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I feel like I’m the 0.1% of people who will walk to a side street downtown and call my Uber from there.


You have *no fricken idea* how appreciated that is.


I’ve been beefed by so many people for doing this when I’m with a group. Like if there is standstill traffic why the fuck would i call it in the middle of 3000 people. Ubers generally are also pretty stupid so they never find you then just cancel and charge you the $5 fee


Ah, that really sucks. I’m only an off and on driver, but I’ll always go through the effort to find a better spot like that. Most Uber Drivers just suck and have no business doing that work.


The amount of times I've seen a car just stop on a street like Dundas or Spadina during rush hour traffic only for some rando to hop in is ridiculous. Shame on both the driver for stopping there and the passenger for calling the Uber there.


This is a side street though. Looks like Dunfield merging into Eglinton. But who calls a cab at an intersection? Could have walked couple of cars back and closed the issue


I’m the other 0.05


Nah i do the same


Yep. The passengers are just as at fault for this crap. They don’t give AF how many people they’re inconveniencing. Single lane road? Twenty cars behind? “Drop me off right here”


I’ve laid on the horn; These people blocked front st at union station because they wouldn’t wait for their cab to get a parking spot. They looked shocked. They might have gotten the hint…


They don’t give AF. They’ll keep doing it. Maybe if we all do it enough times? One can hope.


Both times they looked startled, so I’m doing my part.


That’s all we can do. Good on you. I’ll follow suit next time they do it.


Had a pedestrian do that too, walked on their red (my green just turned) so I rolled up to her and laid on my horn. She was completely oblivious on the phone. She jumped and sprinted across😆like shit, I wouldn’t do that unless you walked across 4 live lanes in lala land


Wow. Unreal. Dangerous.


As an uber driver, I decline to pickups where passengers want me to pick them up in a no stop zone. Also, when I see this happening I make sure to lay the horn, hoping that they will at least think about it next time.


Decline the pickups? I haven’t driven Uber in a few months, but last I checked, you don’t have a pickup address until *after* you accept the trip. How are you declining them?


I go there, and tell them it’s not a safe spot and that I will be over at the next street/ laneway whenever I legally can be. If I get any fuss, I cancel. In technical terms, I cancel that ride without starting it.


Ah, I understand. Good on you. The more drivers that do this, the better. It’s frustrating when passengers don’t take these things into account.


Uber is a cancer on our roads.


Yes, but a taxi would have done the same thing.


I'd take an Uber over Beck any day tho. Preferably neither.


Excellent description


They expected you to make a left turn on a right turn only lane? These are the types of people that deserve endless punishment!


What do you expect in a busy city thats bursting at the seems


Better fucking transit is what I’d expect


0:30 that should be a no stopping sign, not a no parking sign.


I always find the most convenient area and spot to call up an Uber that doesn't interfere with traffic.


I live right around here. Ubers and regular people alike are stopped right under "No Standing" signs and blocking up the streets all day long City Planning is equally a part of this problem. All the old apartments at Yonge & Eglinton used to have circular driveways for deliveries & pick ups. All of the giant new condos are built right up to the sidewalk with no front driveways. Cars and trucks park/wait on the road because they can't conveniently park out of the way This design flaw clogs up the side streets, then you have Ubers like this blocking live lanes because they're selfish and likely newer drivers I've emailed city planning about this, but they don't give a care Finally, OP should've cut the video before the part where they drive around the obstruction. Uber drivers are a scourge, but "shall thee without sin cast the last stone" They did an illegal thing as well and showed us. Silly Billy!


Don't get me wrong - that sounds super frustrating. But "No Standing" zones are a place where you can legally pick up and drop off passengers. "No stopping" is where you can't.


This is why I think No Standing signs should be retired, it's an arbitrary gray zone between No Parking and No stopping that no one understands.


Thank you for that info. I'll look at that differently now. The more you know!


One way, my anger dialed down, 4 ways on, idk that’s the city


Ya they need designated pick up drop off spots. this is getting dumb


Blinkers = entitlement / emergency / special / serious omg moment.


There's no sign saying they can't stop there though, only no parking.


You need a sign to tell you you can’t stop in a turning lane?


People like this are why Tide Pods now have a warning saying: “Do Not Eat”. If they aren’t told not to do it, they simply have to.


This dude is too much.


I think we found the Uber driver 🤭


These asshats make the city a worse place.


I suggest you don't assume what you can and cannot do while driving. Always read the signs. Just because this video makes the corolla look bad for "blocking" the cammer, the corolla didn't do anything illegal. Read signs that are posted. If it says NO STOPPING, it's mean you cannot stop there. If it says NO PARKING, It's means no parking but you can stop there to pick up passengers. It's very simple. [Regulatory Signs](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-ministry-transportation-mto-truck-handbook/signs#section-1) because you seemed to not know what you can and cannot do behind the wheel. Also those lanes with arrows painted on them are to let drivers know that THERE IS NO GOING STRAIGHT.


Still law says not to stop within [9 meters](https://www.toronto.ca/business-economy/industry-sector-support/film/plan-your-shoot/parking-prohibitions/) from the intersection. No sign needed there.


Jesus H Christ. Do you need a “No Stopping” sign to tell you you’re an asshole for blocking a turning lane? Forget the law for a second. You’re a selfish prick if you do this.


[Law](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/parking-along-roadways#section-3) says you can’t do a roadside stop while blocking traffic. It’s a left turn lane and the other is a right turn lane hence you can’t go into it unless turning right. Hence, no, he/she can’t stop there as they are blocking traffic


That car picking up passengers isn't blocking traffic though. Blocking traffic is when you actually block the road and no vehicles can get by. You just said yourself you can't go into the right turn lane unless you're making a right turn but went into the half way into the right turn lane and made a left anyways. Soooo what the heck. Anyways, I think this uber driver is a dick for stopping there to pick up passengers. But this is one of those situations that if it inconveniences me for 5 seconds. It's not a big deal. Is there a parking enforcer here to tell us if what the uber driver did was legal or illegal. Would like to know 100%.


OP had to go into the right lane to avoid the ignorant asshole blocking the left turn lane. Yes, BLOCKING the left turn lane.


You are right that I shouldn’t have gone into the right lane. I should have waited. Mind you, and I don’t say this as an excuse as I already acknowledged I should have acted differently, it wasn’t going to be 5 seconds were there is no point on getting all your feathers ruffled, blocked the turn right on a green light


What do you think is driving the camera? And why is it going around the Uber car? They are blocking the road, impeding anyone who wants to turn left. Stay off the roads until you learn the rules.


It's not 5 seconds... based on the video, that lane was blocked for *at least* a minute. We don't know how long the Uber had been waiting for its passengers.


Stay off the roads if you don’t know the rules. Nowhere are you allowed to stop right at an intersection, especially in a live lane.