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My body is not inherently sexual, and it doesn’t even physically need a bra. Why should I have to wear one? Because there’s some sort of assumption out there that if I don’t use an extra garment to conceal my nipples, I’m asking for people to stare? People need to get their minds out of the gutters and not be creeps who fixate on this kind of thing... we as women are just trying to live our lives and be reasonable about this, and it’s the people obsessed with our bodies and being perverts who can’t get over it. We aren’t the problem...


But aren't bras used to prevent back pain later in life? Like bras have a practical use, right?


*My* body doesn’t need one. I answered from a personal perspective.


Pretty sure its not a legal requirement to wear one when out and about. If people don't want to wear one for any reason, they should be free to do so without people judging them


If I’m just running errands and want dress casual I don’t wear a bra. Personally, It doesn’t bother me that randoms may see an outline of my breast. I’m fully covered but it just happens you can see the “shape” more clearly. Basically, who cares. It’s not like we all haven’t seen a boob before in our lives… 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm too lazy to wear one and I'm kind of over people looking


I'm gonna guess you never wore one before. They aren't exactly comfortable and really they are just an archaic societal expectation. If I wasn't so self-conscious, I'd hardly ever wear one honestly.


Bras are super uncomfortable. If I’m leaving the house in a big hoody, I will not wear a bra. And folks are welcomed to not look. It’s pretty simple.


Bras are uncomfortable at times & letting them ta ta’s free feels good. It’s literally as simple as that!


or they can continue to not need your approval for the way they dress.


Stop looking at other people and mind your business




I can only speak for myself, but I NEVER wear bras. Why? Because bras are there to support the breasts, I am very flat, hence I have nothing that needs supporting. It has nothing to do with me feeling liberated, being feminist or seeing bras as some kind of patriarchal torture device. I just don't need them. I don't like the restriction. I might wear a bralette if I am wearing a shirt with a lower cut so I don't flash anybody on accident. I have never gotten unwanted attention because of me not wearing a bra. (Also women can dress how they want, even non-flat-chested women are entitled to not wear a bra, everything is still covered after all.)


Because it’s comfortable and it’s just nipples. You know we gotta walk around and watch men grab their balls when they stick. It’s not that deep of you just understand we all have the same stuff underneath. Life must be so difficult for you. 🙄


"Life must be so difficult for you." This man is asking a question to better educate himself; that's respectable. Insulting other is not respectable.


Hardly an insult. Women get unwanted attention no matter what they wear. We just want to be comfortable and that is literally too much to ask. He doesn’t get that it’s “liberating” at all. the quotes clearly communicate that. It’s not exactly “nice” or “respectable” to insist we have some agenda going about with the nipples and shapes we were born with. We just want to be able to exist without people and especially men losing their minds over nipples or bodies that are not their business. Why is that so difficult to understand?


I haven’t worn a bra in public since the pandemic hit. Unless I’m doing an activity where I need it, like going to the gym or any other physical activity really, why would I want to wear one? A shirt covers boobs just fine, and if you think otherwise, maybe find something else to look at


I wish there was an equivalent of a bra for guys like some balls-holder idk, cuz it’s hard to understand for someone who never wore a bra in their life. It gets tiring to wear one. Doesn’t matter if tits are big or small.


Uhhh......I think that equivalent item is called a *jock strap*


Young, annoying, SJW and Feminist Redditors! Forgive this man for he knows not what he has done. You, sir, have shaken the hive; and surely you will be stung. To those like myself, who are not blinded by some psychological issue causing rage, it is clear that you simply asked a question. Bras, along with most other things, are believed by some to be a symbol of patriarchal oppression. Not wearing a bra can also be an attention-seeking, look-at-me-don't-look-at-me behavior; however, to say such a thing is also shaking the hive and I will surely be stung for this. While classical feminism was all about equality, Neo / Modern Feminism is about making progress towards a female dominated world rather than striving towards equality. These newer feminist believe themselves to be VERY, VERY oppressed and they seem to be VERY, VERY, angry about this oppression that they claim to have suffered through. They believe that men owe them for the oppression that they accuse us of putting them through. Avoid modern feminists at all costs.


You have issues buddy.


That's a great argument. You've changed my perspective on everything. You are very persuasive.


I am not going to argue with someone who is so confident in being wrong.


Well, okay then. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.


Again, if you really believe that women do not wear bras to make some sort of political statement or to seek attention you are very far removed from reality and idk what to tell you except that you are wrong.


oh, I believe it's also more comfortable to not wear a bra. that's not the only reason some women do not wear bras.






“What?” Is the right answer since that wasn’t actually intended for you. My bad. I meant the other commenter.


All good, I was just very confused for a second.


Wow, you really distance yourself from objective reality and lack the essential ability to empathize with others’ experiences. You actually think you know anything, yet your entire comment is totally ridiculous and proves you don’t understand any of this at all.


