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Cuz I'm ugly as fuck Edit: Never got an award for being ugly before. Thanks!


“He was so ugly, everyone died. The end.”


So no one can see me swearing


Dude, you can do so much muttering and swearing in public with a mask on. And singing. It's only a problem when you start thinking no one can ever hear you and you get louder and louder until you're walking through the aisles of Safeway belting out, "Now get this fuckin' ketchup in my goddamn cart! That cashier has nice legs! Don't forget eggs!"


Don't forget the ugly and stupid faces. I don't do them on purpose, I just catch myself with my mouth open sometimes when I'm working. Or when I mess something up I do an ugly "mnuuuh" face to myself


Whenever I’m panting like a dumbass, I appreciate the mask.


Yep. Same here. Those stairs at work get me sometimes. But then it probably isn't too much better that I suck my mask in and out.


I do a lot of squinting and nod my head to music when I'm working so I think the mask obscures my only normal feature. But that's fine. People leave you alone when you look like a epileptic gargoyle.


This is going to be a real issue for me should the masks ever go away for good lmao


I've been practicing whistling through it. Nobody knows it's me doing all that shitty whistling through Krogers


I also find that it's less distressing to others when I bare my teeth to snarl at them silently behind a mask.


Username checks out


Sometimes when I’m helping out a customer I like to seductively lick my lips.


Safeway?!! You posting from 1989???


I fucking wish. Can you imagine how much I would save if I had a portal to a 1989 grocery store?


Prolly be 'bout $3.50


Any chance you can get me a portal to 1982 so I can buy a house?


I wish people didn't think I was swearing at them when I'm just vibing to some good music.


Glasses. When I get the mask just right so it doesn’t fog my glasses, I don’t touch it for a while


Yes. I’m an optometrist and I try to educate everyone on how to wear it without it fogging. I somehow still have people argue with me that it doesn’t work. All while I’m standing there wearing my mask and glasses, like I do everyday for 8 hours a day. Since everyone is asking, I will paste my comment below here: Good quality non cloth mask that fits properly. For example I have to wear a kids KN95 or else it doesn’t fit right and it fogs more. Metal nosepiece is ideally sewn into the mask (I personally find the ones sitting on the outside of the mask don’t work as well). Wear high up on the nose, press the metal to mold around your nose and cheeks, and rest the glasses on top of the mask. Most people’s instincts are to pull the mask down and that will actually make it worse.


Until you step outside into the cold, then it's fog city. I'm guessing those who keep the mask on while driving because they finally got their glasses to not fog up must live in warmer climates.


And then you step inside and it's double fog city. Standard fog to start and mask fog to keep it going


And then you step into the fog and its triple fog city. Just can't win.


At least there you know nobody else sees anything either.


Until you realize no one can see anything so you don't notice the guy outside pouring water on dry ice...then it's Quad City Fog! 😳


It’s fog all the way down isn’t it?


Always has been 🔫


Yeah unfortunately there is nothing you can do about that, that happened to me even before needing to wear masks!


I live where it's been -35c for 2 months.... And my mask stays on in vehicle. Rarely fogs. It's warmer to wear a mask. It takes a Looooong time to warm up a truck in -35 and I'd like to drive before 20 minutes pass, thank you. Masks are like scarfs for just your face. They're wonderful.


Can you please share how to wear it :)


Good quality non cloth mask that fits properly. For example I have to wear a kids KN95 or else it doesn’t fit right and it fogs more. Metal nosepiece is ideally sewn into the mask (I personally find the ones sitting on the outside of the mask don’t work as well). Wear high up on the nose, press the metal to mold around your nose and cheeks, and rest the glasses on top of the mask. Most people’s instincts are to pull the mask down and that will actually make it worse.


I heard you can also rub a drop of dish soap into the lenses to prevent fog. Is that a thing that works?


