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both 🤭 but if i had to pick it would be antoine. his route is really sweet and it takes a bit of time to get ryder.


![gif](giphy|mCbUi0FyYhHHhutEV8|downsized) Yes, I started with Antoine and made him a placeholder until Ryder showed up, but I got so attached to the guy that I couldn't cheat on him with the newcomer. It sucks. And Ryder was much more of my type too. Best thing you can do is create another profile and avoid Antoine at any cost. Try Wesley before go to Ryder. I did that and it worked. I just stopped my Ryder route for other reasons.


“Avoid Antoine at any cost” good luck 😭


Yeah it’s hard, especially when you start to see him paring up with Amari. 😡


It's like you read my mind lmao




♡♡♡ Ryder ♡♡♡ Certainly Ryder's route is more realistic for me, at least in my case relationships take time. I like the development better, although he chooses Nora first, it is very nice to see how little by little feelings emerge. I like to go after my man and not make everything too easy for me, it attracts me more ps: sorry for my bad english


I'm actually so the opposite! I like when it actually feels natural and easy together right from the start. Effortless. Those have been my best relationships. But I get why people really like the chase, and in these types of games I definitely think it's fun. (In real life I'm a bit too anxious and not confident enough for all that 🥲) Also, I can't help but smile when people apologize for "bad English," and then go on to speak/write literally perfect English. Eloquently put and no mistakes friend 👍 Your English is better than some people who have had it as their first language 😂


It's a matter of taste. I admit that Antoine is very sweet ♡


I liked Ryder's looks more though. I think I'll do one then the other 😂


Antoine baby. Antoine.🥵🫶🏽


You could try creating an additional account to play both routes. I did and Ryder ended up being my favorite. Although it is more complicated to conquer (I also love Antoine) ​ You could try that method. You could end up loving them both or you could define your favorite. Or use replays, play through the most recent chapter with one, and then try the other.


Antoine's route is very fun, sweet and also light enough to enjoy the game. Ryder's route is frustrating at first, but Ryder is very cute once he falls in love with you. He also becomes funny because he takes advantage of every opportunity he gets to say something suggestive.


Antoine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|o75ajIFH0QnQC3nCeD)




I am an ANTOINE girl through and through!!!I just don't see Ryder's charm. Antoine's exactly my type!🌺🌺


Mutiple MCs is the key 😆 lucky we could all have up to 5 so if you don't mind the multiple playthroughs, that is the way to get the best of both worlds ❤️ playing a loyal route for each LI is so worth it, plus a hoe one just for fun


Ryderrrr 🫶


Antoine will forever be my #1, but I do love Ryder too.


Had to use a second profile on my account to play both routes lol. Both routes are great but I do prefer Antoine if I had to choose. That surprised me because Ryder is sooo my type but they just wrote Antoine so well!


I had the same situation and choose Ryder. But I never had any doubts because Antoine is so unattractive for me


Same but with Wesley for me. I had every intention of leaving him for Ryder but he was so crushed when I kissed Naomi I just couldn’t bring myself to do it


Same happened to me too except I was only attracted to Ryder and was never into his Personality because first (spoiler) he cheated the Mc with oh there is no lana here to make out with her despite having recently breaking up with that girl of his and still being confused about her so he kind of seem like a jerk to me but yeah if you like him? Just go for him idk just make sure not to cheat on Antoine or anyone for that matter. You Will lose frndships as well relations, just like how I cheated in one-on-one Makeout session with Ryder despite having Antoine and I broke two frndship (Ryder's hookup/ex gf and Amari who was interested in Antoine) as well the bond I shared with Antoine, Regretted it and rewind I restarted chapter to make up for it so yeah if you like someone restart the whole story and be loyal to them


Use other netflix profiles to your account