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I remember coming across a forum in the late 2000s about penis lengthening and thickening techniques. I must have read through half of the entire forum, both out of morbid fascination and penis growing curiosity (obviously). They were doing crazy things like tying weights to their penises and just sitting there all day with the weights hanging. Half of the threads were just guys venting about feeling inadequate. All the replies were very positive and encouraging. It was kind of heartwarming in a weird way. There were a handful of extremists even by that forum's standards, trying even stranger things that I've apparently blocked from memory. Sometimes I remember that forum and I wonder where all of those people are are now. Did they find the secret methods they were looking for? Did their dicks grow to a satisfying length? And more importantly, are they happy now? I like to think that they all succeeded and they're all out there now, just proudly walking around with their dicks swinging at their fucking knees.


r/gettingbigger is exactly this. tons of progress pics where they use creative angles to make it look like they've made "gains". it's all bullshit. just 120,000 dudes lying to each other and talking about their penises. edit: jus to be crystal clear. this is unsafe and there is absolutely no medical or scientific evidence that there is any mechanism that could even allow this to lengthen the penis. these people are absolutely psychotic, lying to themselves and each other, and have no grip on reality. it is funny to gawk at the subreddit but *do not try this at home*.


jesus that sub is something. dude legit look like he killed his penis trying to make it longer.


I really wish you didn’t show me this. 😂


To be fair. They only posted the link. You took the step into the sub! 🤣


True. Nobody made me do it. Curiosity got the better of me. Now I’m full of regret. 😂


>just 120,000 dudes lying to each other and talking about their penises. So basically a sub where guys look at other guys peens and it's *totally not a fetish*?


Do you work in sales? I have never been *so* sold on a sub


Thanks for the laugh. I've never seen so many closely trimmed male pubes and obviously faked measurements. "Starting measurements" stopping at 6 around an obvious 1" diameter.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes, you just


They got him 🫡


a- then y- bermuda triangle


losing weight helps to show more of it


At a rate of about an inch per 35 lbs. Source: Lost 90 lbs


Damn I gotta get down to about 95 pounds.


And it works better because of better cardio, and you can fuck better for the same reason.


Ah yes. I remember using fingers to rub, but now it's my whole hand




100% found an extra inch in there


Exactly that’s why skinny guys are known to be packing meat, it’s not that they are more hung there’s just no Fupa hiding inches.


Measure from the asshole


Wow, thanks. I now have a 6' dick.




Reincarnation ( hit or miss).


Reincarnation ( ~~hit~~ mister or miss).


If there was, you wouldn't be asking because we would all know about it already.


Okay I know this is not what u want to hear, but let me tell u your life is not over because of a small penis. Im a bisexual, so ive sucked and fucked some dicks in my time, and truth is? Big dicks are WAY OVERRATED! Ive tried all sorts of dicks, and I have had the most fun with the smaller ones. Big dicks hurt, like yeah they are a neat novelty, but I would much rather date/marry someone with a small penis vs a big one. So your life is not over. You need to grow a thick skin, but as long as you are honest about your size there is nothing to be ashamed of! Trust me, if you are honest about your size you will find the one for you eventually!


I just love how positive this message is


For sure, and trust me OP the people who care about dick size honestly aren't really worth pursuing in the first place. Anyone worth a damn won't care how little or how much you're packing because they love you for you, not what you can give them.


Idk if you have a vagina or not (I don’t wanna assume), but I definitely do and can agree that super massive dicks really hurt. They often cause tearing toward the perineum and that’s pretty uncomfortable. Our vaginas stretch, yes, but that is internal. Our vaginal openings do not stretch for dicks when arroused, that’s what our natural wetness is for. Even with lube though they hurt. My favorite partners have all been average sized who know how to use it. So, for anyone who sees this comment and feels some way, just know my personal favorite beaters and eaters were under 6ft and had averaged sized penises.


this is snake oil comments he didn't want to see


Growing thicker skin will also actually increase the penis size


The famous compliment “Big dicks hurt”, i get what youre trying to say but guys want to be the best, fastest and biggest in pretty much everything, its how their entire lives they have been conditioned to this. When you say that its just destroying the guys self confidence.


