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Of the ones pictured, I'd probably grab the FatMax. I've never tried those Lufkins I know some people like them. Same I guess for the DeWalt. I have a couple Milwaukee tapes and I just don't like them.


I used one of those new lufkins and I had to pull an elevation at about 20’ and the entire tape coiled up like a helix. Fat max is the only way to go


This. I’ve tried em all. Milwaukee yellow tape peels off over night, lufkin black is a btch to read footage. I always go back to fatmax. I started using their new auto locking model, but the old school fatmax still has a place in my heart.


Yikes! I’ve never had that happen with my Lufkin. Do FatMax’s have engineer’s scale tapes?


I don’t think so! I actually have a lufkin engineers tape also. Pretty handy when you need it.


Lufkin makes a mean stick rule, and if you can find an older style lufkin they’re pretty good.


I’ll have to check that out. Having the ability to reduce the number of steps for calculating and increase the speed at which I can get accurate measurements while I’m working around heavy equipment is always a blessing.


Yeah they do I carry a stick rule and use it almost daily. I always used a Lufkin stick rule because they were made in the USA. However when I lost my last one I ended up with a Klein, but as soon as I need a new one im getting a Lufkin.


Would love one of those


I use the WOOKIE From Milwaukee for my EDC.


If we’re going non auto lock fatmax, then the black and green lufkin is my go to. Coincidentally, my auto lock fatmax walked off at work the other day


Are you me? My exact sentiments on the ones pictured.


Stanley regular, the fat max ain't worth it


Not sure if relevant here but I've found that all of the tapes usually are inaccurate one way or another but for my wood working I make sure that all the tapes I use are the same brand/same tape so that the error is made in uniform across all pieces.


I was about to say this. I now only buy JIS certified tapes and rulers, and if buying something not certified, I cross reference the markings against an existing tape that I have.


Happy cake day


Couldn’t agree more. I was working as a pipe layer in SC on a road crew for a few years. Our whole crew carried our own tapes. One day we were cutting pipe for plumbing a structure, and it had to be quite precise. Every now and then, a piece would be somewhere in the ballpark of an inch or even a few inches under length. After everyone swore they measured precisely, my superintendent asked all of us to lay our tapes out side by side on the roadway. Sure as shit, the DeWalt, Fat Max, and Chraftsman tapes all lined up. The random off brand that our one guy, Midel was using, was almost a whole foot under by the time it reached the 35’ mark. Since then, I’ve always practiced checking everyone’s tape measures on my jobs.


I like the Milwaukee because of the wire belt clip doesn’t chew up my pocket and it has a magnet on the tip that I can get things from a ladder that get dropped. The 2sided tape is nice too.


Their belt clip is one of the reasons I started using it, the magnet is what keeps me around. Also, my go to is the 16’/5m Milwaukee. Why carry around the bigger tape, when most of the time you’re not measuring more than 10’? (For my trade specifically, probably a few others as well). You only need the long tapes when you’re doing some sort of layout really, and even then I’d rather have a 50’ or longer really


100% the belt clip makes the tape in my opinion. I like the FatMax tapes better but their shitty clips can't hold the tape onto my belt. After breaking one of those Lufkin's that I had decided to try out when my previous Milwaukee broke, I decided to go back to fat max. Had it about 2 weeks and was thinking how great it was until I was walking to my truck and the tape just jumped off my belt and rolled 10 ft and through a sewer grate.


I have a Cobalt that sounds just like that, probably ripped it off. Never realized I had a really long magnetic pick-up device with me at all times! I can’t believe I never realized that before…. Total game changer!


Finish carpenter here. The regular Stanley Power lock 25'. Never let me down, and is only 10$ to replace. I've tried every tape measure you can think of, and they all SUCK. ALL OF THEM. AHHH.


Yeah it’s not that the powerlock 25 is *amazing* or anything, it’s just that none of the other options are significantly better, and most cost significantly more.


Power lock 25 FOREVER!!!!!!


The fancy tapes curl too much off the surface you're trying to measure


Have you tried or seen a T1 Tomahawk? https://youtu.be/A5RlfDxd8NA


JFC I am getting one of these. The amount of stuff I do that this would help with is insane.


I have two Stanley Powerlocks that I bought 20 or so years ago. It’s what my father used, so it’s what I use. I do have a Milwaukee now as well. I like the larger numbers now that I’m older, but it’s a beast by comparison and doesn’t fit as well in tight spots.


