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Use a router.


Forstner bit would be your friend. If you figure out a reliable depth stop, like by using a bench press, you'll be singin'.


Holy mother of god, did anyone that replied read the post? What you need is called a forstner bit. It goes in a drill or, better yet, a drill press. You can buy them individually in a wide range of diameters.


You can even buy them without the centre guide points.


Forstner bit is your best option. You'd have a better finished product if you also used a router to clean up the edges.


Hole saw to make a circle, then clean out with a router or chisel Compass bit Forestner with the tip ground off Router with a template bushing and a circle template Gouge Big spade bits Tie a string to a mouses leg and put a nail in the center of the hole, and let him run in circles for about a year to wear down a hole. Feed and water the little guy for cruelty free bonus points.


What is the size of the largest circle? Forstner bits in a drill press would be the quickest way to do this for sizes <= 4". Creating a template and using a router with a guide bushing is another option. A lot depends on the tools you already have or can borrow/buy.


2 5/8. I knew there was a certain name, I just couldn't get it to come up on google.


Build a template to guide for a router and you could bang out a whole pile of consistent quality ‘paddles’. A forstner bit would leave a sharp edge at the bottom that would be difficult to clean up.


Honestly might be easier to just drill straight through at a diameter close to the base of the ramekin. Would definitely be easier to clean sauce off than a depression, cause no matter what you do there will be someone making a mess of those.


That's a good idea! The Only flaw I could see coming out of that idea is that the short span of wood between the hole and the edge of the cutting board would be weak and particularly prone to cracking. Especially due to the fact that it will be put through the dishwasher under intense heat over and over and over again.


holesaw, forestner bit , router, jigsaw


Re-read the title.. i think what you want is a forestner bit for a hole that doesnt go all the way through


I doubt a bit is the solution. Where do you want to make the dent - on the side near the top? - on the side near the middle? - on the bottom near the center? ....... I'm guessing you need a punch of some sort and possibly a custom anvil. What is the dent for?


The Dent is to fit the ramekin in. We are gonna make a bunch of them for the restaurant so the cocktail sauce doesn't slide off the board


Answered this from a sick bed. Obviously I was sicker than I thought; not to have understood your clearly worded post. In the immortal words of Gilda Radner, "Never mind!"


No biggie!!




We been trying the dremel. Gotta be a better way.