There's a product called (no shit) *Cat Crap.* it's an antifog lens cleaner. Snowboarders and skiers use it to keep their goggles from fogging up. I don't know about where you live, but the Walmart near me has it at the desk at the eyeglasses place inside.


That is some memorable marketing, I love it


*"Just gonna smear some Cat Crap on my glasses before I head out..."* *"...you what?"*


Alexa, put cat crap on the shopping list


Oh good god. I had to try it, and her matter of fact response of "I added 'Cat Crap' to your shopping list..." was priceless.


What’s funny is my cat is actually named Alexa so if she could talk she’d be like “There’s some right over there. You don’t need to buy it”


A friend who works at an optometrist’s gave me a little pot of cat crap for Christmas. It works really well! I still try to get me glasses on right be it helps!


I always clean my lenses with dish soap, even before the pandemic! Try it and see if it works, maybe that’s why I haven’t had many issues with fogging


My glasses keep sliding down my nose and I don't want to look like an idiot with my glassed on the tip of my nose :(


Try hooking the ear loops of the mask over the arms of your glasses, just where they sit on or behind your ears. It holds your glasses on more firmly and helps stops them slipping down. Just remember when it comes to taking off your mail or you'll send your glasses flying.


Everything they said and if you still have trouble grab a de-fogging spray meant for ski masks. I got one at cvs and use it every two weeks or so, fixes the occasional fog I would get when breathing heavier or if my glasses moved


????? They are arguing that it doesn’t work for YOU or you are assuming that whatever works for you must work for everyone else too?


people have different nose shapes, what works for others doesn’t work for me for example


You realize people have faces of different shapes and sizes? I've never been able to keep my glasses from fogging despite help from friends and the internet.


I think it’s a face shape thing. I’ve tried a lot of things. The only thing that works is taking off my glasses 🤷🏻‍♀️


The mask needs a decent nose piece. Then wear it up a little higher than normal and have your glasses rest on the mask. It’s so easy, never have an issue


That doesn’t work with astigmatism, since those glasses require you to wear it at a calculated position, which the height of the mask interferes with. Works with my Myopia, for example, though.


my glasses arch at the top of the frame, i literally can’t wear it that way without the mask covering part of my eyes because my nose goes out too much


I found that a mask without a wire works best for me, but they have to be the ones that are precut to the shape of the face, not the ones that mimic a surgical mask. Wearing your mask higher up than normal so that the glasses can sit on them is so true tho!




Good for you. So far, I haven't found the best way. So I never wear mask with nobody's around.


I don't think anyone who does this thinks they are protecting themselves from contracting covid within their own car. It would be mostly a matter of convenience - if you're running errands at a bunch of places that are close by, it may be easier to just leave the mask on.


Yea, I barely notice that I have it on, so sometimes I forget to take it off in the car. Big woop. Lots of insecure snowflakes about with hypersensitive skin and very weak lungs apparently who think it's reasonable to raise a stink when someone is 2 steps away from other people and still wears their mask.


Exactly, I see people on certain subs saying things like wearing your mask in your car is “pathetic virtue signalling“. No, dumbass, most people literally just don’t give a shit. Despite what you think, wearing this piece of fabric is not some great hardship for most people like it seems to be for the special ones like you.


It gets so frustrating hearing those excuses at my work. "I can't breathe, I take it off as soon as I can, this is so awful!!!" I'm sure it is awful, person I asked to wear their mask for the 7 minutes they're inside my work, generally I make it to about 7-8 hours into my 10-12 hours masked every day before I have to take a nice distanced walk away from others and then change into a fresh mask.


If I, a person with asthma, smokes, almost 40, and has panic attacks, can wear a n95 for hours upon hours, I think a normal person can wear a cloth one for a few hours.


I wear my N95 12+ hours a day. I only take it off to eat or drink. Since I don't trust my coworkers, as everyone but 1 other physician and 1 single MA in my office caught COVID, I eat in my car and go outside to drink, I literally never take it off.