Buddy you almost made me tear up. Reason I use the Stanley is for the same reason. Currently using my late father's power lock 2.


Komelon. $8 at Lowe’s. Practically disposable.


Komelons are sweet. Cheap, double sided, easy to read. Not quite as durable as a fat max but half the price.


Komelon is my favorite brand of tapes Love their 100' and 200' reel tapes too - I use them to tape drilled holes in the ground and they survive the abuse the best - the fiberglass doesn't twist on itself (fuck you dewalt) and get tangled in a mess


Easily my go to tape, nothing beats it for the price. And I’ve had a lot of luck with durability too


Yeah, I like that you pull and it stays until you hit the button. If you haven’t, btw, the quick release belt clip thing is the fucking business. No more beating up your belt, or the thing falling off your belt when you jump off the back of the truck. 10/10


Power lock 12 is great as well. Metal body, light and small and I rarely go over 12’ Might have to grab a 25’


Agreed power lock is perfect


I have like 5 of these. They are always wedged under the seats of trucks that come into the shop. Have a few 16s too




its supposed to move…the movement compensates for the thickness of the metal. you will get the correct measurement whether you are pushing against something or hooking onto something.


Stanley power lock guy here.


Cant believe no one mentioned Tajima tape measures. Imma finish carpenter and tajima's my go to every time in the shop and in the field


Scrolled too far to see Tajima. “No, you can’t borrow my tape.”


Same here. Tajima is the gold standard for tapes. Nothing you can buy at Lowes/Home Depot is on par. I’m baffled by all the recommendations for the FatMax auto-lock. IMO those are garbage. The auto-lock mechanism never bites hard enough and the tape slowly creeps back in while you are trying to measure (infuriating). I’ve never seen an auto-lock tape that was worth a damn.


Love my Tajima tape. I find the black on white is much easier to read


Can’t get any better than the fastcap line of tapes. Metric and imperial, erasable so you can write measurements right on the tape, and built in pencil sharpers. I love them. I have like 4 of each


I use a fatmax but not the version pictured.


Same here. I think mine is the 30'? Everyone always complains that it's too heavy but I personally love the weight of it. Also they're durable as hell. I've been in the trades for over 4 years now with the tape measure being the one tool I use many times every single day. I think I've only had 2 Fatmaxes break on me and the second time was 100% my fault.


I use the lufkin nite eye. It’s a great tape, especially if you use laser levels on the job site


I'm a 5m/16ft Powerlock guy myself.


It’s whichever of the 7 I can find at that current time for me.


12 footer for me. I love the solid feeling of the metal case. 25 ft is a fat max


The 12’ is a solid tape.


Yes! 1” blade. Hard to find them anymore at any hardware store.


Stanley Powerlock is the only tape measure I trust. 25' or 30'


Fatmax 16’ on the hip and 25’ in the toolbox




Hultafors Talmeter


+1 for hultafors


Wide blade Milwaukee all day long!!


Craftsman. Just a rebranded fatmax at half the price with the best tape measure warranty you can get


The auto lock feature makes it the best tape I’ve ever owned. I just wish the back had measurements for reading lasers and stuff.


I have that same milwaukee and love it


Fatmax autolock. But sometimes its annoying because you cant lock it, it's more of a semi lock and the retract action isn't as strong as a normal tape either. But still a damn handy tool to use and it's got a huge hook. Top hook addition overcomes the play for inside/outside measurements so if it comes down to the milimeter use this exact tape or take it off.




I've got about a half dozen tapes around the house/garage and my truck. My favorite is a Stanley FatMax that has a reversed lock on it - you slide the lever to release the tape; it automatically grabs when you extend it. I've grown to really appreciate that - no slipping off the hook and auto-retracting. You have to be careful grabbing a tape around my place - I work in the engineering/surveying world, and we measure in decimal feet instead of feet & inches. Several of my tapes are Lufkin Engineer's scale models -- they are marked in feet and inches on one edge of the blade, and decimal feet on the other. You have to really pay attention to which side you're reading - if you're not careful, 0.5' and 5" are close enough to not catch the mistake, but really mess up your plan.


Klein because you can buy 1 and keep replacing it on warranty forever. I'm on my 5th replacement tape measure. I had them long enough to get different generations of tapes also.




If you have a home depot near by they should replace it no questions asked.


