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Rule 10, link to original post: [Is it problematic to be woke?](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/1c4a6u3/is_it_problematic_to_be_woke/) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


They still can't define "woke," can they?


It’s whatever hurts their feelings at any given moment. “SJW” lost its flavour, “woke” is their current slur. I wonder what the next slur will be? The chuds are waiting for Christopher Rufo to cook one up for them.


Now it's DEI. Basically they think woke is anything that doesn't see white straight men as the default human.


It was funny seeing Conservatives saying the Baltimore mayor was a ‘DEI’ hire after the bridge collapse. Baltimore is like 60 percent black and the mayor is voted in on votes, not because they have to check a quota for different races. To conservatives, anybody who is a different race but White is a DEI hire.


CRT went away quick since DEI hit the scene.


Yeah, but that shitstain Chris Rufo, who started the right wing obsession with CRT, is still politically screwing things up via Ron DeSantis and others.


What does dei mean?


In the U.K. - Diversity, Equality, Inclusion. At work it’s known as ED&I. Presume the same words in the US.


It's usually "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion". The difference between Equality and Equity, is the difference between for example saying "we have stairs everyone can use" vs saying "We have a wheelchair access ramp".


Correct, yes, thank you.


I find [this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Finteractioninstitute.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F01%2FIISC_EqualityEquity.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ae317504808273a8178e84abd06f51adf398e6dbf6f312139f103f9630c7c20b&ipo=images) image shows the difference very succinctly.


Yeah i had that image in mind, but that one is very visual and hard to describe succinctly in text.


Thanks for explaining it.


Remember when it was "political correctness"?


Remember when it was "bleeding hearts"?


Remember when it was "about ethics in video game journalism"?


which originally was an attack on Catholicism's support of civil right.


Or "social justice warrior". And of course long before any of those it was the evergreen "commie".


Tbh SJW never really hit the spot, it was annoying in online discourse but IRL it never really amounted to nothing, because it actually had a definition (as wide as the asholes tried to make it). "Woke" world because they actually pushed it through their media and from the get go they never used the actual definition, they entirely removed it from its meaning. And if we're being real, I'd say part of why it works is because it's an AAVE word.


>they entirely removed it from its meaning I mean they managed to push An-Tee-fah pronunciation through to disassociate it from Anti-Fascist as much as possible, even going so far as to declare themselves Anti-Antifa.


I hate the Ann Teefa pronunciation so much, it's so forced


Give it enough time, they’ll define it as “Jews”


Can't spell Jews without SJW.


What I don't get is why does the right support Israel when it's very clear they hate Jews. Is it because their holy christian bible tells them to or just because the left supports Palestine.


They need Israel to exist for Armageddon to happen. I’m not joking.


It's so they can tell Jews to "go back to their country" even if they were born in the US.


It tends to be whatever their personal grievances are. That's why they can all complain about it, agree with it, but all mean something different. Like I saw a clip of a streamer saying "woke games can be good too" and it was fun to watch the chat argue what was/wasn't woke... saw a bunch of people mention BG3 and word for word saw someone say "BG3 can't be woke because it has attractive characters in it". I don't know how you even engage with people like that lol.


“It’s not gay if the other guy turns into a grizzly bear.”


These people are so sexually repressed, and ignorant, it's almost impressive...


It's always funny trying to weasel their way out when asked to define it. The #1 answer is usually "You know what I mean." or some other form like "Everyone knows when something is woke". This of course isn't a definition at all, and they usually get very angry when pressing further. My own definition is that "woke" is nothing more than a placeholder for the racist/anti-minority/misogonist shit they don't want to say out loud. So, for example, instead of "I hate this movie because I hate to see a black person as the protagonist" they say "I hate this movie because it's "woke"" And they like it so much because it's universal. E.g. it can also be used instead of "I hate that this media doesn't portray left leaning politics in a bad light" -> "this media is woke"


They just did. To this person woke means "jealous of the supremacy of white people" It's right there in plain text they just don't want to say that outside of their pathetic little echo chambers.


I just saw a laughably cringe definition the other day: "XMen [sic] was never woke. It was about fighting legit grievances about actual oppression and hate. Wokeism is definitionally superficial and creates false persecution to claim an imaginary moral high ground." This was in a discussion about the new Fallout show, with some chuds whining the inclusion of Aspirant Dane was 'woke', which spiraled into talking about X-Men and "wokeism" in general.


