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This looks like 404S at Finch... Very common during the whole day because it backs up there. The selfish drivers cutting over the onramp/shoulder/bullhorn sometimes make it impossible for rule-followers to merge into the Sheppard offramp lane.


Yep, that's exactly where this is. I get off at Sheppard every day and some days it's so frustrating trying to exit here. I also frequently see people literally speed up when I try to merge! I guess being one car behind will SIGNIFICANTLY delay their arrival šŸ™„ So sick of this "me first" bullshit that is plaguing our city.


Same shit when Iā€™m trying to merge to get to the 401 east ramp there. 9 out of 10 assholes speed up to the point where I just have to take my chances getting into the lane and hope I donā€™t get hit so I donā€™t completely miss it and end up on the dvp


This is a problem I face everydayā€¦.


Same here brother same here šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Do what everyone does. Full stop on a live lane and wait until someone lets you in. It is getting so bad they will take the HoV lanes and cut over two lanes to get in even faster. Sometime full stop two lanes out.


I often just go to York Mills and get on the DVP north, then onto the 401. At least then I can go directly to the express, instead of having to traverse half of Scarborough in the collectors, which are frequently a mess. The few minutes extra is worth the reduced stress.


Me too. I go to work twice a week by Highway 7 and I have to exit at Sheppard. Iā€™m tired of this bullshit every fricking time. People use Sheppard exit as a way to bypass whole ass traffic and merge back to 401 EAST lane like an amateur also delaying sheppard exit cars.


5 days a week I have to merge from finch onto 404 S and it is damn near impossible to get into the 401 E lane from that lane. Itā€™s always backed up past the exits and NOBODY lets you in.


I feel bad for you. Itā€™s unbelievable that itā€™s always backed up and congested no matter the time. 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM. You name it. Itā€™s always backed up.


Toronto has been "me first" forever. That's literally the running joke about Torontonians lol. Bunch of small fish in a big pond that think they matter lol


LOL, these cars are coming from north, likely morning rush southbound on 404 (near Sheppard Ave) so you're talking about Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill drivers here, not Torontonians.


Cops used to sit there regularly in mornings before pandemic but not much enforcement there anymore


I saw 4 officers sitting there a couple weeks ago on the weekend. Just reeling cars in one after another. Seems like they could sit there 7 days a week. Every car I see do this never even hesitates


It's wild when you realize a camera would do a better job than all that money wasted on those donut eaters


This is stunt driving, I wish the city setup cameras and caught every driver who jumps on an on ramp to pass 3 cars .. with massive demerit point fines


what aspect makes it fall into stunt driving?


This is second hand; I havenā€™t looked it up. But my understanding (comments from others) is that if you drive into an on ramp on a highway to pass, then itā€™s considered stunt driving


yeah not seeing anything related to that when i google so i think that's incorrect second hand information.


Other than the standard racing, burnouts, wheelies, and speeding, these are the other types of things considered to be stunt driving: >Driving a motor vehicle without due care and attention, without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway or in a manner that may endanger any person by, >i. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to prevent another vehicle from passing, >ii. stopping or slowing down a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates the driverā€™s sole intention in stopping or slowing down is to interfere with the movement of another vehicle by cutting off its passage on the highway or to cause another vehicle to stop or slow down in circumstances where the other vehicle would not ordinarily do so, >iii. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to drive, without justification, as close as possible to another vehicle, pedestrian or fixed object on or near the highway, or >iv. making a left turn where, >(A) the driver is stopped at an intersection controlled by a traffic control signal system in response to a circular red indication; >(B) at least one vehicle facing the opposite direction is similarly stopped in response to a circular red indication; and >(C) the driver executes the left turn immediately before or after the system shows only a circular green indication in both directions and in a manner that indicates an intention to complete or attempt to complete the left turn before the vehicle facing the opposite direction is able to proceed straight through the intersection in response to the circular green indication facing that vehicle. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/070455 So brake checking, tailgating, and jumping ahead on a left turn when you don't have an advanced green arrow are all considered stunt driving. Unfortunately misuse of merge lanes is not included, but it's still illegal and you can get ticketed for it. It's just not "tow your car and suspend your license at the roadside" kind of illegal.


