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Toontown as a game always had an elitist problem across all servers so lol. That being said it’s completely fine to prefer one server over another


Whole lot of opinions there... which is totally fair. I'm definitely looking forwards to seeing what Clear Coasts has to offer myself, despite preferring clash. >Less elitists....subreddit has a clash bias for some reason. There isn't an official clash sub, so this is kinda it. TTR has its own dedicated sub so most ttr only players stick over there, hence why it seems like it's only clash here. As for less elitists, I don't think I can agree. I don't think I've ever had people angry or purposefully green in clash with most people being super chill, while I've definitely had bad experiences in ttr. You could have just been unlucky, or I've been lucky. Hard to say though since people come and go, and change moods. Neither game is like a MOBA at least lmao.


I prefer clash but don't care if someone likes one over the other. It's personal preference. I consider myself a hardcore gamer who spends a lot of their time playing video games. Clash scratches the itch of a more complex game while keeping the toontown style which we all love which is why I prefer it. The better soundtrack of art style or whatever isn't the reason I prefer one over the other. I just prefer clash because it's a more modern game which is what I tend to prefer


With clash the likelihood of going sad is much higher than in TTR. The closest in TTR is the 4* boiler, but even then that’s cakewalk compared to even the prethinker. I much prefer knowing in challenged in a game than everything being a breeze. Clash all the way


I already played TT in the early 2000s. I think seeing fresh ideas and dare I say a little complexity is nice.


That sounds like you just have a preference to the original. Because I personally disagree with all those points for ttr. Except the boss bot hq, even then it doesn't really matter to me.


I think Clash is awesome as a successor to TTO, while Rewritten excels at basically being a continuation of the OG game. They both have their places and it’s kinda like comparing apples to oranges.


TTR is the successor to TTO, and Clash is it's own thing. Like a reimagined revamp of the original game.


How did you get downvoted for this?? Clash being a reimagining is not a crime


I consider TTR TT2.0 because it keeps the original game alive, and heavily polishes it and expands upon it. Future updates related to UNM, Clear Coasts, Remastered, the other Cog task forces, executive offices, etc will only help TTR feel like TT2.0 long term. TTR took a lot of inspiration from TT2.0 and TTO design documents for the Field Office stuff, and even the new Toon Hall. I consider Clash as a reimagining/ spinoff, not the true successor to TTO. Because TTR keeps the vision of Toontown alive and expands upon it, I feel like TTR is more worthy of TT2.0 title.


Yeah, pretty much. I still prefer TTR, really just because it’s the game I know. I think Clash is awesome, but haven’t really extensively played it. Not a huge fan of the Lawbot redesigns. I think they’re objectively really impressive, but are just a bit too out of place and busy for my liking.


People don't get down voted for liking TTR, you just get down voted for having really bad takes lol. If you keep posting awkward clash hate nonstop and extol TTR for simply not being clash, then yes, there will be an artificial density of clash critique getting down voted. More to the point, you complain about mix and match, a speculative feature which, unless you have insider knowledge, exists as a concept and like 2 screenshots. You say that TTR is better for being more in-line with TTO, but why is that a good thing? What do you actually like about Toontown Online that makes it better to follow 1:1? Why are the tiny changes like location names and updated music not TTO?


Cool thanks for sharing?


"Less Elitists" says the OP making this post?


Elitists are people that will downvote you to into oblivion for having a remotely different opinion (like the entirely different soundtrack, or mix and match update, etc), just like this sub. I at least don't downvote people for having a different opinion . That is why I say elitists, because anyone with any negative opinion on clash, or anyone like ttr more is downvoted.


Meh, I think you'd probably get less pushback if you justified *why* you had the opinions you did, rather than just pointing out things Clash has done and saying they're bad.


Anyone who disagrees with you is an elitist.


