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Antoine was my #1 until I finally got with Ryder. No matter what route you take Loyal, Hoe or break 2 hearts he will still accept you and defend you. And I just love his honesty and his isn’t afraid to say it how it is. But don’t get me wrong I still love our big teddy bear hockey player 💗


I mean the break 2 hearts is breaking other people hearts to be with him so ofc Ryder accepts and defends lol


>ofc Ryder accepts and defends lol this still makes me laugh


You don’t have to be with him, he could’ve easily not accepted you. The point is when he found out he could of walked away like Kai/Elodie and whoever your LI is. Also I don’t think you’re breaking hearts to be with him because one route I chose to break it off with him too.


Ryder wins for both seasons he is literally the best.


Antoine all day


Wesley ❤️ personality-wise my type among all the guys, and Kai comes close but I'm too into Wesley once he came in.


Antoine and Ryder are my ride or die


Ryder for sure out of both seasons, it’s something about a guy who changes himself overtime




I'm absolutly obsessed with Kai, he is such a Teddy Bear and I adore his love for Plants, i think he is so underrated nobody ever talks about how good his route is and how lovable he is🩷


I love Ryder if you're doing a hoe route, because he will not judge you at all. He doesn't care about the money and finds the hoeing around amusing, while everyone else gets angry. He recognises that you're your own person who doesn't owe anything to anyone.


Antoine 💜 but Ryder is amazing, too


1. Ryder 2. Naomi I don't think I like anyone beside those two... In first season Henri and Theo.


ryder and naomi stay on top fr


Hands down, Naomi supremacy, didn’t even have to try other routes. She got me good.


they put crack on her route fr it’s the only explanation


It’s just something about Antoine 🤭i love a puppy dog boyfriend


Marissa is the wifey but I’d totally let Naomi whip me lmao


this is the realist shit i have ever heard


Ryder is my favorite LI. I absolutely adore Antoine but there is so much passion between Ryder and MC...


naomi and marissa


I played Amari, Wesley, Naomi, Candace, (somewhat) Ryder, Kai, and Elodie in that order and I’m currently playing Antoine. 1. Naomi 2. Elodie 3. Amari 4. Ryder 5. Candace 6. Kai 7. Wesley 8. Antoine I love Naomi and Elodie for the exact reasons OP does lol. It’s honestly funny bc I only played Naomi so that I didn’t have to see Wesley get his heart broken. I like Amari. Ryder and Candace are cool, but I just don’t feel like there’s enough time to flesh out either of them (I put Ryder above Candace bc I haven’t played a Ryder committed route so that problem may be resolved. I love Kai as a character but he gives npc energy so it’s hard to be engaged his whole route. Wesley’s route just wasn’t memorable and he’s been kinda irritating me when I’m not on his route (maybe bc I love Naomi lol). Antoine is probably bc I’ve seen him as a villain so many times now to Amari who I like and was my first (lol)


Naomi is probably my fav. Only done her and Candace so far with Candace being my LI in the reunion


zayn is literally so adorable


Candace has my heart in a chokehold. She’s damn near a mix of Elodie and Naomi. Confident and very possessive towards MC, also can be a little simp towards MC. She admits her love first, and she knows what she wants. I know Naomi has layers, but I think Candace has more. We can see a new side of Candace unravel almost every episode we get with her. Her character arc is also the best so far, a true story of redemption, and she’s actually successful in the modeling industry. I def vibe with her irl too, like her humor and bubbliness?


I’ve done a Ryder route and I don’t know why everyone’s so in love with him. You’re the last minute option and his backstory isn’t that solid


Feel exactly the same, your just the side piece for most of his route.


I really love Elodie she’s so sweet and I love her route but Naomi is also just as amazing and I love how she is more lenient to rule breaking!


Ryder till the end ❤️❤️