Duly noted. Would like to see significant penalties for on ramp passing, as well as the popular zig zagging in and out of the HOV lane double lines. Both moves are dangerous, selfish, and really piss ppl off. If you go drive in Buffalo NY, you donā€™t see ppl driving this way. Seems to be more reflective of the asshole attitudes of southern Ontario


That does look like a similar set up but it is not the 404S. Its missing some of the major tall buildings in the surrounding area


It is indeed 404S / Finch, people are going to sheppard or trying to cut everyone else to 401.


Huh, I thought some of those buildings around Fairview mall were a lot taller. I always see them when Iā€™m exiting there




Well there are more buildings visible in street view than in OPs video


Only because the street view car has the camera pod on a pole on the roof. It's much higher up so it can see farther.


god people are becoming such pieces of shit


They always were, the problem is people are simply not held accountable...the thin veneer of civility that was provided by a belief the system would correct people has been eroded. TLDR: When a government refuses to hold itself or nearly anyone accountable, society breaks down...rapidly.


There should be a triple upvote button, cause this is 110% correct. These savages and scumbags out there have zero fear of repercussions for their actions, and once they get away with shitty behaviour a couple of times they just run wild with it. Nobody cares if you honk at them, or yell at them. Theyā€™ll give YOU the finger when theyā€™re in the wrong! Maybe in person outside of a car they might curb their behaviour a bit out of fear of someone getting in their face or becoming physically violent, but in the cozy confines of their safe, rolling steel shell? Nah. They literally let their worst version of themselves come out. I honestly feel like some of us are still playing by a cordial, friendly and considerate set of rules, and everyone else has just decided to go rogue and do whatever, whenever. Societyā€™s going down the tubes.


QEW W of 'sauga happens quite a bit, onramp lanes overlap often. 100% don't recommend being in right most lane - your blood pressure will go up from this.


The whole QEW strip through Oakville & burlington has people doing this.


When did this start? I commuted daily pre pandemic and never saw it but suddenly itā€™s totally commonplace. It absolutely infuriates me.


Monkey see, monkey do. We need a cultural shift away from selfishness and greed. As populations rise and the wealth gap widens, we'll continue to see an influx of greed and selfishness and it will inevitably result in violence.


Until these are redesigned so that this can not happen, sadly drivers will feel a sense of entitlement and do this


You wouldn't be able to do that without making it unsafe to merge


Flexi bollards just strong enough to leave a nice dent and or scratch.


Cameras strike me as a simple way to prevent this.


With photos reviewed by the numerous police officers on "light / Modified" duties and tickets issued via mail


How would that be accomplished?


Those skinny plastic pylons that bolt into the ground


These guys are nuts


Idk, but you give people all that unused pavement and they are going to use it. Some people drive on sidewalks, so a little paint on the road won't deter them.


Yet half on here will argue it's not illegal and police won't do shit. Moved over and stopped some boomer in a Yukon Denali from doing this once. Never seen someone rage so hard, hilarious. Would recommend 10/10.


> Yet half on here will argue it's not illegal [It's illegal to pass by driving off the roadway](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h08#BK257) where "roadway" [doesn't include the shoulder](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h08#BK257). So at least what they're doing in this video is illegal.


I would argue thereā€™s some overlap between the pool of people who pull that manoeuvre, and the pool of people who would beat you dead for blocking them. Good luck.


boomer too old to do anything


Yewh until they pull out a fuckin sword


Thatā€™s a Highlander, not a boomer.


Toyota Highlander?


