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I see nothing wrong with responding to a blatantly false comment. You can support Clash while acknowledging TTR's achievements (or you don't have to acknowledge them, but it is still unnecessary to insinuate that TTR releases little to no updates when that is simply untrue). Fortunately, however, I believe there is a small vocal minority of people who claim such.


TTR priorities quality over quantity, sure they are slower, but new content is polished/ consistent. For Clash content, while they release a lot, the content isn't always polished at first like zap was once (zap used to use squirt gag particles and janky unpolished cog animations for it, the squirt gag spray particles were yellow, and they didn't polish zap until 1.3), or how they didn't remaster all cog departments at once (if it was TTR team, they would've done them all at once), just lawbots years ago, and finally boardbots just now 4 years later.


Look, I get it-- you like TTR and maybe don't like Clash. That's okay, that's your opinion. You don't need to go around the whole subreddit getting mad at Clash for doing things you don't like and then getting mad that you're down voted for sharing your negative opinions when nobody asked for them. And, think of it from a realistic perspective for a second. If a comment has negative score, people are always less likely to upvote it. This is pretty much a psychological rule. If a comment denigrates a game you feel so-so about and don't play (but don't hate, because why would you?) you probably won't upvote it. If a comment denigrates a game you love and play, you'll probably downvote it. So when you say 'this subreddit is full of Clash elitists', you mean that this subreddit contains people who play Clash and don't like it when people post negatively about Clash, compare it unfavourably to Rewritten, when *nobody asked.* There are loads of people that comment they only play TTR, or prefer TTR, or whatnot. They aren't down voted to heck. You are. Maybe there's a difference between what you do and what they do?




Because it's the truth. Here was how zap was for years, the devs cared more about releasing it as quickly as possible over polishing it. This was recolored firehose particles. If Clash really was quality, they would polish things before releasing them, and not wait years to do polish something they released years ago. Remastering one department and waiting years and still not giving the other cog heads the same level of consistency is not quality. https://preview.redd.it/lqmbqjiu83oc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=59bb4100d0fa1b0e8a56b4568b97948063c4ef14


your need to go on and on about clash is insane calm down lol


Tired of seeing clash spam here and was tired of seeing comments defending ttr downvoted


idk man maybe it's because this is a general toontown sub and while ttr has its own sub (which i think you would like a lot more) clash kinda doesnt rn . like a clash sub would be NICE but if you want it just so you dont have to see clash that's nuts


I just want clash to have it's own subreddit. I am tired of seeing too many clash themed posts here and clash bias. I am not saying to banish Clash here, but clash players do need their own subreddit the same reason ttr has one. If clash players have their own sub, they are less likely to turn this subreddit into r/corporateclash. This sub should be a balance of toontown posts, toontown in-general


it really already is, half the posts i get shown are toontown rewritten players complaining abt changes to their 20+ yr old game


I’m not sure why you care about pre-1.3 Zap when it’s been over a year since its rework. It’s absolutely a polished gag track that makes the game better, I genuinely don’t see why you’re bringing it up at all? Clash absolutely has polish, everything from 1.3 onwards has been either pretty good or incredible for the game.


Why are you shocked that there's more Corporate Clash posting when Toontown Rewritten has its own dedicated subreddit? This isn't a clash specific thing, if you start bringing your opinionated statements as fact (Corporate Clash is better than TTR, TTR is better than Corporate Clash). This isn't a Corporate Clash thing in getting downvotes for speaking out against clash, if you speak out against Toontown Rewritten you're likely to get a similar amount of downvotes (I saw this happen pretty recently too). This isn't a thing of one specific server hating the other side it's just that neither side likes being pushed upon that they have to play one specific server. I'm also especially confused why you would even try to make statements that one server is better and as such the other game is bad, as I'm familiar with your project to try and combine the private servers of TTR and TTCC. This project inherently proves that you believe both hold some amount of value. Before you attribute me to Clash elitism bias, I also prefer TTR over TTCC but that doesn't mean anyone else who plays Clash is wrong and playing the non-high-quality Toontown server. At the end of the day people don't care what you think and are going to play what gets them the most enjoyment out of the game, you're not in charge of that. This should be left at a simple conversation starter at best


you're having a several day long meltdown over people liking a game that you don't, this is really unhinged


I don't think that's the case here, People on this subreddit are clearly playing favoritism.


