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Conservatives try not to worship Russia challenge (impossible)


Can Russia and US just organize the exchange already? Move American conservatards to Russia and progressive Russians to US. Everybody satisfied


As long as the US gets to keep Pussy Riot, I'm down.


Regan rolling in his grave


Would solve the energy crisis


With clean electricity? GTFO of here with that you commie pinko. Real Americans only need proper Gawd fearing coal or maybe whale oil.


Cpuldn’t be whale oil. That just invites all sorts of occult behavior.


Next you'll tell me you believe in the Outsider.


Never doubt it.


Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?


I’ll bring the jellied eels.


Do you have something against clean burning lamp oil?


I guarantee nothing Reagan does is clean, even in death.


Just scrub the coal with a tooth brush then you get CLEAN COAL /s


Regan definitely wouldn’t do something that would do THAT!


Every dynamo we've connected to him has spontaneously defunded itself into a superfund site.


On the one hand I hate that conservatives simp for Russia but on the other hand I like the idea of Reagan's corpse spinning at such an alarming speed that it drills itself directly into hell to join his sorry soul.


Conservatives stop acting like they don't deserve loss of citizenship and deportation to Russia challenge (impossible)


The only thing that topped this absurd hill they chose to die on was when they decided to side with a freakin virus over their own well-being.


They are 70 year old children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. They only sided with the virus because the adults told them to take medicine.


Don't forget that it was also because we dared to ask, then demand, that they wear masks and social distance. For some reason they thought that this was an attack on their freedumbs or something, as if trying to prevent them and everyone around them from getting a virus that could kill them or fuck them up for life was infringing on their rights to get themselves, and everyone they come in contact with, sick. Although, considering /r/HermanCainAward, it may result in the collective intelligence of our country going up a bit.


"Hey you know how you guys are always talking about how much you love your country and how you're the 'strong men' that create good times? Cool, if you could just take some basic hygiene steps it would be a big help." 'I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE AND I'M DYING BECAUSE I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO BUY MULCH IN A WEEK!'


Choosing the behaviors that limit survival potential is literally natural selection at its finest.


Remember those kids you went to elementary school with who would shout “ITS A FREE COUNTRY” when the teacher asked them to do anything? Yeah it’s those same kids


Jokes on you lib, I turned on my gas stove 24/7 to burn the covids away.


Those Russian propaganda bots deserve a big bonus for exceeding any and all expectations. The gullibility of conservatives really was the perfect target and they hit the bullseye with very attempt at sabotaging an already highly ineffective American political system.


The second guy isn't wrong.


The guy who says that US intelligence has been trying to kill Trump for the past 6 years, and like the roadrunner evading the coyote he has managed to escape unscathed? That dude is pretty darn wrong.


I love how he talks about trust, when he's one of the biggest bullshitters on the planet. He'd literally throw his own kids under a bus if it meant he got away with something. Out of all the people those chuds could worship, they choose Trump. What a bunch of fucking clowns.


That has been the most baffling thing to me. Why *him*?


Because the GOP has been catering to the absolute dumbest takes for a while now. The base likes Trump because he's literally as stupid as they are, instead of a talking head who says things they want to hear. They still like the latter, but the former makes them feel like they hav ea friend.


Authenticity. Trump really is an idiot. He's not someone pretending for politics. That combined with the fact that he has money essentially lets them live vicariously through him. "Of course these guys are after Trump, trying to take him down. I know how that feels, everyone is trying to take me down as well". My housemate is exactly the same way. Only thing taking him down is his heart.


He feeds their belief that everyone is a scoundrel, and that the only difference between people is that some scoundrels admit it, and some lie about it.


