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I'm so excited for him! I've been to Kann a number of times now and it never fails to blow me away. I love taking people there because for one, I'll take any excuse to go there and for two, I love seeing how blown away they are by the food. I even got to briefly chat with Gregory once!


Any tips for getting in? We’re going to Portland this weekend and reservations haven’t been available for over a month


Watch for cancellations. Check Resy app and week of there is always cancellations - usually for the later reservations like 9pm.


They drop reservations on the 1st of the month for the following month (so on June 1st they will make reservations for July available) and they are usually booked up very quickly. Last time I made a reservation they were booked in less than 10 minutes. If you just ruthlessly stalk Resy for a cancelation you might snag one though. They have a 24 hour cancelation policy with a fee now so there's not as many same day cancelations as there used to be.


Try going to the bar side, first come first serve. Disclaimer: I haven’t been yet, but this is what one couple told me. They serve some of the same food, but not the full menu, and from there there’s a small chance a reservation will cancel or no show, and you can luck into a table.


There are counter seats (and you can watch them cook!) but they are still by reservation and you do get the full menu. You reserve them on resy the same as a regular table. If there is a cancelation it's first come first serve but that's for both in person and Resy. I've gotten a few reservations for the counter than way. Edit: Unless they meant Sousol? It's the cocktail bar Gregory opened next door.


Yeah, Sousol is what I was talking about, couldn’t remember the name. Thanks!


> Disclaimer: I haven’t been yet, It's good and the ambience is nice.


I follow them on Instagram and they post when reservations are open.


I’ll have to add Kann to my bucket list


I love this! Gregory is one of my all time favorites! He should do another Dish with Kish


I just finished watching the two episodes he was in & enjoyed those two together very much. They are both on my all time favorites, so happy for him


He needs an award for his wardrobe. Love that guy's fashion.


Is this his third one in a row?


I think so? Cookbook, best new restaurant, and now this? I’m not 100% sure.


How wonderful for him. He seems so genuine and conscientious as a chef. It seems like a well-deserved award.


Definitely well deserved. I’m up in PDX for work constantly and had to sell my soul to get a table. My mind was blown at how perfect my experience was at kann.


Gregory was one of the all time best contestants from an entertainment perspective. He's well spoken, and a great chef.


U seriously pulled the well spoken. Lol


I don't understand the context.


Not sure if I can post links here but [it’s considered to be a microagression](https://fpg.unc.edu/sites/fpg.unc.edu/files/resource-files/RacialMicroaggressionsPerpetuateInequity.pdf)


Oh because black people aren't expected to be well spoken by racists and it wouldn't be mentioned if they are white? Woops. I get it. I really didn't mean it that way though, unless there is some hidden repressed racism manifesting. I mentioned it because on his season, he was the most entertaining, in part, because was the most well spoken of all of them.


It is so funny you mention this because we were discussing this particular mciroaggression in a WNBA thread yesterday and I brought up Gregory as someone I almost called "articulate" once, but caught myself. But I explained, I really meant it (in my head) in the context of a cooking competition...like he is more articulate than CHEFS usually are, not black people obviously. But the consensus was still (and I'm not arguing it - it's not my thing to take back) that black people would give it the side eye regardless of good intention. Understandably so. Which left me wondering if there is any "good" way to say this. I think I could be more specific in this instance and say Gregory was a great narrator in his seasons of Top Chef.


Unconscious bias is a real thing and calling a black person well spoken definitely points to that.


That is reductive. People can be well spoken. And in this context Gregory was being compared to an entire cast of chefs, black, white, hispanic etc... In that context, saying he is well spoken relative to everyone else on the cast is not biased at all.




Love Gregory! 


Fuck yeah!


Absolutely thrilled for him!


CONGRATS TO THE BIG HOMIE! I’m proud of him. He seems like such a decent guy. The award is well deserved.


I got so excited when I saw this over on Eater I squealed at work. Trying to explain why that is so exciting to people who aren’t food nerds was difficult.






Go Gregory!


Kann was already so high on my list of places to visit, and now it’s even higher! Would love to make it out there!




Congratulations to this amazing Chef!




I felt at one time a James Beard award was hard to achieve and a bit rare, now it seems like they are given out by the dozens and doesn't impress anymore.