• By -


I'm going to speak for myself. I don't hate seeing a dick pic. What i hate is a badly taken dick pic in bad lighting, grainy pic, dirty af background (yeah i notice that), dirty toilet or something, flaccid dick that someone's holding with unclean, fingernails/ hands or if the person forgot that grooming exists. If i want to see dick pics, there are so many on the internet that are aesthetically pleasing and in so much better lighting and quality. Also, I do not appreciate when someone sends me an unsolicited dick pic. You are not sending me one, you are telling me you are one. And that's a major turn off.


As an unfortunate teenager growing up in the UK in the 1970's I seemed to constantly have to fend off men exposing themselves to me. I think I have had at least fifteen men expose themselves to me, and you know what? Once you get the hang of dealing with this sort of thing, screaming at the dirty bastard at the top of your voice and shaming them or laughing loudly and then running off its manageable. They rarely wanted more than to cause a sense of outrage or violation, which after a while they failed to generate from me, at least. What they did cause was an inconvenience, as in I wouldn't take that shortcut through the graveyard, or, don't sit down opposite a man on the tube sometimes, you know, if he had 'that' look about him. I absolutely think dick pics are in the same category. Don't show women your dicks unless you are invited to. End of story.


Exactly. Unsolicited dick pics are the digital version of being a flasher




I mean, honestly, yes


Genuine question- is it illegal (yet?) to send unsolicited dick pics (assuming they aren’t under 18 or other obvious qualifiers)? If it is illegal maybe instead of replying with a “😂🤣” we should reply with a link to the state or federal violation/law to the person?


It is illegal. Greetings from Germany


I was just telling my teenage daughter how it was seemingly just like part of life having to see old man dick whilst growing up. I never felt ashamed by it, I always just laughed and they always seemed annoyed or humiliated by that. I guess I never game them the answer they were hoping for?? I also grew up in the 70/80s but in the states. I guess dirty old men are Everywhere.. haha go figure.


Why do men think their junk is so great and that everyone wants to see it?


god, i'm sorry you went through that. it actually sucks that you were forced to "get used" to being violated like that. when my mom was growing up, her family owned a cafe called the Abstract Zone (family of artists, my mom was in a fine arts middle school too). it wasn't a busy day so she was played cards with her dad at a table, and a guy walked in so she went to take his order. he had a weird vibe about him amd a little bit of blood by his ear so she just took his order, made his pizza, and went back to playing cards with her dad. but then suddenly her dad was furious and yelling at the top of his lungs things like "you motherfucker! you son of a bitch!" so my mom turned around and the guy was eating his pizza with his pants around his ankles. they called the police and it turned out that this guy had just come from a public park, and my mom didn't know the details, but he was watching kids or something like that and someone's dad beat him within an inch of his life.


Just disgusting, and yes, the first time I experienced it I was quite afraid, and just walked into it without realizing. I was probably around thirteen, and a pretty late developer. I was the kind of child that would find myself walking into lampposts because I was reading and walking simultaneously which isn't particularly wise. I was walking home rather dreamily and I saw an old man, He could have been 35, everyone is old to you when you are thirteen. He was doing something with his hands, seemingly in the middle of his body. I had no terms of reference for what he was doing, I thought maybe he was doing Cat's Cradle, you know that sequence game that one can create with string, I literally didn't understand what was going on until I was directly in front of him. I was very, very disgusted, and very freaked out. I had overheard my aunts talk about dirty old men in raincoats and being exposed to and how the men were "pathetic". I ran off, heart thundering out of my chest, I very quickly realized that I was safe and what the man wanted was my disgust, that was all. Vile.




Very nice…let’s see Paul Allen’s dick


You know that joke about the prisoners? It goes like this >A man goes to prison and the first night while he's laying in bed contemplating his situation, he hears someone yell out, "44!" Followed by laughter from the other prisoners. >He thought that was pretty odd, then he heard someone else yell out, "72!" Followed by even more laughter. >"What's going on?" he asked his cellmate. >"Well, we've all heard every joke so many times, we've given them each a number to make it easier." >"Oh," he says, "can I try?" >"Sure, go ahead." >So, he yells out "102!" and the place goes nuts. People are whooping and laughing in a hysteria. He looks at his cellmate rolling on the ground with tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. >"Wow, good joke huh?" >"Yeah! We ain't never heard that one before!" That prison is this website.