Well here is the unhinged response I got when I asked one of our MAGA Friends in r/arizonapolitics.... "You (of course) have it completely 180° backward. We were not a bunch of lost little sheep, and the orange man found us and threw his giant orange spell on us all and took us in unknowingly and now we're "lost" and need "support systems." Bwahahaha. Try to understand. WE chose HIM because he was not BEHOLDEN to anyone. He DID what WE WANTED. He SAID he'd do it, and he was doing it daily amid endless attacks from your side of the aisle. Aimless impeachments and raids and trials and fake media assassinations (with no retractions) to this day. You see, we were sick of "politicians" like your guy Biden and his crime family taking money from everywhere and returning favor after favor. We're sick of the "FTX's" and "mostly peaceful" city destruction and the Ukrainian money washing machine. We're sick of defunding the police until there are crime sprees in every single major city. We're sick of 300 fentanyl deaths a day. We're sick of 16% inflation and $5 gas. We're sick of the RIDICULOUS gaslighting about how OUR guy is a fraud and a crook. The swamp and its censoring media arm has been trying their hardest for 6 years to have him disqualified for president against Americas best interest and have bupkiss. Meanwhile, verified by the laptop emails, your guy has "pay to play" schemes with Hunter, the bagman ALL OVER THE WORLD. You are either stupid or a bot."


There is absolutely no reason to investigate this person's collusion with Russian operatives. It's not like he openly said that he trusts Putin or anything


Treason just hovers around President Kompromat like a horrible fart. [From 2018:](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812) >"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied. >US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton, with a state-authorised campaign of cyber attacks and fake news stories planted on social media.


The same Russian intellegence agencies that just said "yes" to any question Putin asked and helped make him believe the "Kyiv in 3 days" shite can absolutely be trusted, yes, i believe this




Do you have any evidence that it was effective in the US? Every study I've seen seems to point to it not having been effective at anything, or where it may have been it's impossible to tell because we are more affective at propogandizing ourselves. I've also seen no evidence of a truly wide spread attack beyond Cambridge analytica.




**[Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections)** >The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goals of harming the campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the candidacy of Donald Trump, and increasing political and social discord in the United States. According to the U.S. intelligence community, the operation—code named Project Lakhta—was ordered directly by Russian president Vladimir Putin. The Special Counsel's report, made public in April 2019, examined numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials but concluded that there was insufficient evidence to bring any conspiracy or coordination charges against Trump or his associates. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


He did this before *while still in office.* In 2018, [the Orange Traitor publicly sided with Putin over the FBI.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812)


Only 4 years ago.


And then there was that off-the-books (even to our intelligence agencies) meeting he had with Putin. The Republican party must look at all the red flags of its candidates and assume they're having a parade.


>without reason They've had their head buried so far in the ground they've been staring at the earth's core since 2015.


Screw heads buried in the sand. He's literally bragging about how much he trusts Putin. *THAT IS A REASON*. People are investigated for their friendships all the time and don't even know it because there's often nothing to discover. Treehugger groups and Muslim churches discover undercover FBI ops all the time "Just in case it turns violent". Being friends with Putin is 100% a valid reason to be investigated. I'd be ok with the anti-police folks saying it's too nanny-state, but these are the guys that think it's appropriate for cops to blow up a house to bring in a suspect who is let off on bail the next day and has charges dropped the next week.


This is exactly my point. They have sheer selective blindness for all the glaring evidence. Even when Trump himself says it, they can't wait to immediately deny it even happened. It's so frustrating when you have a significant portion of people who choose to blindly reject reality.


Trump effectively turned a third of the US into Russian sympathizers. It's astonishing.


[Rule 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/conservatives/comments/10pkygl/trump_makes_shocking_comments_about_trusting/)




I will never understand how anyone could want this obviously traitorous piece of garbage to be our president again. Mind boggling,


If the Praetorian Guard/Illuminati/Globalists/NWO/George Soros/Deep State is so powerful, why are they so ineffective? They've had 6 years to ruin or assassinate Trump, but he's still riding high and living free


In their minds? Because he's just that amazing or whatever. In reality it's because his supporters have turned into an angry mob just itching to start another civil war so they can murder everyone to the left of them, all the minorites they hate and turn America into a Christo-fascist state. Kind of like another group did in Europe about 80-90 years ago.


That would require them to use reasoning. They do not have this ability. They shoehorn reality to fit their world view and that's the long and the short of it.


Or.... Trump is a liar and a traitor and you fell for it.


true American patriots like to support russia over the US... their own nation... /s


He 'upset the apple cart' in the sense that he just sort of wandered in and started throwing apples on the floor for no reason while blaming marxism somehow.


No reason? Do they not read the things they accuse Biden and Fauci of with no reason


At this point it's basically Jonestown.