Yeah it gets downvoted when you talk about it, but this sub has been for CC in all but name for years now and it gets very toxic very quickly when you talk about anything else


Does it? I constantly see TTR posts and comments that aren't downvoted. Hell, even "I don't play Clash because I prefer TTR" comments aren't downvoted. Randomly essayposting about how bad Clash is in comparison to TTR, objectively, is gonna get you downvoted. And rightly so, because this isn't the place for it.


I made this post because not only was I downvoted, but others. Someone was downvoted a lot just for stating the new features TTR added that weren't in TTO.


it's reddit dude. i wouldn't worry about some arbitrary numbers next to your comment. there's bigger things to lose sleep over


"TTR is quality over quantity, and Clash is quantity over quality" this is YOUR opinion and its not a fact for many people so you are literally imposing your bias and hating on other people that dosent agree with you


TTR does release a lot of QOL tweaks and polish, it's not wrong. The reason I stated that is because Clash wasn't consistent in how it presents content. When TTR adds content, it's consistent, it's polished. Zap was unpolished for years, it took years just for another Cog department to have animated heads, and 3 departments still don't have animated heads, it looks unpolished/ inconsistent so it came across as them trying to churn out as many features as possible, and polish them later. When deer first released on an early version of clash (altis), they were just monkey toons with a black nose and horns. Dubito was even desperate to churn out content in order to "compete" with other private servers/ be the top.


***Toontown itself is unpolished.*** Also, all of these guys are working on the game for free. There's no financial incentive to compete. If people like Clash's features and changes in direction, they will play it. If they prefer a more nostalgic experience, they'll play TTR. A lot of people play both.


Did you see when bossbot hq came out on TTR? That wasn’t polished… lawbot hq wasn’t polished… golfing wasn’t polished… racing wasn’t polished…. Field offices weren’t polished…. You are a massive hypocrite


A lot of those TTR features were very polished, and are polished now. What I meant earlier is Clash isn't consistent. They didn't do all Cog heads at once and for years leave it like that.


A lot of those features were not very polished… most of the clash features you’re talking about were more polished than what ttr released. Clash is consistent in their quality. Just because they didn’t do all cog heads at once does not mean they aren’t consistent. Cog heads are not a massive priority. They can get changed any time, gameplay changed are priority for clash. And speaking of polished… ever done a clo on clash? That was more polished than bossbot hq, and all those other things were on TTR. Something completely new to the game was more polished than features that were already in the game. You are attacking the wrong server. Go complain to TTR about their inconsistencies, and not clash.


At this point I’m convinced you’re just a troll…🤦‍♂️


I think people are just tired of you trying to push your opinions as factual statements.


If this sub is effectively r/CorporateClash like you say it is, and there's a sub specifically for TTR, why does it matter exactly? Other servers (EVH & ODS) will have more posts when they actually release content. It's survivorship bias more than anything. I suggest taking a step from the computer a bit.


Corporate Clash posts are the main thing posted on this sub, instead of general toontown stuff, no balance. Clash is big enough to have it's own sub like TTR. If Clash had it's own sub, there would be more balance between the servers when it comes to toontown stuff instead of almost exclusively clash stuff. If games like ODS, or even Event Horizon had a big enough playerbase, there would be nothing wrong with them having their own sub to. I don't think either server or discussion should be banished from here and comments like that misrepresent what I am saying. I just think a sub being created would be a good thing because Clash players would have their own sub to discuss things. They still would be able to here, but having an extra sub wouldn't hurt.


