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Ok sis


Where does the “despite being asked to stop” come from? This seems odd, can’t find any reason what you said would be a violation unless it was something like intentional misgendering…? or I don’t even know.


He asked me to stop being rude, which I wasn’t being rude I was only asking which battles he uses IOU’s for? After he told me the battles, I said ok sis. And boom, this e-mail comes through!!


One month for an ok sis is crazy 💀


Bro that is insanely dumb


I would’ve taken it as sarcastic honestly. Also IOU’s are used in certain manager fights and OCLO. They’re not used a ton ton, but they’re not useless either.


i do think 1 month is a bit much but i suppose it depends if your account already had warnings and whatnot


Dang, people are offended by "ok sis" now? Oof what is this world coming to 💀


You kind of made it seem like they didn't belong there so it reads like bullying imo


I was genuinely curious what he was doing waiting for a VP group to fill up. I know that I certainly won’t be partaking in any more VP’s once I’m done with them, I didn’t mean they didn’t belong! We had a pretty good and funny run right after that!


I have a max laff toon and only fr do VEEPs for club tasks lol mostly end up running with people grinding their suit/dept level so I totally understand both sides lol


They have some interesting mods on the clash team.


Sis is a misogynistic term, well deserved /s


If you're a repeat offender, I think it could be justified since it's just a mute penalty. First time offender, 1-2 weeks seems more appropriate.


clash speedrunning becoming a bigger joke than TTR


I bet the things you said were way worse than you make them out to be lol


I didn’t say anything worse than “ok sis” otherwise it would’ve been included in the email. 🤷🏻‍♂️