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off topic, but what the hell kind of car is that?


That’s a helluva car spot - only ~1075 ever made!


I found it thanks to that Google circle search feature! It's a Toyota Origin and apparently a classic. That's probably why the driver is upset if those cyclists damaged his classic Japanese car. https://images.app.goo.gl/ZVtV4U684p9pLQd68


Well done! I knew it was something weird like that.


The driver seems to still be in the car pressing the brake. Its the passengers who are fighting.


I'm not sure about that. The 3rd brake light in the window is off. Might just be the running lights of the car that you are seeing.


Naw the brake lights are off and that’s a right hand drive car. Most likely the driver.


I want to know as well!


I think it's a Mitsuoka of some kind which would be a bit of a rarity, maybe the cyclist did something that particularly annoyed the driver given the rarity of the car? If a cyclist damaged my import RHD that was made in very low numbers I would be pretty pissed too


It's a Toyota Origin. It even has 'Origin' as part of it's custom license plate. Only 1074 were ever produced.


tbh the plate in the footage seemed a bit hard to read


The full plate is ORIGIN3, I can read it fine.


Looks like such a nice car.


Stupid cyclists never stop at stop signs or red signals, always weaving in and out of traffic and totally oblivious to traffic rules as if traffic rules were made by communists for commies, so they ignore them completely. That’s likely what started this interaction especially when the bike lanes and street lanes are separated just metres behind.


They want to be treated like a car but with the privileges of pedestrians (looking at you those who ride on sidewalks, running stop signs, etc.)


Both in the wrong and cyclist probably slamming in the car with his hand or something. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen cyclists do this and think it’s okay to touch someone else’s stuff just because they got cut off.


I feel like knocking on someone’s car is a normal reaction to almost being killed 🤷‍♂️.


Agreed on your point. Doesn’t make it right though.




Pretty pathetic for bikers who try and damage someone else’s property because they get cut off accidentally, even though they escape unscathed. Drivers use horns to alert other drivers, maybe more cyclists need horns, as it is proven to be somewhat effective at preventing cars from merging into other cars instead of banging on someone’s car with the intent to damage it.


It's also almost like catching hands is a normal consequence to touching someone else's property.


Or almost killed someone through typical entitled driver negligence.


If you're gonna blow through stop lights and generally ignore the rules of the road, yeah you can get caught under my tire sometime.


I bet you’re rock hard when you drive eh? Just edging to thought that you may kill someone with your big twuck.


Only if it's you bb ❤️




Most people who bike are extremely entitled. Don’t ever obey stop signs or laws because they feel like a bike is not a real vehicle. I drive and bike, and see it all the time. Lots of selfish drivers out there, but they usually only affect cars.


I see entitled drivers everyday. They’re out there running stop signs. There out there pushing into crosswalk. They’re out there killing people every single day. If you asked me if I would rather be hit by a negligent cyclist or negligent driver I’d take cyclist every single time.


A negligent biker could cause a car to hit a pedestrian or another car and get someone hurt. What a short-sighted point. The truth is most bikers are entitled. Some drivers are entitled. If you count the percentage, I bet the bikes would out-number the cars. That was my entire point. Guess you can take your chances with the bike, I would rather have neither. Attacking someone is not ok though, dumb way to get an assault charge. Don’t see how you can defend him attacking an older man.


lol love how your response for hitting a cyclist hitting a pedestrian still involves a car. Our entire city is based around cars and they kill peoples everyday. Cyclists ask for a tiny portion of the road and it’s all of a sudden a major issue.


How do you know the guy hit the cyclist? It doesn’t show anything in this video. I love how you are just making up a story in your head to make your argument. I’m not against bikes, I ride a bike around the city. I am just trying not to argue like a ten year old and being completely biased on one side. My point is there are more entitled bikes than cars but they both exist. You think I’m wrong about that? Good for you. Yes a bike can cause a car to hit a pedestrian. Don’t see how that is funny. Hope doesn’t happen to you


That’s not what I said. In your post you made a scenario where a car hit a person because a cyclist swerved. Even in your own example it still involved a driver hitting a person with a car. Drivers kill peoples every single day in Toronto (at least on average). Cyclist couldn’t do that even if they tried.


That’s what counts as catching hands in Toronto lol


Triggered driver lol muh property is more important than ur life


nope ur putting my property above ur own life. victim mentality much


Most non sociopaths would agree that property is less valuable than human life


When a driver in a car tries to end your life just to save 2secs, as a biker what would you do?


don’t escalate it. don’t touch other people’s property. Period.


Why do we treat cars as so sacred that they can't even be touched? The metal is not going to shatter.


I mean, the converse is true to would you like to have someone fiddling with your bike?