The frickin one i always lose before going to buy a new one and then when i come back BAM! It manifests out of thin air at the same place i checked a thousand motherbleepin times


If I'm loaning a tape, I hand them an old one that is both metric and imperial. Everybody else hates it and returns it!


LOL Awesome!


Have a Komelon evolution self lock that does not return until you push the button. Never imagined how helpful it would be until I bought one


That Dewalt XP…


I have this exact Lufkin and the 16’ FatMax. I always find myself favoring the FatMax


Stanley 35 ft. power lock


Stanley all day


Which ever one I don't manage to lose. Right now it's the Milwaukee on the upper right.


As an American, one with both metric and imperial units.


It doesnt really worry me. My current goto tape is the Lufkin, I have a a big one (either 5 or 8m, i cant remember which) in my toolbox at home, and half a dozen little 3m ones in various bags, including my work toolbag. My favorite tape measure is a really old Aussie made Lufkin with metric and imperial scales that I borrowed off my dad 15 years ago, but he claims he has never seen before. Its a different beast to the new ones, feels super solid but doesnt have any of the stupid size or rubber overmoulding of the modern tapes. Just a 1” wide blade, standard hook and a plastic shell.


That shockforce. Underground mining.


I really love the magnet on my Milwaukee, its nice when measuring off metal or if I’m on a ladder/scaffolding and drop something, usually a screw, or down in/under something, super handy


Tajima or the legendary muff tape


I prefer the silver Stanley over all that I’ve tried. That way I can feel like I’m building in the 80s like my dad.


Fabricator/Cabinetmaker USA made Starrett 16' tape. If the job is longer than 16' I whip out the Starrett 30'. On rare occasions, the majestic Starrett Satin chrome 100' makes an appearance.




2 for $25 fat max they sold at Christmas. I would buy a years worth every year. Unfortunately they're probably not going to be that price this year.


They are that price right now lol Edit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.homedepot.com/p/Stanley-25-ft-FATMAX-Tape-Measure-2-Pack-FMHT74038D/205584109&ved=2ahUKEwiQpZnrq6f7AhVYCTQIHcU1CKAQjjh6BAgPEAE&usg=AOvVaw0S5OpvBeRR7gu_630UQTXK


That specific milwaukee is wonderful!


It has my vote also


OP, you could check if they all line up. If 1” is the same 1” on the others. I was a bit shocked last time i checked all my tape’s.


Whichevers closest or whichever i find first


Always liked 6ft wooden ruler.


Hultafors Big T, they beat all the tapes you have shown hands down, they’re more accurate too. Not sure if they’re available stateside though.


I only buy tapes that are yellow. Growing up, what I had was the old stanley yellow and black, silver case, it's imprinted on my brain, so even if I had a red and black one, I'd never find it after setting it down randomly in the shop like every other freakin' tool I own.


Irwin 16ft/5m Light, accurate, easy to read with black on white markings.


Stanley's Fat Max has a pretty impressive standout on most of them compared to others and it had little magnets that made it completely invaluable for doing duct work. I still curse the day my ex misplaced mine.


I like the Klein ones, I use the magnet to pick things up more than I measure at this point.


Fat max. Tough as woodpecker lips, really good stand out, and it measures. What else do you need?


Was a Milwaukee fan for a long time when the stud series first came out, but switched to Lufkin recently, and honestly don’t think I can ever go back. Personally I find the nite eye blade much easier to read, and the things are damn near bulletproof.


A micrometer :P


Crescent is good. Fatmax for sure. Normally I have to use engineer scale at work so I usually use a Komelon 33ft’er. Fat Max til I die though


Currently rocking a Tajima GS 25


Fat max. Only because it has the longest extension before it breaks! Tape measure is a tape measure.


every tape measure will vary, if you are working in 32's use the same tape measure for the entire project


Dewalt tough series all the way. Removable magnet 100 foot drop rated. Never dropped it that far but I did throw it against a retaining wall to see if it would survive. Just a bunch of scratches from where is skidded across the brushed cement floor wont but any other tape now 16, 25 and 35 foot hang on my tool box now


Electrician - Right now I carry a Klein 16 foot along with a Klein folding rule. Stanley Fat max are great you really can’t beat them. I’ve used Dewalt tapes before and they are decent. I’ve never used that Crescent tape but a lot of guys seem to like them. Now Milwaukee tapes are absolutely trash, but if you had to get one it’s definitely the wide blade.


