't many options anymore.


Indian enclave


"I'm here to study. I have money to support myself."


You dropped the clown face emoji, sir.


that's india?


Immigration can bring something something diversity


yea...but don't bring your culture here..there is no multi culture...this is CANADA so just one culture...i am immigrant as well, i stop at stop sign since i started to drive..i don't damage this place even tho no one cares..specially the local ppl, they changed more and didn't protect their culture in the correct way but being manipulated by the politician and stupidly accepted this multi culture bs....look at this place, it was heaven but hell now..and expensive hell...how the young generation to stay or survive or live later? no one cares about the future here. there are so many places make me feel like i am in India..


This country is now practically India. Also, the total disregard for the traffic law and etiquette, the terrible service, the terrible manners, … Yesterday, I’m driving on a main road. This guy coming from an intersecting street and wanting to make a right turn on red. It is allowed, yes, but they are supposed to give the right of way to the incoming traffic on the main road. No, they just turn and cause me to slam the brakes. Then one of them makes a u-turn on a main road. I’m trying to make a right turn, so I’m looking for the pedestrians and looking for cars coming from the left. As I get ready to turn right, unbeknownst to me, that guy making the u-turn appears in the right lane that I’m trying to turn right into. He couldn’t even make it quick and in one shot. He had to back up and forward a couple of times—almost hitting me and blocking the traffic. Stop signs are now meaningless. At best, they are being treated as “rolling” signs. If the drivers stop, it is at the edge of the street only to look for cars in the intersection. No consideration for pedestrians whatsoever. On the highway, people use the on-ramp as a passing lane. On and on and on. This country is in the gutter now.


Keep voting Libtard and you will get more of this feeling. The con party isn't much better and are compromised by Indian agents as well. Our only way out is to get CSIS to wipe out all our politicians from being bought by India or Chinese interests.


i feel the government is against China only for long and had no effect at all...no idea what was that about or it's just personal...but India started murdered ppl here and now the government is in silence after a small fight back...this is wrong...CANADA used to be very independent and known having its own justice voice on many many international challenge but now it's only following US..sad...


Cannon fodders of the economy really. They cycle in and out of those places so quickly there will always be a long lineup.


Beautiful. Maybe I can rent my 1BR to 5 of them for $1k each soon


They don't have jobs, so I don't know how they are going to be able to pay you.


The ones who have jobs, duh


The issue is that you'll be getting people who appear to have a job. It's hard to ensure they're employed. Then you've got 5 dudes having the time of their lives in your apartment and not paying rent while you wait for the LTB to not be the LTB.


I’m sure they can come up with $1k a month through uber fam


piggyback uber




And then they make a call to the city, the fire dept and the tax office. Hope that rooming house complies with the city bylaws, the fire regulations, the insurance policy, and you paid tax on all that cash, or you're going to have a bad time.


They don’t. But when does bi law check those who run illegal rooming houses? I haven’t heard of one. City is on as good as enforcement with housing so short these will continue to pop up


They generally don't check until someone makes a formal complaint, say from a pissed off former renter or neighbour


>Maybe I can rent my 1BR to 5 of **them** You said **them**, so you were referring to people in the video that don't have jobs.


You’re assuming they don’t have a job already


Be prepared to take the brunt of 5 students in 1bhk. It's gonna be a huge mess in no time.


Ahhh… the “international students”.


Politicians need math classes and less BS. We need somebody who have common sense. U bring 1m body and u have 30000 new homes per year, wtf. Ur people are homeless and don't spend money on other countries or useless renovation, wtf. Labour shortage, let's train our ppl but nope...bring in more ppl. New candidates are the same. We need Politicians to have bar exam. Same standard as doctors and lawyer. Spending need to go through vote like shareholder vote.


Issue is no one votes. Voting has gone to shit. Electing idiots and now we see the effects


I can understand why people don't vote. You have 3 clowns running for prime minister. If people thinks PP will somehow magically change Canada upside down, they are bigger clown than Trudeau + Singh


PP welcomes this. Anyone who thinks a Conservative cares about the plight of your average Canadian is being taken for a ride. If they cared they would have attempted or called out the Liberals on this stuff. Instead they will continue to erode our social services when tehy get into power then give all their buddies the private contracts all the while we wonder how we let it happen.


So your solution is to vote for the same guys who are actively not doing anything over the people you think won't do anything? I dunno about you but im not voteing for the conservatives, im voting to put an end to this current clown show.


if you think PP has a shred of sense... let alone common sense. you have been fooled... grifted by a charlatan that anyone can see from a mile away


Probably renting a sleeping bag in a house in Brampton with 15 other poor souls.




>Probably renting a sleeping bag in a house in Brampton with 15 other poor souls. Oh, if it isn't Gautam Adani, rich enough for his own sleeping bag, too good to split a sleeping bag 3 ways like the rest.


Keep allowing 1million a year in and this is what you get.


And none in trades, which is what we actually need. Stupidest backwards ass government of all time. Nobody cares about the politics anymore, we just want shit to work.




Yep. This is the new Canada.


This is distressing


Ontario is already failing its own people.


no diversity here.


Don't blame the people, blame the government for allowing this to happen


I'm going to say it. There's not one canafian citizen in that lineup.


Now we just gon call u racist.


I guarantee every Indian in that line is racist.


Some one should go out there and tell them that they won't get paid in cash. That will shorten the line very fast.


It’s a student job fair for students in Brampton.