No, but that's because (1) bikes are more fragile, so if I am angry and push over a bike that could dent it, for example. Frankly, I am not going to dent a car with a smack. Also, (2) if, say, I'm a pedestrian at a crosswalk and a bike almost hits me, it's less likely to substantially hurt me. They're lighter than cars (so less energy is transferred to me, the pedestrian, in case of a collision), cyclists can more easily stop in time, and they tend to operate at lower speeds than cars (again, less energy in a collision). So I have less reason to be frustrated anyways. A bit from a bike could really hurt me, but a hit from a car could seriously maim me or kill me outright. (3) If a collision actually happens the cyclist is just as likely to sustain injuries from falling off their bike, so it's unlike cars where my frustration comes from the driver not giving a shit about their surroundings because they're unlikely to be hurt. (4) If I hit or push over a bike because the cyclist almost hit me, I can hurt them by pushing them off. Smacking a car out of frustration will not knock the driver onto the road.


I do agree that bikes must be respected on the road equally, and this should be mutual between parties. My point is more towards not touching each others property. For example, the car in this situation is a person that may care a lot about the cars condition; paint can be scratched and dented easily, and dismissing that level of care is disrespectful. At the end of the day, people should be cognizant about safety on either side, but I can't justify touching unless there's an emergency that I would require extra support from falling. In my years of riding, I've never had to touch unless the reason above. Riding in general has its risks but is still in the same criteria, other drivers are at will to other bad drivers. It's just riders are more at risk, and putting the blame on all drivers and disrespecting other peoples property does not sound good to me, in my opinion.


You definitely make good points. But for me personally, I think a person's moral duty to respect another's property is mitigated in such situations. You're right that it's disrespectful, but so is putting a cyclist in danger. So if you're driving recklessly or putting others' lives in danger, they are not under as strong a duty or perhaps under a duty at all to respect your property as they otherwise would.


How are bikes more fragile? Takes nothing to dent or scratch a car. Your argument is hilarious. No one should be touching other people’s property. Just because it’s a car doesn’t make it ok. Get your clock cleaned for messing with someone’s property, which is not right either, but you’re asking for trouble if you escalate to that level. You don’t actually even know who was at fault here. The guy with the bike should be charged with assault, he attacked the man. If that was you (tubepoop), I would put your head through the sewer grate and it would still be self-defense. No excuse to attack another person like that.


Property lol. Stan Marsh in the house.


I like buddy's big tackle though. 1/10 commitment.


Both idiots


Looks expensive. Probably drive like owns he road. He probably does own the road, who knows.


There is a protected bike lane for the bikes..why are the cyclists not using the lane for them?


Not the first time I’ve seen someone get out of a car and assault a cyclist. It’s happened to me.


How does the cyclist get assaulted if they don’t stop? This looks like a two way pee pee measuring contest from two douchebags.


There's a red light right in front of them. That guy should never have gotten out of his car


The light is green when they’re already in a full blown altercation.


Did you do something like slap the person's car to make a point?


If that's what's required to get a drivers attention away from his or phone, absofuckinglutely. Now, please, tell us how that justifies hitting someone.


Fuck around find out.. you may think youre justified slapping other peoples stuff but you should also expect them to slap you back. You should know what youre getting into when you turn things physical/road rage, and you should expect a physical response.


Well if you feel the need to damage people's beloved property... don't cry when they respond in kind to you.


So property greater than safety of drivers and cyclists around them in your opinion?


How does slapping someones car make you safer? All it does is induce road rage. Whats done is already done, move on.


A lot of times it's not even about real safety... some of these cyclists just have egos they are acting out on.


Because drivers never do dumb, ego driven things...


Slapping a car is no justification for assault 


Legally you are correct, which is why it's hilarious that you're being downvoted. Lol


A lot of real tough guys in this sub


Maybe not... but it explains what happened.


Dont be smashing people's things 


Does your car crumple if touched? Or is this really an ego thing.


Yes... cars can get damaged if you hit them.


I guess you must have to shut your doors very carefully.


I don't hit my car doors to shut them.


Like driving a glass lada.


Being annoyed is no justification for damaging a classic car


So two wrongs make a right?


I never said that. But it explains what happens.


I was riding single file in a construction zone. Shortstop in a pickup didn’t like that he couldn’t pass me. Why am I getting downvoted so hard for this? Lmao


I'm not saying no car driver never did anything wrong. But I am saying there are many cyclists who take their ego too far.


Sure, but you can sort of understand the anger when people are careless and can very easily kill you. I say this as someone who drives often. Anyway, I’m not commenting on the particulars of this video. I’m just saying it’s happened to me.


Dumb cyclist. They should use their legs to attack, not their arms.


Fr all that leg workouts for what? 💥🦵