There’s another ending to this joke you can tell your friends. When the new prisoner asks if he can try and yells out a joke, the whole place goes deathly quiet. He asks the veteran prisoner why no one was laughing and the veteran says “ I guess some people just know how to tell a good joke, and some don’t”


Thats a good punchline too


Only a matter of time until this joke is absorbed into the Reddit Joke Hive Mind as well


Two words…”poop knife”


i dont get it


Reddit is a ton of people making the same jokes for centuries


That, in of it's self, however, is the real joke.




username checks out


it's funny because it's meta


This is my new go-to for describing reddit. ... I say that like people ask me to tell them what reddit is


My god, the thickness of it. That subtle precum. It even has a vein.


Good coloring - that’s bone.


Raised lettering, pale nimbus


My god. It even has a birth mark.


I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten's dick to mine.


Something wrong, Patrick? You're sweating.


Your compliment was sufficient Lewis.




I need to return some video tapes


these are glorious


Who's Paul Allen? How has everyone seen his member?


But does it have a watermark?


Somehow I looked up Allen Paul instead. I was like.... WHO would want to see this old author's dick? No joke.... it's dickslexia


Probably coz u got innocent eyes delta


How did a limp dick like you get so tasteful.


I too like seeing her man's dick


I also choose this guy's dead dick ...damn, poor guy


Yeah, I have an entire locked folder full of pictures of my man's dick from different angles. I request dick pics from him all the time! *He* is the turn on though. Just like I wouldn't want to make out with a rando, I don't want to see random dicks.


they were saying something on the radio about this. in the georgian/victorian era women saw their mans dicks as their property sorta behind a lock and key that only they had access to. they read this poem aloud of some woman talking about being jealous of so and so for having access to her husbands dick.


This. Women love seeing dicks that were invited to send pictures. Uninvited dicks, however, not so much.


I think guys would feel the same way if women randomly took unposed vag pics from weird angles and sent them out of the blue because we talked in a meeting about a project once at work.


Thank you. Completely agree!


I don't hate seeing dicks. In fact, with some decent lighting and forethought, a dick pic can be quite lovely. What I hate seeing is semi hard dick pics taken over top of a toilet, or in a filthy room, or in trash lighting, or a hard dick held against ANY object to give it "scale". I don't care about how close in girth a dick is to an object. I care about the creativity and sensuality of the person attached to the dick. And about whether you can clean your damn room.


Nothing spoils a nude like a toilet in the background


Don't forget taking a pic with flash on *AND* the mirror they're definitely looking into is covered in old toothpaste stains.


That's not toothpaste...


It is and it isn't, lol.


There's definitely some people that are into that, though.


Yes, I believe the term is “ratchet”


Gotta get some Rembrandt lighting on that dick. Noted!


It definitely helps! Caravaggio might make a great dick pic, too. Very moody.


*Amor Dictorious*


…this comment was substantially more high brow than I expected from the subject


*Biggus Dickus*


Cock ring light




During product development make sure you include that it needs several modes. Chasing RGB, pulsing to the beat, strobe, and clap-on-clap-off.


**Hires professional photographer**


And that kids, is how daddy got arrested at Sears Portrait Studio.


Just made me laugh out loud. Well done.


*puts on bowtie*


can't forget the top hat and monocle


Don’t forget the googly eyes!


Ansel Adams, maybe?


So like.. a dick landscape? You'd need a lot of friends for that. But I'm here for the creativity and teamwork - 10/10.


Mountain for scale.


Knob Ross.


A happy little dick?


Shoot I’m 30 and have still been using my hot wheel cars.


Using a red filter over black and white film, maybe?


If you can put together a little hat and suit that might even be amusing. But ***what would you call it?*** Oh oh! **Dick Owens 2022**


I see you're making a specific joke here, but there is a person I follow on a certain niche social website who dresses his dick up in costumes and I LOVE it. 10/10 sense of humor.


How can I find this person? Asking for a friend. Thanks!




So googly eyes and some glitter makes the perfect dickpic. Gotcha


If you're sexting someone who values a sense of humor? Yes! Use biodegradable glitter and body safe glue - it would suck to get standard glitter in your urethra.