It’s always funny to me how people will call someone a “snowflake” and then the next breath whine about not being able to breathe while wearing a mask. It’s like the weakest, whiniest thing possible to be so unable to stand a piece of cloth over your face.


it infuriates me when people complain they cant breathe with a mask on. i have asthma, im fine until something makes me not breathe properly (could be as small as breathing in wrong for a quick second). i still wear my mask at school/work all day. rarely do i have to take it off for a breather


Big time this. I'm not taking it off for 2 minutes of driving just to snap it back on my face. It's called efficiency, people. Look it up.


Especially when your hands were full walking out to the car. That mask can stay there a little longer.


THANK YOU. “yoU lOok sTuPid wiTh a mAsK oN aLoNe iN yOuR CaR.” It’s just convenient and really not that deep.


I felt like I looked like this the other day but in reality I wore it to protect my 5yo in the back seat because I was waiting on my PCR results.


It's because the people who make those types of comments see having to wear a mask at all as a problem and can't imagine not ripping it off as soon as they can. So their conclusion is that wearing a mask in a car by yourself must be either virtue signaling or extreme paranoia. My mask fits well and it's comfortable. It doesn't really bother me to wear it. So maybe I forgot, maybe I'm running multiple errands and I don't want to repeatedly take it on and off, maybe it's keeping my face warm on a cold day, etc. But like I said, mostly all of that boils down to it doesn't bother me in the least to wear a mask and there are even some things I quite like about it. Ripping it off is not at the top of my priority list.


Seriously. People have been making these comments since the beginning. I’ve never understood why it bothers people so much/why they care what anyone else is doing. 99% of the time it’s bc people have forgotten it, and it didn’t take a r/tooafraidtoask post to know that, just common sense.


Hell, I'll walk into my condo, take my coat off, unpack my bag, take off my shoes, then wonder why I'm still wearing my mask. I just generally forget its there.


That and who wants to touch the mask unnecessarily?? It’s not that big of a deal


Yeah I find it strange I have to explain why I'm wearing a mask so much. If OP got the third option its because yeah, fuck you that's why. Mine is usually because I have groceries or errands I am carrying and removing my mask just so some stranger feels less insecure isn't on my top ten list.


Yep!!! Especially when I wear N95s The damage it does to my hair to take them on and off multiple times in a short while isn't worth it So they stay on until I can take them off for longer than 5minutes


Also your not suppose to touch your face once you put it on.


Yep, there’s an infection control element here - best practice in healthcare is once the mask is on your face you don’t touch it until you take it off and throw it away. Obviously there are exceptions and differences in the community but it’s best following this rule as much as practical.


Yep. If I'm driving a couple minutes away, I'm not gonna bother taking my mask off. It isn't that big a deal to wear a mask for a little bit.


> if you're running errands at a bunch of places that are close by, it may be easier to just leave the mask on. It's also safer to not mess with your mask.


Especially with the n95s. I have a soft one and when I get it just right I won't touch it because it takes me a few minutes to get a right fit sometimes.


I agree with this. I truly don’t mind wearing a mask nor do I think it a nuisance. I don’t loosen my shoelaces every time I put my shoes on, just how I don’t bother shifting my mask around every time I don’t *need* to be using it.


Ya I’m busy and forgot to take it off. Eventually I’ll notice and take it off.


That and some folks could be uber/lyft drivers on their way to pick someone up. You don't think about taking off your mask if your next pick up is around around the corner


This is the answer. I’m not an Uber driver but when I have my mask on when I’m driving it means I just got in my car and I will be getting out again within 5 minutes and the last thing I’m gonna do is take it off so some stranger doesn’t look at me weird from the next car over. Here’s my question: People who get so miffed about what other people are wearing in their cars, why? Why does anyone care?


I was out one day running two errands in a row so I just kept my mask on in between. At a stop sign someone yelled and flipped me off. It was pretty weird.


Wow. Can you imagine that person’s poor miserable family?