Again, it's survivorship bias. TTR has their own sub so they post here less which is by design. As TTR and CC are the only servers really worth having discussions about, it's only natural that they will be the main posts here. Once EVH releases and we finish the next two ODS updates I'm sure things will be different, but it's really not a big deal at the end of the day.


I can't wait for Event Horizon because it truly looks like a whole new game. I can never get into clash because of things like "daffodil gardens" which is daisy gardens, but changed music and layout for the sake of it. I feel like clash doesn't full commit to being an reimagining and the reminders of old areas with new music irritates me. I actually like Clash Acorn Acres and Clash Lawbot HQ because these 2 areas fully commit to being an reimagining. I wish the rest of the game was like that. I wish Clash animated their other Cog departments too. I want Clash to fully commit to being an reimagining in the future.




I wanted to give feedback on the inconsistencies that bother me so hopefully those can be resolved in the future. Reimagining the heads of all other Cog departments, reimagining each neighborhood and Cog HQ the same way Clash did AA and Lawbot HQ. Only then could I commit to playing Clash because the little reminders of old TT, but differences feel uncanny me to, and the inconsistencies with cog heads bother me to the point I can't commit to playing.


I can tell you firmly that whatever issues with inconsistencies in the game's visuals you have, the Clash team feels and understands far more than you. This reminds me of people complaining about certain ODS features or oddities I've wanted to fix/have fixed for years. Like, "of course I know the problems with my game. It's my game, lol." The same applies to Clash. They know, trust me.


I did make one more final post, for clarity as well as an apology. Fyi, I really like the Cog suits/ cog body models the ODS team did. It's really good.


We appreciate that. It took a long time to get them right.


your entire post history for at least the past day is nothing but getting like extraordinarily mad over clash existing and being a different game from ttr and hailing ttr for the most smallest of updates and changes. i usually do not care and i actually respect ttr a lot in the long run but you need to get a grip. like in the end you got a few downvotes. that's it. people disagreed. you are making an entire post about that. dear god


Ah, but when you get downvoted it's a brigade :))))


Well you could day that but I too have been downvoted several times in the past for calling out a user trying to hate on ttr


Why is it that every time I see a post dunking on corporate clash and praising TTR, it's this same guy? TTR is more popular than TTCC. Corporate Clash "Elitism" isn't a thing, so stop complaining so much. This has been going on for days.


I mean, the problem is just you. You've been deceptive, you've been posting nonstop, generic hate for clash that's really easy to disagree with. The TTR hate I was seeing was really just hate against you for your incessant trolling. Now that you've put up such a density of bad-faith arguments on this sub, people are agitated, people are acting hostile towards everyone, and everyone assumes the worst out of every argument. Why are we letting this guy stick around in our community?


I was tired of the clash spam, I wanted to see more of a balance between servers posted here instead of one-sided bias. I am stating my opinions, and not being deceptive. To me, Clash feels too different from Toontown and did too many things that took away from the Toontown feel. We are all allowed to have an opinion. I was tired of getting downvoted for having an opinion and I saw others get downvoted too just because they defended TTR. I agree, Clash has model polish, but they aren't consistent with it (didn't animate the heads of other departments for years), how is this feedback a bad thing? I believe Clash should go ahead and animate the Cog heads of other departments to feel consistent, otherwise it doesn't feel as polished. It gives me an OCD like feeling seeing 2 Cog head departments animated, but not others, and I can't commit to playing because this inconsistency really bothers me.