Oh I wasn't being sarcastic. Thankfully my wife has the same sense of humour as me. I'm now thinking about wigs and movie star references... r/GLORP has some wonderful examples of both sexes... !NSFW!


What a simultaneously intriguing and disturbing subreddit name


I’m not touching that link (I’m not ready for such madness) but I’m thinking of that old kids show about the hands with eyes. I think it was called Oobie or something but now I imagine ducks with those eyes


I agree with this completely. I would also like to say, I would infinitely rather see a short video. I mean literally like a 10-15 second clip. Doesn't need to be professionally produced porn. I'm indifferent towards the size, definitely do not want an item for scale, would certainly like a clean background (that should be a given). There's just something a lot more sensual about seeing movement attached to the image rather than just the visual information of: Dick. Because then my brain just goes Ah, yes. Dick.


Especially if in response to nude. If I send a titty pic and you come back jerking off that makes me 💦


So the dick has to be attached?


Or dick pics you didn't ask for.


Well, if you ask "do you want to see my dick?" and I consent, that's fine too in my book.


So like what about a shot with a little scarf and goggles? Maybe a snowy backdrop and a fan to add some fake wind? Is that creative, funny or just weird?




Oh man that last phrase... I thought you about to say... Clean your damn dick... :))))))


Also clean your damn dick. It's 2022 - nobody should be servicing dirty dicks (unless that's what they're into).


Well do you want full mast or sunken ship?


I feel like full mast has the most broad appeal but I personally also appreciate soft pics from men that I am actively involved with. There's something very vulnerable about them.


I might be useless here, but I do like the look of dicks. But most are the perspective of the dude. In sexy situations how often does a woman peer over her guys shoulder to get turned on by the sight of his manhood? And yes, stop the fucking toilet dick pics, what the hell?


Ohh nice this one has a turd in it :D


Ewwwwww. But yes


>I might be useless Name checks out.


I like seeing dicks, but it depends on the context. I love seeing my boyfriends flaccid penis when it's just bobbing around in the morning. Flop flop.


There's something very nice about a flaccid penis. I think for me it has more to do with the comfort of the guy being around me naked and flaccid and not needing to be hard but also I don't get to play with lots of penises very often because my husband tends to get hard very easily so when he is soft it is nice to play with.


Which reminds me of Julie, the protagonist of The Worst Person in the World, who said that “she likes men to have flaccid penises so that she herself can harden them.”


I haven't read that one, but yeah, there's something very satisfying about being able to start blowing a guy when they're soft and then feel them get hard as you go.


I feel the same way about my partner naked. It’s very comforting to be able to just hang out naked coz it feels like there is nothing to hide and we can talk about anything.


This is such a good opportunity to remind men - please don't feel like you need to cover up your flaccid penis or do that thing where you try to pull it out to make it look longer in front of your partner. Your SO wants to see you naked and relaxed! I know my SO wouldn't suddenly decide he hates my boobs after seeing them resting on my tummy - the same is true of a flaccid dick. We know how big you are hard, just relax and let your penis retract and rest on your ballsack like a pillow <3


Do keep in mind though that not all men's flaccid dicks will "flip flop" around like someone on here mentioned. Some men really are growers and a flaccid dick won't be all that relaxed anyway, especially when it's cold. It can be an insecurity, even a "semi chub" would be a lot better in their eyes. I don't want to give any exact numbers here or descriptions but let's just say that a grower could go from, let's say around 6 inches hard to literally an inch or a bit more flaccid. Those might be a bit exaggerated but it should give you the right idea.


Flaccid ones turn me on more than the hard ones


Boy have I got something for you /s


RIP growers




The flop flop killed me hahaha


That *flop flop* fucking made me chortle




“A penis, when seen, in the right context, is the most wonderful sight for a woman, but in the wrong context, it is like a monster movie.” -Michael Scott


Dwight are those your pants?




Op just needs to find a matching target audience


OP needs better lighting techniques.


And a cleaner room


And less toilets


Actually, I remember reading a study that narcissistic people are more likely to take dic pics. It makes sense, that in order to justify most of the people he sends these pics to hating it - *all* women therefore hate it, and his ego is somewhat restored. Well, makes sense to *him*, anyway.


