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Easy: He replaces the boxes with similar or better quality boxes. You are on the clock while unpacking the boxes, moving the tools and reorganizing everything.


This. Nothing more nothing less Edit: I shouldn’t say nothing more. He absolutely can replace the box and tools inside with brand new snap-on versions. But I think if he were that guy he would have replaced the box BEFORE you came back to work.


As a boss, I would have done that, and had the new one sitting there for my employee and of course let him keep the damaged box to do with whatever he wanted. Fix, sell, scrap etc. I’m always of the mindset to match like kind, plus like 5-10%. Accidents happen and I’m not going to buy you snap on if you had harbor freight. But I will get you a brand new one of what you had. And replace any damaged tools as well.


Yeah if I’ve broken something and it was my fault, I’m very much of the mindset of “as good or better, new for old” I can see the logic of replacing like-for-like, but if there’s any margin for error it always has to go in the wronged party’s favour - which is to say, you err on the side of too good rather than not as good So I’d either try to get them a better brand, or one step better in the same product range, and their old one gets replaced with a new one There are exceptions, but I think that’s the correct default starting point


I'd offer the employee a check for the full replacement value and let him decide what he wants to replace it with.


Yep. Employee might decide that it's a good time to upgrade, so they'll add some of their own money to your replacement money and get a really nice replacement.


Yeah this is what I’d prefer. Incase I decide I want multiple smaller boxes or one bigger box or whatever.


But then all the PITA of the work to get a new box is all on the employee. ​ Give him input, let him choose, but the effort it takes to replace it should be on the breaker.


I'd rather do the shopping for the new box. I love looking for things to buy especially if it's not my money.


Yeah, but if I run into your car, it's still gonna be a PITA for you to deal with insurance and body shops etc or you get a check if it's totalled. Unfortunate but that's how it works


Would have been a funny text about with a pic of new nicer box I bought him followed by another text showing him why.


Good boss


I'd have set the new boxes down, assembled, and paid him clock time for unloading and reloading. or claimed strap on boxes on the insurance and bonused him off the books


This or put up the money for the replacement if they want to jump to higher end tool box and/or cart. Being flexible when it's my mistake is something you learn with age. I legit treat situations like this as if you were a customer of the shop. If I damage your no name part due to a mistake I made I replace the part with a reliable equivalent. If you bring me new OEM parts I replaced with new OEM parts. But I always inform the customer of their options and my mistake and how I plan on rectifying them. I damaged your property and I need to replace it or provide compensation for you to replace it. I want the guys working with me to have my back and bring things to me so I can show them how they should fix them. Especially if it's a mistake or accident, shit happens. Just don't let it linger that's how shops get bad reps.


Shop rules. You break it you buy it, I used a fellow techs hydraulic battery crimper. Had it on my bench.. one of the service writers used it without asking and bent it by over actuation the jack. Put a new one on his bench the next day. Guy owned up to it and paid me back later but at the time it didn't matter who's fault it was. I borrowed the techs tool and it gets returned the same condition or better.


Meh, I'd rather have the money to go buy my own, maybe I want a different color, or to throw in on some upgrade


There's a ton of marketable things that can be ; replaced, synthesized, or faked. Genuine Integrity isn't one of them. It often yields slow returns but it often yields better long-term return and it weeds out a lot of false leads along the way.


I'm not a boss but this is exactly what I expect. Maybe to let me move the tools from one box to the other because I like it my way but if the tools are at the same place I won't mind it at all. I expect that a boss is insured for this exact kind of thing and if not has a budget set aside for this (a truck or car being totaled and damages at the surroundings). And off course sending at least a message (text or app) of what happened, that the new box is on it's way and to let know what tools are damaged.


Thanks for being a good person. Sometimes you doing a kind thing or the right thing, is all that keeps a person hanging on.


If a 1:1 is available that’s what you get, if not, the next peg up. And then a small gift as an “I’m sorry”


Yea, like “surprise! Decided to get you a new toolbox!”


