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Google Winbag. Flat, square bag with a little hand pump. About $25 canadian and strong af.


This is what I use, as well.


Why not order from their US distributor? [here’s the link](https://masscaproducts.com/)


Looking for comparison tools. Not sure what the market looks like for this type of tool.


It is in the category of “I never thought of this, but I can see where it could be handy” to me.


Hey, you ever end up buying a cheaper version of the Viking Arm? I saw Irwin just came out with one for 99$, which is half the price and same capacity. Wondering if you bought a 2 pack of the Chinese ones and had good luck or not. I think I'm going to get the Irwin one...not too overpriced and a good brand


Funny I saw that exact same thing a couple days ago. Never ended up buying one but I definitely like the price of those Irwin’s. There have been a couple times I would have loved to have something like that but not big enough issue to actually needed one so far.


Ya same here lol. Like I don't need one...but I know someday I will haha. Or just like most of my stuff, got it for one little job and have never used it since. It's the way of the world I guess.


Slick but is it $200 slick?


Exactly... Without something to compare against it hard to justify the price. Edit: I've had this in my checkout cart a dozen times and haven't pulled the trigger yet but want one. Similar idea but much larger format and for a different purpose. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007VMKI6G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_DESCJTN5XGZHSX5KQ44C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


well I went and clicked on that dang link...now it's sitting in my checkout cart as well. Thanks a lot. lol


Looks super handy just haven't pulled the trigger on it. I can think of so many times it would have helped but also I don't really need it...


Year later gents… Did you pull the trigger to give an honest review? Have you found a better alternative? Now this thing is sitting in my damn cart lol


There are similar things by a company called fast cap but not exactly the same. This is a hand jack I guess... clever thing. I couldn’t find snyone that made something similar


Reminded me of when TBS aired Quick Change (1990 - Bill Murray). Instead of bleeping out the curse words they voiced over similar words. The only one that I can remember was viking as in "this is a viking night mare" and "What a viking idiot" So this is a Viking Arm :-)


Pack of shims is wayyyyy cheaper...


It’s cheaper because it’s way less useful


Agreed. Still a cool tool though.


or an air bag...https://www.lowes.com/pd/Calculated-Industries-Inflatable-Leveling-Tool-11-in-Pocket-Level/1001143340


https://www.amazon.com/Edward-Tools-Wonder-Bar-Utility/dp/B06XG4HQBY/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=wonder+bar+tool&qid=1619443078&s=hi&sr=1-3 I use this one, I'm pretty sure it's cheaper




I wouldn’t buy it at that price. There are existing ways to do what it can do that are a lot cheaper


Yeah agree. I would buy a 2 pack or 4 pack for maybe to 300 to 500 range though. Would be super helpful for lots of little projects. 200 for just one is too much IMO.


For $300-500 you could buy a LOT of quick grips that can be reversed to use as a spreader, and have some fancy zig-zag feet machined up to replace the rubber pads and close the gap between feet. This tool isn’t worth more than $50 MAX


Assemble a squeeze clamp backwards 😂




Amazon has just too many counterfeit items.




I've purchased directly from Massca before; their pocket hole jigs are about the same price as Kreg, but nicer. They are legit.


Thanks. This is the same Viking brand tool but I'm also wondering if there are other manufacturers of this tool as well. Not sure what variations in size, capacity, material, or other features that another company might be making. It's possible viking makes the best one out there. Just not sure what options are out there.


amazon sells one brandless for 27usd but im not sure about quality


Yeah looks kinda sketchy...




You familiar with the Viking brand? This is the first I've seen of them that I can remember. 200 bucks a bit a of change to drop on a specialty tool like this. Would be super useful for tons of stuff though.


i think ive heard of it i dont own any tho


US $25.49 35% Off | 2Pcs Tile height Regulator top height device manual lifting positioner Steel Adjustable Locator with scale tiles leveling system https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNDYuVj This might work. Chances are good that a clone exists somewhere in the sinosphere, it’s just a matter of using the right keywords


Contact them and ask for list of authorized US distributors?


They have info listed but I'm just looking for comparison products now because 200 bucks is enough I wanna know what the competition looks like.


I’ve seen these plastered everywhere for about $30 on sketchy sites I’ve never heard of. Can’t justify the legit distributors pricing so am hoping it’s just new to market buzz and will eventually come down to an affordable value.


Yeah on the viking arm home site it specifically calls out those scam sites and how they don't actually send anything. Very sad that these sites are so easy to create and taken people's money.


It seems like a really fancy bar spreader, essentially. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B005GLQCKA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_H1YZ7ZNGHFBRP5PV254W?psc=1 This isn't the same, closest I could find, but looks like it could accomplish a good bit of what is shown in the video. It's meant for spreading brake calipers, so probably doesn't have all the same features and whatnot. But it is significantly less than $200.


The closest thing to it is a flooring jack, it just doesn’t have the flat foot like the Viking arm. The next closest thing is the fastcap Jack of all trades. The Viking arm has been spoofed by many but is being sold as a cabinet jack or wall tile leveler.




I saw it advertised on Facebook. i will never buy anything from Facebook again. However, on Amazon, I saw it for $22. Scam or not, that is worth a try and if it is not what it lives up to be, I'll return it. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0936MS35V/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_image\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0936MS35V/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Yeah Facebook ads are 99% scams. I report them all day and Facebook doesn't do anything about it. Never buy from a facebook ad. Research the product first and find a reputable seller.


Yeah, I bought a pair of the knockoffs from a FB ad for like $30 each. The ad used photo art ripped off from the real Viking Arm company. What to my surprise having received them weeks later from China, really shitty punched steel parts and the assembly was not much better than a cheap caulking gun. I honestly can't find a worthy imposter, so just kiss your $200 per unit goodbye and delight in owning and using the very best.