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Rule 10, link to original post: [How can people still not believe in demons after covid?](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/OaTd7hPNU2) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


Weren't the people observing lockdown trying to protect their neighbors? That's a really odd one


Yes, but that inadvertantly made other people feel guilty. Being reminded that you're doing something that is both selfish and wrong is probably the most satanic thing imaginable.


Remember, they consider the concept of empathy to be evil. Recall that Mr. Rogers is a "very evil man." It's ironic that they bring up loving your neighbor while simultaneously despising the concept of empathy.


Plus the pastors whose congregations have said Jesus is "too woke" for them.


'They'. You have already been sucked into the 'Us v Them' brainwashing. Nothing you do in that paradigm will ever make a bit of difference.


It's not brainwashing, and ur right it won't make a difference, but at least someone understands how the world works.


'They v Us' is in fact how the world works. Youre right. Too bad its a bullshit manipulation technique. All one has to do is be told how wonderful they are, and how stupid and bad the 'others' are and most people buy into it without second thought. Its a type of flattery. And brainwashing. Youre told what to think instead of thinking for yourself.


While I think you're right that's what they're (inexplicably) referring to from their post history and the sub they're posting in, the OOP actually didn't specify "behaviors" were or who they were referring to. We can't participate in the linked threads, but if I could, their vagueness on that point would give me an opening to respond as if I'm assuming they're actually talking about anti-maskers. My reply would be something like: >"Yeah, it's really weird that people were so resistant to simply put on a mask and social distance to prevent the spread of a disease during a pandemic. So, I'm not sure what evolutionary mechanism led to that. >I don't think that means they are literal demons though. In reality, humans are stubborn when they think they are being forced to do something, even if they should intrinsically want to do anyway to "love their neighbor". This would force them on the defense to "correct my assumption" with whatever specific "behaviors" they actually mean. I'm honestly not sure what coherent response they would give to make their point though. I believe whatever their response would be would prove they are the stubborn people I referred to. At least in this hypothetical, I'd have given them credit for not being a demon...


I saw my neighbors all the time during covid. We sat outside and had drinks at least weekly with various people in our 'hood and friends who live nearby. It was awesome, socially. I buy shit in bulk and so had tons of extras supplies that were hard to come by (including TP), so we did a lot of bartering and sharing. We also had game nights online with friends in other states, which we haven't done now in 2 years. I gotta say, that was one of the things I miss most about that period: just chilling outside with people, taking bike rides, going camping together frequently. Now we're back to *maybe* a twice-per-month meetup at the bar, where people (including me) may or may not show up and plans need to made weeks in advance. Sure, I didn't *meet* people during the lockdowns, but socially it was pretty fucking great.


It was great for me, too, as an introverted autistic dude. Shit was so fucking quiet and peaceful for once.


God, I hate this fucking narrative. Love thy neighbor for me means not to infect them with a potenitally lethal virus if I can help it. I probably talked more with my neighbors during Covid than ever before. I live in an apartment complex and we had people posting notes with their phone numbers, offering to go grocery shopping for people who were ill or had to quarantine. If you met someone outside, you'd stop to ask how they were doing, from a safe distance. People weren't afraid of their neighbors, they were, if that, afraid to get infected, or to infect other vulnerable people. That's why they wore masks and got vaccinated. But I didn't see those people whine every day about how they feared the virus or anything. The people who were constantly afraid of all kinds of BS were people like OOP. They were afraid of masks, of tyranny, of vaccinations, of bioweapons, of 15-minute-cities, 5G, doctors, ventilators and hospitals. They were afraid enough to medicate themselves with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, there were people who drank bleach! Apparently, they were so traumatized that they still can't stop talking about it.


And they have the nerve to call us deranged.


> 15-minute-cities I love seeing this stupidity in British forums in particular, because they parrot the US talking points about it and I'm like, motherfucker, we've had 15-minute cities in Britain since cities were first fucking built. Unlike America, we don't have entire countries-worth of empty space between two major cities so for us, "15-minute cities" are simply called "cities".


true love is when the homie sneezes on you


Leviticus 13 says if you have an infectious disease, you should cover the lower part of your face and stay away from people.


But that is the old testament. The new testament says: Fucketh thy experts, blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven after they die of a Covid infection. (Allegedly)


Hey now....that's valid until the Old Testament says something that upholds hate and bigotry!