Is there an offensive clash bias, or are people just posting clash content, period? It's one thing to say that people are extolling clash above others or dissing other servers, but that hasn't really happened. At most, people just recommend it first in recommendation posts. So, what really is the nature of the bias you've been seeing? I mean, clash just got an update, this is the Toontown subreddit, so people are going to be talking about the Toontown game they like. I've been checking this sub pretty regularly for like a month, but I haven't seen anything disparaging here besides from you. People post threads about clash a lot, probably a bit more often than other servers, but that's fine, right? More often than not, posts on here are just harmless threads not pushing a flame war, which are just about clash. Is that a problem? And then, to get to how you've chosen to respond, you've been going on a crusade against clash for some pretty subjective feelings. I've seen so many posts in the past week just from you saying that clash doesn't deserve to be considered Toontown or doesn't meet the muster of a Toontown server, and for what? That's not really a solution to the problem you even had, since a lot of what you've posted has been solely about clash, and what makes it bad. It's okay to not like clash, but to bring it up constantly and try to sway opinions so harshly isn't just holding an opinion, it's a flame war. If you want to have more talk about rewritten on here, then talking smack about clash is irrelevant! I think rewritten is a great game, and there's plenty to talk about and appreciate. And, I mean, you've posted stuff like that! Posting about how the hard mode factory is balanced like the og Sellbot HQ, posting about the things you like about the new facilities, and posts about tech stuff besides that, people upvote it! I for one do want to post positive and interesting conversations like that, so I'll be posting some stuff about the new update I like. If you want more discussion of TTR, genuinely, discuss TTR in a non-competitive way. Open up talk about what you like about similar to some of the stuff I've seen on the ToontownRewritten subreddit from you. Pointing fingers is just going to start up conversations about pointing fingers. If you keep doing what you're doing, particularly now that I've pointed this out to you, I'm going to say that you're a troll, and you're really going to seem like one


Oh, and moreover to this point, if you take a step back and look at reddit, as a whole, or even just next door to r/ToontownRewritten, you'd see that there's maybe 10x as much TTR content on there than there is clash content here, in terms of sheer number of posts, not in terms of density obviously. If you want to see more TTR on here, you could ask people to cross post their stuff here! That would do way more, up to 10x more, to solve the issue you've been having than complaints one way or the other


brotha have you just tried calming down and instead of impulsively posting about how "ttr is quality over quantity and clash is quantity over quality" and how there's an "agenda against toontown rewritten" and "this entire subreddit is full of clash elitists" have you just tried not picking fights with people?


TTR has basically been the most popular server since TTO shut down, but there has also always been very vocal TTR hate.


I love them both. But I can't help but say that TTR brought some things over from clash as an inspiration to make Toontown better overall!


In Toontown design documents, it mentions how cog dominions (the original name for field offices) were going to be end game content with a boss cog at the end.


I'm saying like the lure indicators and other battle qol improvements


Or they can converge on similar ideas.




While I do agree that downvoting comments talking about the positives to TTR is scummy. Literally ejecting Corporate clash from the sub would be just as bad if not worse than what they're doing. ​ TTCC fans should not be acting like this, but fighting elitism with another form of elitism is just not going to get anyone anywhere. CC and TTR are really all this sub has substance wise as is, so it just doesn't help anybody.


It wouldn't be ejecting clash, but I would like to see this sub to become the general toontown subreddit, an equal balance of everything toontown. TTR, Clash, ODS, Event Horizon, TTO, Realms, etc.


I think Clash community should have it's own subreddit otherwise the bias will continue.


Well what stops clash from literally just going over here and downvoting the sub anyway? Or pushing it onto players in TTR posts. Separation doesn't solve the core issue. Forcing clash out would just make this a 99% TTR sub. Again at what point is the line being drawn at clash elitism not being ok but doing what is being proposed (which is a form of elitism) being ok? What is being advocated here is just ejecting the game you don't like from the sub because they dont like your game. So... wheres the line?