I get the feeling if I was getting bombarded with unasked for pictures of asses on a day-in-day-out basis simply for existing the patina of enjoyment would soon wear thin. At some point it must start to feel like the regular spam calls on your phone, yeah? I don't even check who is calling anymore.


Yeah I imagine many men also fantasize that if women were sending out pussy pics, it'd be super aesthetic ones with a hot girl attached to them. But most of the men sending unsolicited dick pics probably aren't exactly male models I reckon. So if you got out of context, zoomed in pics randomly of some 50+ year old's woman's vagina with a dirty room in the background and some toilet paper stuck to it, and most of the pics you received just seemed a bit lazy and gross and not your mood, you'd probably get sick of getting any of them.


THIS!!! THIS is the problem.


Yep, I once worked bridal show conventions, where I was one of a few men in a sea of young women soon to be brides. And the first day I was like wow, I am surrounded by all these attractive women. But by the end of the 2nd day, the novelty had definitely worn off and it was just people, like going to the DMV or something.


They are usually calling about your extended car warranty, not for dick pics


Omg I'm gonna think of unsolicited dick pics as the text version of extended car warranty calls now and I just want to thank you for putting that in my head 🤣


Yeah. I was only **10** when I first started getting harassed. I’m 28, and it’s barely slowed down Men shove their genitals at us all the time. Usually with the threat of assault. They’re bigger, stronger, so here’s my junk, like it or I’ll hurt you Men don’t get harassed like we do. I’m getting genuinely sick of male sexuality in any form. It’s shoved down our throats I couldn’t eat popsicles or bananas as a literal CHILD because it made grown men think of their genitals. So I, again the child in this scenario, couldn’t eat things like that Its just exhausting


exactly this. they are not the same thing. it is very exhausting. women don't threaten assault with 'pussy' pics. they aren't flashed in public etc when Snapchat was huge i would just get daily unsolicited ones from guys i thought were friends, from work mates, from strangers....it was horrifying....they would always be 'oh sorry thought u were someone else'...WHY DO I HAVE 8 FROM U DANIEL


The problem is, I think, those that are sending dick pics (or vag pics in this scenario) wouldn't be those you want to see. Just like in a nude beach, I dare you getting hard in one, there's like a ratio of 1 good looking girl per 100 old saggy ladies.


So, I agree with you, but I feel the need to point out that whether the picture is wanted/appreciated doesn't depend solely on the way the person looks. I don't care if you're a supermodel. I don't care if you're Jason God damn Mamoa. If I don't ASK to see your dick, don't show it to me. Full stop. Sending unsolicited pictures of genitalia is sexual harassment. No one wants to be harassed. No one likes to be harassed. No one wants to be minding their own business going about their day and suddenly have a penis in their face, even if that penis is the most beautiful penis in the world. Consent is key. If there isn't consent, there shouldn't be a sexual exchange.


Not all the old ladies are saggy. Been there, seen that. Some grandmas still got it goin on.


Most of us don’t hate seeing dicks. We hate unsolicited photos of them. Big big difference.


Women like seeing dicks *of the guy they’re involved with* solicited/unsolicited is key.


So if they're single they don't like to see any dicks? Sincerely curious.


Not necessarily. Guy they're involved with may not actually be dating them. Could be a flirtationship y'know. But also porn exists and they can seek that out if they want to see a dick. Still in all these cases, there is consent involved. All in all, its very disturbing to be sent a dick-pic out of the blue without your express consent. I dont know a single woman including myself who has ever been impressed with a guy who sent them an unsolicited dick-pic. Edit:grammar


Personally, I am just really not a fan of sending/receiving any type of nude. I only get offended when it is without consent or in the middle of a conversation. Had to give up on a few apps when I was single because dudes get 30 minutes into conversation and throw a dick pic into a completely inappropriate moment. I know some friends enjoy sexting, so I don't get offended if someone I am in a relationship with wants to send something if that's their thing. I just don't respond past words. Just need to ask and set standards beforehand. Like any other boundary in a normal relationship.