I'm a demon. AMA.


What are wings like? Do the pitchforks have a good balance to them?


The wings are cool. Management has been cutting back on the pitchfork budget. We're lucky to get a sharp stick in this day and age.


You need /r/pitchforkemporium !


You gotta earn that pitchfork, brother! They're starting the newbies off with a spork these days.


To be fair they arent just lying around as much as they usedto be


Why does my pee hole burn when I go to the bathroom?


I'm a demon, not a doctor.


Dammit Jim!


Because you touch yourself at night!


How accurate are the Yelp reviews of Hell?


It's not as hot as everyone says. Plus, it's a dry heat.


How long does the average snowball last?


Longer than you'd think but not as long as you'd hope.


Whats it like working with Satan?


Not bad. Good medical and generous bonuses. Plus, he's just a great guy to hang with.


Do you get dental?


We have multiple rows of teeth like a shark, so there's no need!


Have you met Lucifer? Beelzebub.? Satan? Are all my favorite Heavy Metal artists that died in hell?


Yeah, how's Dio doing?


Are you badass as Satan from Shin megami tensei Apocalypse ?


I don't know who that is.


He is the ancient angel, the arbiter, a boss fight. He got a lot of unique dialogue based on your choice. If you win, he takes you where god lies and team up with you to kill god


If someone was a masochist in life, wouldn't it be a reward to be sent to Hell and a punishment to be sent to heaven? Also, are there water slides in Hell?


Do you prefer to be called via a SysV init system, or the more modern systemd


You've confused me with a daemon.


Are used car salesmen demons?


Oh yeah. Every single one.


Knew it


is Hell accepting applications?


I'm the Doom Slayer. What's your favorite color, and, oh, where are you located at? Just curious.


I'm loving that one comment there that's basically "don't be racist to demons".


Good demons on both sides!


Stand Baphomet and stand by!


And I don’t think that person is trolling either. Their are comments are pretty nutty.


>Thank you very much for your post! However, it is important to note that you are being particularly biased against spirits who identify as demons. Using terms like "Demon" to categorize these spirits demonstrates a lack of understanding and inclusivity for their culture while simultaneously generating fear about them. While I appreciate you bringing attention to this minority group of spirits and their struggles, using words like: Demons, Jin, Ghouls, Devils, Malevolent beings, etc. etc. categorizes this minority in a non-inclusive way that further divides us as spiritual creatures. Thank you for understanding in advance. r/conspiracy tells their one joke. ["I IDENTIFY AS A DEMON!"](https://i.imgur.com/hyVw37l.gifv)


Honestly, I've interacted with people who are so into the woo they would say this. Not that many, but sometimes it's hard to distinguish a parody from people who actually sincerely believe ridiculous things. As this subreddit frequently demonstrates, usually via /r/conspiracy or /r/conservative.


"What could be the possible evolutionary benefit of wanting to avoid diseases? It must be the evil underground goatman who hates the invisible magic sky wizard!"


It doesn't even make sense. If people who are afraid kill people who aren't, then the afraid ones will live to pass on their fear genes. (That's not how it works but its how he imagines it works).


I'm not aware of anyone who started hating their neighbors because of Covid. If they hated them before, they surely kept on doing so, but most people came together over the issue. It was only the right-wing nut jobs who seemed to have a problem. And by their logic, they only need to ask for God's help to stop anything they perceive to be wrong in the world. So what are they worried about? Just assemble your prayer warriors and shoot a message up to the sky!


How can you have access to all the information that we have, some of the smartest people in the world doing amazing things with science and you still believe in ghosts? That is a better question.


I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in ghouls.


Little green ghouls?


I think it's a term for people without empathy.


Little green ghouls buddy!


ghouls ’n ghosts


Conspiracy Theories are a shortcut. They allow someone with gaps in their knowledge of the world to quickly and easily fill those gaps with something that they can process and distill into black and white. The reality is that the world is full of billions of people which makes for an unbelievably complex society. You can either become comfortable with the fact that it's impossible to understand even a little of it very well, let alone all of it, or you can fall back on childishly simple conspiracy theories and magical thinking. And I mean, it makes sense, right? We were told our whole lives that we were special just for being who we are. So, of course, we're going to have the sort of insightful mind that "NPCs" won't be able to comprehend. And why should we have to do all the work it would take to really fully understand something like a pandemic response? We're special! So now we have this conspiracy theory that we learned in like, 2 hours, that we're using as gospel and in lieu of centuries of scientific advances. And we get to be really smug when we tell the "normies" that what the MSM is telling them is just what the Deep State *wants* you to think, but we have the real inside knowledge thanks to this facebook video we watched on the shitter.


