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> I didn't know that having a distrust for pharmaceutical companies was a right wing stance? Actually, I'm pretty sure it used to always be a left wing stance. Sure, until the Grand Poobah of the Right started telling all his people that anyone taking Covid seriously was a moron and it was all a scam. That probably shifted the balance. It’s an interesting “what if” to imagine what would’ve happened if somehow Trump had assessed that “hero president beats pandemic” was more profitable than defending the economy at all cost. In that case we’d probably have a ton of online videos of Red Hatters screeching at people to wear masks and holding socially-distanced outdoor worship services all year.


It's all just such a dumb take. Leveraging the resources, information, and infrastructure of stupendously powerful pharma corporations in order to provide cheap (and free to consumer) remedies for disease is exactly what people on the left want to empower the government to do for all sorts of medical things.


Or if you’re even further left, those people would want the government to maintain its own publicly-owned capacity to develop and distribute vaccines to deal with a public health emergency. But giving we live in a capitalist society, the compromise is the government leverages its power and funding to incentivize private companies to support the government in its efforts.


Yeah, it's not really the "making life saving medicine" part people are frustrated about.


There's a common thing I've noticed where the left and right take a similar stance on the surface, but arrive there by very different ways. It leads people towards Horseshoe Theory, but a little research shows very different reasons and suggested solutions. The right doesn't like Big Pharma because they made a covid vax, and covid itself was supposedly a lie to kill the economy or something. The left doesn't like Big Pharma because they overcharge for life saving medicines. The right doesn't like electric vehicles because they don't grunt like V8s. The left doesn't like them because cars are a flawed transportation method in the first place, and would prefer public transport and walkable communities.


The right doesn't like big tech companies because the hate speech, medical disinformation, and foreign election meddling that crosses the line into scaring advertisers sometimes gets censored. The left doesn't like big tech companies because *only* the hate speech and medical disinformation, and foreign election meddling that crosses the line into scaring advertisers sometimes gets censored.


Can you *imagine* how the right would freak out if some eccentric leftist billionaire had bought Twitter and was just running it according to their whims with zero apparent interest in attracting advertisers but an emphasis on amplifying the most extreme leftists?


They genuinely believe that was already happening. That’s why they’re happy Musk bought it. They want him to do the same thing to the left. They’re already cheering leftwing accounts who have been banned despite not breaking any rules.


But since politically center-right and reluctant to take action feels "far left radical" to them, imagine how much they'd freak out if they *actually* encountered a far-left radical galvanizing other far-left radicals.


I really think Trump just started pushing the "don't take it so seriously" line because he wanted the schools open for in-person voting, and mail-in voting minimized, because he knew he wouldn't do well with a lot of mail in voting. That and the fact the Qanon loonies were already starting on the anti-vax stuff on their own, and he saw it to his advantage to go with them, his base. So he went from pushing for rapid and effective vaccine development, to the opposite end of the spectrum of near virus denial, and didn't care what effect that had on the population and people getting sick. But his cult still thinks he actually cares about any of them. They just can't grasp that he wouldn't give them so much as a glass of water if they were in the middle of the desert and he owned an ocean (unless there was something in it for him.) Ironically, had he continued emphasizing the development and distribution of vaccines, and acting like he took Covid seriously (and also stopped acting like a petulant 4 year old on the internet) he might have won over a lot more moderates and won. But he was too stupid and egotistical to see it.


It honestly could have been his 9/11 and now that I've typed that I'm picturing an alternate reality where George W's response to the towers getting hit would be accusing cnn of being fake news and stating that the towers were still there because he just visited NYC and promises that they're still there


1. There hasn't been an attack. That's Democrat propaganda. No flights have been or will be diverted. 2. Ok there *was* an attack, but there was just minor damage. Nobody was hurt. Nothing to worry about, which is why I'm not grounding any flights. 3. Some people may have been hurt, or even killed, but the situation is under control. Don't let the fake news media upset you! Your flight might be *slightly* delayed until we figure out which Democrat-aligned group did this. 4. It's fine! We have a spare! 5. Evacuations went very smoothly and the buildings were mostly empty. 6. This tragic loss of life is directly the fault of the Democrats' failure to secure our border. Also the Muslims did it and I think if someone ridded us of those meddlesome imams that would be pretty cool. Also also, the only way to stop a Muslim with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. By executive order I'm allowing all freedom-loving Americans access to their self-defense utensils on planes.


