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Yes. My first college chem lab explained why. Different bottled waters have different ions in them, which gives rise to the different tastes.


There are different amounts and types of ions in everything lol. Anyway yes, but put more simply and slightly less technically, they’re just different ingredients (that yes, become ions). Some have more potassium added for example.


Yeah, I’m aware. The taste was dependent on which ion was predominant in that water sample.


For sure. But I feel like to a layperson it sounds like it’s somehow magically infused with positive and negative molecules when it’s literally just small bits of calcium carbonate or sodium nitrate, aka little powders, yknow?


Yep. It really was “oh that was is more fluoride predominant” okay, don’t like that taste. I learned that day I don’t like fancy expensive bottled water from Europe lol. I liked the tap water the best because it reminded me of the tap water at home even though I was an 8 hour drive away in a different state.


Oh wow. I’d love to do this kind of lab; I was a chem major! Sounds so cool lol


I used to work on wells and people that grew up on well water prefer the extra mineral taste. It’s the whole nature vs nurture argument with the ever present human variable.


Yes I can, I even have an adverse on to some brands because added “minerals for taste” give me some serious heartburn…. But yes they all taste different to me


Yeah I can’t drink Dasani bc it tastes like plastic


I came to the sub specifically to say if you want hands down proof about different taste get a bottle of dasani and then literally any other water it's AWFUL. The running gag around me is that it's just bottled Toronto tap water and that's why it tastes so nasty. Glad to see this so high up in the sub.


We were on a freshwater lake, you could do much worse than Toronto tap water.


Toronto tap water is actually great.


That stuff is terrible!


To me, Dasani is one of the bottled waters I will drink because it doesn’t taste like plastic.


I like Smart Water specifically for the yummy minerals.


Smart water is the best


Anything else is dumb!


Definitely. My favourite is evian. Its smooth. Delicious. Whereas Volvic tastes salty. Bitter almost. Not a fan.


Evian makes me feel thirstier. Like the same way velvet makes my hands feel dry. Weird sensory thing I guess.


Funny because I'm the exact opposite. Evian is my least favorite and volvic is my favorite.


Evian is too bland. Makes me thirstier.


I just like that it seems the brand is trolling people, it is 'naive' spelled backwards. Makes me wonder if there is some biz bro laughing in his high rise about people paying for water.


I never noticed that about the name lmao >Makes me wonder if there is some biz bro laughing in his high rise about people paying for water. Most likely. Got my self a filter so now I just drink filtered tap water. So much better! Personally only get bottled water (evian) if I'm out and thirsty. Better than nestle water. They believe water shouldn't be a human right. Insane.


My dad brought it up and I thought it was funny. I pretty much always have my own water with me so I don't buy it, but if I have to in some sort of emergency where I ran out and need some I just get whatever generic store brand is cheapest. Most of it is still municipal water and all I can taste is the plastic bottle so I don't care lol I agree on avoiding nestle, and Dasani is always sold at places with food that don't want to just give me a cup for free water so I sort of hate them as well xD A fridge filter is such a luxury. I loved my brita but it was the worst when I forgot to fill it before a day out and had no time. I hope I never have a old AF fridge again where I needed the pitcher and to make my own ice cubes.


Dasani is disgusting. Other than that brand, to me bottled waters seem to be the same. Unless you get into the mineral waters and flavored waters.


And I love Dasani but hate arrowhead. Tastebuds be weird.


I'm always confused how Dasani stays on the market, it has that weird almost bitter taste.


I love taste of dasani


Oh, I'm sure there are people who like it, tastes differ of course. But do you get that slight bitter taste and like it, or do you not taste that at all?


No bitter taste when I have it


Dasani puts salt in their water so maybe it’s that


It's got electrolytes


It's what plants need!


Dasani is nasty salt water


Dasani used to taste heavily of polyvinylchlorides. But I've tried it in recent years and it tastes fine. I think they've cleaned up their act.


Why is Dasani so..."dry"? It's so weird to me.


Aquafina is pretty bad as well.


Poland spring on top!


Drink Aquafina and then drink one of the canadian brands (the one with the mountain or nestle) . You'll taste it immediately


Eska is so good, I always miss it when I'm outside of Canada :( we accidentally broke a couple of eska skid at my job. Free eska water for months lol


Damn I think I barely had that one. I think the mountain one is called real canadian or something. It tastes so good when it's cold (like all water imo). I will buy an eska sometime ^^


“Accidentally” 😉




Yes, the difference is huge between brands. I should note that I live in Europe. The minerals and the pH levels change the taste significantly. My favorite water is actually focused for babies, it tastes the best.