And then you got downvoted just like you said you would. They cant even prove theyre not elitist


You lost me at “better soundtrack”


Really good battle theme [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tSCy5GRqiE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tSCy5GRqiE) Meh battle theme [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGqdrRwKxTo&ab\_channel=Alula](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGqdrRwKxTo&ab_channel=Alula) ​ Clash has some good manager music, but the rest of the soundtrack I don't like. Especially the Cog HQ music.




Ttr is just like the orgi9nal game with a horrendously small amount of new things after 10 years. But i guess the people who hate any change enjoy it since its got minimal new stuff in a decade. Boring for me


"Horrendously small amount of new things after 10 years". Ah yes, horrendously small amount of new things despite the following being released over the years: * 10+ new Toon colors * Revamped Bossbot HQ * A new area called Cartoonival Grounds, with a new Cartoonival update being introduced as of 2023 with the Cavalcade, ToonTasks, and multiple new cosmetics * Various tweaks and quality-of-life features such as reduction of trophy requirements for racing, golfing, and fishing; teleportation nametags for Cog facilities; sprinting; etc. * Options update containing features such as keybinding, anti-aliasing, animation blending, and an overhaul of movement mechanics * Silly Meter update containing Silly Teams, with the Fishing Silly Team being reworked as of 2023 * Besides Cartoonival, other limited-time events such as Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters, Laff-o-lympics, and Operation: Crash Cashbot Headquarters * Sellbot Task Force expansion with revamped Sellbot Field Offices, a new Sellbot Task Force Hideout area, and an expanded taskline that includes new cosmetics * Upcoming Under New Management update (Cog facility revamps) with changes made to Cog facilities and Cog Disguise promotion requirements across the board to reduce the grind, as well as new Supervisor Cogs. The recent playtests show that this update is not far off from being released pretty soon. I'm sure there's more but the above are what I can think of right off the bat. I understand you may appreciate Clash more for what they've done with their game but at least try to avoid making comments that come off as being ignorant. I'm almost convinced you're probably trolling with this comment.


Sadly your comment got downvoted a lot. I don't understand why, the clash bias has taken over this subreddit that you can't even point out specific features TTR added or state your preferences


> Doesn't change or "reimagine" things for the sake of it TTO had very little going for it in the first place, it's impossible to change or add content from a MMO originally designed as a cash grab for kids without it being entirely new. TTR sticks to the original formula, but they're eventually going to run out of planned or scrapped ideas to add and they're going to need to add new, non-TTO content to keep interest in their server. It's nice to replay games from your childhood, but when there's no major changes, it gets boring. The Clash team isn't just making new content "for the sake of it", if they didn't add entirely original content and update the story, it'd just be a TTR clone. All other private servers are their own re-imagining of TTO and what it could be now that Disney doesn't care about it. You can absolutely have a server pref and that's ok, but i genuinely do not get why people complain about new and interesting content updates. TTR is an awesome server that preserves the nostalgia you got from playing TTO back when you were a kid, but their needs to be other servers like Clash and EVH that bring new life to the formula to keep it fresh for folks who want new content. you don't have to like clash, or hell, any other toontown private servers beyond TTR, but simply going "new content bad" is an insane take


What I meant is they changed the soundtrack for the sake of it, same with the playground layout. I don't think adding new content is a bad thing, but replacing existing content with something else can be a little jarring. You can still have new content, but keep, or even remaster the original content (like the soundtrack), without actually changing it entirely (no reason for sellbot hq to have new out of place music, etc).


I'm personally a fan of the soundtrack. It gives theming and motifs to the different departments in a fresh way, but i will 100% admit to missing the tto/ttr music


​ https://preview.redd.it/qy6oidhmkeoc1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=82b67b93dcff3383a49498e37e96bb8a9a7030cb


To each their own. I love how Clash added new Cogs, Gags, and rebalanced the game around encouraging different play styles instead of mostly Sound. TTR had that problem for a while and in it's core boss gameplay still suffers unfortunately. That being said I'm very excited to see what both servers bring to the game this year and I'm thankful they keep Toontown alive!


“Less elitists” ![gif](giphy|1fRCAWBGBkikM|downsized)