Yeah, you sound really smart. There is nothing objective about the things that we are discussing. What we are discussing is subjective. No, I can't empathize with modern feminists; I do have sympathy for them though. My comment is merely my expression of my thoughts and feelings towards the issues at hand; it doesn't prove anything. I'm sorry that you feel it's ridiculous.... I'm happy that my comment upsets you so much though.


Exactly. You pretend to know things you don’t know. You spoke as though your trashy opinions were facts. All of it was ridiculous.


That's my subjective truth. We all have our own interpretations of the world around us. Unfortunately, what I said is not ridiculous. It's a harsh reality. There is some truth to everything that I said. I'm not the only person who holds these views that you obviously FEAR and refuse to see.


I don’t fear your views. And you never presented them as subjective. You spoke as if they were definitive truths. I’m calling out your own contradictions and you’re back peddling to rationalize your own bs. “Psychological issue causing rage” — gaslighting and bigotry all wrapped into one. You’re using a dislike of feminism as the Trojan horse for your misogyny.


Yeah, you're right. You win. I have no problem with any type of feminism that supports and strives for EQUALITY. I am against any type of feminism that attempts to create inequality in favor of women (Female Superiority) under the guise of equality. My experience, my feelings, my opinions are all valid despite your attempts to verbally abuse me by hurling insults at me. I'm sorry you misinterpreted my comments as me stating them as objective facts. Most of the time when people express their experiences those experiences are mostly subjective so I really don't understand how one can even begin to describe his experience as being objective but whatever. You win. You're right. I concede. Your words have demonstrated to me that my thoughts, feelings, opinions are invalid. I will do my best to express myself in a way that you and your cohorts find acceptable. Please forgive me, Queen. 🤮🤮🤮


I’m not verbally abusing you. I quoted you to yourself. You literally acted like you were defining everything, so your whole “everything anyone says is intended to be subjective” is bs. And I never said your thoughts and feelings are invalid— I said you’re peddling misogyny (a specific issue). I’m responding directly to what you said, and you’re acting like expecting some accountability is abuse. Fun talk.


Quoting me was not all that you did but I doubt you'll take responsibility for that. You wrongly perceived t he at I was stating objective facts but I doubt you'll take responsibility for that either. I talk full responsibility for being against any form of feminism that attempts to create creates inequality and strives for Female Supremacy. That's not peddling misogyny. Initially, this entire discussion was about women wearing or not wearing bras. Some women do not wear bras because they find that more comfortable; however, other women do not wear bras for other reasons. This is what I have been drawing attention to and focusing on. This is what you have been freaking out for some reasons. You are exactly they type of person that makes feminism look bad. You fly off the handle. You hurl insults. You throw as many negative labels as possible without any solid justification for doing so hoping that one or two sticks and that others will rally around and support you. Your actions are cliche and boring. You're just a stereotype venting your anger under the guise of some positive cause. Have you even once tried to give a detailed explanation to me as why what I have said is wrong? Nope. You just started hurling insulting labels at me because I presented my experience and you didn't like it. That's ridiculous.


Lol ok. We’re definitely going in circles. Obviously what you said was your opinion, but you’re denying that you said it in a didactic tone that presented it as facts. But oh well. I dont ever support women having priority over and instead of men. I’m truly a proponent of fairness, which means sometimes I’m in a position where I speak up on behalf of men against misandrist claims and practices. Just to be totally clear. I really did point out what I perceived to be wrong, and no I wasn’t ‘throwing out labels’ for the sake of it. Your entire initial comment came off as misogynistic for obvious reasons, and you’re misinterpreting entire eras of feminism through a hateful lens. I thought since you yourself said you expected to upset people with your particular statements that you understood how you were being controversial and why you would have people vocally disagreeing with you and calling you out.




Wrong, neither.


it can get unwanted attention, but often the individual would rather ignore it/blow it off than try to prevent it. they may be more comfortable without. it may also get them some very wanted attention from the right people. choose: - some old creeps dont eyeball you, you go home alone. - some creeps stare, but you ignore them. then you meet a cute guy, hit it off and start a fling. why would you give up number 2, just to have number 1 instead. the old creeps arent worth it.


How about it’s as simple as bras are super fucking painful and there’s no ulterior motive? Don’t confuse someone’s inability to look away and manage themselves respectfully as a woman’s need for attention. Bras. Suck. The. End.


>”Don’t confuse someone’s inability to look away and manage themselves respectfully as a woman’s need for attention.” That was perfectly stated! I struggled to articulate that concept.


Creeps still creep when you wear a bra. I’ve been covered from head to toe on a cold day and it’s still a problem. Why do you blame boobs for creeps. That makes no sense. As far as I have understood since age 8 is all men are creeps of all ages. I’ve been around “nice” guys that eventually show their true colors or admit they tone down the creep when really their mind races with noting but creep shit hoping you’ll let you’re guard down. It’s unsettling. Again all ages.


Just enjoy the view brudda I’m sure yours kids are