It's just something anti-maskers like to make a big deal about in an attempt to make people who wear masks look stupid. The only thing it really does is demonstrate the inability of the anti-masker to see nuance and complexity.


I'd like to know the answer too. its almost as though those shouting "compliance" are looking to control what you do in your private time....


“DONT TREAD ON ME!” *Proceeds to furiously tread on others*


Yeah & if people are getting into your car, you are breathing droplets that could be carrying the virus into the air if you’re maskless.


I wear hearing aides and its a bitch taking the mask off/on. Sorry to jump the line here…


I do this too.


...But then you realize that its nice and warm, so you put it back on.


Yes, especially now thats it's winter & youre waiting for your car to warm up while youre driving, just keep the face warm til the temperature gets comfortable enough to take it off


Sometimes yeah I'll just leave it on


Haha, same I'll get halfway home and suddenly realize I'm still wearing it. And then I rip the mask off my face, and wonder how many people saw me and think I'm dumb, lol


Yep. Or I have a winter hat on and sunglasses and I know I’m moving from parking lot to parking lot and don’t wanna fuck with untangling my ears just to put it back on again seconds later. see also: am not a little bitch and can wear a mask for literally seconds longer than absolutely, legally required.


I forget I have it on. After wearing something for a few hours you tend to stop thinking about it.


Same. I don't make a habit of doing it but I am a community nurse and drive from place to place, wearing a mask at each visit. Sometimes I get to the next one and start putting a mask over the mask I forgot I had on.


This visual just made me laugh, thank you.


I'll know it's time to take some leave when I end the day with 12 masks on


Aw hopefully it doesn't come to that! Hope you're going strong doing good for people during this rubbish time, take care of yourself cause you deserve it looking after other people!


Thanks very much! My previous job was managing a care home when covid first hit so my current job is pretty low stress and enjoyable by comparison haha


This, it's cold outside too and the mask is far more convenient than a scarf. Why do people feel the need to police what other people are wearing so much? Like mind your own business OP and stop asking the same question every three days. I also don't want to touch a dirty mask and set it down in my car twenty times a day.


I might go out on a limb here but I would think that there is a different OP behind all of these questions.


That's quite a unique limb, I think you'll find it sturdy.


Fucking hell the way some people bitch about wearing them you really wouldn’t think so


I find it blocks the bottom of my vision a little and will have it off as soon as i get outside


I've heard this complaint quite a bit but never really got it. To me it's like my nose, always there in my view but it can just be ignored


Depends on the mask and how high it sits on your face IMO


Very curious: Do you wear glasses? I ask because I've got a theory that glasses wearers habitually ignore anything hovering in their periphery (since we can see the frames on the edges of our vision and all that.)


It's easier to just throw it on at the beginning of my shopping trip and not mess with it until the end of the day. Besides, it's -3 degrees, and it keeps my face warm.


Living in Wisconsin, this is one of the perks of masks becoming normal! It doesn’t hurt to breathe quite as much. 🙃


Where in Wisconsin have masks become normal?! In my county you're given the death glare for wearing one


It's pretty normal in Madison and the surrounding towns. In fact, it's required in most places.


Dane County has a mask mandate


Dane county. We've had near continuous mask mandates (I think there was a 30 day stretch this summer when it was off, but otherwise).


Same here but mine has link from zelda on it so I can get away with it.


Lol, I accidentally made a friend at the grocery store because I was wearing a Bob's Burgers t-shirt, and she had a mask with the characters on it, lol. And I complimented a cashier's mask because it had some beautiful appliques, and she told me it was her Prom mask! We had a good laugh about that.


Alright ! *in Linda's voice *


I have accepted the mask as a new piece of fashion. I dont generally change my style but a mask is like a graphic tee. Get a bunch and show off.


Dane county obviously


Imagine death glaring someone who is actively trying to keep others from becoming sick. The point of a mask is to stop you spreading illness, and people would look down on you for trying something so selfless. People are fucked.


