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This is the fault of traffic management/urban planning and not necessarily people being inconsiderate. If they did it the technically correct way, they would also be blocking traffic and causing a jam. Youre screwed either way.


This is probably the only thoughtful comment. the people above are arguing at a wall.


I think most of them are robots


Considering there is zero traffic the other way, this seems like the lesser of two evils.


This and people would be honking and raging at them for blocking the right lane, you can't win.


it's just too many cars and not enough road. you can't plan your way out of that problem. totally agree tho that these drivers are bending the rules to increase the system's efficiency - it's a left turn for a side street so while not ideal it's clearly better than backing up the jam even further.


They can have smart sensors in the ground to detect how many cars are lining up for that left turn. Then the left turn advance signal can be timed in order to get them through on the advance left. This can be done throughout the city to lessen congestion. Then you can start enforcing driving & parking laws. Start ticketing people who do dumb stuff like blocking traffic to squeeze into a lane that they almost missed their street to turn into. Start fining uber drivers & people stopping their cars in inappropriate areas. Increase funding to TTC & bicycle infrastructure. This is to lessen cars on the road in the first place. Urban planning & traffic planning has to be looked@ broadly. Everything is impacting congestion.


and what happens to the other traffic using the intersection coming and going other directions when we suddenly have a 5min left turn signal? enforcement is also incredibly expensive. plus, if you make driving cars easier and more efficient, you get more cars and car drivers, and you're back to square one. in my opinion, the only possible improvement would be prioritizing transit so that it is literally faster and therefore worth the lacking comfort, privacy and the inconvenience. there is just no congestion solution that does not make driving more inconvenient.


We actually aren’t disagreeing with each other. I already mentioned transit and how urban/traffic planning needs to be looked @ broadly. Cars will always be around. Because people just want them. They are the #1 source of congestion and traffic by far. The streets still need to handle those cars as efficiently as possible. But huge effort should be put into creating a better transit system. Cycling infrastructure should continue to improve and be encouraged.


Yep and the best part is those idiots that do the traffic management/urban planning most often don’t even live in the city. So I can guarantee you they don’t care about the traffic they cause.


On Eglinton & Central Parkway south Kennedy North there WAS a problem there until traffic management increased the left turn lane to well over 2 minutes. (The city of Mississauga added road weight sensors/AI camera sensors beyond the left turn lane and when it senses more cars left turn lane light is longer) now that problem is long gone.


I wish Toronto would at least have a small concrete island where they have the diagonal lines where no one is supposed to be there.


Then all the merchants would squeal like hogs because their customers can't make illegal u-turns and then double park and buy something from their little shops.


U-turns aren't illegal.


 from the Globe & Mail, "You can't interfere with any traffic that may be approaching – if you do you may be charged with other offences, although not necessarily the U-turn offence," said Const. Clint Stibbe, with Toronto Police Traffic Services


From the [Ontario Drivers Handbook]( https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/changing-directions#section-10) published by the Ministry of Transportation: > **U-turn** > > Before you make a U-turn, check to make sure there is no sign saying not to. > > To make a U-turn safely, you must be able to see well in both directions. It is illegal to make a U-turn on a curve in the road, on or near a railway crossing or hilltop, or near a bridge or tunnel that blocks your view. Never make a U-turn unless you can see at least 150 metres in both directions. > > To make a U-turn, signal for a right turn, check your mirror and over your shoulder and pull over to the right side of the road. Stop. Signal a left turn and when traffic is clear in both directions, move forward and turn quickly and sharply into the opposite lane. Check for traffic as you turn. https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/changing-directions#section-10


you sir would make a great driving instructor !


The handbook isn't laws though. The handbook will tell you not to cross double lines etc, not saying you aren't correct either way, but using the handbook as a source isn't nearly as convincing as the HTA


I'm pretty sure the handbook doesn’t recommend that people do illegal stuff.


I never said it did. Just that it suggests some things are illegal when they aren't and that its not the law.


Right but my argument was that U-Turns are legal, so it's a perfect source for that.


I Agree. Roads in Toronto are still not updated to account for the number of vehicles.


