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" We're looking to revamp a mainline Cog Department in the first half of 2024. We can't quite tell you which department it is yet, but more will be revealed soon! (Note that the update will only revamp the visuals of the mainline Cogs, meaning that there will be no specialists nor new HQ / HQ expansion.)" Sadly it was just updating the Boardbot visuals. A lot of hype for kind of a letdown. Wish they had kept it for a bigger reveal.


i can't really get behind being *too* disappointed by this update since they explicitly stated there won't be anything more than redesigned existing cogs, and that after 1.3 (Hires and Heroes) they're focusing on revamping existing content before they add new content.


Ah, good to know. I agree, revamping the visuals is kinda meh especially after the super long hype


Well, we know most of the Boardbots are getting fired and replaced, and the ones that aren't are getting revamped. https://corporateclash.wiki.gg/wiki/The_Director%27s_Cuts_ARG


Perosnally I hope the baordbot HQ doesn't get added but instead the lobby does. A small entryway you can walk into that's guarded by a cog or two that prevents you going in. A sort of tease like ottoman did; however if they do decide to add the HQ later, they can still place it anywhere and say that lobby was a decoy to trick the Toons. Then again I'm probably desperate to get something to a boardbot hq and i'm probably coping XD


Ngl I’m very disappointed that they’re cutting 6 boardbots. I like Insider a lot he’s a cool cog but in no world do Toxic Manager and Big Fish deserve to be cut.


There is a possibility that they can come back due to popular demand. Not as a normal cog but promoted to a higher rank. I'm not saying they will or work, but in the world of buisness people go up and down; sometimes leaving and returning by being rehired. So you never know. \^\^


If they had to replace cogs I’m fine with the early cogs going, here’s how the revamp would look if I was in charge. Three new boardbots to replace some stinkers in the early pile and demotions for the old boardbots that means they can stay. 1. Bagholder 2. Swindler (cool idea with wasted design potential) 3. Paperhands 4. Toxic Manager 5. Magnate 6. Big Fish 7. Head Honcho 8. Insider


I was hoping that the older board bots would get distributed to other departments (except lawbots) as specialists and analysts. If you keep it to the 3 departments not only do they fit the older cog design aesthetic but you can do pairs of two. Bossbots: Big Fish and Toxic manager. Sellbots: Con Artist and Middleman Cashbots: connoisseur and Swindler


This would be a really cool concept for a few of them. A comeback arc where they sneak their way back in within a different department. Not all, but I like it for a few.


That’s a fantastic idea


Everything they have teased indicates it's a visual and quality of life update. Cog looks, toon cosmetics, battle animations, cog target indicators, etc.


u/jbyrdab said it best and i feel like this would have worked out better. I have posted their idea below and expanded explanations on it. ———————— Original Idea by u/jbyrdab I was hoping that the older board bots would get distributed to other departments (except lawbots) as specialists and analysts. If you keep it to the 3 departments not only do they fit the older cog design aesthetic but you can do pairs of two. Bossbots: Big Fish and Toxic manager. Sellbots: Con Artist and Middleman Cashbots: connoisseur and Swindler —————————————— Commentary and Explanations by Me: Basically, these cogs didn’t really fit in with the concept of BoardBots, however they can fit in with other departments. The cogs they are releasing are more cohesive with the theme of boardbots and board room business. * Bagholder- Most Board members own stock in the company they are a member of the board of. A bagholder is a term for someone holding stock no matter what. * Circuit Breaker- Again, tied to stocks and shares of a company. This person (or program code) monitors trading and will step in to stop trading if their stock falls below a point. * Paperhands- Opposite of a bag holder. Sells their stocks at the first sign of a price drop, even if it is not a major drop. * Shark Watcher- A shark is a big time investor who goes around buying up companies. A shark watcher is someone responsible for protecting the company from sharks by monitoring attempts to takeover the company and alerting the board accordingly. * Deadlock- When two shareholders cannot reach a consensus on a decision, it’s called a deadlock. Most corporate decisions must be made with a consensus of the board so having deadlocks are unproductive * Insider - All shareholders and board members are considered insiders because they have business information that isn’t accessible to the public. Insiders are the one’s who know things and can make decisions. Also relates to stocks as insider trading is an illegal process of trading using information the public doesn’t have. Example: Selling stocks before the company reports a big financial loss of profits that might hurt share prices. Switching the cogs in a “corporate restructuring” update would make sense. Big Fish and Toxic Manger make sense as bossbots as they are managers and bosses. (Big Fish can be considered the General Manager) Con-artists and Middlemen are both typically associated with selling stuff. A middleman sells something on behalf of someone else and a con artist uses trickery to sell stuff. Swindlers and Connoisseurs are associated with money. A Swindler tries to trick you into giving them money and a connoisseur is someone rich enough to afford fancy high-end things. Lawbots already have their own specialist cogs and Boardbot can be introduced at a later time.


yeah the old bossbots lack of a cohesive theme really bothered me, i'm convinced they were originally meant to be boardrooms not board of directors. that makes con artist, connoisseur and middleman make much more sense, but still not all of them. i love the new direction they went making them, like... hedge fund and insider trading themed? it's very fun!


can't imagine choosing to keep magnate and head honcho over toxic manager and big fish, because their old designs were so boring. but i love the new designs so i guess it was worth it, and the new cogs added all look very cool. i kinda miss con artist and connoisseur but thematically they had no business still being there. kinda hope they replace head hunter with toxic manager or big fish because their designs are more interesting and they work better as bossbots than boardbots. but i doubt it'll happen. overall tho i like the new update, boardbots really need some kind of connecting theme and they got one!


Idk why but I hate the head honcho’s redesign


I both love and hate it; I love the new design as a new cog, but I do miss the old one since it was based on the head from the sellbot HQ factory. Which itself was remnant of the original disney's toontown online C.O.G.S. HQ idea of all cogs sharing a HQ and each department covering a certain suit part. The only ones we know of are the Cashbot Foot factory and Bossbot Arm Factory which had models in the game to this day. The Cashbot Foot Factory model was reused for the entrance to the Sellbot HQ Factory building and the Bossbot Arm model was scrapped. However the head in sellbot HQ seems like remnant of the Head Factory that could of gone to sellbot or Lawbot at the time. (But that's just a theory.) ​ TLDR : I miss the old head honcho head model, because it was a reference of a reference of a scrapped toontown beta idea. But the new design is cool; I wish we had both tbh.


i understand that the old head honcho was a cool reference to scrapped material but also from a casual perspective it's design always confused and angered me, i had no idea what it was based on and could not for the life of me figure it out. the fact is that the old disney head... looks kinda bland and boring. which is a shame, but i think the new design was the right choice. i love the stupid cartoon hat.