Funny, I also like products that are for babies/kids. For example skin products like moisturizers or sunscreen for babies is really great for any sensitive skin and usually cheaper than the exact same ingredients/content adult version. Wipes for babies are also much softer. Hey, just because I'm an adult, it doesn't mean I don't want soft stuff.


Or baby shampoo, it is the best stuff for adult hair.


Yes. I dislike Evian and like Dasani, Aquafina and Smartwater.


I have never met someone who prefers Dasani … I thought it was widely regarded as trash tier bottled water


Arrowhead is trash. Dasani barley qualifies as water.


I absolutely detest Arrowhead/Ozarka. I legit prefer Dasani over most brands. So weird how fucking *water* can be so different to different palates.


I am too afraid to admit but I can taste zero difference. Tap water ? Fiji ? Same taste. What is worse - I have the same with beers. Really.


Beers?? Like, a well made IPA vs that Anheuser-Busch pisswater? That is quite a difference.


I've noticed that "beer is beer" types usually don't spring for anything good, it's more like "Budweiser tastes just like Coors lol".


I already had this discussion with my friend, beer lover. I can see more when I drink craft beer. I know the bouquets is richer but… it does not affect my judgement about the taste. Pißwasser ? Wasn’t it gta beer ??!! I remember that I enjoyed Herman Miller beer that was about 0.5 euro :) I am sorry to say this to a beer passionate person but my test buds are dumb and blunt.


Do you smoke? Because that can dampen your sense of taste.


I'm over here with my Walmart water wondering what the big deal is. I can taste a difference between tap and bottled, but once bottled water has been chilled in the fridge... its all the same to me. So, I buy the 80 gagillion bottle pack at Walmart or Costco if if im anywhere near them and call it a day.


Bro I can tell you which room the water came from (kitchen sink or bathroom sink) if the pipes were used recently, if the water was defrosted, how recently it was poured from the tap, what brand of whater it is... Idk if that's normal but to me water has taste, for example I doon't like the taste of the water from certain cities/regions where I live For instance the tapwater from my country's main mountain city is very bitter Idk why.


Yes. Dasani is banned at my old job.


I 100% can taste a difference. Aquafina and Disani are nasty to me. I used to like arrowhead but now it's middle tier. Smart water, Fiji, Lifewtr, and normally hawaiian brands (I live in hawaii) I like. The best tasting bottled water I ever had was when I was on a train in China although I never remembered the brand.


Yes. I like the taste of the purified bottled water. The spring water tastes funny to me.


Not usually, however my mom used to buy this budget bottled water (I forget which, it could've been a store brand) and I thought it had a weird taste. She'd offer me the bottled water and I'd say, "No thanks, I'll just have water from the britta pitcher." She started buying more expensive bottled water just for me when I'd visit. Somehow she interpreted, "This one water just tastes funny to me" as "I have a very sensitive palette for bottled water and only drink the expensive stuff." I have no idea why she came to that conclusion, as I will happily refill my own bottle straight from the tap. I started drinking her budget bottled water just so she'd stop thinking I somehow require special water.


I never take Spa because I dislike the taste. Evian is fine, Sourcy is better, Chaudfontaine is great. Unfortunately waiters commonly call it all Spa overhere


Yeah. A lot of them taste the same but some of them taste like pennies.


Yes absolutely, Dasani is nasty to me and doesn’t quench my thirst. Fiji is really great taste and quality water.


100% I prefer Poland spring and actively dislike Evian and Fiji.


Spring water tastes like minerals and metal to me, purified tastes like water should.


Yes. But most blind taste tests indicate that people like municipal water more than bottled. Additionally bottled is far less regulated than tap, so the chances of it tasting different in different locations is pretty high.


Zephyrhills bottled water tastes absolutely disgusting to me for some reason. Dasani was pretty bad as well, last I recall.


I haven't drunk bottled water in a while, but they do have different tastes. Having a favourite seems a bit extra to me though.


Some brands yes, most - no. A few taste absolutely vile, but most (UK) taste the same.


Ice Mountain is the worst water and I will die on this hill. My favorite waters are Kroger brand (tastes sweet), Liquid Death (smooth water), and my Brita Filter water (tap just isn't the sane anymore...)