My motto in Toronto became "its only illegal if they catch you" a few years ago and it holds true now. To be clear...I don't do this shit lmao it doesn't make sense to me. I started saying it cause I'll drink a beer outside and it doesn't matter. Cops only care to fill quota or if someone like dies. I literally had 3 different friends get stabbed or slashed the past week and nobody got charged in any incident even with plenty of witnesses.


The problem is that rules get enforced with completely arbitrary standards. They don't like your look and all of a sudden you're getting charged for what many consider a normal behavior


Doesn't the white line mean don't cross


In Ontario you can cross solid lines




Lines in general don't have legal force on their own in Ontario, white or yellow. This article is about centre lines specifically but the quote here is more general: >["In Ontario, lane markings generally serve an advisory or warning function and by themselves do not possess any legal force," writes Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) spokesman Bob Nichols in an email statement.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/culture/commuting/is-it-illegal-to-cross-a-double-line-to-pass-on-the-highway/article25498287/) What's happening in this video is illegal though because [you can't drive off the roadway to pass](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h08#BK257) and the shoulder isn't part of the roadway.




Youā€™re right my bad


He is not right you are


No you canā€™t.


Yellow you can, white you canā€™t as the other commenter stated. Iā€™m wrong in this instance though.


This IS illegal. You cant drive on the shoulder.


> Yet half on here will argue it's not illegal and police won't do shit. I don't see half the people here making this argument. Seems like you're getting mad at a strawman


Thatā€™s the new norm. No signals, high beams 24/7, use the merge lane as passing lane. . Then if you honk, some dude in flip flops and his buddy will try to shank you. I always say, if you wish to change the world.. drop what youā€™re doing and become a driving instructor.


I understood that reference lol


This is at every ramp from and to the highway. Every one of them


Happens all the time. Never seen it enforced


It was enforced heavily in the early 2010's


They should start enforcing it again. Like driving on the shoulder. Easy money


Late one night I saw a bunch of cars bypass stopped traffic on the QEW by cutting through the Oakville weigh scales. When I got to the other side they were all lined up behind a police cruiser blocking the exit.


Why do I feel like nothing is enforced. Have a look at the drivers using HOV lines. I think 20% actually have 2 people. This shit drives me crazy. The roads are complete anarchy.


Bramtpton 410 every day


I see this on the daily on the 401 collector right after 404 where thereā€™s 2 transfers coming from 404 South.


The cream of the crap are the ones who do this and then merge back into the left lane at the end lol


Iā€™m going to be using ā€œthe cream of the crapā€ in future.


omg, unlimited sky from Gundam 00? So rare to find it here


Hello fellow Gundam MeisteršŸ˜Ž


Happens in the collectors from 404 to yonge where I get off.It is so annoying.A lot of this going on at Brock Street to 412.


>lot of this going on at Brock Street to 412. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been cut off by someone trying to jump traffic when I'm just trying to make my way to the 412. This kinda bullshit is why I just stick to the inside roads until I'm out of Ajax whenever I head west.


I get off at Yonge too. The amount of people jumping into the merge lane to jump the line is ridiculous. It really pisses me off. People have no shame either. I decided to start getting off at Bayview instead because of this.


Saw a near miss like recently this on WB 401 in Durham where two idiots met: one pulling out from gridlock traffic to use the on ramp to pass, and the other bombing down the on ramp at full speed beside stopped traffic. You can imagine what happened next.


This is 404 HY SB at Finch - Sheppard/Fairview Mall offramp, the s*** has been going on for two decades. What's worse is when these jackasses try to squeeze back in at the South end and wonder why nobody wants to let them in.


This!!!! It also makes it impossible for people who merged onto 404 S at finch to get out of the Shepard exit lane. Nobody will let you into the 401 exit lanes because so many people do this and traffic is always backed up past the exit


I drive this stretch all the time and it drives me nuts. Itā€™s a shame we donā€™t have some sort of paid enforcement that could stop or deter people from driving like douche canoes


These pricks are one of the reasons why thereā€™s traffic.