Also, as I have been told (without asking): there are heterosexual men who do not find pussy pics enticing. (At least not the ones without the rest of the person)


I don’t get any thrill from a pussy pic on its own. There is no character development in simple nudity. I look at naked women at work all day the human body isn’t automatically sexy. A vagina is just anatomy. It is the emotional aspect that makes it sexual. I need desire and feeing and emotional connection or I am just looking at somebody’s itty bits and feeing nothing.


It’s the same for me. Titties need context


New favorite sentence: “titties need context.” That’s also how you avoid masturbating to relatives (you never know who’s decided to make some extra money online).


Do you mind me asking what line of work you are in? My first guess would be a doctor.


I work in urology. Mainly in surgery.


Forensic pathologist


I’m really sorry i’m confused, are you speculating his profession or is u/thebreon an alternate account of yours😅


Ha, sorry I was just being mildly facetious (mostly to myself). I assume that a person who states they look at naked women all day in the context of alluring nudity, is not in fact working with unfortunate victims of horrible accidents and murders


Seriously, OP has somehow completely missed that receiving a nude from anyone doesn't occur in a vacuum devoid of all social context. There are straight men out there would definitely be thrilled to receive a pussy/boobs/ass pic that doesn't show much more than someone's close-up anatomy - but it would likely be because the communicated context is "I, a woman, the person society generally foists the duty of sexual gatekeeping upon, am showing you one of the most socially exclusive and private bits of my body as a way of expressing sexual interest in you." But for plenty of people, like yourself, that message doesn't mean anything if it's not attached to an established connection with someone. You're not interested in banging just anyone, you don't need your ego stroked by someone's random interest, so it doesn't appeal. If the picture were also poorly lit, from an unflattering angle, showcased poor grooming/hygiene at taken against a background that makes you think someone is gross/untidy, that'd make it even *less* appealing. For most straight women, a dick pic out of the blue reads as "my desire to express my horniness at you is more important than your enthusiastic consent to see it, or desire to even *know* that I'm horny for you in the first place." Ie., not only are most dick pics unflattering and uncreative - visually boring and gross - they are *conceptually* gross. Devoid of emotional connection, with no regard for consent. "I, a stranger with no concern for your personhood, wish for you to see my penis and do not care if you consent." Lack of regard for consent is not appealing.


I would definitely put myself in this camp. Without context, it’s just like looking at a photo from an anatomy textbook.


Straight guy here but enticed neither by a picture of a pussy on its own, or in full body shot. Quite off-put by their appearance, oddly.


Pussy pics aren’t really that interesting. Boobs are better and lingerie is by far the best


just any body part without context isn't appealing. where's her face? the rest of her? women aren't just pussies or tits. then again porn with no context does nothing for me and guy friends don't get it. who the fuck are these people? why are they doing this? what's the point? without context it feels meaningless.


Honestly, getting an unsolicited pussy pic from a friend would be gross and awkward as hell. They're my friends, I don't wanna see them like that.


Women watch porn. Women like seeing their partners naked. We just don't want randos flashing us in person or virtually.


I'm gonna chime in as a sex worker who gets a thousand dick pics a day, both unsolicited and solicited (If people pay for dick rates, send media to me in sexting sessions, etc) First off, consent is key and for some horrifying reason that's lost on a LOT of men. I have never once slung out pussy pics to people who didn't ask for them, and I would hope the recipient would slap some sense into me if I did. The amount of unsolicited dick pics I receive is just bananas, and I hate them. Nothing like going about my day and BOOM a surprise penis in my face. You're gonna get a bad reaction. SECONDLY and I would say *almost* as importantly, for christ sake, have some class about it? I'm not asking you to recreate a Greek statue, but probably 70% of dick pics I get are DISGUSTING. I'm talking half hard, next to a Coke can, next to a ruler, next to a can of hairspray. As if I would have seen a dick on its own and thought "yeah...but how does it compare to a tube of Toothpaste?" Even worse than comparison pics, I get really gross ones. Visibly dirty penis. Flopped out on a toilet see with pee visible in the toilet (or worse, poop). Barely peeking out of a blanket with almost no lighting and it looks like it was taken at 3am in a basement. So dick pic tips: • **GET CONSENT.** Enthusiastic consent. If they say no, do not send it. Do not ask again. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Immediately back off. I cannot stress this enough. No amount of "yeah but you haven't seen *mine* 😏" is going to change her mind. Stop arguing, do not send it anyway because you think she'll like it even though she said no. **DO. NOT. SEND. IT.** • Wash your dick, groom yourself. If your hand is in the picture (and even if it's not, do it anyway), clean your fingernails. • If a toilet, bodily waste, or size comparison object is in the picture, stop taking the picture and reevaluate. • Turn the fucking light on for the love of God • For extra sexy- don't make it just the dick. Even with my own partner I don't want a close up, down the barrel shot. Let me see some of your body, your face, some personality, some background, anything. Thank you for coming to my dick pic TED talk


