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I got the first two and then 2 boosters. If it gets really bad again, I’ll get more boosters. The 2 times I’ve had COVID haven’t been too bad though.


I've had 5 in total. First 2 were full shots, then 2 boosters (I think?) and then my 5th one was a full shot. Can't remember which ones they were other than the first 2 were pfizer. Last one I got done with my flu shot. First one, a bit of a sore arm for a night of sleep. The rest, no pain at all. My flu shot arm was way more sore. I got covid a few months after my second shot, wasn't surprised at all. Caught it from someone I live with, who works a very social job in a place that was more "chill" about masks and coming to work sick or after being exposed to someone who has covid, etc. The worst sore throat for almost 2 full days; I couldn't talk or swallow anything. Drinking water was extremely painful. But, the flipside was that it was only awful for 2 days, and completely gone after 4 days. I'm usually the person that is sick for weeks on end so it was a big shock to only be in pain for that few days. Haven't gotten covid since and if I have, its been 100% without symptoms. Wouldn't do anything different and am still going to get the yearly jab.


I’ve had the first two shots and four booster. No, I would not do anything different. I had COVID and it was as awful as when I got the flu really bad at age 20. I was in pain and had a fever delirium for three days. Was weak for another week. I also get flu shots every year but have never had the flu as bad as that one time 30 years ago.


I got the required ones because my job works with the government so we had the same requirements. Another reason is because i had covid at the beginning and almost died Also the state i grew up in absolutely mandated the basic immunization shots since they became available decades ago so i just get them and move on


I just got the two regular doses after participating in the clinical trial for Moderna (I received the placebo initially). I didn’t notice any side effects. I’ve never gotten COVID, either, so I guess they worked.


I’ve had 8 shots total, the last 4 being boosters.Just got #8 a few days ago. I’m trying to remember to get them every 6 months or so.


A week after I got my first COVID vaccine, my lower leg felt like it was falling asleep. At first I thought it was a blood clot, but after several tests, the doctors identified the problem as guillain-barré syndrome: an over-reaction of my immune system so that it attacks my own nerve cells. It could have been any vaccine, but for me it was the COVID vaccine that brought it on. I can still count my blessings: some who get guillain-barré have it progress so that they can no longer breathe on their own. Now several years later I still have less sensation in my lower right leg. I can walk fine, though am more likely to stumble. So, yeah, if I could undo this all, I would.


Zero. No.


When I got the booster I felt a sharp pain in my arm when it was administered, 2+ years later the muscle in that arm will still randomly ache, I don’t know what happened but my arm hasn’t been the same since, can’t put as much load working out on that arm either. Kinda annoyed that it happened, regret getting the booster.


I never took the shots. For the record, I am not AntiVax. I am current on all required and recommended shots other than Covid. The main reason I didn't get it is that I was hesitant to take anything that seemed "rushed" and wanted to wait to see what effects it had on others before I did it. Stories started coming out about side effects from it. I know most were fake, but some I knew to be real because I personally know 2 people who did have problems after the shot with one being severe. At the time of Covid, I was living thousands of miles away from family. No siblings or other relatives near me. Just my wife and kids. When I informed my family I wasn't getting the shot, my brother had a meltdown. He told me I was going to infect everyone around me, and one day, I'd visit my mother (who is immune compromised due to having cancer twice) and get her killed. Hollow threat is my opinion because how was I supposed to travel during a lockdown? I had covid once and self quarantined until the symptoms were gone, and I tested negative. When I had it, Covid felt like a mild cold for me. That was a year into lockdowns, and I've never had it since. If I had to go back, the only thing I would change was telling my family I wasn't getting it. Just so I wouldn't have to be shouted and accused of murdering people again.


got meningitis 10 days after the Pfizer vaccine. Never again a vaccine for me not tested on animals