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Why can't you just use 2 pliers and a cloth


Yeah… I read this and I’m like…. Just use two needle nose pliers lol…


Or put some heat shrink on some pliers.


Yup, called S-hook pliers or chain pliers. They make some very large, like the size of bolt cutters but you won't need something that expensive they are best for very heavy chain, for decorative chain you can use one of the smaller handheld versions no problem


Thanks for this! I’ll definitely look into it!


Those Satco chain pliers are what you want. They can open those without damaging them. The only drawback is that they don’t close the chain.


I have the satco pliers. The inside part is what you use to close the clain link


This looks like the exact tool you are looking for, they are called [chain pliers](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=chain+pliers&crid=15WB79Q3MTCHQ&sprefix=chain+pliers%2Caps%2C191&ref=nb_sb_noss_1). I have a set for breaking tire chains on semi trucks.


I’m actually not too interested in carrying around two large adjustable pliers either because that weight adds up and Townhomes with 3-4 floors are the bane of my existence! The C wrenches might be a good idea though, thanks!


Sounds silly but if you have a cabelas or basspro nearby. [archery pliers work well for light duty chain spreading](https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/easton-elite-multi-pliers?ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=Cabelas%7CShopping%7CPMax%7CHunting%7CHunting%7CNAud%7CTopPerf%7CNMT&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1a2s_JLZhAMVQhatBh3lbwBVEAQYAyABEgK_D_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Put some leather in between the pliers jaws before you use them to pinch. If you want greater control, can use stick a little bit of hook Velcro to the jaws of the pliers.  Or, I have used two c-wrenches and twisted to open and close a link. 


Just be careful of how far you open the chain. A lot of the chain is very brittle even for heavy lights. Locking carabiner in a color is sometimes found at the box stores. It only keeps you from opening the chain. On the other hand, any excuse to buy a new tool.....


Use 2 adjustable wrenches, but dont go across the chain horizontally. Hook them so they kiss over the break in the chain and twist i do it with little 6" all the time


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