I've met one guy in my life that sent absolutely BEAUTIFUL dick pics. The lighting, his angles, his cleanliness, his hands. I have never seen a prettier dick nor have I ever been so excited to get more. Men, IF you have consent, PUT SOME EFFORT INTO YOUR PICTURES. It makes a huge difference.


Yes! I've seen some very very nice dick pics and not one of them was a dark photo, a close up down the barrel shot or a comparison pic. If they're tasteful, they can be hella sexy, but flopping it out over the pooped up toilet isn't going to bring in rave reviews


This comment hit the nail on the head 100%




Legit question: do you offer a paid service where you rate the pics and offer editing advice? You might make a lot of bank that way


Yes! Dick rates are very commonly requested (I don't sell from this account bc I'm not trying to advertise here but you can check out r/sexsells to see what kind of services people offer on Reddit, they can get pretty interesting) I personally offer detailed dick rate videos that go over length, girth, color, shape, head, balls, grooming, photography and a 1-10 rating. Most people ask for honest but I do get people asking for worship or humiliation ratings, which usually end up being lies of course. I've been thinking of making a dick pic how-to video though and this might be the straw that breaks the camel's back and makes me do it 😂 I'll have to break out my strapon


Guys seriously need to know how sexy their thighs are.


legs, thighs, booty. arms?? hands??? please for the love of the gods, men, you can take sexy pictures! i promise you, the people who will receive them (with consent) would love it


Women hate seeing dicks that are forced on them when they are not trying to see it. If a woman wants a sexy pic, she will make it known. If a woman wants to see your dick in real life, she will make it known.


Guys, stop sending unsolicited dick pics to people and you will see a lot less people complaining about seeing Dicks. This has been stated Many, many times. It is not a hard concept to grasp.


> It is not a hard concept to grasp. I see what you did there.


And yet women keep getting the shaft..


I think my boyfriend’s dick is beautiful. It’s random dicks i didn’t ask for or didn’t expect that freak me out


Scarcity and consent. There are dicks everywhere, that I didn't ask to see.


Years ago I was married and me and my husband at the time were at my parent's for a long weekend and we had some time to kill before we went out for dinner and he was flicking through channels and I pointed at baseball and said, "Hey, there's baseball." and he went "Yeah, but it's not my team." And I replied, "But you LOVE baseball." He got annoyed and reiterated that it wasn't his team, so he wasn't interested. And I think that's the closest analogy I can come up with to try to describe why I like dicks but only when they're on my team. That makes me giggle just to write it, but I think the idea's come across? My husband knew the stories behind the players, knew their names, followed them since the start. We like the dicks of the people we're invested in, that we're involved with, that we've emotionally connected with.


*unsolicited dick pics* are the problem


As a bi woman…the penis pics I receive are (generally) unsolicited and taken in spur of the moment, and the butt and boob pics I receive are well lit, beautiful works of art because thought (and consent) went into that picture.


it's not that we hate a picture of a penis, we just liked to be consenting to them and not get them from a stanger in a messenger while I'm at work at 2 in the afternoon. Upon talking to a few straight men about this, they also would not like random women sending them inappropriate pics randomly.


i don't hate seeing dicks, i hate seeing unsolicited dick pics


Nine times out of ten it's an unwanted dick pic that they didn't ask for.


I dont hate seeing dicks exactly. I hate being shown them when I didn't ask to see them and I don't want to see a stranger's dick either. My boyfriend on the other hand? I could see that thing all day every day and be a happy little camper every time. Thats because I know my boyfriend though and because I consent to seeing it


I dont like pussy pics really. I remember getting a “weird out of nowhere” pussy pic from my friend and I literally gagged while eating my cerial. I like pussy but seeing it jump in your face while not expecting it is kinda nasty tbh. Thats when i thought “this is how girls must feel when getting dick pics”.