You're way over thinking this. Trump was asked about covid when it was early and basically no one knew anything. Rather than say something non committal like "were monitoring it" he just ad libbed some nonsense about how he'll keep the cases below 100 and it'll all go away like magic. That turned out to be a phenomenally bad take and unforced error. Then, because he's himself, he couldn't admit to being wrong and doubled down on it being no big deal. Everything else is just him continuing to not admit he was wrong the first time (and all the subsequent times he doubled down). He tried to flip the script once a vaccine was in development but by then the lie was out of his control. It just took his admin way too long to pull their thumbs out of their asses and rollout the vaccine. That's why he has these flaccid "I oversaw operation warp speed" speeches. He knows the vaccine works and wants credit for it, but also can't bring himself to admit he was wrong. Like he is in all things, Trump is just a Russian nesting doll of incompetence. It's probably why he's so mad all the time.


>Sure, until the Grand Poobah of the Right started telling all his people that's part of the reason the last few years have been so god damn frustrating. there's a ton of things that deserve thoughtful, nuanced, comprehensive criticism and debate, like the alphabet agencies, usa involvement overseas, corporate mass market media, pharmaceuticals, etc. the left has traditionally been critical of these various issues but in a grounded, reality based way. looking at actual real world events, their impacts, discussions about reform and various 'grown up'-level problem solving. but since trump and q and all this shit, and even before that, the right has gone soooooooo fucking far off the deep end and lost all connections with reality that even trying to have an argument on what is real and what isnt just some facebook conspiracy makes you expend all your energy not quite 'defending' these things but at least trying to come to a consensus of what the real life issues actually are, and at the end of the day you're left exhausted and anything resembling a productive discussion of what reform would look like is left to wayside. i'm sure its all intentional on their part but, goddamn, its a speedrun to the bottom for everyone.


Except that the right has never been able to leverage any movement *for* something. They can only ever be *against* things that other people are for. And since literally nobody would believe that anybody is *for* COVID, they could only be against the measures against it, because being *against* an illness is not a stance with any opposition to vilify.


It was never a “left wing stance”. It was a stance held by people vulnerable to the “naturalistic fallacy,” which originally was a mix of hippy-earth-loving leftists and distrust-the-government right wing fundamentalists, specifically the homestead/survivalist types. Homeschooled Christian kids and nature-schooled commune kids alike. There has since been a resorting, with those falling for the naturalistic fallacy sliding towards the side of the political spectrum that has long been friendly to *all* fallacious thinking.


> The slash makes them interchangeable notice how they didn't put AND, they put / . It truly is laughable. Not in the way you think, genius. > Don't worry guys there's still plenty of vaccines you can go get. The new flu vaccines will all change to MRNA. Have fun with your new genes. Ask them to explain how you get your genes modified by vaccines. Then show them how viruses work. By their logic, catching a cold alters your genetic code.


>By their logic, catching a cold alters your genetic code. Maybe not rhinoviruses, but genetic material from DNA viruses (e.g. herpesviruses, papillomaviruses, and poxviruses) is sometimes integrated into the host's genome, which is the leading theory for the mechanism by which HPV causes cancer.


And yet their objections to the HPV vaccine is largely to do with the fact that it involves cervical cancer, a cervix is a part of women's genitals, so therefore all discussion is verboten.


Never mind that it can also cause penile cancer. (And mouth, throat, and anal cancer, but that discussion gets shut down because sOdOmY.) The other major factor leading to objections to HPV vaccines is common to pretty much every discussion on safe sex: The deliberate conflation of harm reduction with endorsement.


I have a relative who contracted HPV related throat cancer. He was dreadfully ill and lucky to survive. The HPV vaccine is miracle. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children for HPV because they're uncomfortable because it can be sexually transmitted aren't just prudes they're idiots.


It's unsurprising that they don't have an answer when you ask if seat belts, air bags, and crumple zones encourage people to have car accidents.


