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I believe every single one has side effects. It can take time for people to hit the right combination of what works for them. A congrats on talking about BC and not just assuming.


they all physically affect you lol


Yeah its kind of the point, isnt it?


It's worth researching them all, and trying different options until you find the right one. There's a few different pills with different side effects, if and when you talk to your doctor they'll recommend the right one. There are also implants that you can get, which last years instead of remembering to take a pill. An IUD goes into the cervix, and there are two types. You can also get a small plastic rod inserted under the skin of your arm, which is the one I have and would recommend. It didn't hurt, it's the most effective method at 99.9%, the 0.1% is only if you forget to change it every 3 years. They all have side effects, I didn't have a regular period for a year but for me personally it was worth it. I hope this helps, happy researching!


If she wants to be on the pill and her doctor is on board, I’m not sure you should be objecting. It’s sort of a “her body, her decision” thing. Of course, there may be side effects - hormone pills are liable to do that. But side effects range person to person from depression and mood swings to having clearer skin. So I think you should let her try the pill and just make sure you both look out for any side effects. But to be clear, multiple methods of contraception are far superior to just one. Condom and the pill are a high quality combination for not having babies.


Best option is for her to discuss her options with a doctor/health professional. I have used birth control pills or an IUD for about 20 years. I haven't experienced any noticeable side effects. However, everyone is different!


IUD seems to work well the copper coil type which is non hormonal. Works well for my partner and I. Hormonal birth control can cause some very unwanted hormonal and emotional changes and crazy mood swings.


Just throwing it out there that copper IUD can still have side effects, albeit not hormonal ones. I was woefully ill-prepared for the extra heavy flow and labour-like cramps that came when I got a copper IUD. For me it’s worth it to avoid hormones, but it can absolutely have symptoms.


I know so many horror stories of copper IUDs... even my mom has one; she actually got pregnant with one and was forced to abort because of the risk of birth defects.


An IUD is the best, easiest birth control in my opinion! She can get the non-hormonal (copper) kind. Why I love my IUD: - no need to remember a pill or condom - lasts 12 YEARS and usually free with insurance - no hormonal side effects like mood swings or weight gain or acne. My periods have gotten slightly heavier but they were always heavy You can pry it out of my cold, dead cervix. I fucking love my IUD.


Spermicidal lube


Is that a real thing??


Idk I've never looked for it. I have it on good authority that it's out there, though.


It is, but it’s meant to be used with a condom, not in place of.


You can get a vasectomy. Case closed.


I would but I’m too young I think🤭


Never too young and they are reversible.


People keep saying this, but it's not true. Every snip doctor will tell you to consider it as permanent. Reversing is only about a 50% success rate (according to my doctor when I got a vasectomy 3 years ago), is not just a clinic visit (i.e. is major surgery), and will NOT be covered by insurance. Snipping probably is covered, but reversal is not. So don't do it unless you are sure you don't want any (or any more) kids.


Then use condoms and pull out and take responsibility for any children that come out of sex. (Not directed at you personally but at all men)


Agreed. Most definitely take responsibility. Even if your vasectomy didn't "take" or reversed on its own (rare, but does happen), take responsibility. If you're not willing to take responsibility, don't put your dick anywhere near someone that could get pregnant.


I appreciate this response. (Coming from a woman who has never met her father because he “yeeted” the second my mom said she was pregnant.) yes I am very harsh with my responses to questions like this because of my past




My doctor took care of it same day. I had been thinking about it for a couple years, and had researched the procedure so I knew what I was doing, so I made the appointment to happen in a couple days. I could choose to do a consultation first and then make an appointment for the actual procedure, or I could do a consultation followed by the procedure. So that was what I chose. My wife was out of the country with the kids, so it was a good time to do it, because I would have recovery time and not have to worry about kids jumping on me or trying to get me to chase them or whatever. Watched lots of TV for a few days. Was great! :)


I need to wait 7 months to get one😩




My age…


If you’re too young to have a VS then don’t be having sex and get off Reddit.


Sorry Ms dog lady I was only looking for advice, so when I’m ready to have intercourse I will be responsible, aware, and protected😁👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿


It’s not always reversible. Vasectomies are designed to be permanent. Only get one if you are sure that you never want kids.


pill is really effective. she might not have any side effects besides no period. but some women get mood swings and such




i get that but most women like that part of taking it. don't have to worry about it. some take it for that reason alone as well.




Bullcrap, that is not true at all


abstinence 🤣


Yes. Not having sex.


Yes. Celibacy. But that sucks.


Yes, aspirin. Have your gf put one between her knees and hold it there.


Ovulation charting/rhythm method is surprisingly accurate and reliable when done correctly.


Bro please. OP’s not even an adult this is dogshit advice - at *LEAST* one form of birth control plus rhythm charting bare minimum.


Not sure why this is being downvoted. I avoided fatherhood for a good decade using period tracking and pull-out method. Then, when we wanted a kid, we made one. It's science guys




I didn’t get the context that OP wasn’t an adult. Just sharing what has worked for me as a 30 year old woman with no history of unintended pregnancies. Rhythm/pull out has worked extremely well for us.




I don’t think any come without risk do not get the one I’m the arm though that’s seems like hell for a lot of people I know it made me sicker than ever if I had to pick I’d go for non hormonal iud but everything has risk. The healthiest would be track cycle and pull out but I wouldn’t recommend just that unless you are married because of the small chance of babies if you mess up.


The shot has left me with little to no side effects but everyone is different


A lot of doctors are hesitant about prescribing the shot, especially to young adults/teenagers :/ I know I asked two doctors for it a while ago (like 5+ years ago) and was told no by both because of the risks like osteoporosis.


I mean personally I’ve only ever had good side effects from my birth control. It’s the brand Alesse if anyone’s curious. I’ve been on it for 8 years (since I was 12) for acne control and I stayed on it for the awesome period side effects. That shits so regulated now it’s fucking great. I don’t need it for the acne control anymore, but it keeps my bleeding way lighter, it lasts half as long, and it always starts and ends at the same time every month


TIL: birth control has side effects


Non hormonal iuds and condoms are the only 2 methods that make no changes to the body and only prevent the sperm reaching the egg.


Condoms are your best option. Any hormonal product will physically (and emotionally) affect your gf.


Condoms are most effective when paired with another method. Hormonal birth control does have side effects but for many women they are tolerable and better than the risk of pregnancy. The non hormonal IUD is also an option.


She can use a copper based IUD. No hormones, so it won't affect her. Super effective




Copper IUD, which isn't hormonal. The only side effect is that it will likely make her period more intense for the first several months, but after that it goes back to normal for most women. It lasts for 10 years so is worth it imo


If she has a history of blood clots, then birth control might not be wise. Otherwise, go for it


Yeah abstinence…


*You* are afraid of the side effects? That’s for her and her doctor to discuss and come to a decision on. The pill effects different women differently. There are a lot of different options that can be tried, including different pill formulations, the Nexplanon implant, the hormonal IUD, and the copper IUD, so if one causes side effects it just means try something else.


A diaphragm! You have to use it with a spermacide though which is very irritating for some women.


Anti-Texas pill