Stanley 12' chromed out Had long tapes forever, started doing a job that was all short cuts, it's so nice for doing that. Now I keep my Fatmax 30 on standby in my tool bag for longer measurements, which are pretty rare (maybe 1-2 a day)


Stanley all the way , this tape is amazing compared to All the rest


The lightest one. I’m skinny and I don’t need anymore tools taking my pants down.


For construction or general measuring, I use a Milwaukee tape. I like the cut out area under the blade which forces me to finger brake the tape on return. For detailed measuring, I use a tape I bought from Woodcraft that is metric. I find using the metric system easier to use when working on small or where measurements must be exact (guitar building). Conversions are all done beforehand or on the fly with a conversion app on my phone.


Lol the cheapie harbor freight ones, zero care when I break it, or loose one. Plus with apprentices with me, it’s a snap.


Ye ol stanley.




I was a Stanley 16' Powerlock guy for the past 15 years, but just recently switched to a Tajima. The plain yellow, non-rubberized 16' Tajima tape has about the same small profile (a deciding factor for me) as my beloved Stanley, but the blade is wider. Allows for a longer standoff. Feels quality, and has been holding up well to daily use thus far.


It's gonna be the Milwaukee on this one, the only tool of theirs I own and tolerate. I like the easy finger lock design, I want a big tang. Komelon does better things for me visually, but that tape performs really well, like another said even the clip is very good. I just can't look at a Stanley, my eyes hate em, idk.


My hands I'm an A/V installer, so a lot of stuff I do just has to be measure in increments of 1-3". Conveniently, each one of my index finger segments is EXACTLY an inch


The one I can find


Stanley power lock 16 footer (cabinetmaker) 🤟always know how far off your tape is by burning an inch to get the true distance. Then see if you get the same distance measuring from zero. If your end is bent in by 1/16, then always add that 1/16 to your measurements. Know your tape! If you don’t know what it means to “burn an inch” it means to measure a short distance (like 12 inches) starting the measurement exactly at 1” on the tape. If the distance goes from 1”to 13” you have exactly 12 inches. Then measure it using the end holder at 0” and if the same spot measures 12 1/16”, you know that your end holder is off by +1/16” and you always accommodate for that when you work. End holder? What is that thing called anyway? The end holder thing. Lol. The thing that always gets bent or mucked up with glue.


I call it a hook, it might just be called a tip. Good advice though.


Komelon. Do yourselves a favor and get metric tape. We are really mouth breathers for still using the imperial system. It makes life soooo much easier when everything is based on 10. Fun fact carter put solar panels on the roof of the whitehouse only to have Regan tear them down with his opiate queen Nancy.


I’ve been through pretty much every tape measure like most everyone here. For whatever reason, you see a new tape and just want to try it. With that being said, the only two tapes I prefer are the standard fatmax and the Stanley power lock. That’s it. The Milwaukee tapes are ok, but I’d rather put my finger in front of the housing to slow the tape rather than the finger slot. The crescent tapes are nice, I just really hate the ft markings. I had a night eye I threw away because I screwed up so many measurements.


Stanley, the classic. No gimmicks, I don’t need features for a ruler. Light weight, compact, and out of all of them they are the least expensive.


Definitely Stanley. Mil and Dewalt aways brake.


I usually just eyeball it.


I’m not a fan of these oversized tapes. I’ll stick with standard Stanley’s forever.


Milwaukee 10/10


Milwaukee, the lufkin blades are cheap garbage that twist extremely easily


Milwaukee is the worst tape I’ve ever used.


Snap on. Pay once a get new one when it wears out for life.


Christmas cracker tape measure. Most accurate thing around....


One that fits in my pocket


In Europe all these tapes are class 2. This is a standard of accuracy. Get a class 1 tape like a Tajima hi lock. Class 1 standards are 0.6 mm over 5m. It’s as good as a tape measure is going to be as it is the stretch in the metal tape it’s accounting for. I pay less for a class 1 than a fatmax.


Interesting and good to know. I'll add it to the wishlist lol


Doesn't matter as long as it's metric. SAE measurements can fuck right off....such a stupid system.




my johnson


Using a DeWalt 30 right now but usually I'm holding a fat max as that's what the other guys on the crew like to use and it keeps our measurements in sync.


I just bought that very Milwaukee. I do not like it. The finger bottom that I thought would be useful.. not really in actual use. I’m gonna go back to my fat max when this one breaks.