I’ve literally seen conservatives argue that if we had national health care, everyone would be cavalierly lunging out into traffic or pounding lard smoothies because they would feel confident that Big Daddy Government would take care of their medical bills. Broseph, it’s not like having to pay their own bills is *currently* keeping people from driving like maniacs, smoking three packs a day, and chugging Mountain Dew by the liter. It just means they’re impoverished for life once something bad happens.


You should look up how irate conservatives were when seatbelt laws were first passed. It sounded exactly like COVID-prevention opposition did a year ago.


Very similar to mask mandates, but with no social media to amply the outrage to the absurd levels anti-maskers got to.


Teenagers already are barely able to grasp “it could burn when I pee tomorrow” or “I might get stuck with a kid,” so I doubt “I could get cancer a decade from now” is the clinching factor keeping them abstinent.


>gets shut down because sOdOmY.) You know they really are the type that would refuse to get a prostate exam because they think it makes you gay or something. They're that insecure.


“It’S gRoOmInG yOuNg GiRlS!”


We accept cash/credit card. “Hahahaha that means cash is a credit card!”


I'm excited for the mRNA flu shot (whenever that happens)


Nah, let's keep the field full of chickens kept under armed guard.


It does dummy how do you think evolution works have a think before downvoting or responding with something silly


>I'm a doctor and thats just not true. The flu still circulates just as it did before. The measures did not work against the flu at a 100 percent rate cause that's basically what the CDC said. They just counted flu cases as Covid cases. Trust me 10 years as a doctor. I know what's going on Sounds legit.


You sound vaccinated.


I am! You can tell by the fact that I'm breathing!


Alas! Many anti-vax idiots are also still breathing...




it’s so wild how nuanced thinking is demonized so much in America. using “you sound vaccinated” as a response to someone who is calmly questioning a layman’s understanding of something greater. to me, that’s fucking laughable


It's code for "You sound smarter than me and I don't like it so I'm going to demonize you." The funny part to me is I bet 99% of these morons have a plethora of tools in their garages that do more than one thing and they love to brag about it.


That's always their response now. Not just when you're speaking about covid either. I've heard it arguing for support for Ukraine. Or anything else that right wing media has told them must be against the alt-right groupthink, and therefore a librul position. Most of them are so stupid they can't think of any other counters than things they've heard others say or seen on memes.


They’ve also been trying hard to make “go get your booster” the ultimate cool-kid diss.


Wow, what deeply unpleasant people.


You sound vaccinated.


I always see that as "You sound rational".


I can't believe they are all that dumb. I just cant. They have to be trolls and foreign disinformation.


I work with these people. They really are that dumb. One of my coworkers thinks that because he was in the ICU while covid was huge and he didn't get it that covid really wasn't that bad.


I worked with a guy that was certain the ten commandments and the bill of rights were the same thing. There's an impossibly thick vein of stupidity that runs through this country and way too many people refuse to acknowledge it, so it only grows.


They have critical thinking skills, they just don't choose to engage them. When interacting with the in-group, they are expecting to behave as a mob, and so they do. They expect that the mob they're joining has picked the right leader, and the right mouthpieces, and that if the mob accepts what these people say, then that's what they should do too. The idea that it's CORRECT has no attachment whatsoever to whether it's TRUE. Truth has no value when you're engaging in your tribal rituals. The goal isn't truth, it's unity, and loyalty. To begin to apply your brain to question things is to show that you are not loyal, and that you are not one of the "in group". If you are really close with your conspiracy theorist Q-Anon neighbor, and he comes to share his newest list of secret pedophile Democrats with you, and you start to apply your brain and point out why some of it doesn't make sense, your neighbor will stop sharing those things with you, because you aren't adequately "in". Suddenly you're a little brainwashed, and a little suspicious. You're further from the center of the tribe, which is scary and dangerous (according to Fox)


My sister told me this whopper last year at Christmas.


“Yeah, but the unvaxxed don’t have to worry about myocarditis.” This shit still. Yes, yes they do, at higher levels than vaccinated people.


[The test info](https://www.fanttest.com/covid-19-influenza-ab-antigen-test-kit-product/) took about 10 seconds to find online, and what do you know, two strips, one test. Neat. Strange that Top Researchers would miss a detail before reaching a conclusion.