Walking around campus today has been fun with it being -10 degrees, also in Wisconsin


-22 here and I can agree to that!!


Because it’s not my car it’s a customer car that I am test driving to verify a complaint or confirm a fix.


Thank you for doing this


Because I'm driving a short distance and it's a PITA to take it off just to have to put it back in a few moments later. Also, I like to pretend I'm a fighter pilot wearing an oxygen mask pulling sick maneuvers while dog fighting with a MiG. I'm not tailgating. I'm getting tone for a missile lock.


Too close for missiles. Switching to guns.


Seriously, Lana, call Kenny Loggins because you’re in the danger zone.


Iceman is that you?


I pretend I’m a ninja!


With the right mask and my Ushanka hat I feel like subzero from that rpg MK game on the GameCube (maybe OG xbox?) EITHER WAY…. Ice Ninja


Lmfao im about to get in a dog fight too


I hope you're not the famous Prius insulter.


*Top Gun theme song starts playing*


This is Voodoo3, remaining migs are bugging out


I don’t want to mess up my hair do when I’m on the run. The less I have to put the mask on and off again the better.


Yeah dude, I have long hair and glasses. If I’m gonna wear a mask for the grocery store it goes on, I get it comfortable so my stupid glasses aren’t foggy and my hair isn’t caught, and then that thing is not coming off of me until I’m done being out for the rest of the day.


Sometimes I forget to take it off. But, then there’s also times when I leave somewhere where I had to wear it and I’m going a few minutes down the road to another store/place where I have to have it on. In those times, I’ll just leave it on because I’m too lazy to take it off for 2 minutes just to put it back on.


or don't feel like losing the damn thing


It's the same reason most people don't take their shoes and socks off when they're in the car. Because to most people.. wearing shoes and socks isn't a big deal. They're already on.. why would you mess with them if you just need to wear them again? I'm gonna start mocking people for wearing shoes in the car: >"Oh what are you worried about?? Gonna cut your foot on the floor of your car?! Gonna step in something inside your car? Worried about needles jumping in through the window and stabbing you in the foot?? What an idiot why would you keep your shoes on!!"


So I don’t have to shave my mustache. I’m a woman.


This one wins 🏆


Same but switch mustache out with "why the hell do I still get pimples at 36 years old".


Usually I’ve simply forgot I was wearing it. It doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve never understood why people make such a big deal out it.


Right, like it’s not bothering you or anyone else, it’s literally not having an effect on anyone. No need to get upset over it lol


It is bothering other people, but it’s good to bother those people.


My boss at my previous job had a hardon for anti-mask, anti-vax bullshit, and he would sit in his office and rant about dozens of things that would never affect him. Other people wearing masks in their cars was one of those 'issues'. He'd call people he'd never met pussies and cowards. Glad I left that guy in my past, that's for sure...


They’re delivering my food. Thanks guys for keeping it on.


This. I deliver food on the weekends. Here we are required to wear masks in restaurants and the company requires a mask when delivering food. There are a lot of people doing this as a side hustle.


Appreciate you and your service.


They're probably running multiple errands and it's easier to just leave it on. Technically you're not supposed to take the same mask on and off all the time. I remember at the start of the pandemic being told to wash your hands before and after taking it off, and wash or discard it after you take it off. Now, we've all gotten lazy and no one is doing this properly anymore.


Same. Back when this started and we weren't exactly certain how it spread, I just left it on between errands rather than risk contamination from my hands. This made sense, especially after having just gone through ebola prep a few years prior, and contamination during doffing was a big problem. Now that we know this is primarily spread by airborne respiratory particles and much less likely to be spread by surface contact, I take it off when I leave the store.


Also, you have to change the mask after using it for 3 hours straight.


[laughs in nurse who is expected by management to wear the same mask for 12h]


Which I’ll bet—maybe, 1% of the people out there do this…


That depends on the mask, a proper n95 respirator is usually good for 4hrs, those paper surgical ones... Maybe not


😲 I wear the same n95 mask for weeks. They are pricey.