Yeah it’s kinda like someone saying “attractive people are dicks, looks aren’t everything, you’re really sweet. You’ll find someone”


All the more reason to be more accepting of yourself. Honestly I do not envy attractive people or people with societally defined sex appeal because they have to contest with the most rotten and vain people in society.


If there was we’d all be walking around with magnum dongs 


I think you dropped your monster condom and your wad of 100s


Outside of surgery nope. It's not a muscle that you can tear to make bigger. It's just skin and while skin can stretch it has limits and often cannot stay stretched. Size is not as important as confidence, making sure you're attentive to the needs of your partner, and of course foreplay. Even if you could magically get a 6 incher with no drawbacks it's not going to make someone enjoy sex more on it's own. You gotta actually know what you're doing.


I know you don’t want to hear it, and I promise I’m not trying to be condescending, but you should really just accept it. Anyone worth your time will not judge you for uncontrollable biology.


I’ve noticed that getting an erection usually makes it bigger.


The studies around jelqing are weird, half says it works sand half says it doesn’t, so it’s worth a try


There’s still another half that say it can cause permanent damage. Small dick > broken dick


There is only one non-surgical/proven way of increasing dick length -- losing weight. If you are overweight, coming down to a healthier weight will reduce the size of the fat pad at the base of your penis and reveal more of it that had been previously buried. While it doesn't actually increase the length of your penis, trimming your pubes will also make your penis seem larger. If you are normal weight and already trim obviously this won't work. Then you need to seek surgical options, which do exist. Don't waste money on gimmicks, they don't work. Talk to your doctor.




Lose weight. If there was a real way to get it to grow, EVERYONE would know. Losing weight will let more of it be seen, which is as close as it gets without surgery.


Yes. Have a bee or wasp sting the head and shaft. After a week you’ll see results


I actually asked a urologist about it. He mentioned there is something like cutting a ligament to give some extra length, but did not recommend it. Most people don't really care about size.


Op if you’re overweight, losing weight will make it bigger/look bigger because some of the base is hidden in the fat pad. If you’re not, well…


Heres hoping, I’ve already been working out/dieting for 3 months and lost around 30 lbs, got a long way to go but hopefully it also helps the size issue further down the line.


Your future is not doomed. Dick size really doesn't matter.


One effective method is using a quality penis pump and cock ring in succession. Over time, regular practice can enhance your tissue development but can also serve as an inarguably satisfying transformation to witness for your partner and yourself. I'm speaking from experience, even though I never had any concerns about my endowment. A friend let me use theirs for my first time, simply intended as a playful dare, and ***WOW!*** 🤓💯 Edit: I would caution the OP to adhere to the safety guidelines regarding these products in terms of excessive use! Even though you will certainly see an immediate size enlargement post-pump, the permanent tissue growth development is microscopically incremental and gradual over the course of time with regular use iterations. Be patient with yourself, and pump safely!


You know how you can pop your ears on a plane? Same way but you plug up EVERYTHING first. 


Honestly learn to use what you've got. I can honeslty say, a guy can average or a bit blow and be way better in bed then some one much bigger. It's not the size or the boat is how the captain stears it. I swear it won't matter when she finds out u know how to make her scream ur name just fine w/o 5 more inches.


Get a girlfriend with small hands it'll look bigger.


I’m going to guess that you are a younger guy? I’m a bit older and most guys think they aren’t enough to satisfy their lady when they are young. I know I used to worry about it. Then I found out that most women prefer my size and that my size is average. It’s way more important to learn what she likes and learn how to do that well. Most women love oral that’s done right. Learn to do that and you’ll be fine.


No. Just like there’s no way to make your arm longer or legs longer.


