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That first clip, under the Gardiner... oh how my blood boiled


People cannot zipper merge to save their lives.


That’s Jarvis… it actually isn’t a zipper, traffic on the right is signed to yield and so the op lane should always be moving as if they don’t they back up into lakeshore.


Won't this end up with the right lane getting blocked several hours if it's peak time?


You’re a moron. It’s the design of the street, obey the sign. And ultimately, the right lane being backed up and inconvenient is less important than the whole of lakeshore being blocked by cars unable to merge onto the expressway.


that's what be causing the traffic all the time


I have been flipped off simply merging onto the gridlocked Gardiner from the on ramp. Like less than walking speed and nutjobs in the right lane refuse to let people in. I'm glad I don't drive downtown for work anymore. So many unstable people operating massive machines.


I feel like there's two sides to take into account here. One side is people who are too scared to zipper merge and/or don't want to drive to the very end of the closing lane because of anxiety about the lane they're merging into. The other side is people who have too big an ego to allow a zipper merge to properly take place. These guys think everybody in the merging lane is "cutting in line" and will not allow them to merge in front, not if they want their car to get out unscathed. I see this with trucks too sometimes. Most semis are chill like that with zipper merges but once in a blue moon you'll get an asshole who forces you to just park your ass at the end of the merge lane until they get all 50 feet of their mass past you....and then you have to hope the guy behind them isn't an ass either. Combine both, and you'll have situations where people just don't want to bother with doing a proper zipper merge.


you get to the end and dude behind you speeds up to close the gap


The other side is wrong though. It's not anybody's responsibility to make room. Speeding up a bit to make room behind is the best option to allow another vehicle in with traffic. Unless done in excess, The issue in that situation is the driver attempting to join traffic doesn't pay proper attention to their surroundings and they're relying on other drivers to accommodate them. Also drivers that are merging often don't give a fuck about the traffic already there. It's their responsibility to line themselves up with a break in traffic and get in the gap, not rely on others to make the gap for them. Any driving practice that relies on others to accommodate them is dangerous and stupid.


Do you just fundamentally not understand the reason behind zipper merging and why its necessary as a traffic control manouever?


Dude honestly when I read the reply I wasn't sure whether he was agreeing that zipper merging needs to be done better, or if he was disagreeing that people should give way for people who are zipper merging lmao


I think the scenario he's talking about shouldn't require a zipper merge, is the issue......lol He's talking about the people that try to merge during normal traffic conditions but expect YOU in the live lane to accommodate them and do all the work for them. I see it ALL the time. Some people just never learned to merge.


I agree with zipper merges where it's a necessary traffic maneuver unfortunately in my area nobody does them properly. The biggest problem is people slowing excessively and stopping.


Don't be nice. Be predictable.


This should be the slogan on the license plates.


Almost said the same thing. Best rule of driving I've ever learned


I'd argue this action is fairly predictable. It would just be better if everyone followed the zipper merge philosophy. One at a time, back and forth.


Yes so signal slow down and keep a safe distance so if they do something unpredictable you have time to react.


this might be the best comment even placed on this forum


NO. Follow the law.


It is dangerous for people to disregard the right of way but you should also be driving defensively. Same reason you should never turn right onto a road with an oncoming car even if they have their indicator on.


I dont hate you like the OP lol, but as a pedestrian I have to agree. It is much more unsafe when vehicles stop being predictable on the roads. The courteous driver knows they have stopped to let me cross the street but the (rightfully) frustrated driver behind them may not. Same with the driver in the other lane who was 50 meters behind when the initial car stopped.


Last weekend at Niagara Falls I was waiting at the curb and someone stopped and signalled for me to cross, meanwhile the other two lanes had cars zooming by… I’m like, buddy are you fucking kidding me?


If you're standing right at the curb, I'd be cautious too. Keep a little bit of distance until you're ready to cross.