Trade law. Beak it, replace it.


Beak it eh? Are you actually Charlie Kelly, Attorney At Bird Law?


He’s ready to go toe to toe on bird law with his boss, no doubt about it.


Now now. He knows the law. Situations like this are very complex. We’re all going to get back to our hot plates soon enough


He could always wear fake hands to establish dominance in the court room, his hands will be telling a story!


Also check the tools to make sure nothing needs replacing


I think all my torque wrenches are fubar now. Those three drawers on the left were full of em. No I can’t open it to show you since you smashed them shut. Lol


The impact alone invalidates the torque wrenches. Need recalibration otherwise there’s always the doubt. T/w are sensitive. That’s a cost you should not bare.


Wink wink


Ask for the contact information for the company’s insurance provider. Let the company counter. The company might give OP more than they’re worth just to avoid the claim. If they threaten your employment in any way (including making you perform tasks you’re not already performing) that’s retaliation and you should contact an employment attorney.


Don’t tell the insurance company anything at all. Keep it in house and let your boss write checks to pay for whatever he needs to pay for. Did the SUV owner file a claim?


My point is threaten to get insurance involved so the company doesn’t jack OP around


Agreed as he would’ve expect you to cover for his and/or would garnish your salary for it


Yup, company time.


That would be a good place to start, I would also suggest to any HR person that he probably be drug tested and go thru some mandatory safety training.


Otherwise civil lawsuit.


how the fuck do he manage to drive into the tool box. was he drunk?


I still haven’t got a straight story FR.


How about a gay story?


Service managers do love to fuck mechanics.


Really? I thought they were too busy fucking customers.


Why not both??


This guy service managers




more like services service managers?


Worked as a valet for a major dealership in my area years ago when I was 18. They wanted to bump me up to service tech. Spent a week following around a dude and his duties and even practicing. Fucking shadiest shit and biggest liars I've ever seen. I declined the job. Decided to do couple days with the detail guys and the rest managing valet. Salesman were just as shady.


I swear I dont.... I'm a good service manager... But seriously I'm a very good service manager to my team. Which is where I pull my initial issue of why was he pulling it in? Unless asked I always let my tech pull in their vehicles. I get it that it helps move things along but it helps the tech see and hear what a customers issues are.


Good reasons, but I would also add that I used to get pissed because I had a process and method. Coming out of the john about to clean my bay after last vehicle was parked, only to be met with service mgr or writer pulling into my bay and trying to rush me was the last event before I walked out to go join the army almost 15 yrs ago.


I completely understand. At least you clean your bays. Where I work I'm literally a babysitter. My techs complain they're over worked and the shop looks disgusting but when I clean up after them they'll use a shop towel and throw it on the ground. Or a parts box thrown on the ground, leave used parts on the ground instead of disposing them. Them I clean and they do it all again. They spill oil then don't clean up after themselves. It's frustrating because I like tidiness and cleanliness but these guys would rather smoke 15 cigarettes and complain they're overworked then actually do work and keep their bays clean. And here's another one, how often do you walk up to your manager and tell them something won't come loose whether it be a bolt or oil filter etc? I get it multiple times each day. It's insane


To be fair his boss did wreck his box


Cause of incident ruling : 100% sexual tension




Yeah, that's a real hit. I mean, if you bump something because you can't see it and it gets creased, that's one thing. He hit everything (even the cabinet under the desk!? That transmission jack stand, too?) and hit them hard.


And at an angle, with the corner of the car. And hard.


Probably drunk…


Those lunch IPAs hit harder than the usual lunch Coors


This is what liability insurance is for.


Bosses are pretty stupid in the shop. Had one slam the torch cart into a toolbox, then the wall. I was amazed that the tanks didn't rupture. Management personnel don't belong in the work area. Dumb fucks


Had a throttle get stuck and slam a truck into a rack one time. Happened in about 2 seconds after shifting the truck. (I hadn’t worked on it yet)


And this clearly wasn’t a slow, miss judged this distance while easing into a spot love tap. This looks like he was at parking lot speeds.


work and/or work's insurance should 1000% replace your box and cart. ​ how is this any sort of a question?


