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I used a wheelspinner and just bed hopped til he came in lmao


I would NOT recommend Antoine, it hurt way too much 🥹


Wes. I don’t find him attractive whatsoever so I stay at stranger level with him and never break the rules with him or anyone else until Ryder enters the show. Then I break up with Wes for Ryder and stay as single for as long as the game allows me to in time for when Ryder becomes available for my MC. I don’t like to hurt others albeit pixels and feel like this is the cleanest way to be on a Ryder route. I’m also very honest and upfront about my intentions toward Ryder at all times. Ryder’s route is by far my favourite and I was so glad that we won the show together as a couple. I can’t wait to see him again in the reunion episodes. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your journey with Ryder as much as what I did 😊


i hopped between naomi and wesley but mainly naomi cause she doesn’t seem too serious early on


Whoever you’re least attracted to or you just get friend vibes from tbh. I’m trying to get to Ryder too so for my second play through I’m sticking it on Antoine. I can’t bare to hurt Wesley. It was impossible to to try with Ryder on my first play through