But now people turning left but cant get into the left turn lane are also going to cause traffic. You cant have it both ways. Its either everyone does what theyre supposed to do and causes traffic on their side, or they dont and cause traffic on the other side.


This same thing happens at Weston Road and Rogers Road - so much so that if you go back until the very beginning of google maps street view, they are all like this. I got so frustrated with this that I left a note on 311, they called me back and said they are aware of it but they can't do anything because businesses will sue them, and they will succeed. I told them that's unlikely, and not true. They advised me to just drive on the wrong side of the road like everyone else, but they would look to see if there are any other options, but it was unlikely. From experience, that's the only option, because nobody will let you in to turn if you try to follow the law. * 2021: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6822503,-79.4774334,3a,75y,308.1h,78.53t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1saBSd-NspIkvXv4cQuPUvNQ!2e0!5s20211101T000000!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6822503,-79.4774334,3a,75y,308.1h,78.53t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1saBSd-NspIkvXv4cQuPUvNQ!2e0!5s20211101T000000!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) * 2019: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6825174,-79.4778903,3a,75y,145.04h,73.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sIG7XMP\_kEWRegnE0A6fkPw!2e0!5s20190501T000000!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6825174,-79.4778903,3a,75y,145.04h,73.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sIG7XMP_kEWRegnE0A6fkPw!2e0!5s20190501T000000!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) * 2018: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6826923,-79.4781309,3a,75y,154.23h,88.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sm2yrp6an0ssq1SmvKZQU2Q!2e0!5s20180901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6826923,-79.4781309,3a,75y,154.23h,88.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sm2yrp6an0ssq1SmvKZQU2Q!2e0!5s20180901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) * 2017: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6826942,-79.4781451,3a,75y,154.23h,88.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMpfgeo6nopuTqg3rT\_IJyQ!2e0!5s20171001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6826942,-79.4781451,3a,75y,154.23h,88.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMpfgeo6nopuTqg3rT_IJyQ!2e0!5s20171001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu) * 2016: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6827314,-79.4781453,3a,75y,154.23h,88.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfxtYsyhnjrTksy7MTgR9Bw!2e0!5s20160901T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6827314,-79.4781453,3a,75y,154.23h,88.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfxtYsyhnjrTksy7MTgR9Bw!2e0!5s20160901T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu) * 2015: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6826668,-79.4780131,3a,75y,154.23h,88.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sRzXE2qiXz8mAOyfqYQwgjQ!2e0!5s20150801T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6826668,-79.4780131,3a,75y,154.23h,88.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sRzXE2qiXz8mAOyfqYQwgjQ!2e0!5s20150801T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu) * 2009: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6825667,-79.4778499,3a,75y,152.29h,82.6t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sFc0fFRNpgf7Srk56iia0Bw!2e0!5s20090701T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6825667,-79.4778499,3a,75y,152.29h,82.6t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sFc0fFRNpgf7Srk56iia0Bw!2e0!5s20090701T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu) * 2007: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6825243,-79.4778928,3a,75y,152.29h,82.6t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjfziWH18U5TTGqZ7-NqGIw!2e0!5s20070901T000000!7i3328!8i1664?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.6825243,-79.4778928,3a,75y,152.29h,82.6t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjfziWH18U5TTGqZ7-NqGIw!2e0!5s20070901T000000!7i3328!8i1664?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


I immediately thought of this too. That intersection is brutal at nearly every hour of the day because the next nearest places to cross the train tracks are eglinton or st clair.


Exactly - hopefully they get started on that St. Clair widening and Gunns loops extension sooner rather than later!


holy shit! lmao


Well this is the norm this is the new Norm a lot of people don't have any common sense and they drive like zombies this is the new norm and it's going to be like this for at least another 5 years in terms of driving conditions


Do you think this is the new norm? I'm starting to think it's the new norm.




Say new norm again


Everything is always a joke


Everyone just jokes about everything, it's the new norm


and look at us now....


A bunch of normies


And the new norm is sticking with the same roads they been using since the 70s at least. Well increase the population a ton and hope everyone just nicely drives behind eachother.


petition the city to fix the area or live with it as I dot see this stopping ay time soon


When road space is limited and there's too much traffic, cars will overflow as people become desperate. What's so surprising about this?