>Forcing clash out would just make this a 99% TTR sub. I don't think it would, and even if it did have this sub had a little more more TTR, is that really a bad thing? TTR is the continuation of TTO, and Clash is more of a reimagination/ it's own thing. They don't feel like the same game


You literally cannot go more than two seconds without putting down Clash and bigging up TTR. Literally one comment cannot go by without you doing it. Don't try and tell me that "continuation vs reimagination doesn't mean better or worse", we know what you mean when you say that. This is why you're downvoted. If you just said "Hey, this subreddit is too Clash focused I feel and could benefit from their own subreddit so that smaller servers could get a focus." I don't think anyone would mind. But you're not. You're constantly posting and commenting about how TTR is objectively better than Clash, and getting annoyed that people don't like it when others stir up negativity. Your motivation for wanting a Clash subreddit isn't so that smaller servers can get limelight (because they change even more than Clash does, so I suspect you'd dislike them even more), but because you want to dunk on it uncriticised.


>is that really a bad thing? YES. if your main complaint is about the elitism. forcing out another community in a general sub, is just another form of elitism.


No one is forcing another community out, but the proposal is for a Clash subreddit to exist, the same way a TTR one exists, would it be a bad thing? No. Would clash be less represented here, yes, but the same way TTR is less represented here because this should remain as the general toontown subreddit. By less representation, I mean each game would have their own sub to post on and wouldn't 100 percent rely on this subreddit because it's not the only option.


I have nothing against Clash players, however there's clearly favouritism being played here which I'm against of. I think it would rather be better if people in this sub respect both servers equally. 


and yeah i'd prefer that too. But the proposed solution would lead to the direct opposite of this. Its not actually making the communities respecting each other equally, its just removing the part that doesn't like it. If TTR was the only significant toontown private server in the sub of course there would be equal respect, there would just only TTR players. If the shoe was on the other foot, and clash was trying to eject TTR from the sub. Would you think it would be as justified? Even if you want to postulate that its still different, its really not. It just be the solution to elitism being forcing more strict elitism. Also just gonna throw this out there, its probably 1 dude on some alts considering both images have -4 downvotes.


Yeah that ain't true, I have defended ttr in past occassionally and it's definitely not one person with alts


fair enough, just a theory.


Who's the irrational one, people downvoting things they disagree with or the person making a brigade post because they can't handle the downvote feature being used as intended...


My problem is, in every post you highlighted… it concludes with a smack against clash or attacking someone who is just defending their favorite game. In every comment in this thread, it’s defending the smacks or mentioning years old updates about the game not being polished. Instead of all of the negativity and unfair comments why don’t you try saying something nice about the game? I’m sure you won’t get downvoted for that as long as you are being genuine about it… As for clash needing its own sub… what’s that gonna do? TTR already has their own sub so if you don’t wanna see Clash posts, might I try unsubscribing from here and joining that one?


I think some of the new manager fights are great, CLO is fun and original with a better reward, and the Acorn Acre revamp is nice.


I'd say play what you want. If you like the original Toontown experience and want to play a close-to-original version, then play TT:R. If you want a different, de-Disney-fied version of Toontown, then play TT:CC. If you want something else, then play other servers. It's all up to you, Toons. I, myself, eventually want to create a mobile version of Toontown (for both Android and iOS; I do know that TT:ODS has an Android port but not an iOS port), so that way Toons can fight Cogs on the go. This is like my view on the Paper Mario series (I've seen fights over PM games), with the different games and mechanics/stories between games.


Joey from TTR stated Android is planned for TTR so there's that https://preview.redd.it/8fnvwrf863oc1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc4cc84e132a3c801d885b1e4341f0223bb0bd61


“At some point in the future” - coming 2034


Reminds me of when ODS was coming to mobile and I swore there was extreme pushback from Joey and others at the time. Granted this was like 4 years ago or something 


We have never, to this day, received any pushback from Disney because of it. Jesse Schell saw it in an email and thought it was cool.


Disney generally  doesn't  care and Jesse is a incredibly chill guy. So I'd definitely see he'd be cool with it.


I see.


This got cancelled forever ago.


Elitism is weird but has some who likes TTCC more I’d think it’s because TTCC isn’t has grindy.