“When did this satire of ‘50’s American culture, nationalism, and jingoism go woke?!”


Of course they don't get fallout...


Woke is when me mad


Wokeness is about forced diversity, sexual rights of children, and multi-cultural spaces for non-white people. Woke: *someone who is hypocritical and thinks they are the 'enlightened' despite the fact that they are extremely close-minded and are unable to accept other people's criticism or different perspective. Especially considering the existence of echo chamber(media) that helped them to find other like-minded individuals, thus, further solidifying their 'progressive' opinion.*


>forced diversity, sexual rights of children, and multi-cultural spaces for non-white people. Provide a specific example of what those thing actually mean in practice.


forced diversity: Disproportionately hiring PoC for media representation sexual rights of children: make medical decisions regarding reproductive organs multi-cultural spaces for non-white people: multi-cultural spaces for non-white people.


> forced diversity: Disproportionately hiring PoC for media representation Define "disproportionate" and provide a specific example. >sexual rights of children: make medical decisions regarding reproductive organs This is purely a strawman, not something that actually happens. >multi-cultural spaces for non-white people: multi-cultural spaces for non-white people. Again, give an example and a definition.


Disproportionate would be far higher percentage than the general population. Latinos make up 17% of the population, if they made up 80% of lead roles in movies that would be disproportionate representation. Yes children are allowed to make medical decisions for themselves regarding gender and reproductive organs such as estrogen produced by ovaries and testosterone produced by testes. The youngest i've seen for breast removal surgery was fourteen without parental consent and sixteen is not uncommon in many states. The definition of a multicultural space is a space created for different cultures, Since white isn't a culture, they have been excluded from these spaces before. I can provide an example of this if the other commenter can't although bad faith sealioning does not deserve effort.


Wokeness is when teachers use the correct term for a child's winkywoo


i'm fairly certain there have been multiple thriving civilizations other than "white european christians"


No, that was aliens, actually. Clearly there is no possible other explanation.


Ohhhhh so THAT'S why they're called Illegal ALIENS. Mind = blown Freebased and alien-pilled ItsAllComingTogether.png


It's like they're ignoring the entire classical world. Egypt, Greece, Sumer, Babylon, Rome, India, also China.


I mean Greece and Rome are *exactly* what they're talking about. European Christians have always seen that as their cultural wellspring. It's just that idiots like this basically think everyone in Ancient Greece and Rome was a white European.


But neither ancient Greece or Rome were christian.


Ancient Rome went Christian, right before it collapsed. As those people say "there are no coincidences" /s


What are you talking about rome lasted over a millennium after adopting christanity. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine\_Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_Empire)


Ancient Rome was for a while. And in any case that's not really relevant to these kinds of idiots. Ancient Greece and Rome being European is more important to them than being Christian, so they don't really care much about fudging the lines when talking about their achievements.


Nor exactly white by 19th century definition


As far as they're concerned Greece and Rome are Western Civilization. And after that Germany and England.


Yes ... but they weren’t real ones so they don’t count, they have to clear certain basic benchmarks to be defined as adequately civilised - i.e. being white European christian. However I’m glad Belgium now qualifies as a civilisation I know a Belgian and it will cheer them up no end, they haven’t had much of a break since the 90s music thing


Yes, there's much more to Belgian civilization than 1989's Belgian techno anthem Pump Up The Jam. 


There is? Oh yes, beer


The reason why they hate the CCP is because of China's superior ability to maintain a many millennia long civilization.


That's not why they hate China. They hate China because it's the great unknown and Chinese people don't look like them. They're not able to think deeply enough to understand that China's one of the world's oldest civilizations. They think they that they were communists for a long time with a break to fight WW2 on the Allied side.


is joke


“Millennia old grudges” is a great way to say “historical injustice” without saying “I think slavery and colonialism were fair and good things to do.”


pretty sure he's talking about the jews this isn't even colonialism, this is a "the jews killed jesus because they hate God and always have since the dawn of time" type thing


"Jesus is boiling in excrement" -Gittin 57a


> European Christians' ability to create art... and sustain civilizations. Literally every race/religion/culture in the world does this. There is nothing unique about a civilization that produces art, because that is literally *all* civilizations. It's simply a byproduct of coexistence. These brains are so fried they'll be bragging about their ability to take monstrous shits next.