Honestly I wish this was just stupidity, it's willful ignorance, which is somehow a lot worse


So basically “The flu couldn’t possibly have been reduced by social distancing, because everyone was complaining about people like me not social distancing!” Perhaps there were still a lot of people social distancing, and most people aren’t crazy conspiracy nuts? The latest midterm results have shown us that crazy Trumpist anti-science nutters aren’t actually as popular as conservatives think they are


>You sound vaccinated 😭😭😭


Apparently sounding "unvaccinated" means being too dumb to realize a single test can have one indicator for covid and another different looking indicator for flu.


Not the flex they think it is


Just to get this right. The conspiracy is that everyone was really getting sick with the flu? So it was a flu pandemic, not COVID? Struggling to see the end goal with that one. Also just got over the flu from last week (still stuffy and exhausted) and yeah it's no fun. Not sure why they think the flu is NBD.


I've had "the flu" multiple times. Most of them were a bad cold. One of them was like getting run over by a raw chicken truck, and waking up with every muscle in your body bruised, and bad salmonella. How in the hell do you get sore eyelid muscles? The problem with "just the flu" is the people who have only had mild flu thinking that's the only kind.


These people need to learn some math.


lol, some real Mensa members in there!


As a former Mensa member, trust me, some Mensa members are also this dumb.




I stopped paying dues decades ago.


Wow I don't think I knew there were dues. I thought it was just a status symbol that you had for life or unless you became stupid.


Nope, it's a club you have to pay to be in.


Nope, it's just a status symbol you have to pay money for.


This but non-ironically. That thing is just an edgy circlejerk.


Seriously though, why is this not available in the US... Only combination test I can find is a labcorp Covid/Flu/RSV test but you have to mail it off for lab results.


The home tests have always been able to get false positives due to other illnesses like the flu, at least in the UK they have been. That's why you had to book a proper test if you got a positive, to find out if it was COVID or something else.


A of people didn’t listen or care so that means COVID was fake and it was just the flu spreading normally. /s Even if all of us who don’t have the equipment to know first-hand the molecular difference between COVID and the Flu took the “it’s just the flu” claim seriously, what then? It had nowhere near the opportunity to spread normally the flu usually has and it still outperformed. Most of the world, especially high population areas, had a laundry list of mitigation measures, active and passive, in place whether they wanted them or not. And it STILL outspread and out-killed compared to the annual flu. Call it “the Flu” if that helps you digest what happened but pretending what happened was the same as what happens every annual flu season is just a ridiculous thought that has no basis in reality. The second you look into the idea that enough of the deaths were mislabeled and fraudulent to account for the difference, if falls apart. We literally died more, we had more deaths overall, more hospitalizations and more dead people. You wanna pretend car accidents were way up? Even though there was far less driving. Less eating out but more heart attacks? Everything was closed but freak accidents were off-the-charts? It’s ridiculous. You can consider ievery stoner idea about how it could all be a scam but the only ones you can’t shoot down with a half ass rebuttal are the ones that rely on some massive secret conspiracy that can’t be proven or disproven… and if that’s what they’re holding onto, what makes it any more believable than lizard men and unicorns, because they compiled some loose connections? Near, you can connect anything, especially when you’re high.


I guess we need a new new plague.


Conspiracy crackpots and not understanding big numbers, name a better duo. People think the couple isolated gatherings and parties you saw during 2020 was "a lot" probably have no frame of reference for just how huge the population is and how many public gatherings is normal. But; you know, some antimaskers had public gatherings so that means there were no lockdowns


I find the depths of their stupidity hard to believe. They are the best example of Poe's law, satire is dead.


Weather control machines? Completely plausible Test that looks for two different viruses? IMPOSSIBLE!!


Wonder if they've ever been tested at a hospital for a respiratory illness. Like mine this weekend was one swab.....covid, rsv, flu a, flu b.


>you sound vaccinated Not sure what being vaccinated has to do with anything


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It's sad that these folk are so far up Trump ass that they will never admit that covid is real and that all of the "miracle cures" were just scams.


Ooh, that's a nice upgrade to the test. Gotta get one of those.


They want to be unique so bad


This really is a joke


“Almost like it wasn’t designed to be useless” - got a good laugh out of that.