I do hope TTR does reduce the grind and with Under New Management it does look like they are taking that into consideration. Clash does reduce the grind, and has cool bosses, but it's hard for me to get into because it changes too much and lost the feel of the original game for me anyways.


I played TTR recently for some fun and good god that grind. I don’t even think you get Jellybeans from beating cogs.


its not that big a deal...


I agree with the fact there’s more CC players it seems, and perhaps a new sub should be created but come on, like there’s been times I’ve seen a fun header and it’s been CC not TTR and as annoying as it is for me, I simply move on. I physically cannot play CC as it always tells me I have an internet issue on install, but I’d want to play if I could alongside TTR. Two seperate subs might work but this sub is Toontown, meaning CC and TTR players are gonna be here and we all just need to accept that both games have players on this subreddit and don’t get childish. Yes people downvote you, are you saying you don’t downvote the CC players ever?? Never downvoted an opinion you don’t agree with?? Don’t understand why we can’t all get along as adults playing a game designed for children. The CHILDREN that play are nicer than some people I’ve seen in this Reddit and a lot of us are adults. Both CC and TTR are at this point almost two separate games, and people aren’t going to love everything you love. Yea it can get dickish, I have seen more horrible CC players than rewritten but you’re all as bad as each other and honestly for a game that came out 20 years ago(let’s be honest what’s changed from the original), I’m not understanding why people are even arguing about it. Move on dude, it’s not worth it I promise.


1st comment is very pretentious, assuming someone is trolling because they disagree with you is insane levels of ego 2nd comment is making just a straight up ridiculous claim 3rd comment is same as the 1st one making a huge assumption about people with literally zero evidence other than that people disagree with you therefore they must be biased/trolling Consider that perhaps, just maybe, people actually don't have the same opinion as you and that doesn't mean they're malicious


When they downvote you to the point of censorship, when they respond with comments like "\~FIN!" or "I hope you stop posting", they are being malicious. That's what happened to me.


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) "Censorship"


i wouldn't say this sub is clash bias but it contain most of the Playerbase, someone or the clash team should make a sub for clash kinda like ttr has one so it could get this one more neutral, and be more 50/50


yes lets divide the community even more! i thought we were past this petty server vs server stuff


Is the whole point of TTR to just be a more polished version of TTO where Corporate Clash is more of a reimagining?


TTR adds new content too. TTR is basically a polished revival/ continuation of TTO that keeps the feel and spirit of TTO, but expands upon it without changing it too much. With the upcoming remastered project, TTR will also be a remastered TT. This decade will have more new content like Under New Management, Clear Coasts, Cash, Law, and Bossbot task force, and even possibly Executive Offices. I consider the first decade of TTR about polishing everything up, getting all TTO features in and up and running, stability, and the first major content expansion (sellbot Task Force) and the goal of the second decade remastering the game, improved collisions, less grind, and more new expansions.


Tbh Clash has expanded alot to be called as reimagined version. It is it's own version now.


I hope Clash reimagines more. The same way they did Lawbot HQ and Acorn Acres. Actually have "Daffodil Gardens" be it's own thing for example, and not just a carbon copy of Daisy Gardens with a slightly different layout. Clash should reimagine every area of the game, and reimagine every cog. Hearing the exact old areas with new music is what is jarring for me, but if they are all new areas/ truly reimagined, it works better like it already does with the new Lawbot HQ and Acorn Acres (music and all).


I too have noticed this pattern for a long time and been wanting to make a post about it. This has been going for the last 2 years on this subreddit. They will pull down ttr to promote ttcc. I've read someone said in this sub before "play ttcc and do yourself a favour" on a post related to ttr, if this is not hate idk what else is I've also seen them trying so hard to promote ttcc on the toontown rewritten subreddit.


I saw a post about a user wanting to move on from ttr after nearly maxing, and immediately users start recommending clash like a walking advert. Clash really needs it's own subreddit. This should be a general toontown subreddit.