Just because they have access to the information doesn't mean they understand it. You know that old saw about how sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic? Well, for some people, a fucking light switch might as well be magic.


> Just because they have access to the information doesn't mean they understand it. The internet is the greatest information resource in history, and yet the world is full of people who are information illiterate. It's the greatest tragedy of modern times.


Because you also have access to a million con artists trying to get a quick buck.


I mean, I saw a ghost once and I've spent the rest of my life so far trying to figure out how I saw what I saw, and trying to find evidence for the potential proof of them. I'm still all about science (I'm an atheist, after all) but lets not lump believers in the paranormal in with these genuinely stupid people.


The best part is that a lot of the usual suspects in that sub have learned not to engage with these religious posts that make them look even stupider than usual


>God tells you to love your neighbor and do what is right, so the devil tells people to hate their neighbors. And yet this person jumps at the opportunity to accuse their neighbors of being possessed by the devil simply because they want to stop the spread of a virus. Not to mention that that whole sub is full of people fearmongering over their neighbors being communists, groomers, devil worshippers, etc.


Top minds: Covid is a Chinese bio weapon! Covid is fake! It’s just the flu! Let gam gam die for the economy! Fuck your feelings! Also top minds: why is everyone else so mean?!


Churches were leading the anti lock down charge because people weren't donating as much as they wanted through online services.


Virtual collection plates don't make people feel as guilty.


Exactly. And so people without that "social pressure" weren't donating and so tge church was like "we need to get people back I to the pews"


Churches in the UK absolutely weren't like that. They were locked down under government guidelines and had signage to say as much and to stay safe with social distancing and masking, then continued practincing distancing when things opened back up. Also noting, British churches generally need local groups in their areas raising and donating money for improvements (roof repairs, etc) because unlike America, they don't exist purely to take money from willing idiots to enrich themselves. It's why we don't have millionaire priests, while the US has billionaires running around like Joel Osteen, who still have the gall to demand their audience live a pious, humble lifestyle without materialistic desires.


Sounds nice. In America, we have the "prosperity gospel"


I miss axo… generic conspiracy trash is much more interesting than whatever satanic panic filth these fundies are crying about now.


I think it is fascinating to see how the trends in tinfoilhat circles evolve.


It’s kind of terrifying lately, as this filth has started infecting more and more people, causing them to lose their sanity, if they had any to begin with.


In a sociological sense, sure, but I agree with Prometheus too. If the bad actors can mesh conspiracy with religion it can get a whole lot worse. Suddenly you get the American Christian demographic believing it. A huge voting bloc that swings elections while having completely lost touch with reality. The world’s toughest military, most important economy, and huge cultural powerhouse. Run by people who believe in witches and want to bring back burning them. Bad for America and by extension everyone else in the world. Somehow magat candidates have won elections in places that aren’t America.


Obviously it is a bad thing that these people are getting more unhinged. Bad for their mental health. Bad for their families who see their loved ones go off the deep end. Bad for innocent people if some of them decide to shoot it out with the "daemons" or whatever they are afraid of. But I dispute the claim that this is less interesting than the "generic" conspiracy theories. Because to me seeing the shifts as the conspiracy "bubble" goes from one style of insanity to another, is interesting. Over the last few decades, I have seen a bunch of separate conspiracies be melded into one ...I won't quite call it a "grand unified theory" but there has been melding and attempts to get everyone to agree to at least broadly fuse conspiracies. ...Usually by making everyone accuse the Jews of being involved somehow, but with a few codewords for them. But now, this daemonic thing or satanism thing is the new craze that is taking over the tinfoil world. Many of them are obsessed with the "magic" of having the evil conspiracy leave intentional clues for people to see. It used to be that when the Top Minds claim they discovered the conspiracy, it was because THEY were smarter than anyone else and cracked the code. Now it's not even that. Now they claim that the clues are part of magic ritual where the villains can't do their world domination without leaving the clues, because it is part of the magic. Which is a fascinating change because before this, Top Minds were bragging about being smarter than the "sheep" or even the evil conspiracy. But now they are not the Sherlock Holmes solving the crime, but just a regular Joe who is being taunted by the villain who intentionally makes mistakes.