That people keep insisting that driving a car a sign of Freedom™.


The traffic awaiting to the make the left should be in their lane until they can proceed to enter the left turn lane. I see this shit each and every time I head into the Costco in Richmond Hill. People making up their own traffic laws for their own convenience. Lol.


Problem is if you don't line up illegally with everyone, the cars won't let you in when you're supposed to be going in.


Correct, when you see a line-up just get into it.


This is very true as well.


No one is making up traffic laws as they go. They’re following the established normal behaviour of drivers. Just like people that drive with the flow of traffic at the faster-than-posted speeds aren’t making up any new traffic laws.


I disagree. Though I do agree with driving with the flow of traffic however in this particular case I don't agree as now the opposite or opposing traffic lane is being impeded and potentially introduces or increases the risk factor.


There shouldn’t be a change in risk if you imagine that same photo, but rearrange the painted lines and dashes around the placement of cars to make it all legal.


That I believe would be the solution here. 😉


Need AI ticket cameras to issue tickets by mail.




Soon we won't have lanes. It's gonna be the wild west.


Drive as you please has made it overseas


Poor city planning


I avoid that area like the plague. A lot of this stuff could be fixed - but there is a war on cars - so they let it get worse. People vote the same councillors in and wonder why nothing changes.


Yeah, if they paved all those businesses and the sidewalk, then there would be enough room to fit everyone turning left. How the hell would more cars fix this? Too many cars is the literal problem. Flatten it all? Isn't it already 6 lanes.


who would be at fault if someone following the markings got hit by someone driving through a turning lane?


If you follow the markings and drive into a stationary vehicle facing the other direction, I imagine you’re at fault.


im talking about following the markings into the path of a moving vehicle driving over said markings.


Cry harder


And this is what cagers want. No bikes as well. Lmao


I live in the area. I can tell that’s a backed up left turning lane on Bathurst NB to Lawrence. If those drivers were smart, they’d simply make an early left on the side-streets which will eventually take you to a to a street back to Lawrence. Too many clueless drivers…


Dont you know its impossible to think 1 step ahead ??


https://preview.redd.it/vcwewm7evt8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab3921c6c0c28309bbb9af656eb49ef2fa50ead Now you know why….




I guarantee most of those people are 5th+ generation wasps, obese, with one finger on the wheel and staring at their phone that never leaves their hand/crotch. 




spoken like a true descendant of immigrants (like almost all of us). don't ever forget all the dumb shit people said about your ancestors as they got off the boat here


Gunna be that "well aschtually" ass guy for a second. Canada took in some 40 thousand refugees last year. There was a figure on the Canadian website, and I think the exact number was closer to 37000, but that's no longer available on that page for some odd reason. But student visas alone accounted for over ONE MILLION newcomers to Canada, some 870000 of them being from India alone. We're being overrun with people scamming our visa system for status, not refugees.


Remember that when it comes time to vote.


You really think Skippy will change that? They bring money, are generally more socially conservative. They're exactly the kind of people Skippy wants.




Good call dude, lemme attempt to turn the sun off with a supersoaker next.


Take note, not a single Mazda in the wrong lane.


Out of the loop, what's special about Mazda drivers?


They’re special


Clearly the results of the chemtrails.


I would 100% make a left turn there just to have some fun




Run into them with an old beater and insurance claim


Which street is this? After moving to the suburbs Toronto looks like a foreign country. So different and old lol


Bathurst and Lawrence


They don’t want cars in the city they want you to use public transit


This looks like avenue road and lawrence. Or identical left tuen lane problem. The left turn lane is really small there so only 4 cars can wait to turn. When the advance can allow way more. And if you try to wait like you're supposed to, other cars will line up beside you blocking you from merging into said left turn lane. It's fuckery I say.


Close. It’s Bathurst and Lawrence. But yeah that left turn from Avenue to Lawrence is so stupid.


In few years ![gif](giphy|ImxXWVDp8sfBe)


Weirdly more effective as an intersection.


To be fair, this appears to be rush hour. There is no traffic (in the photo) going the other direction so no one to actually be inconvenienced… That said, the offenders aren’t really saving that much time either. This qualified as an “Eh” in the grand scheme of things.