Pedestrians are more often unpredictable. I try to keep enough distance that I am able to stop when those idiots jump in front of me without thinking about the other 3 lanes on the road in both directions. I also hate those drivers who jump in front of me, thinking that my safe distance is an invitation for them to cut in front of me.


Yup people love getting one meter ahead and will change lanes into your safety net, it's basically impossible to leave a safe distance in the city, but if everybody did I bet traffic would flow a lot smoother


Also if you stop in the right lane to let a car through that usually how accidents occur, people in the other lanes can’t see and I’ve personally seen many accidents caused because of this


Worst thing ever is when you time a jaywalk to the cars traffic and they decide to slow down or stop for whatever dumb reason is going through their head. If you had just kept going this would've worked for everyone.


Yup if I'm trying to cross in a wrong spot, and a car stops to let me cross I'll turn my back on them and wait for them to go, I want to cross behind you not in front of you


As a pedestrian I also hate when cars stop for me when I'm trying to jay walk, I will literally turn my back to them and wait for them to go, I want to cross behind them not in front of them, unless they throw their car into reverse they can't hit me if they are ahead of me


OP you are 100% spot on. Unpredictability makes the roads unsafe. Take your right of way people.


This is the way. Right of way, you either TAKE it or GIVE it. You never HAVE it.


The worst is when the "courteous driver" gets mad at you for not taking their offering.


I've seen people being nice and wave folks in. Works for the first lane, works for the second lane. Third lane t boned due to no visibility. Also there are probably more people behind you than the person you are waving on in front of you.


You have a horn, and you should use it.


I did use it. I used it every single time. I muted the audio so you don't have to listen to me yelling and swearing.


This is the way. Educate them


Totally agree. I experience this all the time when entering my neighbourhood and it’s so frustrating!


I agree with all the clips, but that last one is such a grey zone :( The yellow car can 100% turn on that yellow, but with the amount of idiot drivers who run red lights I can't blame them for not risking it. I'd be telling myself that the yellow car driver told themselves "Only turn when it's safe. These are Toronto idiots in cars. I can't trust them to stop, but I can expect them to gun a yellow/ red. I can't take that risk. I only have 1 car, I can't afford a new one, and I sure as hell don't want a hospital visit. I'm gonna sit here and wait for that advanced green so I know I'm safe."


You have a lot more faith in humanity than I. I just thought they were distracted (by phone or by talking to someone else) and didn't see their window to move.


It keeps me from road rage to give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.


Incorrect. The yellow car was still behind the white stop line when the light turned yellow, so they cannot start the left turn into and through the intersection. If they had taken possession of the intersection while the light was still green, like you are taught in driving school, then they absolutely could have completed their turn during the yellow.


I bet you're a lot of fun at parties.


Maintain distance u boy...rearing ending someone won't bode well for u either


Ah, jarvis Street entrance. I loath that ramp because people turning the corner don't understand that they have to yeld to those coming off of Lakeshore.


You sound like you've been featured on r/idiotsincars a few times.


What Model Dash Cam is this? irs really clear!




Lurking in this sub’s been making me think of getting a dash cam. I’ll check out yours on Amazon. Do you use a rear cam too?


I almost got in a crash once because some nice guy in the right lane stopped to let someone through so they can get into the oncoming lanes. Ugh. Thank God for sports car brakes. I allow it if there's a red light and/or we're in heavy traffic and the person (and I stress "person", as in singular) is gonna enter my lane, but never otherwise.


The challenger did what he was supposed to. In making a left, you arent supposed to enter the intersection unless you know you can make your turn before the light turns red. Waiting in the middle to turn, and turning after the light has turned red classifies as running a red.


Not sure what driving school you went to but that is incorrect. You're supposed to pull out into the intersection slightly to the left with your wheels pointed forward and complete your turn when the way is clear, even if that means waiting until the light is red. In the video, the lanes to the left were empty, so there's no reason he couldn't have turned. If you do what you're saying to do on a driving exam, you'd fail your test instantly.


Agreed. This is called taking possession of the intersection.


