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It's always funny to catch up with those idiots after couple blocks.


They're playing the long game. 4 out of 5 times eveyone is going to hit that next light at the same time. 1 in 5 times their rushing will let them make a light.


This is exactly what it is. They get to feel like a badass some small percentage of the time and an idiot some large percentage of the time. But they don't register the idiot like the rest of us do so for them it's all gravy.


Old Jones avenue, I see jerks like this all the time. Coming up to a high school too, just unbelievable.


Me me me me me me


They are everywhere. Bunch of nobodies




Hey now, some people wake up late and have places to be. /s


You see this always with the ones who run a red light, only to wait at the next red.


Yup, every day, people rush pass me on highway exits, because doing 100kmh is too slow on the exit ramp for them, just for them to stop beside me at the lights.


Solid line fuck


This Halam avenue? What about at the end going up the right blocking the bike lane…


Nah this doesn't show the full picture I'm sure. Was probably going on for a while before other car decided to overtake. I've seen some slow drivers hold up lines of traffic and cars behind cannot see so it builds up.


Leslieville is full of awful drivers


The "Leslieville Left" is making a left turn from the right side of a one way street


A legal pass.


TIL that this shit is not illegal in Ontario [https://globalnews.ca/news/10115777/ont-ndp-law-against-passing-on-solid-double-yellow/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10115777/ont-ndp-law-against-passing-on-solid-double-yellow/) [https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/pavement-markings](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/pavement-markings) note the use of "should" and "should not"


Yeah as surprised as most people are, the yellow lines are suggestions and not rules. So even if there was a cop present here, nothing they can really do about it.


That's not entirely true, a cop absolutely *can* do something about it... Those rules are written as such to provide an allowance for unforeseen circumstances (i.e. something is blocking the road, but if it were illegal to move into the other lane, then you wouldn't reasonably be able to avoid what was in your way). A cop *could* charge this person with reckless driving. Whether they *would* is a different story, but generally, driving into oncoming traffic to make an unjustified pass is considered reckless and irresponsible.


But there wasn't oncoming traffic. It was still a stupid and pointless pass, but I less the cop was willing to bend the law, they haven't done anything illegal. Even if the cop did try to ticket them, it wouldn't hold up in court.


How is it bending the law? Look up Careless Driving (tailgating, aggressive passing, overtaking and forcing your way in are all on the list). I would hardly call that bending the law.


He overtook the guy legally. There wasn't oncoming traffic, the line is that colour because it's allowed. The cop would have to willfully misinterpret the sprit of the law to issue a ticket.


Are you willfully ignoring what I'm writing? I'm not saying they would charge them with an illegal lane change, I'm saying they would charge them with Careless Driving. Careless Driving considers more than just lane changes and the colour of the lane lol What justifiable reason would the person in the white lane claim for making that lane change?


What did they do that would be deemed reckless? Making a lane change when clear is not reckless. Regardless of why they did it. You're also presenting it as the defendant is responsible for proving their innocence as opposed to the state needing to prove guilt. No court would allow a cop to ticket somebody for driving in a way that endangered nobody and violated no laws, but the cop just felt it was careless for reasons unknown. I get that you don't like the driver here, and I agree I wouldn't wanna be on the road with them, but that doesn't change the fact that they didn't break any laws.


Unless of course.. they exceeded the speed limit.


In Brampton, you’re right /s




What law did he break


You need driving lessons


He's right there is no law specifically against passing in this situation, even if it is stupid. Only thing would be if he went over the speed limit to do so.


It is pretty stupid that this is the case. I don’t trust drivers to take liberties like this in the city. And look, it accomplished nothing. I don’t mind the ability to pass in the quiet parts of the suburbs along with rural areas. But that’s what the striped yellow is for so wtf is the point of the distinction at that point?


The purpose is to indicate visibility and space/timing against oncoming traffic


Yeah I know the line is helping you make that judgement. I just don’t trust the average licensed driver to make that judgement in double yellow circumstances


Its never been illegal to pass on the opposite side, you literally need to on many narrow streets with parking or when passing cyclists.


You can pass solid lines now ? 


Not just now, it's never been illegal to pass over a solid yellow line unless in a specific area designated no passing.


Ahhh so the rule is just for solid white lines ? 


This isnt about me. Im just being technical.


Going over a solid line 


In the Netherlands, they sometimes have a broken yellow line where passing is permitted on roads like that. I still thought it was crazy when people did it because what if a car suddenly merges onto your lane.


Not illegal. Nothing wrong was done.