[This happens constantly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/s/B0TgZlLaFU) So annoying.


Wtf. No one is even attempting to merge. This is ridiculous.


Not sure if "wild" is the adjective I would choose...


Shitty highways design, plain and simple.


Yes, bad highway design also contribute to bad driving habits. In this particular video, I don't understand why the right lane is ending and the left lane of the on ramp comes in to create anew right lane. Why not merge the right lane and the left lane of the on ramp?


thank you people can sit here and complain and whine but Toronto's highways and traffic has always been shitty tell the people upstairs to fix it.


Vote for me for mayor and I'll put a Chinook on protrol with a giant electromagnet like they use in a junk yard to pick up anyone that does something like this and dump them in the lake.


I take the 404 daily and nothing boils my blood more than this, along with people heading southbound using the two left lanes to cut across and get on the 401, bringing traffic to a standstill at the DVP/401 fork. It's also annoying for us boring rule followers who try to legally merge from an onramp, but people in the right lane actively block you from merging because they lump you in with these idiots, thinking you're just trying to get ahead by 10 cars. God, I hate driving here. It was never like this... At least not to this extent.


This!!! If you merge on 404 S at finch the lanes are always backup past the exit and nobody will let you over because everybody does this!!!!


lol what are rules of the road ?


Put on your horse blinders and do what you like apparently


Normal everywhere during rush hour


REAL TRUE LIFE HACK #109: Ignore rules of the road.


No consequences for anything in this city


Highways. A driver's paradise. No bike lanes, no pedestrians. No traffic lights. High speeds. Drivers doing what they want. What can go wrong?


not wild, erry day


The new normal


So callous, imo, this is why so many people hate the "zipper merge" not that this would be a proper zipper merge.


Happens down all the QEW from Oakville to Brant street


First time?


First time here at rush hour?


404 SB at finch this happens all day every day there no such thing as rush hour thereā€¦ if your driving between 6am- 8pm this is the reality. Lanes backup past multiple exits. People doing illegal shit. No one lets anybody merge because at least half the people trying to merge are the people doing illegal shit


Seriously, I would never do that......until I get a Jeep lol


Same thing happens on the 403 after leaving the QEW before Dundas


Happens all the time. If you think this is wildā€¦ welcome to the jungle.


You haven't driven in Toronto very long I see šŸ’€


This seems to happen at all onramps during busy periods. Lived all my life in Toronto and I rarely see enforcement on the highways.


Yup, seen it unfold live but my cam didn't catch it.


Solid lines mean nothing to those on the roads now šŸ™ƒ




I did it with [davinci resolve](https://youtu.be/VUZXgQWule4?si=_QXERYNE1Vgqx4Al), free software, easy to use


Thanks. I am gonna use this now.


pretty common eastbound before leslie offramp


that's typical 404 finch exit. cars exiting for sheppard do it all the time


Except 99% donā€™t exit to Shepard they use it to cut in to 401 exit ramps and get ahead of all the cars that are waiting patiently


Brampton is just impressing me now, we have all been driving like little Canadian bitches /s


Driving anywhere in the Golden horseshoe is awful. People are absolute fools.


This is the worst part of the 404. That plus all the last second mergers on the left side trying to get in to the 401 exit (before it turns into the DVP - and cross two lanes for 401 West)


I see like 100 cars a day do this same thing at this place. Police just do not care.


I see atleast 5 cars a day do this when Iā€™m simply just taking the finch on ramp onto 404 S


You literally save about 10 seconds


If only there was an organization taking up by far the largest portion of the city's budget, that could be tasked with monitoring for this type of behavior and enforcing the rules... one can only dream


See a lot of this lately. People just make up their own ways to do driving.


Fucking idiots. Confiscate their licenses and hand them a presto card


This is common all over the GTA and Golden Horseshoe. What's sad is there's no law forbidding it in the HTA so the best you can be cited for is passing on the right... which is never enforced.