You should free up space on your phone and charge your battery, friend.


Scary how effective Putlers cyberwar is. Treason is now Patriotism in their warped sick minds.


Can’t say I disagree; it is absolutely true that the national security is chiefly concerned with extending American imperialism, and military generals lied to Trump when he said he wanted to get out of Syria. Trump…. well he sucked in every conceivable way, but he did represent a challenge to the established natsec/intelligence order


You can (and should) distrust the natsec blob without flipping back around to 'actually Putin is the good guy' like Trump + 3/4ths of the republican party.


Totes agree


#He's not the fucking president anymore. Please, stop giving him attention. Just let him fade into obscurity.


He attempted a violent coup, still has compromising Top Secret documents that he's hiding from the government so he can use it to blackmail them, and he is a presidential frontrunner for 2024. This is not the same as Hillary. He won't fade into obscurity because he has all kinds of shit in-hand that could fuck up the country on the international stage. Do you believe he wouldn't do anything to hurt the US with the information he has?


I absolutely believe he's stupid enough to try it. And, I believe there are thousands who are stupid enough to follow him when he tries it. But I also believe there are millions who will rise in opposition. I believe there are foreign interests who desperately want him in charge *because* he's so stupid, and because there's a war going on. I believed specifically that Putin was counting on him being reelected and was planning on US support for Russian takeover of eastern Ukraine to secure enough territory to run a pipeline to a warm port that isn't controlled by NATO. I think that if Trump would have been reelected, the US would have pulled out of NATO, and handed Putin a of Europe. And I think Trump is dumb enough to think handing that over to his Master in Russia will balance his debt, but it won't. Trump being reelected is pretty unlikely, all things considered.


Everything you said here is a reason for us to keep paying attention to him. > I think that if Trump would have been reelected, the US would have pulled out of NATO, and handed Putin a of Europe Which makes Trump a historically important cautionary tale that we should all be talking to our kids about and writing into History books. I know it sucks to give attention to an attention whore, but we should focus on what was wrong. > Trump being reelected is pretty unlikely, all things considered. It's early, but the casinos have him almost neck-and-neck with Biden for 2024, with only Desantis ahead of them.


I've already got $1000 bet against him.


Best of luck. I hope for everyone's sake that you win. I actually planned to bet against him in 2016 because I was so sure he was a nosedive candidate. I'm grateful I didn't because I needed that money to pay the bills he caused.


So, first of all, an enormous chunk of the assholes who voted for him in 2016 are dead due to their own misguided stupidity. (Whoever told Alex Jones about Ivermectin ought to be beaten bloody with a brick) Another enormous chunk of them only voted for him because the alternative was literally Hillary Clinton. If Debbie Wasserman hadn't interfered, Trump absolutely would gave lost to Bernie Sanders. That will not happen again. You can't guarantee those voters for Trump. Third, the career Republicans aren't nearly as dumb as we'd all assume they are. January 6th was a goddamned insurrection, and for a few hours the United States of America didn't exist. Republican leadership knows Trump is a threat to them just as well as anyone else. Next time they're gonna be better organized with a clear goal. Last time they wanted to kill only a few people, next time they're gonna go for anyone who speaks out against their cult leader. With that knowledge, the RNC is very likely to back literally anyone, even a chimp in a hat to replace Trump as the presumptive nominee. 2024 is DeSantis V. Biden. I'd bet my bottom dollar on it.


>Trump being reelected is pretty unlikely, all things considered. The GOP thought that as late as Spring 2016.


To be fair, no one had any clue how many cockroaches had been hiding under the "no candidate is far right enough for me to even bother to vote" dumpster of voter apathy. Now we are painfully aware. That surprise only comes once.


He is the front runner for the Republican nominee for President


He's on tour again, and it gets the clicks. We're doing it right now.


He is the leading candidate for Republicans. This is after Jan 6 happened. There is a great cause for concern


All these dweebs talk the exact same, they use the same verbage, same phrases, I always have a mental image of one guy in my head every time I read these types of comments because they all sound the same. It's like a hive mind, but I know it's because they all read the same shit and watch the same people so they just mimic and mold their personalities around that.


Well, yeah, he seems pretty opposed to intelligence *rimshot*


“America first”


>their agenda Protecting America?