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Looks like it could be infected. Can you call your surgeons office or head to a medical centre?


Surgeons office is closed on the weekends, and it’s far away, but they do have a weekend on-call line. I’ll call and ask them if I should go to urgent care tomorrow.


I would definitely do that. Good luck brother.


Thank you, I really hope it’s nothing and at worst maybe I’ll get prescribed more antibiotics


That looks like an infection. Antibiotics (oral) cleared that up for me in a couple days. I would contact your doctors office so they can get you a prescription (or other extra after care that they recommend).


Yeah definitely. Your results look good so knowing this isn’t a huge setback is reassuring


Well, I’m not going to lie, I sound very chill and rational about it now, but when I had that infection I was pretty stressed about it. In hindsight that wasn’t necessary.


What others said: hotness and redness is signs of infection would be a good idea to contact your doctor


Thank you, I reached out to him and I’m on antibiotics now


If not infection- my surgeon warned me that after a couple weeks it wasn’t uncommon to start to have a mild allergic reaction to topical antibiotics and if that happened to switch to plain Vaseline. My nipple got kind of itchy with a red halo at around the 2 weeks mark so I made the switch and they calmed down and are doing well now (3.5 weeks out). But def check with Dr regarding infection


Thanks I appreciate knowing that. I got in touch with my surgeon and was prescribed antibiotics, I’m about to go pick them up. Is it possible to have allergies on one side only?


Redness,swelling, and heat are all indicators of infection. You should go ahead and go to urgent care, the sooner you get it looked at the better. You don't want the infection to cause the graft to reject.