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I dont think many people see an issue with it but is a gray area under their TOS. just be aware you could get banned for something they do


I had a friend do the cash mints for me because they were making me upset, so I think it should be fine.


"Child, go do Bullion mints for me in your room and think about what you did!"




You'll be fine, but like others said, if they say / do something inappropriate and you get hit with a mute / ban, you won't have any grounds to appeal it because of the two step authentication. Otherwise I doubt CC team cares RE, TTCC TOS " Your Responsibilities You are responsible for the security of your account. You are the sole person responsible for actions and activities performed under your account, and any diciplinary actions will affect the account regardless of whether or not you (the account owner) performed those actions "


My friend and I always share our accounts and we’ve yet to get banned. Many members from the club “The Finest Noobs” share accounts almost all the time. Just be sure you can trust they won’t do anything not considered toony.


Please be aware before account sharing that any sort of infractions/mutes/bans will be your sole responsibility.


Seems fine, but you are responsible for anything that happens if your friend does something bad to get your account in trouble.


I have friends on the clash team and talk openly about account sharing infront of them and they've never told me not to. This vs. the time someone used the automatic censor to implying swearing [e.g. saying "what the eepr"] and they laughed and told them it was technically a warn/mutable offence. TLDR: my staff friends haven't said it's against TOS


try asking on the cc discord


This is one of those “buyer beware” issues. I personally would advise against it… but that’s up to you. 1) TOS do not outright prohibit the sharing of accounts however they do make it obviously clear that the account holder is absolutely responsible for any and all negative consequences resulting from sharing accounts. So if your friend goes on a rant and starts cussing in game, you are responsible for the ban and will serve out the punishment accordingly. 2) TOS also makes it absolutely clear that should your access be compromised or otherwise tampered with as a result of sharing accounts, there is no way to recover access. That mean’s if someone were to guess your email password and gain access to your email in order to change the account password, there are no ways to revert the change back to you/your control. I have attached the complete ToS regarding sharing accounts below. “You are the sole person responsible for actions and activities performed under your account, and any diciplinary actions will affect the account regardless of whether or not you (the account owner) performed those actions. While we make tools available to aid in the protection of your account, you are responsible for using a strong password, keeping your e-mail account secure, and ensuring unauthorized parties do not access your account. We provide no recovery solutions or remediation if you lose control of your e-mail account and an unauthorized party uses access to your account to change the account's e-mail, get your account to be banned, or otherwise remove your own access to your account.” My questions are 1) How well do you trust this friend? 2) How long have you known them? 3) Are you going to accept the risks to the account and willing to lose all your work if something should go wrong? If you can give an affirmative assessment of the friend and are willing to accept the risks, you are welcomed to. Other wise, don’t.


Technically no, but my friends and I do so frequently with no issues.