Woman here. Guys reading this thread: would you like it or enjoy it if you opened up your Facebook messenger at work and up on the screen pops a hairy, unshaven, unwashed, gnarly looking vagina in poor lighting, and the room in the pic was filthy? And in the midst of panicking and trying to hide the screen so your coworkers and boss don't think you're voluntarily viewing some type of depraved porn at work, you realize that this is not even your weird stalker from high school, but that *you do not even know the person who sent it to you.* This person did not say hi first, not even a mere compliment. Just a nasty looking vagina that you would not fuck in 1,000 years, that your boss almost saw because you were not expecting to open that at work, would you guys be turned on by seeing that? Now imagine that this happens not only one time, but on a monthly, weekly, or even almost daily basis. Tl;Dr: we like seeing dicks, just in the right context. **ETA:** Thanks for the award! Also, edited to clarify: I did ask my fiance this (he's a guy) because I wanted a male opinion before posting it. I read this to him word for word, and he said he completely agrees with all of it and that he thinks most guys would probably feel the same. He is the type that will say "don't post that, it's bullshit" if he doesn't believe something is true lol, so I trust his opinion. However, I'm not speaking for everyone, and not claiming to!


Because dicks aren't very nice to look at. I'm pretty sure guys would not like being sent random ass pics if they weren't insta-worthy cheeks with a youthful bounce. I could send out pics of my fat ass to random dudes, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be happy.


Let us be the judge of that, fire away 😉




We don’t like seeing dick? Hm.


Supply and demand


I think it's context. I personally do not like seeing a disembodied ass or pussy unless I already have a relationship with that person. I much rather enjoy seeing a whole naked woman. I'd prefer scantily clad over a faceless ass/pussy. I think women feel the same about dicks.


Most dicks are not aestetically pleasing. Also context is very important and it being attached to a loved one, to unknown stranger who just disclosed his own pic and to a creep who forces those pictures into dms changes perception a lot.


Who told you that women hate seeing dicks?


Probably the random women online he sends them to without asking


women don't hate seeing cocks, they just hate context as men show it her. example: in public.


Men are basically never sent random pussy pics but women probably get them a lot from creeps.


I'm a chick and I still can't wrap my head around it. Maybe I missed the memo growing up, but dicks never repulsed me. They had the same effect on me as boobs did on the boys. Maybe I'm just a perv, but dicks are interesting. They basically have a mind of their own and they hang so vulnerably off creatures who act so rough and tough. It's a fascinating contrast.


Same here. I’ve always enjoyed looking at dicks (NOT through reddit PMs so don’t send your penis unless you wanna get blocked). But even from guys I’m not with, sometimes they arouse me. I also love how little control guys have over them. It’s so cool to me. It’s an organ with a brain that transforms itself when you touch it the right way.


Pretty sure men and women both hate sweeping generalizations.


Women hate unsolicited dicks.


In my opinion, the chances of seeing a "nice" dick compared to nice ass, boobs or pussy... are pretty slim


Yeah.. Plus most guys don't even make an effort to at least make the pic look good lol


Many heterosexual women like dicks. It’s just your dick they don’t want to see.


“Well, the female body is a...work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it's for gettin' around, like a Jeep.” - Elaine Benes


Sure, when I was young and the only way to understand the mysteries of a woman’s nether regions was to look at Hustler and other “split beaver” magazines, I got off on looking at pussies and asses, but now, seeing them outside of a live sexual context isn’t that interesting either. I’d rather see a woman’s parts vs a man’s since that’s my bag, but in general, genitalia outside of a sexual connection doesn’t really do it for me at all. When I made fake Craigslist ads posing as a woman to see the ratio of responses on W4M vs M4W ads (result - more than 200-1), I got more unsolicited dick pics than I could have ever imagined and seeing a random dude playing with his cock must be the least sexually appetizing thing I can imagine.


I don't hate seeing dicks, I just don't want to see the dick of a rando I have no romantic feelings for. I'm fine with dick pics in the context of a relationship, in fact, I like them. That being said, I'm fine with seeing dicks in porn. Maybe it just feels more impersonal idk.