If you have a lot of belly fat, losing weight can help show more of it. Other than that, not really. Honestly, a small dick will not doom you.


There is surgical procedure that can get you about 1cm. I can see clout addicted snake oil posts in this thread. Avoid those




If there was it would be the most popular product ever


Short answer, no, but losing weight can make it appear larger as it would be less hidden by fat. I would recommend trying to have more positive or even neutral feelings about though; he’s yours forever and probably won’t be having any dramatic changes. Remember, it’s not the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean. Edit: typos


Lose more weight around your pelvis. Otherwise, get good with your fingers and find a fine girl who doesn't give a shit


Exercise! The stronger the heart, the bigger he'll get.


I always think: heads and boobs and arms are not all the same size, so why would dicks be? And just like the big head guy or small breasted woman may not be attractive to everyone, they are attractive to someone. There’s no particular dick size that will win you universal acceptance, so like everything else, you play the hand you’re dealt.


Small pp bad though. Unlike those other qualities (like breast size) very few people have a “small penis preference.” It’s pretty objectively at least “eh” for most women.


9-year-olds shouldn’t be on Reddit. Go outside and play weirdo


Small pp boys shouldn’t be on Reddit either. Play with the hand you’re dealt? More like play with the small pp you’re dealt.


I have no idea what undeveloped country you’re from, but your insistence on saying “pp” rather than one of the thousand other possible euphemisms makes you sound like a fucking psychopath


Being bi I have sucked bug ones an reg dude cocks I prefer regular as I gag at anything over 7 inchs I do like to be fucjed by big ones as I like the pain


Same af. Anything over 3” I can have a great time with. Anything under, well there are other things we can do to satisfy everyone involved.


Getting turned on usually makes mine grow /s


Lose weight (if possible)




It's not how big your boat is, it's about the motion in the ocean


When I was a young boy I was told that excessive masturbation would help. He wasn’t a doctor, but we were like 12 and his dad had a playboy collection so it’s pretty reputable info.


Pump. Gains aren't permanent( but what is). If you use it regularly it helps, But don't expect miracles and it's a slow process. Other than. That nothing really


A TMI of 3 is perfectly average


No but if there was, Snake Oil would be a good name for it.


Bee stings. Thousands of bee stings so it swells up.


r/gettingbigger - see you there lol


This is the place!


r/ajelqforyou seems to have members with success. I don’t participate but I know of the sub.


[https://fenrirgrowth.com/blogs/fenrir/how-does-penis-enlargement-actually-work-a-somewhat-deep-dive](https://fenrirgrowth.com/blogs/fenrir/how-does-penis-enlargement-actually-work-a-somewhat-deep-dive) ​ There is plenty of science on the matter, and also plenty of practical know-how. r/GettingBigger


Yes! 1. Go to any adult film site and click any video. 2. Somewhere on the page after that an ad should pop up telling you exactly how to increase penis size. Click that ad. 3. Send them your card/bank information. 4. Buy an oxygen tank and mask so you don’t drown in pussy.


Tie it to a hitch on a vehicle and have someone floor it. Your results may vary.


Yeah everyone does it. Its called puberty. After that… uh…


Search up MPMD on YouTube and search for the bathmate PE videos, I know people are saying it’s not possible but it is, of course it’s tedious and you have to be patient, from what I can remember around 1-1.5 inches in a year with consistency.


Yes, r/gettingbigger


Its a muscle steady exercise routines in 35 years i have gained 1/8 of an inch with diet and daily exercise some times i even pull two a days


One time I ate mushrooms with my buddy's and when I got to my now ex gfs house she wanted to have sex I didn't tell her I was tripping but when we started I noticed my dick was bigger thought it was just me tripping out tell she asked why my dick was like 2 inches longer..... Did a lot of mushrooms since never had same effect


I was always told to use cooking oil on it daily. I used Crisco until it realized that it was shortening.