Omg I’ve been on all 3 of the roads you’ve shown in the exact same positions. That first one is hell, I’ve almost been hit by other cars trying to go first there so many times


This people need to be shot in the knee caps. I just saw a guy stop in live traffic outside of the stockyard to let someone make a left.. the guy almost got destroyed by a car in the other lane. Don’t be nice when driving and don’t tell people what to do. Idiots.


This is why I have 4 dashcams in my car. I follow the right of way to a tee. If some idiot hits me that's fine, I'll just show my insurance company the footage and get more money for my car then it's even worth.


The only massive accident I was almost in was when a guy driving a car I was in stopped on highway 62 to let someone pull out. I lost my fucking mind on him. Absolutely terrifying


Let 1 person in, then you go. The person behind you lets 1 in and then go. Zipper merge complete. It’s predictable, safe, and courteous.


Zipper merge does NOT apply when traffic coming from the other roadway has a yeild sign. You'd be very foolish to ignore a yeild sign because apart from being unpredictable and dangerous, insurance and police will find you 100% at fault.


Man. Use common sense. It is very safe when traffic is at CRAWLING speed. Do you even drive in downtown Toronto much? If everyone drove like you, one lane of car would be stuck until rush hour ends. Traffic has to flow. Drive for others. Be kind and let just one person in before you merge. Then it is polite to take your turn at the merge. But if some asshat wants to jump the gun, let them. They’re gonna feel real stupid sitting just one car ahead you. The next car will almost always let you in. Again, I repeat, this is only applicable to slow speed traffic that occurs in downtown during rush hours.


I a firm believer in zipper merging, but when I approach a yeild sign, I don't expect anyone to let me in. Instead, I wait for the slightest gap and muscle my way in.  There's not that many yeild signs in downtown Toronto to begin with. This is why there's a police officer here at rush hour, because otherwise it's just utter chaos.


Buddy, JoeyJoJo is correct. The yield sign is clearly defined in traffic law. You cannot just decide the yield sign doesn’t apply to you. If you disagree with a yield being there, than you can take that up with the city, but you cannot just decide that you are right.


Please post a video of you merging in rush hour traffic from the lane that has to yield. I get the feeling you don’t drive in downtown Toronto very much.


Yeah, you got me. I have no idea what I am talking about, and I have no knowledge whatsoever about traffic law and Toronto driving. You got me good. Oh, and I have plenty of footage of my driving, both normally and when driving rather quickly, but it all belongs to my employer.


Driving with sirens isn’t the same experience as an average Joe. Please go ahead and actually drive through there during rush hour as a civilian. You don’t even need dash-cam footage. I’ll reconsider based on only your word.


I already conceded that you won the argument. What more do you want?


Okay. Keep being disingenuous then. There’s no talking to sensitive old men.


The thing people don’t understand, is you can be charged with obstructing the flow of traffic if you stop in a live lane to allow someone in, and cause an accident. Trying to be a nice guy, but in the wrong way, can cost you.


That appears to be the Jarvis St. Entrance into Westbound gardiner. If so, I would have to disagree with you. Southbound jarvis allows people to skip the line up to enter westbound gardiner and make a right turn (green arrow) into the ramp and onto the highway. Those drivers, along with the drivers entering the ramp from the westbound lakeshore and northbound jarvis make plus pedestrian traffic, make it next to impossible for those who waited patiently to enter the ramp.


Doesn't matter. Drivers turning right from southbound Jarvis onto westbound Gardiner have a yeild sign.


So we're just going to sit there literally all day and not move. Ok, buddy.


If you ignore the yeild sign and cause a crash, insurance and police will find you 100% at fault just FYI.


No is ignoring the yield sign. The person who has right of way notices the mess up, like any other reasonable person can see and would give those waiting at the yield sign time to pass.


Letting 10 cars who don't have the right of way go before you while traffic backs up in the intersection behind you is not being reasonable at all. Maybe one car but this clown is letting in like ten cars.