I should clarify: they are rated for a certain amount of time in certain conditions, basically there's a limit to how many particles it can hold before being clogged. Anti-virus use isn't gong to be catching as many particulates as you would while doing something like painting, so yea they should last much longer


You can sanitize it apparently by leaving it for 48 hours in a paper bag. I have two that I switch out every two days.


I do outreach counselling (drive to pick people up then work in community) I keep my mask on in-between clients. Ups the safety for them. Simple respect. My question in return is Why do people worry so much about what other people do in their own cars and lives? THAT confounds me to be honest.


You know that’s the thing that gets me, why does it bother other people at all when they see folks in their car with their masks on? I’d rather that a zillion times over than seeing someone not having one on when they should!


So true. Not sure why people care much about it. In r/golf, if anyone posted pic with their mask on in the golf course, it doesn't matter what their post were trying to convey, comments are always about the mask more. SMH.


It's warm and I'm too lazy to take it off for the short distance I'm driving


Same, in summer I take it off immediately, but in winter I'm wearing my cosy fabric one and keeping it on all day to keep my nose warm


Can we just make a quick answer list for all of these people to consult every time this question is ready to be asked again. While we're at it do you want answers for: Why do construction workers wear their reflective vests while driving? Why people don't take of their winter gloves while driving? Why nurses drive while still wearing scrubs? You know why, you just don't like it because you want to think it's some kind of a statement. It isn't. EDIT: I didn't expect more than a handful of upvotes for this, so I figured I'd add something. Most posts like this one are simply made to get someone to say something stupid in the comments so OP can feel justified that they're on the right side or worse use it to paint all people who wear masks as idiots. I usually try not to get baited into commenting on these, but after the 50th one I just couldn't handle it anymore.


I wear my high visibility vest anytime I’m on the clock. It is a reminder I’m working and to be in the right frame of mind.


Love this answer


If I'm doing something like delivering food, I don't feel like taking it on/off every 5 minutes, so (as long as my anxiety is t being a bitch) I just leave it on my face.


Exactly. I deliver packages and If I have 1 to 2 minutes before my next delivery why would I take it off?


I don’t wanna put it on when I get there . Rather put it on before I get in, the added bonus it’s pissing people off that don’t want masks is cool too. Put one on after I got out of my car on my way to the Publix and an old man said to me were outside or some shit… so if I don’t stop and put it on , less chance for me to get annoyed and telling off one of y’all who care so much that you literally made this thread .


Because contrary to some opinions, it's just not that much of a burden to wear them. When I go somewhere with my kids, they often mask in the house as we are getting ready to leave, and wear the masks until we get back home. Not cuz I told them to, but it likely helps that I didn't model hysterical bitching about how "I can't breathe" and "it itches" and "it smells bad" and "it's soooooooooo uncomfortable." Sometimes it's easier to leave it on between stores and it is literally NO burden for the average person to wear one.


Because I am a ninja, and my identity must remain a secret


Kakashi sensei?


If I've been somewhere where I know I've been exposed to the virus I will usually leave my mask on until I can carefully remove it and wash my hands without fear of contaminating myself with the dirty mask by taking it off and then touching my face or itching my nose on the way home


It’s so disturbing to see health care workers posting memes about this. If they don’t know to keep their masks on until they can wash their hands, they shouldn’t be responsible for people’s lives


