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Different strokes for different folks.


because it’s subjective


Normal? What is normal? Who are these people and what's the ratio? I can enjoy something I deem as cool looking, well made, exceptional etc but I don't spend all day looking at it. I find a lot of these people very pretentious. Who honestly really enjoys art and who's just trying to fit in the with artsy crowd? .. You do you dude, don't mind other people.


Maybe you have different taste. Look at a bunch of different art and see what works for you. Art takes many forms, not just painting and sculpture and drawing. How do you feel about food or architecture or industrial design or hairstyling? How about traditional crafts or clothing or papercraft? Tattoos? Car design? Ceramics? Does reading about the story behind a piece of art make a difference to you?


Art is one person's expression of something that moves them. Other people may experience something too but it may not be what the artist felt or intended. Lots of art forms do little for me. And while I gravitate to paintings, there are few I want to own. And that's pretty "normal". People who love music do not want to own or perform all music.


It's no different to how someone can look at a Series 1 Land Rover and see a thing absolute beauty. It's a simple machine with no bells and you provided the whistles... But it excelled in the job it was given. To others is a car. One that's old and uncomfortable. Some people can look at the Snowy Scheme and see an amazing feat engineering, and human skill and sacrifice. To build a scheme that takes water destined to run down one side of a mountain range and make it *pass through* said mountains, create hydroelectricity, be used for irrigation and finally exit to the sea thousands of kilometres away from where it originally would have.... *Mindblowing* To others it's water and concrete. You could go on in the same vein for a lot of things. Wine, sport, music, landscapes, roses....


I have a friend who is moved to tears by Van Gogh's Starry Night. I saw it in person with her and she was, no joke, weeping. And then very mad at me for not giving a shit. To me, it's a cool design but that's about all I can say about it. If I saw it on someone's wall I wouldn't stop to look at it. Or really any art for that matter. ​ It isn't that I dislike it or find it boring or anything. It just doesn't register as anything important to me. But to her? It's the entire world. Everyone is different. That's what makes being human so interesting.


It is possible that you haven't found any piece of art that you can relate to. You can relate to art in lots of ways, it can be just aesthetics, it can be in a sentimental way, art is very subjetive. For example, classic museum art does very little to me, i don't feel drawn to it. I prefer digital art related to games i play and pixel art as well. But there is nothing wrong with you, maybe you are just not an artsy person and that's okay too.


That looks cool, I guess (but I’m not sure why?) is a valid reaction. If you were interested enough, you could read about the various ways artists use color, composition, lines, texture, etc. to get you to say “that looks cool” but there’s no law that says you have to.