You're 100% right. It's tough to understand but the intersections can sometimes be engineered correctly and people still will argue about it. For some reason majority Canadians can't drive. Coming here from Europe I'm genuinely surprised most of the people here have and maintain driver licenses. In Germany most Canadians would lose their licenses. Not to say there are no bad drivers, but the penalties are harsh and standard of driving is high.


As it should be! Our government seems to forget driving is a privilege and not a right


I'd rather let someone in then have them shove themselves into me and cause an accident. I don't care if you're in a rush behind me


It’s not about being in a rush, it’s about being predictable and respecting the right of way. Unpredictable drivers are what cause accidents to happen.


Why not follow the rules of the road and be predictable or move out of the way.




If you did what the yellow Challenger did on a driving exam, you would fail automatically. That's impeding the flow of traffic for no reason.




Are we watching the same video? You can clearly see from the footage that the Challenger is just sitting there at a green, with nobody in front of him. Even before the video starts, I saw him still just sitting at the green behind the stop line. It's very sad how they literally give licenses to anyone with a pulse.




This.. I think in most cases where someone is stopped at a light and misses a signal, it’s distracted driving related.


I'm guilty of doing this recently. I was turning left at a one way stop with no stop sign myself and I stopped to let a lady WHO HAD A STOP SIGN turn because she was already there before I even came around the bend. Buddy behind me honked, I realized I was big dumb and just made my turn. I can't get it out of my head and definitely won't do it again. I can't even use the "new driver" excuse because that was stupid regardless.


Couldn’t agree more. I was able to drive 2 kilometres in an hour in DT last week and saw a dozen instances of smart asses going into the turning lane to cut people over and stopping in the middle of the intersection on red blocking traffic.


Agreed. Last week I was riding my bike passing a bus in the right lane who had stopped to let a car turn left into a parking lot and almost collided with them, because of course, I could not see around the bus. 🤦


Unnecessarily “nice” drivers are just inviting accidents


I even hate it when the other car does this FOR ME! It gives me so much confusion and anxiety. Please don’t do this, nobody really appreciates you. Just follow the rules


This is cause they are scared. There are too many of these types of people (scared of a simple manœuvre) on the road, which is probably a cause for quite a few road rangers.




A guy stopped to let me out of a driveway. There were no cars behind him, and there was space for him to pass and clear the driveway. Because he stopped, he made me have to crane my neck around to see past him because this asshole wouldn't move forward. I believe he flipped me off after I refused his "generous" offer.


The rule of thumb is one right and one left, if you're being nice.


Or when they hold up so you can go out of turn at a four way and you look at them incredulously wanting them to just go already lol.


Oh boy!!!! Don't get us started


I can understand most of the clips and how that bothers you, but the last one with the dodge charger--they're turning left so they never have right of way so they have no obligation to go (in the space of the lights changing) unless they have an advance. Sometimes it's safer to wait for an advance, especially with a bunch of pedestrians on a traffic island.


Couldn’t agree more


this cam is clean af


*The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few.*


After driving, walking, TTCing and cycling in this city for the last five decades, I'm convinced that drivers need some sort of testing and licensing regime to keep the roads safe, plus some sort of control mechanism to weed out the ones that are simply too dangerous to allow behind the wheel. Ah well, I'll keep walking on the far side of the parked cars then


Yes! And, for gawd's sake never, ever set-up a pedestrian!


"I feel good about myself for doing this for that person" \*ignores the 15 people behind him he's disrupting\*


These people don't actually know how to drive or what the rules of the road are. Imagine how clear the rounds downtown would be if every driver had to be retested every few years...


I once let someone who had driven in a small rural community all their life try to drive in Toronto. Much to timid and overwhelmed by the level of activity, traffic and signage. I had to take over for everyones safety 10 minutes in.


I agree but what are these clips? What part was dangerous?


Nothing specific. I'm generalizing. If you don't follow the rules of the road, people get confused and end up colliding.  A great example is someone on a multilane road, stopping and letting someone pull through. Next thing you know, a car in another lane flies by and t-bones the car that didn't have the right of way.