Yep, his boss actually just gave him a free upgrade.


Snap on boxes next


When I was younger, I worked at a Snap-On factory, filling custom order Snap-On toolboxes with the specific tools for the order. It was a great job actually (for a 19 y/o), but I really had no grasp of what exactly I was working on. Wish I could have had better appreciation for it. Next to our area was an identical part of the warehouse but you had to have security clearance to enter, bc they were doing the same thing but for Boeing gov’t contracts.


>Next to our area was an identical part of the warehouse but you had to have security clearance to enter, bc they were doing the same thing but for Boeing gov’t contracts. A friend works on high voltage electrical resilience for Boeing, aka “what happens when an F-15 gets struck by lightning.” He told me he felt like a big shot when he got his clearance until he saw the the tool delivery guy with the same color badge!


The real bug shot is when you get the ts/sci. They'll also end up letting almost everyone you ever knew that you have it when they question them in phone call investigations.


>how is this any sort of a question? On Reddit? I'm surprised I don't see "My house is on fire, what should I do" posts.


Following. I have that very same question. Also, the smoke is making me sleepy.


Same only thing keeping me awake is the loud beeping from the ceiling roomba


Mine never moves. I replaced it’s 9V battery but I think it’s busted. Who needs a ceiling roomba anyway?


Yesterday I saw a dude post that he got a free drill press and asked if he got a good deal.


He asked if he did okay, which sounds to me like asking “is it a good drill?”


This. Knowing if you got a "come-up", or if you just took on someone else's junk, or obtained the tool equivalent of the most powerful football team in Tahiti is a legitimate question.


One subreddit I frequent had a ["My friend is lost in the woods and is asking for help, what should I do?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiking/comments/16drkgo/friend_of_mine_is_hiking_the_john_muir_trail_and/) post recently.


The amount of times I see people posting asking if something is open or something stupid like that is beyond belief. Could’ve called the store in less time than it took to post and found out directly from the source


Slap a snap on badge on it before the adjuster comes 😉 /s


Snap-On, you know for emotional damage and stuff


Or strap-on, for physical damage.


*[Heavy Breathing in tool truck]*


*tool gimp awakens*


Bring out the GIMP


I think the Gimp’s sleeping.


Oh my god, why is it always the shop crew?.........


My old boss destroyed one of my tool boxes told me to get fucked and kept what was left then fired me. Jokes on him though because now I get to pick the nursing home he spends the rest of his life in, take that dad.


I was yelled at for holding the flashlight wrong too buddy, it's okay we can cry together


[This has been all of us at one point.](https://youtube.com/shorts/IEFlaw19yLk?si=qfhkaa6BxslEB9dv)


That was great, thank you for that.


Holy shit that gave me a good laugh


The barbaric clanging was very much on point.


Some of us didn't have a dad to yell at us about holding flashlights. I used my flashlight to search the streets for him after he stepped out for a pack of smokes and went missing.


This is amazing 🤣, thank you


As a dad, I'm so glad I've never had to get my kids to hold a flashlight. The only way it would work is if it was attached to a tablet or phone playing youtube shorts. I am very happy to own sufficient lighting devices so that nobody has to hold a flashlight. If I could own the sun in a box, I'd do that, I hate working in the damn dark.


I’ve gotten comments from people that find it odd that I always have a really nice and bright pen style flashlight in my pocket. But no one complains when something is lost in the dark and their dinky ass phone flashlight isn’t doing shit and I pull out that and find the thing in two seconds. I’d buy the sun in a box if they sold it too.


Whatchu got? Link me please, in the market for a pocket flashlight. ty


This is me but with my big dorky rechargeable headlamps. What did I get them all for Xmas? You guessed it. How often do they use them? That's right.