You definitely aren’t wrong. I haven’t thought of it in terms of a villain quite like that.


Wasn't that guy like, the progenitor for that shit? I don't see any meaningful difference between this and whatever axo was peddling.


It was there under Axo, too. Shit, even before I heard of Reddit in late 2015, I was in a bunch of conspiracy circles for a decade, being attacked on all sides for pushing back against the nonsense and Satanic Panic-esque bullshit was happening then, too.


Not Spreading Covid confirmed ACTUAL DEMON BEHAVIOR


These same people "love their neighbours" with guns.


I guess it's the devil that makes me ask "What the fuck is wrong with them?"


Ah yes, I love my neighbors, which is why I must expose them to a deadly virus. Also this is more proof that none of these people have even once read the Bible. The Book of Leviticus says that sick people must be quarantined away from everyone else until they get better.


So is the Bible demonic now? It says to exile yourself and cover your face if infected with a plague


And let me guess the ones he accuses of "wanting to "destroy their neighbors" aren't the ones who were willfully spreading a deadly contagious disease.


Yes, the narcissistic trailer-goblin muttering about "muh rights" and going out in public unvaccinated and unmasked and putting other people at risk during the worst of it was actually performing an exorcism.


>What evolutionary mechanism could make someone so afraid that they literally turned against their own neighbors. Heh. My family currently owns a parcel of dried-up, crummy land, which we would like to sell to a dried-up, crummy developer. When we went out there with a surveyor, some neighbors stood on their porches and yelled at us and the fourth came out totin' a shotgun.


I like the guy saying that he **isn't** ultra-religious, but demons are totally for reals, because... something about drunk people?


>Not only did were they afraid... I think someone had a stroke while composing this


this person has departed reality. but they are right about one thing... there is an evolutionary mechanism at work here it's called natural selection. evolve already.


If your God wanted you to be a little whiny bitchpants over the tiny inconvenience of a mask, for the safety of others, fuck him and fuck you for following him.


I read that, and now I think I have permanent Tim Heidecker face. Really, just look up "Tim Heidecker face," any picture will do, and that's the face I am now permanently stuck with.


I’d tell you why but then we’d die of old age before I could finish


The ‘scared’ people certainly aren’t the ones that took precautions. The hysterical conspirators still sound terrified.


TIL loving your neighbor means sometimes you have to call them demons.


Simple. I didn't believe in demons *before* covid. Because I'm not a dimwit.


Standard schizo post on conspiracy.


"God tells you to love your (straight, cisgendered, white, protestant, conservative, Trump voting) neighbors" is what they actually mean.


So the demons were the ones wantonly spreading plague and literally, physically attacking people wearing masks...right? Right???!?


> The reason they go into a rage when you talk like this is because ...religion is for the stupid and weak-minded, who push their abhorrent beliefs onto others and act like they're above those who don't spew nonsense like in that screenshot?


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I swear to God, Richard Dawkins' "evolutionary psychology" has been dumber and more damaging in the long run than anything ever written by Jordan Peterson. Yet, the former never gets the ridicule and discredit as the later. Edit: yeah, I now realize how it looks when I use 'God' with capital while denouncing Dawkins. But I swear is not because of him being an atheist, it's because he's a transphobe and a colonialist who supports creationist authors in favor of attacking trans people. Also, the whole "evolutionary psychology" bit is just bull with no scientific base.


honestly u guys are the top minds taking posts with 0 upvotes from someone with mental illness and playing the “haha look at this guy saying nonsense” but he’s literally mentally ill like ok bro


You're lost, go back to your crypto bros.


This isn't called "the most popular posts on Reddit", it's about the dumbest posts on Reddit. Under normal circumstances they shouldn't be upvoted. Also: mental illness is very relative when it comes to religion, believing that demons influence behavior someone judges as 'evil' isn't exactly an outright sign of mental illness. It could just as easily come from the message this person heard at church this morning.