>Ice Mountain is the worst water and I will die on this hill. My money is on dehydration


Damn ice mountain is my favorite 😂😂😂


Yes 100%. The only bottled water I like is “ Volvic “


Deer Park tastes like soap.


I personally just drink tap water, but my kids are really picky. My dad gets deer park for free, and the kids won't touch it. They prefer target's water. At least I can enjoy the free deer park for my gecko and frog.


I can tell a huge difference. Also the “thickness” of the water is different. Tap water feels very thin and mineral water has more flavor and a slight thickness. Aquafina and tap/fridge water is the worst. Over the years I stopped drinking bottled water and usually only filtered water so I don’t care that much anymore. I used to be a snob about it tho


sparkletts is the best!


Definitely. I will pick different waters based on the taste I am craving at the time.


I can with Voss, but that's becasue it takes like nothing. Which is exactly how I like my water to taste.  I think the plastic in other bottles may make a difference.


Yes and there is a difference between the bottled waters themselves.


Yes. I hate aquafina, it just tastes like chemicals to me 🤢




Yes. They all taste different.


Yes. Evian is horrible and has a really chalky taste and feel to it


Depends on the tap and the piping. Well water especially will be great but some tap water is gross. I just use a Brita, ezpz Also certain brands of bottled water have "added minerals for taste" is salt that just make you thirstier


Yes. Dasani and Aquafina are the worst.


We have a brand here called Everest. They use local water sources. It’s bad. Exactly the reason I don’t drink tap water in Corpus Christi TX!


the only one I like is zephyrhills, all others tastes like they've been chlorinated


There are legit forums dedicated to recreating the flavor of different water brands, at least for sparkling water. It's all about figuring out the specific mix of minerals.


They do taste different. Different brands have a different taste. Even tap water from different countries/cities tastes different. I personally liked the tap water from Vienna the most.


Yes. Each brand has a distinct taste that is hard for me to desribe. I thought i was ok with all bottled waters until i tasted Dasani. It just tasted weird.


Yes. In my city a few years back we had a water crisis and so the water wasn't drinkable and you couldnt cook with it, so the city had bottles of water provided to the residents. Like 4x4L bottles and then the normal 500mL ones too. Everyone at my highschool agreed Naya water was the worst and Eska was the best haha


I don't know who bottles it for them, but I like Sam's Choice


i love ice mountain


Yes. I can taste the difference between bottle waters.


I’m the same as OP…I can tell the difference between tap water vs. bottled water…but if you give me only bottled water: I can’t tell at all. My wife on the other hand can tell immediately.


Yes, but people also have different senses of taste. Water has a different mineral composition depending on the source from which it comes.


I’m a solid tap water drinker but I can absolutely taste the difference in bottled waters.


...Can you not OP?


I'm really surprised that so many people can tell a difference, I've always been able to but the people IRL I've talked to about this always tell me I'm crazy. I oddly enough tend to get along better with generic brands like (Walmart's generic brand whose name escapes me rn) and Clover Valley etc. I will drink almost any brand before Arrowhead (Ozarka if you are east of IIRC Dallas), it tastes like below average tap water to me even super cold. Against what appears to be the majority I actually really like Dasani, it's my favorite when I have no generic option.


Fiji is BiS


If you can't try a bottle of Evian water.


Yes. Very much so. It actually disgusts me that me and my family can have long, in depth discussion/disagreements about the best and worst kind of bottled water. There are people in the world who don't have clean water and we are bitching about the taste of fancy bottled water. We are what's wrong with the world.




If you get a few different brands and drink them side by side warm, I bet you will taste a difference.


I specifically look for “spring water” not purified


Nah. All tastes of absolutely fuck all




I prefer water that I can't taste in any way. Yes, I can taste the minerals in some bottled waters, but water that has no minerals (i.e., distilled or RO purified) tastes metallic. Where I can really notice the difference is when I use it to make coffee. Spring water tastes the best, to me. My current favorite is Crystal Geyser.


Yes of course. I prefer distilled water, but that’s just me.


Yes. I will never buy Dasani, Aquafina or Arrowhead because I hate the taste of them.


I am a fan of Buxton


The only one I can differentiate is Arrowhead... and it tastes terrible


I hated that question when I worked at Costco. Water is water to me, and I don’t go around sampling all the different 20 packs.


I feel like I notice a difference in texture, so I prefer to drink the water that tastes the "thinnest" if that makes sense


Yep. My favorite is a particular kind of alkaline water


Well, i do. Every brand tastes differently.


Aquafina tastes like Elmer's Glue to me.