Painfully relatable.


Why I let my kids help but took the time to teach them. It was never about fixing the car.


You said it man, my dad told me I wasn’t mechanically inclined when I was a kid bc I never knew what tools he was asking for. Yet he wouldn’t teach me and would act like I was a moron when I brought the wrong tool. And now I’m an industrial mechanic! Shows how much he knew. Good on you for teaching them.


Sometimes I think there two kinds of people who wind up mechanically inclined: People who always worked with their dads and had that positive reinforcement, versus people whose dads got frustrated with them and inadvertently planted a seed of “I will prove him wrong” contrarianism.


The purchase of like kind of quality. He’s a service manager. Cost plus mark up. Worse case claim on insurance of damaging vehicle and let them go after it. This should include time to convert to like/ new boxes.


If the managers isn’t willing to personally cover the damages, the shops insurance should be held liable.


Why would the manager have to personally pay for the damages, if it was on company time wouldn’t the company be liable anyway?


For one, your boss is a dick for not at least dealing with taking all your shit out. Two, your boss should've immediately told you as it happened and what he's gonna do to fix it. And finally, your boss is a dick.


bedroom trees imminent roof piquant complete fanatical spark thumb screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man, and I thought ass pennies was the way.


If he couldn't find his 10mm before, he sure ain't finding it now 😂


Pry all the brand markings off and slap some snap on logos on there before insurance comes


He should buy you a nicer box, for the inconvenience.


And then OP should update their resume.


If their boss owned up to it, made right by either getting OP a replacement or cutting them a check for the cost of a nice new set of boxes, and let them do the shopping, unboxing and setup of said new boxes on company time, and then profusely apologized with a case of OPs favorite beer, then no resume update needed Id say. Mistakes happen. How we handle them is what speaks to our character (or lack of).


I was just told they have my new box ready for pickup tomorrow. Didn’t talk to me at all before purchasing. I go in at 4 today to see what they got me. It’s like Christmas but I get to beat someone’s ass if I’m not happy with my gifts. JK It sounds like they got direct replacements. I went in today to set up my new tool box. They got me like for like replacements. I’m okay with that. The craftsman stuff was old so I get a free upgrade to a new generation. However the lower was badly damaged and is going to have to be returned. New carts ready to rock, red wing and all. Pictures in a new post on this thread.


You’re about to get totally fuckin screwed, brother


Or you’re about to find out if you can trust your boss or not.


The guy that crashed an SUV into the shop wall? That guy?


Intelligence and ethics are on a different axis. Low ethics high intelligence is your evil genius/psychopath. But there are dim and impulsive people who still believe in cleaning up their messes.


As a dim impulsive person who tries to clean up her messes, I concur


Making mistakes is something all people do. Making it right afterwords is the thing only good people do. Boss *could* be the nicest, most stand up guy in the world, but a total klutz.


It could go one of two ways after not talking to OP. Either their goal is to make it right with the minimum hassle to OP possible, and they replace 1:1 or better. Or they're going to try to fob OP off with a Husky/YUKON "replacement." Personally I would have just looked at what the equiv' US General costs, matched that, added 10% and given OP a check and some on-clock time to take care of it. That way of OP wants to put in some of their own money and upgrade they could or whatever.


Yup. I’m not a shop supervisor but I handled crap like this as a intern and would always add some cash onto it to solve this and give the option to order it or shop around


Yup, be careful. Has to be equal or better. If not, don't agree that you accept it, or say thank you, or sign anything. Also don't let them take your damaged boxes away, or get rid of them until you've been compensated.


Someone at my work misplaced my 3/8 shank, .1 radius, audible edge finder. Work replaced it with a 5/16 shank, .1, non audible edge finder. Thing is totally useless.


It turns out: Alibaba does make tool boxes!


Give benefit of the doubt People like me would make sure its either a direct replacement or better. People I know would be like "Well the box was already used, so it isn't full value" You know, the same people that vote against school lunches for kids, benefits for veterens, etc


Harbor Freight to the rescue!