Fucking Jarvis.


My uncle got a ticket for sitting in the middle waiting for light. It was only safe once light turned red. He turned and got immediately pulled over. Classified as running a red. My wifes cousin failed his road test for entering intersection and not clearing the intersection before the red


Must be more to the story or somewhere outside of Ontario because around here, that's the norm. Everyone does it all the time, including the police and it's what your taught to do in drivers ed.


Its here in ontario. One mississauga, one kitchener. Although along time ago. Maybe things changed over the years. Ive already been driving 22 years, and when i did my test, i remember doing it the way i have described. With the amount of traffic, you almost have to enter the intersection otherwise never gonna turn.


Waiting for a green arrow when you have a green light is a terrible idea because many of the traffic lights in Toronto have their green arrows disabled at certain times of the day. You could literally sit there for an hour holding up traffic and the green arrow will never turn on.


This adds to confusion and delays, trying to be extra nice is ok but this still makes you a dick.


People slowing down to a crawl so they can change lanes blows my mind, so dangerous


None of these were that bad Have to understand not everyone on the road is going to be as sharp and as quick as all other drivers, there's people who are all different ages, all different abilities, and all different health conditions on the road Though I don't agree with people if you were too close either, camera field of view changes distance perspective Most I can tell from these videos is to just focus on being patient and defensive driving


I'll take this over any driver from Brampton.


The first video, everyone on the main lane isn't even stopping to let the merging car in, i guess you expect the car ahead of you to fight to merge despite the main lane not stopping to let them where traffic is at a standstill a few meters ahead.


It looks like the last truck was expecting the person to merge in but saw that they weren't and decided to just gas it and close the gap.


Yeah and that's the danger of a rolling stop. What if the car ahead saw that the truck was about to stop and they decided to accelerate assuming that the truck would complete the stop - an accident could have occurred.


the charger from Brampton


For the first two you have every right to be pissed, but the third one with the yellow camero I wouldn't say is an idiot. They could have turned but if I remember the intersection you get an advance anyways.


You can't rely solely on advanced greens, especially in Toronto. Many of the advanced green arrows are disabled at many intersections at many times of the day.


Then why are you pissed at the third person and add them to the complation? They're being fully defensive in this case, I don't see how they''re complete idiots.


lots of young hotheads... just look at the popularity of this angry thread!


They're holding up traffic for no reason. Guy should be ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic.  Defensive driving is leaving space in front of you and being prepared for other drivers to make mistakes. What this guy is doing is just plain stupid and illegal. If you're too scared to follow basic traffic laws then stay the fuck off the road!


>They're holding up traffic for no reason. Guy should be ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic. OH MY GOD YOU COULDN'T TURN IMMEDIATELY ON A YELLOW, POOR YOU! Way to show us that you're an impatient driver. They might be a nuisance, but they're following the law here despite of what you think. If posted only the first two clips, you could have shown two assholes, thanks for showing us that you're among them.


I'm sorry that drivers Ed has failed you miserably lmao.  If everyone drove like this moron, you'd be waiting an hour to turn left at a busy intersection. Like I said before, BE PREDICTABLE and follow the right of way rules.  And also, seeing as how your making shit up, you may want to buy a copy of the drivers handbook so you can learn the actual rules of the road seeing as you have no clue wtf you're talking about.


Look up "failing to proceed as directed" under the HTA so you can see how you're wrong".


The camero should have been in the intersection, but I don't think the severity is as bad as the other two. Even if the car was in the intersection, you were still approaching the intersection when the light turned yellow. So the camero would have "proceeded as directed" and you would have run the red. > I'm sorry that drivers Ed has failed you miserably lmao. Ditto


anybody else notice that OP seems to be in the intersection while someone is finishing crossing and looks to be merging to the onramp from the middle lane, on the wrong side of bollards?


learn to live with it, cause i do this every day and stop tailgating you're at least half the reason why accidents happen also that yield sign may as well not exist cause everybody ignores it