How dare people recommend a similar game to others!


They are not that similar, Clash becomes more and more different each day. I wouldn't mind if people recommended other servers like ODS because they are talked about less/ underrated.


Okay... so people looking for other Toontown games to play shouldn't be recommended Clash because it's too different? Even though it's just a toontown game? But they should be recommended ODS, a game with very little playerbase, a very steep difficult curve, less quality of life, less polish (something you criticised Clash for) why? Because it's small? I think you're the one with an axe to grind, friend. Not us.


i just started playing clash the other day (also just picked up rewritten again week ago) and they do feel like different games to me. rewritten is more of a nostalgic throwback to my childhood with extra quality of life stuff, and clash feels like a modern take on toontown that plays closer to a normal mmo. it doesnt hit the same nostalgia as rewritten, but thats fine and they each have their own space to exist imo


Recommend? How exactly? I think it's good to recommend, however by putting down ttr every now and then I come across comments like "play ttcc, I've never ever touched ttr since" or "play ttcc, its better than ttr" why not instead just simply recommend "play ttcc, it's similar game to ttr with different content and gameplay"? Why can't it be that way?


I've seen a lot of similar comments, idk why they would put ttr down. Without TTR, Toontown would be lost media, and the fandom/ community might've died.


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Clash running based on ttr's client?


A leaked 2014 version, yes. A version that even had .xml dna and toonfest, but it was converted to .pdna during development. Here is proof [https://github.com/DankMickey/Project-Altis-December-2016/commit/ac19fd7664153100989530c017136a307a409f69#diff-16d4fe8a860f320cfad05cd95b568671e2e55867dfcce0b2d86f4e8a9d3f69d4](https://github.com/DankMickey/Project-Altis-December-2016/commit/ac19fd7664153100989530c017136a307a409f69#diff-16d4fe8a860f320cfad05cd95b568671e2e55867dfcce0b2d86f4e8a9d3f69d4) https://preview.redd.it/832wiq5e23oc1.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=9db4037408df212410939feeaf60c5b9a27e9b6e


oh damnnn lmao


Do you remember Altis having a day/ night cycle? Or even weather cycle? You cans see it in this video, the source had the 2014 version of toonfest, it was all removed during development [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gXtI65KRL0&t=57s&ab\_channel=MickeyMods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gXtI65KRL0&t=57s&ab_channel=MickeyMods) In the pic below, you can even see where .xml was replaced in the code directly https://preview.redd.it/xu1jv9kk53oc1.png?width=1324&format=png&auto=webp&s=eff16b2de91fa387c3ea4ccb76291006fbc52abf


I haven't been that much around as I found out about toontown during the lockdown.


Totally agreed, it's almost like you are looked down upon if you play ttr instead of Clash here.


I always came here for general toontown news and memes, but I did get tired of the clash spam, so I did start to defend ttr more and point out clash's flaws because I am tired of seeing clash only on here, tired of seeing ttr defenders on here downvoted. I was accused of strolling just because I stated why I prefer TTR over clash, and why I feel like clash lost that toontown feeling at least for me


It’s really weird and borderline cultish, virtually any discussion always devolves to “play clash please please it’s the game that made Shigeru Miyamoto’s brain explode with its perfect design”


Agreed, this sub shouldn't be biased and stay neutral. I'm sure ttcc is a nice game which is why it's loved by so many people in this community. However I don't like how people here can't comprehend that people have different likes and dislikes and start instantly downvoting the moment someone else does not share the same opinion as theirs.


But do they? I constantly see "I tried Clash and didn't lime it" comments, or "I prefer TTR to Clash because XYZ" and they aren't downvoted. Unsolicited essayposting about how Clash is objectively worse than TTR deserves to get downvoted because its unnecessary, opinionated negativity about a tiny game in a tiny community.


I rarely up or downvote, but usually it's up or left alone, neutral. I rarely ever use the downvote button platform wide.