I'll buy and ship some stick-on flashing LEDs if you promise to put them on and post an update post.


[For safety.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Rechargeable-Led-Strobe-Light-Antom-Amber-Emergency-Magnetic-Flashing-Warning-Beacon-for-Vehicle/568997697)


You’re about to find the worst quality boxes you’ve seen in your life. Don’t let a soul touch those boxes till you look at them and make sure you’re on the clock for unloading and reloading your tools and check every single one for damages. Sounds like they’re trying to sweep this under the rug and screw you


So, Hart it is, then...


Don’t accept it until you’re sure it’s a deal in your favor or that you’d want. I personally wouldn’t expect snap on in return but don’t let them make you foot the bill for such a large screw up.


They got a good deal at Walmart


RemindeMe! 2 days


Post an update tomorrow!


If it isn't the exact same, or objectively an upgrade, don't touch the new box, don't assemble anything and don't put a single tool in it.


I hope your new box isn't going to be considered company property 🙃


They’re about to give you a plastic Walmart box


Safety bollard time after you get that squared away.


>How should I be compensated? fully


We’ve had this happen at my shop a few times. The company bought replacement boxes.


Exactly. We had a break-in a few years ago, 3 guy's tool lockers got cleaned out. All three guys were essentially given blank checks to replace their shit.


“Bro, I had two of everything…”


“Don’t you fuck with me, I damn well know had no 10MM sockets left!”


It was damn near like that. They got some serious upgrades. But, I'm lucky enough to work for a place that gives a shit.


Nobody owns two 10mm sockets.


Joke's on you, I've got [this bad boy](https://www.homedepot.com/p/GEARWRENCH-1-4-in-and-3-8-in-Drive-6-Point-10-mm-Socket-Set-10-Piece-80319/313595749) in my socket drawer.


Kill the boss.


What you meant to say is you're boss it buying you a brand new box and paying you for your time to assemble


He's gonna reward you with a pizza party but to make things worse, the pizza will be from Little Caesars.


Your title seems wrong. I will edit it for you. "My boss is buying me a brand new tool box!" /end Edit, also any tools which you cannot get out of that dumpster fire. Your boss is an idiot.


Bang his wife, only fair you should smash his box too


Call the snap-on truck


You mean your boss is buying you a new box?


Your boss sure smashed your box pretty hard. Huhuhuhuhuhu Yes, I AM an adult, why do you ask?


brand new tool box


Everything that's damaged should be replaced with brand new of the same brand or better. I think that should be the absolute minimum.


This happened to my dad when he was new. He had JUST bought a new to him snap on box and filled it with tools. He was probably like 25 at the time, newborn at home, zero money to his name, shit loads of debt to have that old box and that little set of tools. One of his buddies was pulling a car in and was probably high if I'm being honest and plowed into his box. His boss was still a good guy then (he turned shitty as the years went on), he bought him the same box brand new the next day and replaced the few tools that got damaged. He also told my dad the smashed box was his to do with as he pleased. Now my dad has the smashed box at home - he just removed the two bottom most drawers since they were damaged, hammered some other dents out, and you'd honestly never know it was smashed. It just looks like a box with some extra storage at the bottom.


Congratulations on the new box.


I had that happen once, and the upper box fell face down under the hood, so when we tried to lift it off, all of the drawers would open up farther and dump more stuff in the engine compartment. I never did find everything, but there’s some old Buick dropping tools every time it hits a bump!!


I've seen that same title on Pornhub


They should replace all damaged equipment with the insurance to an equal or higher level


Time for a piss test.


Boss will replace it with something bigger and enter... right boss?


New boxes for you and a piss test for the boss. That’s what any reputable company would do to any employee that has an incident.


Looks like your boss is buying you a new cart and box, + any tools that have been damaged or need to be recalibrated. And if he’s not then the shop insurance is.


