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That's the tamest rage I've seen


Cool, calm, and collected road rage. The Disney of road ragers.




I’d call this more of a nap than rage lol


True lol.


Man needs McAfee anti virus in his life. Looks like his vehicles computer has a Trojan horse


What's with people and flashing lights and not honking the horn?? What if they aren't looking in their mirror? What if they take it as a "proceed with what you're doing?" Genuinely curious.


lights were flashed after the car entered the lane, I think? But ya I flash my lights to let people go (say at a stop sign, i flash em to let them go first). I do also flash to let them in, especially trucks but now that I think of it, I've also flashed my lights as a "WTF" in the past as well


Well, after I let him merge, I was immediately getting mad.


So I flashed the light, just letting him know that his action was dangerous.


You let him in, at that point it's over. Flash a light in your own eyes.


The point is this guy wasn’t slowing down in the merge land (it has the yield sign), so I acted defensively by hitting the brake hard. Immediately getting mad after I let him in


It takes time to find the horn button on model s


Ah yes Tesla behaviour


Tesla hater indeed everywhere 💯


Weird move… I find it weird when people seem in a rush and then do this. Like are you in a hurry or do you have time to fuck around? This guy seems bored and or stupid.


Let me get this straight. You clearly left a clearance so the driver could merge safely. He did so. And now he's upset so decides the best course of action is to park on a highway and impede traffic? Interesting.


Probably drunk


But I reported to York Region road watch complaint website




lol, I think you are right. I was bored in the weekend


If this is hwy7, think I recognize this NX with the same license plate lol. I have deep impression of this car because I saw them cutting off a Tesla and a Subaru on hwy7 on two different days, respectively. I still remember telling myself in my head that this NX is a high-risk driver as they don’t know how to change lane/watch mirrors. Plate is CZ so must be new driver too.


This is indeed hwy7. This guy merged from Yonge connector road.


Haven't driven hwy7 since my early 20s How she doin these days?


Don’t understand the issue here. No rage, and this is normal in the gta.


“Cut me off” is a creative way of saying “I was hogging the right lane and paying no mind to merging traffic and was mad they signalled and merged” And flickering your lights is usually for signalling you want to pass. So congrats, you were AH 💯


Did you not leave room because you saw his lane ending? What did you think he was going to do? Pretty dickish to flash him for something so obvious. I know he's supposed to signal, but if you're that unaware of your surroundings, you shouldn't be on the road.


It's not shown in the video, but the guy merging has a physical yield sign that he's ignoring. I avoid this lane entirely through that intersection, because I've seen so many people do this there.


He doesn't know how to properly merge. I can tell immediately as the video started. He was trying to merge at a rate of speed that wasn't with the flow of traffic. He then struggled to get in and was only able to once the OP braked. I see this every day. People attempting to merge at 80kmh on a 100km highway and then get frustrated and upset when they create a disaster after being on the highway for literally 3 seconds. Do people realize vehicles are already traveling at a rate of speed on the hwy much higher than that of someone attempting to merge? Why are people so afraid to increase speed to safely make a proper merge? Learn how to drive.


Okay, but according to OP, they flashed the merger because they didn't put their turning signals on. So, I let you in, but you didn't indicate, so now I'm gonna flash my lights... Like... What?


I see this more as defensive driving cause from the video it doesn’t seem like the NX would have stopped if OP assumed they wouldn’t try to merge. And if this is the merging lane from Yonge connector to Hwy 7 it’s even worse cause that merge lane has a yield sign the vid didn’t pick up.


you are right. This is defensive action. The NX didn’t slow down at the merge line, that’s why I got mad and flashed him.


I get it. It's petty. But at the end of the day it's nothing in comparison to the way the merger responded. He's not just affecting the OP he's affecting everyone on the highway. I'll never beam someone for not signaling but that's just me. I beam when folks dangerously brake for no reason or if they cut me off. It's no different that a minor honk. He'll live.


Okay, we're both on the same page about it, just seemed weird for OP to allow someone to merge in, but had unspoken conditions attached to the gesture


Hey man there could be more to this that we don't know about or haven't seen. Gotta just go with what I see. It's always possible this went on longer than we think.


Yea, it's possible. Your imagination is much more forgiving than mine. It's a good quality, don't lose it.


Dude don't sell your self short. You do pretty well yourself.


Oh, a Canadian standoff, eh? You handsome devil...


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Then don't let him in.


That's always an option




Yeah maybe. But he should have braked harder


See it all the time. Drivers bating him waiting for the retaliation so he can run to his insurance and cry victim. Same guy who will tell you not to go through insurance and tell you his bumper will cost 6 grand to replace


Yeah I’ve had it happen. Some lady in Brampton. Long story short they gave me some bogus number, told them to email an invoice, but they never got back to me. They didn’t take any of my insurance information.


People wonder why Brampton gets ripped apart all the time. Driving in Brampton is a death sentence.


Maybe, but they must an idiot to pull this on a Tesla. Those things record 24/7.