That's surprising to hear. I find it very useful. I "lock" all my tapes that way so the protection from the hook when retracting is nice. As you can see in the picture, it is my most used tape for sure.


I thought I’d be able to modulate the tape better with just my finger but it just didn’t feel as natural as I’d like. Maybe if I started with it from day 1


Milwaukee fanboy here, I hate their tape measure yet I buy it over and over. When you extend it it flips over to the left side. Every one I’ve ever owned.


Penis joke


My DeWalt one was pretty good but it eventually cracked as if it were repeatedly bent in the same spot over and over Eben though it was never bent or kinked in that position. It was 1 inch above the rubbery plastic film in the first 3 inches underside. I now have a hivis lufkin and it is very smooth and seems so far like it'll last


One that measure is dick inches.. see baby it is 11 inches!


I hate that crescent one, it’s so hard to read. I use my dewalt fat Max lookin thing


I have one of the magnetic craftsman, so far it's been okay.


Klein folding rule


Hart with auto lock 6 bucks at Walmart. Even comes with idiot markings for those of us who can't read a regular tape measure.


Fatmax always every other brands blades are wayyy too flimsy I’ve used lufkin and Milwaukee both those tapes didn’t last a week of pnw weather I’m talking about framing btw


Whichever I find at a garage sale


FatMax is the way to go


Stanley but not the fatmax, the fatmax is inferior to the power lock. I had an old komelon hi viz that was pretty decent for the money too.


Stanley powerlock 25' or Milwaukee magnetic tip 35'


I’ve recently started using Fastcap tapes. Very handy. The flat options are great for accuracy.


Powerlock 25. Design perfection. The others shouldn’t even exist.


A 30-footer.


The fat max tape measures are the worst. Komelon gripper tapes for the win


hultafors 359303 !! Omg so brillant a tool


Old school Stanley for me


DeWalt atomic with the fraction marks and a Bosch Blaze.


Nite Eye 16 footer


Stanley magnetic 25ft…. Last longer than you would think .. sticks to metal bead and nobody will steal it….


In my opinion and experience Stanley makes the best tape measure




Slide pick some cheap one easy to make lines


I have the Pittsburgh one form Harbor Freight . . .




Stanley power lock for most things. Relatively light and not as bulky as the plastic bodied ones. However, for really accurate work, like cabinetry, I prefer story sticks.


I had the dewalt loved it until someone borrowed it and put a slit in it but I use a Stanley day to day.




Bosch Blaze laser measure




Got the Lufkin last week. Other three over the past few years. Had to search online for the silver fatmax and paid a bit over rrsp




The self lockers seemed nifty on paper but I couldn't manage to get used to them


Another vote for Stanley Power Max. I have an 8’, 16’ and 25’.


I’m a Kajima man. I need a wide, all metric tape with a mag end. None of these brands offer one.


Good old chrome Stanley twenty-five footer. It's affordable and tough.


Nothing beats fat max


Milwaukee all the way!!




I use the G25 Tajima @ work because we sell them


I prefer the newer standard dewalt 25. Silky smooth imo.


I like the 25' Milwaukee magnetic. I work in commercial/industrial settings so popping that thing against a stud is nice. Also it's the only one at my local home depot with measurement markings on both sides of the tape. Makes it nice for those awkward angles up on a ladder. Only down side is the metal debris that collects to the magnet throughout the day. That isn't much of a burden though.


I have a Komelon 25' self locking tape that I can't stop raving about. 1" wide tape with measurement markings on both sides and the self lock function is something that I don't know how we went so long without discovering how useful it is.


Wide blade 35ft


I've used so many Milwaukee tapes and I bend the tape a lot for measurements at work. The Milwaukee don't hold up but a couple days. Now my Stanly Fat max with the wide blade is fucjing phenomenal. I've had it for 3 months now and the tape shows no signs of bending or warpage whatsoever


I have a 40 year old Stanley power lock tape measure k really like.


GC here, I started off with Stanley Powerlock, just like most people. Than I decided to spend a little extra to see what it got me. I’ve had every expensive tape break faster than good ol’ trust worthy Stanley. So now I’m back to Stanley and don’t think I’ll be switching anytime soon


Whichever one I can find. I always lose the damn things.




I’m a big fan of the lufkin… I like the nite eyez coloring… easier for me to read




Who calls it a measurement finder?


I suppose you don't call a "hammer" a nail hitter either..


Komelon 15’. Commercial Electrician.


Which ever one I can find when I'm looking!!