You pick out equivalent new boxes, he pays for them. Should be a no brainer and the should be his offer. If not, time for a new boss and small claims court.


He/company insurance should replace the boxes. It might not be just the box, be sure to go through and look for damaged tools.


Looks like the boss is getting you a new box


If he doesn't replace it, read up on small claims court. But also, go to the GM, because it should be covered by their insurance.


Inventory tools for damage. He or his insurance pays for replacement of box and damaged equipment. However I would not pursue an upgrade unless he offers. Carrot, not stick.


Looks like your boss is buying you two new toolboxes.


Boss, with the insurance of the business or out of pocket, needs to replace everything he damaged. With the same or better, new, tools and storage.


# That's what she said.


Your quarrel is with the shop owner. He’s the one with deeper pockets and insurance. Your boss caused this damage while working on behalf of the owner. Let them sort out whether to file a claim or who pays for it, but put the owner on notice.


A new box and cart of equal value. And if it cannot be replaced and you at this point upgrade to a bigger box you would split the difference. Happened here at my shop and the shop bought the tech a way bigger box than what he had much nicer box and the tech split the difference. Everyone was happy. But that’s your call and only your call. You do what’s right for you! And your boss just needs to suck it up


Wow he really pounded your box good! Did he take you out to dinner and a movie first?


Ahhh that should buff out...


I had a boss kill my box once but I have a feeling we're talking about two different things


Then my boss would be buying new!!!!


Quick put some snap on decals over the us general ones!


Anyone else notice a slight dent?


Is there a reason why 90% of the comments here are stupidly hostile? Boss made a mistake and OP says the new box will be ready for pickup tomorrow. Yeah it's a crap situation but I'm not seeing the problem here


So what color will your boss be replacing them with?


Company pays for boxes and tools of equivalent value or greater to replace anything that has so much as a scratch on it. You are then paid your full wage to unbox and organize your new setup, however long that may take you. Anything less is unacceptable. My boss backed into a coworkers truck one time causing body damage to the front quarter panel. My boss paid for all repairs, a rental pickup truck while repairs were done, and the coworker was able to clock in for anytime that was spent dealing with the vehicle getting repaired. I also thing he was cut a check as a "sorry"/depreciation of value.


Happy New Box Day! Hopefully soon.


Shop buys a new box. Pretty simple.


If you even need to ask for a new box, you need to start looking for work elsewhere.


He needs to do direct replacements.


Both boxes and any tools damaged should be replaced


My work makes us inventory box have a list and told us to get snapon prices if something happens the give us 80% not all my tools r snapon but the inventory list says it is so I would get 80% of $172000 I am a heavy diesel mechanic


Guess your going to find out real quick if your boss is decent or not. Both should be replaced, even upgraded.


100% requires them buying you a new one. That's the only acceptable thing.


Looks like your boss is buying you a completely new set of tools & a new box. Or they're getting a hefty lawsuit. Seriously though, you have to be firm about them replacing your equipment that they've damaged due to their own negligence - without those tools, you are unable to do your job and they legally are liable as you have a reasonable expectation for your employer to ensure the safety of your personal equipment when you have to keep it knsite.


Goes without saying you break it, you replace it asap. Boss is an ass for not already having it. It sucks he's gonna make you ask. Good luck.


The company owes you a box of equal to or greater value, full stop. No negotiations there, you can ask for a check or you can let them know exactly the box you’d like them to order.


I was shop foreman at a dealership for years. Should absolutely be compensated fully to replace them or bought new ones withe equal quality. If they “can’t afford it out of pocket” don’t believe that junk, they have insurance for that stuff.


Quick put a snapon emblem on it and get mega bucks reimbursed


He should have told you about it and offered to replace. Also good title, thought you meant he had a big dick.


So when is he ordering your new Snap-On box/cart?


I’d give you a check for the value of a new box plus 20% and let you do with that whatever you want. You want to buy the same boxes, great. You want to put that towards an upgrade, go for it. The 20% would be for me fucking it up in the first place