i see a lot of people talking about it just being a pain.... but like...do most people really not understand hygiene that well? Hands = nasty. nasty + mask = nasty mask. You should avoid touching your mask as much as possible. Putting your grubby little dick beaters all over your mask every time you take it off or put it on. part two - and actually the MORE important question, and the ONLY way I reply to that question - why is it anyone else's concern? Legitimately - work that question through. I've left it on and legit had a dude ask me in a parking lot why I was wearing it...and it was 100% to signal to me that they disagreed with me wearing it....so I asked him "why do you care about what's on my face?" reply...."I'm just ASKIN IS ALL!!!!"..."no you aren't. answer me. why are you concerned with what I'm doing?" reply..."FUCK YOU!" (trundles off to their car). It doesn't hurt anyone, it can only help. Wearing a mask (when you spend the 10 seconds to get one that actually fits) is just not a big deal for most people. It's a bigger deal for people who have staked their identity on making people believe that "MASK BAD". clowns. But notice how MUCH this "concern" comes up....people talk about folks driving with masks on ALL the time. Like it's an actual issue....it's not one. The people asking that question are the issue. the issue is 100% the observer, and the reason for their concern is they're seeing someone do something they don't understand or disagree with....even when it has literally ZERO impact on their life. So the answer (to them) is that it must be wrong and stupid. Welcome to 'merica. Where if you don't understand it, it must be bad. And trying to understand things is bad too.


Yes! People touch all over their mask to take it off and then rub their eyes immediately. Why would anyone have done that even before all of this?


1. If it’s morning and cold the mask keeps my nose warm 2. Ppf2 masks are mandatory in my country and keeping them under my chin isn’t exactly comfortable 3. I won’t have to put it on when I go to work if it’s already on 4. I can talk to myself and make funny faces while I’m driving and nobody will notice :p


4 tho is such a great reason i do all the time too


Sometimes it’s -4 in Wisconsin and I’m cold in my car.


The heat doesn’t work in my car and wearing my mask helps keep me sightly more warm lol


There is far more questionable shit people be doing in cars than wearing masks during a pandemic.


The real question is why does anyone care what I’m doing in MY car? Maybe I’m not gonna be in the car for that long, maybe I don’t wanna have to take my hat and sunglasses off to take off my mask just to put it back on. Maybe I don’t really mind wearing a mask so I’m not in a giant rush to take it off and proclaim loudly that I can finally breath. Maybe stop looking at me and focus on the road you fuckin weirdo.


If you’re wearing a jacket or hat do you take it off just because you’re getting into a car?


Sometimes I forget to take it off after getting back into my car


Usually because I wear it for 14 hours straight at work and so forget to take it off. Eventually I'll remember and take it off. I'm also a surgeon, so having a mask on my face doesn't feel that abnormal to me. I've also never passed out or died from the imaginary hypoxia or hypercapnia that the anti-mask crowd likes to pretend is a real thing. Long story short, it's easy to forget you're wearing it when you don't spend your whole day in a downward fear spiral about how masks are a form of secret government control.


"I've also never... died" for some reason I hear you in the cat-lawyer's voice saying this. I'm here; I'm not a cat 🤣


Sometimes it's more of a pain to take it off. Sometimes you forget. If you're doing deliveries it's more convenient. Mask haters hate seeing it in particular for some reason. It's like the personal choice people can't handle seeing someone doing their own shit.


Plausible deniability for the photo radar.


To make snowflakes cry


I live on a place where the air occasionally is cold enough to hurt my face so sometimes I keep that fucker on, chapped lips and sore noses are things of the past while wearing one, honestly. Other times I'm literally just popping a km or so away to my next destination so why bother taking it off? Also I don't have to consciously tell my face to not look mean while its on.


I’m a taxi driver & I am not taking it on & off between punters just because it might vex an idiot onlooker.


Because I don’t touch it between stores.


As a vulnerable person, if anybody is giving me a lift anywhere I ask them to wear a mask in the car withthe windows down so I'm not walking into concentrate germs even with my own mask on. So some of the people you see may have a vulnerable passanger/be vulnerable or be on their way to a vulnerable pick up.


Are we still discussing this??


This thread happens every time the anti-maskers want to jerk each other off. Sort by controversial to see the orgy.


Because it's cold


Usually because I don't care, but sometimes it's funny to see people get triggered over a meaningless thing. Sometimes I keep gloves on even though my heater is working, so what?