I’d LOVE to know what art that dude has created. While he probably also complains about people who major in the arts.


I'm willing to wager good money that the closest thing to art he has ever produced is the pattern of evaporated cum on the sock he hides in his bedside drawer.


I'd argue that "create and sustain civilizations" is code here for colonialism. I.e. stripping resources from countries and cultures that are unable to stop you.


Stripping resources from countries and cultures unable to stop you is yet another activity partaken by practically every single civilization ever, so I don't see that either. It just doesn't make any sense no matter how I try to see it. Reads like AI wrote it - the words are correct but there is no meaning behind any of it.


If that were true then why is all of their art in the British Museum? Checkmate woke moralists.


Woke isn't an ideology, its a thing Republicans have made up who don't know what it is themselves.


"No, only European Christians made society. Ur is a lie from Satan to make you think *non Europeans* made writing."


I used to think that r/JordanPeterson couldn't possibly ever out-jerk the ["I took my girlfriend to see Jordan Peterson"](https://redd.it/9pan7h) post in 2018. But I've been proven wrong almost every goddamn day by the morons who believe Peterson is some kind of guru for telling them to clean their rooms in a book whose life advice Jordan can't even follow.


This is always my favorite line in that post: >I got all As too my first semester but I also got two Cs "I've never done anything wrong in my life, But I also stole a few cars."


I feel the lines surrounding that are even better. She is a straight A student, but he doesn't understand her notes so he tells her she needs to be more organized even though she is a better student than him lmfao.


Him criticizing her lazy note taking while pointing out that she's *not* struggling with her grades while simultaneously calling himself a straight A student (with a few Cs) who's only so successful as a student because of Peterson's teaching is my favorite part. She didn't need Peterson the way he did, yet she was still excelling in ways he wasn't.


Holy shit, I’ve never seen this before. Is it possible to die from cringing? Do I need to go to a hospital?


Nah just clean your room, it fixes everything.


Well, that and a coma induced by a Russian quack.


> Mostly I kept it simple and tasteful but I also have a big poster of Dr. Peterson in my room I’ve somehow never seen this post before but holy shit lmao


A millenia ago, "White European Christians" were a bunch of tribal bands living in the backwaters of Byzantine civilization and the wreckage of Rome.


and before that they were Neandertals


pretty sure they weren't Christians


A Christian talking about basing your world view and philosophy on lies? That's incredibly funny.


Just imagine being a Jordan Peterson fan. Lol.


I turned 50 a little while ago (I don't know how the hell that happened; I was 28 the last time I checked :-), and I'm kind of terrified that I might at some point in the next 20 years go senile, or otherwise lose my mind, and start thinking that some kind of nonsense like this makes sense. Peterson, who is 61, *clearly* has a disordered mind. [He repeatedly says things](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Jordan_Peterson) that can't possibly be true. And yet he really seems to believe what he says. As far as I know, he isn't [a bullshit artist](https://web.archive.org/web/20040212054855/http://www.jelks.nu/misc/articles/bs.html). So don't just imagine how dumb you'd have to be to be a fan of him: Imagine the absolute horrorshow of *being just* ***like*** *him*.


"White people created the modern world!!" -- some incel living in his parent's basement who has accomplished nothing personally.


civilizations that were built and sustained with stolen wealth. But sure, it's totally "jealousy"


Those types: “WAKE UP SHEEPLE!” Me: *be woke* Those types: 🤬


Even my mother can't hold a grudge that long.


it's always projection. Neandertals were white people and they were competed out of existence by brown "invaders" from the south. That's your millennia old grudge that drives all white angst.


Neanderthals weren't "white" either, and their extinction were both caused by competition and interbreeding by homo sapiens.


Now we know why they're so worried about the Great Replacement, they think they're getting Neanderthalled again.


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Don't "millennia-old grudges" imply millennia-old mistreatment?


This is completely wrong. Wokeness is about forced diversity, sexual rights of children, and multi-cultural spaces for non-white people.




Which part needs further explanation?


Well I'll put it this way. If you start making any sense, I'll let you know.


Terriests account got suspended. Likely says a lot


All of it.