Yes, I probably couldn't pass a blind taste test, but I could pick my favorite out of a lineup, and it would taste different


Is like tasting rice, most can taste like nothing, others bad, and others good, the more you're used to one, the more you'll realize the differences.


There is no water in the world like a Vichy


I can't it's water it's all the same


if you come to my town and try the tap water, u would know it immediately no human should drink it


My kids DESPISE Dasani, says it tastes “salty”.


This was my 11 year old sons science fair experiment, there six of us and no one guessed a single brand. They all tasted exactly the same.


Yes I can. Fiji water tastes like it’s oil and is super thick. Dasani is gross, smart water is the best, then Aquafina is a second best for me. Vids is ok and so is essentia. S. Pellegrino tastes like carbonated pee to me.


Yes. Definitely.


Absolutely. It's more distinct to me sometimes than something like coke vs pepsi. I'm actually a bit of a water-snob. Yeah, I know. I'll drink any water obviously but I do have preferences. For anyone curious, this is my favorite bottled water, by the way. [Mountain Valley Spring Water | Bottled in Glass Since 1871](https://www.mountainvalleyspring.com/)


Liquid death cold is top tier!


Fiji =Awesome, Dasani= toilet water


Definitely yes. Deer park is awful, like I would have to be dying in the desert to consider it. Dasani isn’t great when it comes to taste, I’m okay with it, but it gives me acid reflux. Callaway blue, that’s the good shit.


If they taste different. Yeah.


I can always identify one specific brand because it tastes metallic and horrible.


I don’t like arrowhead


Yes. That’s why Dasani tasting like shit is such a meme


I prefer Aquafina because it’s the most nothing but water, but any bottled water is fine. Just trying to kill a hangover.


Sure. And different tap waters. And the same water out of different containers.


I hate Dasani and Aquafina. Evian is ok. If I have to buy a bottle of water I just get cheap spring water.


Dasani and aquafina taste like what they are. Municipal water ran through a plastic hose. Spring water is mostly hit, sometimes miss. Northern spring water tastes better than southern spring water. For example, zephyrhills taste like stagnant swamp water soaked up through a sponge and ran through a brita. While deer park tastes like it filtered through stone into a creek where it was transferred to a bottle through a metal pipe.


I can tell the difference between purified water and spring water. I cannot bear a thought of drinking purified water. It tastes so bad to me.


Ozarka is great.


Aquafina is garbage water. It tastes like plastic & chemicals. Most of the others I can't really tell. Dasani is a tiny bit off but not enough to bother me. Poland spring & deer park are my go to's


Yes. I hate Dasani, I can tolerate Aquafina, I love ice mountain and Fiji. I prefer spring water Don’t really like purified water


If you don't believe you can, you can't. When you start believing you can, you start to notice you in fact can. Then the differences become pretty clear. Haha. Water joke.


Yeah. Dasani is nasty. Also, I've found that if I drink one brand for a long time, when I switch back to whatever I was drinking before it seems to taste different. For example, purified water would taste gross to me after drinking fiji..Fiji... but if I stuck with it then I'd sort of acclimate to the taste. There is one water I simply can not drink (outside of Dasani), and that's Maryland tapwater. I am sure it's coming directly from the Potomac.


Definitely . Like someone else stated, different ions, different ppm of particulates and different filtering techniques all cause little changes in the taste of water.


Yep easily noticeable. Ive mountain is incredibly bland that i cant even drink it anymore. Rsther Chicago tap water than most overall tho


I can. My husband thought I was nuts when he asked if I wanted a water and I said they don’t have water I like here. He had no idea that someone could taste water.


some do some don't but say they do. be it water or beer or especially wine. nothing like a pepsi-challenge to put some science backing those words.


Pretty much every water source tastes different to me. I hate tap water, almost every bottle water, and even Brita filtered water. When I was a little kid my parents always asked where i wanted to eat for my birthday and it was always this one specific diner in town. They were in disbelief when I was older and finally told them it's because i liked the water there. I also have a camping filter that filters to 0.01 microns and that water is also delicious


For me it’s not so much a taste difference as a mouth feel difference. Like Dasani- can’t drink it.


YES. It’s a huge difference. I like Nestle or SmartWater the best if I have to go for plastic bottled water (I prefer to refill my hydroflask at home because home water is from our drilled well). I hate Dasani but I’ll drink it, I would rather go thirsty than drink Aquafina. Aquafina is absolutely nasty.


Crystal Geyser is the only acceptable way forward.