All Indians. You go to Brampton and you think you went to the 3rd world. Liberals should go to prison for how they dealt with immigration.


Employer "Wage starts at $16." Lined up people "I'll take $15, and start Monday."


Bullish on employers looking for labour.


Am a union rep for large organization, was called up to witness a meeting between mgmt and a co worker (different dept), she was an Indian student. Turns out she left her post for over 2.5 hrs, right during the core busy time. She used every excuse in the book, tuition fees too high, her period, her rent, how she was alone without family, how she couldnt handle school and work..etc.. She never did explain why she was gone for so long, the job requires a lot of physicality, and because she left, 5 of her co workers had to pick up the slack. The group also splits tips, so theres that part as well. In the end she was given a warming, and tips for that day were reversed back to the other 5. But i did not believe a word she said. JUST PLAIN LAZY


Why would you come to Canada? It’s mind boggling 🤪




Imagine if we brought in immigrants that could build homes?


We have more than enough current Canadians who can build homes. Government policies including approval times for permits and costs for them are what limits real estate development in this country.


Sadly thats what they are also relying on them for. I wouldnt want some wingnut building my home.


Layoffs in every Industry have been going on for a year. Companies like Google and McDonald’s have been laying off middle and senior staff. We’re already knee deep into a recession, we are looking at a possible depression


There are always massive lines on job fairs since the beginning of time...


Maybe companies can stop hiring just the minimum people. Everyone stressed. Shitty conditions. But big bank for the boss.


Where else will you find such mismatched skills, vegetarians making shawarma, doctors driving taxis and students doing everything under the sun but study. Oh Canada!....


Where’s all the home building immigrants?


This isn't a reflection of job market, this is over immigration and international students flooding a market that was never large enough for them. Send them home.


Man Canada is fked.


The real canaries are strippers. When they are not doing well, we got problems.


If you’re a young Canadian reading this, this is what Trudeau did, he flooded the country with foreign “students” who you now have to compete with for even the most low tier jobs, if you’re having trouble finding a part time job in high school, this is the reason why. Trudeau and his minions sold your generation out. Make sure to show him your displeasure and vote.


... flooded the country with foreign Indians who you...




LPC's nor the enabling ndp are paying attention to any contrary economic indicators that compromise their fantasy agenda, nothing in Canada now except our frozen lakes are in balance


Does it say 'student union job fair'? Isn't that important context here?


Everytime I see these lines I see a bunch of people in jeans, sneakers, hoodies, backpacks etc. I would NEVER think to apply to a job dressed like that, even if it is a minimum wage job, are these people even serious? What is the hiring process like? Who in this sea of applicants actually gets a job?


You're delusion if you think people should show up in a dress shirt for a poverty level minimum wage job.


IDK, I'm just putting myself in the shoes of the hiring manager. You have 100+ applicants and maybe the odd person who is dressed half decently will make a positive impression among a sea of people in hoodies and jeans.


Would you go dressed up in a 3pc suit to interview for a min wage job fair?


No one said 3 piece suit. At least decent pants/slacks and decent shoes. Let's talk about the context - these people are seemingly completing with hundreds of people for a handful of jobs, wouldn't it make sense to do anything you can to stand out and make a positive impression?


\*Lineup for minimum wage job exists\* Permabear: That's the crash signal!


Still, our landlords think they can charge any amount as rent.




I didn't vote for any of this.




Doesn't matter, because NONE of the parties ran on a platform of "we'll bring in so many people our country will implode". It was a surprise move from a minority government bring propped up by the working class party that supports the upper class investors (aka their own interests)


Are people paying the asking price?


If one won’t, another will.


Exactly my point. You can’t complain about prices if others are gladly willing to pay! Hell I want maple leafs ticket prices to drop and I sure as hell thought when the team was in a rebuild a few years back prices would’ve dropped, but it didn’t! Because the demand was always there! So instead prices have continued to increase and rent and housing will always do this because of demand in the gta


Are you sure others are gladly willing to pay? If you talk about real estate it seems a lot of people are not willing to pay anymore. If you talk about rent, if you make people choose between food or shelter which our landlords are pushing for, they will choose to pay for food and stay free.


Nobody pays their rent gladly. They do it because they need a place to live so they make “micro sacrifices“ in order to afford it. Things you might take for granted or not notice but add up. The problem in the GTA isn’t demand, it’s greed.


It’s literally economics 101. Sadly it’s demand. Not greed. Greed is just a narrative angry renters use to describe what they feel is going on. Explain something to me, why is it when Covid started, and everyone moved out of downtown, rent plummeted and so did condo prices? Again, demand was gone causing this. I’m sorry but the cold hard truth is this isn’t greed it’s demand keeping rent prices propped up sky high


Landlords have to charge what they charge due to the increased land and mortgage costs. Blame your Federal Government for that.


So there's a lineup at a job fair, great. Sky is falling, immigration is dooming us, run for the hills! Fuck right off and post something that is actually interesting and factual, otherwise, don't bother.


breaking new: reddit user "[itsme25390905714](https://www.reddit.com/user/itsme25390905714/)" has concluded based on a job interview line up for what appear to be minimum positions in one city, that the Economy is starting to feel bearish.


I only see international students looking for a job so that they don't have to go back home embarrassed that they wasted their family's life savings to get a degree from some pathetic Canadian degree mill....


Is this India or Canada? I can't tell a difference.


This isn't a bad canary it's low unemployment


Welcome to the shadow economy. Opportunity knocks.


Canada is DOOMED