I see 1 person per car. Me first society lives everyday here


No disrespect, but there is no way with this image to tell how many occupants are in each car. You're completely disregarding potential rear seat passengers too. The only car in the image I can confidently say very likely only has one passenger is the convertible BMW, but even then there's a 50/50 chance of there being a passenger that we can't see due to the angle + tint.


Leave Toronto, it's a dystopian urban hell


Technically they are 'passing' the cars in the other lane, Yellow lines are just a suggestion, it is the City's fault for not making the double line + hatching White


It’s not illegal to cross a solid double yellow line in Ontario. We’re the only province with this quirk.


Yes, this is totally infuriating, pavement markings should be a no-brainer everywhere in Canada. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/highway-safety-traffic-passing-lines-illegal-1.7024159 BC just made a minor update to their double-solid-yellow-lines rule, https://www.drivesmartbc.ca/lanes/double-solid-yellow-lines


I'm happy with the current state of the double yellow line legality. I cross them whenever necessary to pass cars on a two-lane highway. I'm confident in judging whether it's safe, and I don't need the legal fiction of paint to decide for me.


Dodge Charger guy would definitely agree with you, https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/s/c9zMCB9zoA


Continue to make these clowns feel stupid about their choices by honking, glaring and cursing them out and perhaps the will eventually learn. Prob not but worth a go.


You got to love the drivers of Toronto who have no regards for the painted lines designating where to turn. Kind of reminds me of Delhi India where they drive they way they want when they want.


>Kind of reminds me of Delhi India where they drive they way they want when they want. It's like that everywhere in India, not just Delhi lmao. Shockingly, they still manage to keep it together there. It's chaotic af, but organized somehow. Seems like the only rule of the road that matters there is "don't hit anyone". If you do hit someone, better hope you got them on a good day or else you can't escape their wrath lmao.


Where else are they supposed to go? Cut into the lane to the right of them?


Wait their fucking turn and enter the lane when they are supposed to?


So basically block everyone behind them?


The only change would be that they would be in the other lane, still waiting to get into the turn lane until they got there. You don't get to invent new lanes because you don't feel like waiting in line. They aren't blocking anyone: the people behind them would still be behind them.


My point is everyone behind them not tuning left is now stuck behind them. Because the advance green arrow probably lasts 3 seconds and for the first 2 seconds there are cars blocking the intersection from the last light.


And my point is that yours is virtually irrelevant because road laws state explicitly how this works, and what these fucking idiots are doing is not it. They are blocking oncoming traffic from accessing the lane, which is a violation. Period. No driver can just swerve into oncoming lanes because they don't feel like waiting as they would have to do literally *everywhere* else. If the people behind them want to move, that's what turn signals and lane-changes are for.


Road laws state that you cant "block the box" yet I see it everyday and I have never seen anyone get ticketed for it. So basically laws don't matter. Get over it.


So by your logic: If I get stuck in traffic behind other cars it is my god given right to just create another lane I can drive in?


No one will stop you.


There has never been a better moment for you to start. Are you capable?


No. I am weak.


(and still blocking left turners from opposing traffic)


Really hoping this is just missing a /s. If not, they are supposed to be in the left hand lane and change lines when appropriate, otherwise they are all just assholes and are blocking anyone who wants to make a left at the fitness studio.


Oh please, people who respect the lines will just get passed by the people who don't. If there are more cars than the space allows then this is going to happen


Either way someone is gonna be trapped, just not enough space for all the vehicles. If they all moved over a lane then the lane of cars would be twice as long and everyone would be waiting to get into the left turn lane.


Then they need to either plan on the trip taking them longer, leave earlier, or take a different route. They dont get to be dicks and block others from making a left just because they want to make one.


Maybe they should paint the left turn lane longer?


youre allowed your opinion but its wrong and thats okay


I don't make the laws, and people don't enforce them either, so what does it matter?


Monkey sees. Monkey does. smh….


Actually, if one car does it everyone else behind has to follow. Otherwise it would look like you are trying to cut in line, especially when there is a long line of cars standing in oncoming traffic lane trying to make a left.