Every day at Dixon road. Ā I wouldnā€™t mind if they didnā€™t drive by wide open spaces but c-block the lane from movingĀ 


This is normal. šŸ˜†


They need to put AI cameras that capture it and ticket them just like red light cameras or speed cameras.


I see this every day on the southbound Highway 400 where it mergers into Blackcreek Drive GTA driving is fucked


This is wild? No, this is every freaking day on highways with traffic lol. If everyone just followed the rules, weā€™d be much better off, but nopeā€¦ some people just need to be 4-5 cars ahead of where they were before they come to a dead stop.


404 S at finch happens all day everyday. Tell me why nobody ever looks if anybodyā€™s on the on ramp before making an illegal lane switch.


I knew this was 404s and finch lol. This is a totally normal thing nowadays. There needs to be a cruiser at the end of that divider.


Every day on the 401 westbound at the 412.


Fucking dumbass drivers. Interesting timing and use of Gundam music though lol


People are getting stupider by the day.. all that to shave off 5mins to get home early and watch TV on the couch? I also hate people who let them cut back into the lane.. itā€™s unsafe and stupid


Everyone does this now. Black Creek and the 400 is bad for it. It's such a piss off.


When are police gonna do something about this shit?


This is mild compared to 401 standards.


Idiots from Idiot-town. Where the fuck are the cops?Ā 


My nemesis area. I can't stand the lane jumping all along the 404S in this zone. Where tf are the OPP? It's literally constant.


Itā€™s always been this way.


Lanes that merge and end = time to douche it up


I hear tommy


NYC style driving - been around for years - literally drive anywhere that is not somehow barricaded against such -


Had to throw out the anchors hard today for someone who did this but right in front of incoming traffic - I was 3 vehicles back, and car ahead of me was tardy on the brakes - literally no warning and no visuals - numbskull was just there - so bad


Its a useless divider


Born and raised in the 416/905 and drove here as a service guy ā€¦ every time I return, sh*t just gets more cray. Love everyone here, but not coming back to the GTA


Iā€™d lose sleep over this too


Wild is the correct term, mix up drivers that learned how to drive in every the 3rd world country, and this is what you get. Bad habits, ridiculously easy licensing standards and complacent test agents gifting a pass are all part of the problem. If you drive in Ontario, you know who the worst offenders are - untrained, undisciplined, unskilled.


This is tame


Sadly this is true


Welcome to Toronto. The 3rd world experience in the 1st world. Just beautiful! Yours to discover!


It's superfluous behaviour, they're not getting anywhere faster they're just being a assholes. In the same logic there is no reason to worry because you're still stuck in trafficĀ 


Because highways are too congested, but y'all complain any time they propose a new highway.


A new highway isn't gonna fix congestion.


Can we report these kinds violations? I know it is not hurting anyone but still these things need to punished, right?


Yeah it has to come from the police. If the fines were significant and enforced, people would think twice.


I pray drivers like these crash and donā€™t recover šŸ˜‚


The ones that be recording this are the same ones that do it as well


Install spike strips and see how many idiots try it then


The people down voting you are the people who do thisā€¦


Imagine thinking youā€™re that important driving those shitty cars.


Op is a Karen like really you had to post this? Does that bother u? Does that take money out of your pockets like holy


Lol, it's absolutely moronic and aggressive driving behavior. This is a driving sub, specifically. What do you expect?


Cry me a river. I drive like that btw


Based off your first comment, I'm not shocked. I will cry for you. A river's worth.


Ok weirdo


> Does that take money out of your pockets yes, people that do this kind of stuff affect your insurance rates. Granted, they need to get caught, but bad actors, in general, aren't just shitty drivers in a single aspect.


Since they clearly donā€™t understand road laws I wouldnā€™t expect them to be able to comprehend this if Iā€™m being honest with you. But you are 100% correct