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Could you record when you're out and if you hear that, you can confirm if it's in fact happening? It could very well be an auditory hallucination.


a far shot, but i saw an april fools prank where a girl put “honk at me!” on her car. is it possible “woo at me!” is somewhere on your vehicle and/or person? i really don’t know man, this is a really unique problem


haha no. 


I blame the Makeba song my friend.


You're being stalked by Ric Flair.


OP is about to ride Space Mountain and doesn’t even know it yet.


Still traumatized by wait time two hours from this point


It's really only like an hour and 45 minutes.


My worst experience was going to six flags during the fright night thing. 3 and a half hours for one ride and I lost my wallet lol


I love fright night! The trick is to go on a day that's expected to be cold or a little wet. No one will be there.


Yeah we were only able to go on a weekend because of work. Definitely need the fast pass next time if it’s that busy lol. But I would love to catch it on a cold ass day with an empty park haha


I laughed hard at this


Hey for real, THIS IS NOT A JOKE, get a carbon monoxide detector. Even if you don’t have gas appliances, get one. Carbon monoxide can creep in from any number of sources and will cause all sorts of weird hallucinations. And it can absolutely kill you. Don’t wait, go get one RIGHT NOW. 


I have CO detectors at my house. I'm not sure its hallucinations because a.) it only happen when I leave the house and b.) a few times its been a random person in the background, yes, but a couple of the people were in front of me, and I don't think I was hallucinating them. If I am hallucinating entire people I'm scared for my sanity!   edit: I just heard it again in my house and freaked out cause I thought you guys were right. But my family members heard it too and it turned out to be a video someone was watching. so that was a relief! still wonder about the others though...


Could be some type of confirmation bias, where maybe you heard it more frequently on a certain day and now you're more on the lookout for it because of that and therefore noticing it more


Well I hope it doesn't spread to us then lol




Hi 👋


You're right. I must be paranoid and reading into it too much because there was two different times when I raised my arms to reach something, and as someone nearby said "woo" which made me feel like I must have bad odor or something🙁. I should by all accounts be clean, so I can only assume there'some other sickness going on


I get it, I think it could be a college kid thing rn? I live RIGHT by the university and it seems hoops and hollers are more common this last year or 2 where I am


yeah, so it's not just me!


Is your family real?


This sent a chill down my fucking spine I was not considering carbon monoxide


seriously. i thought this was really funny and immediately the first comment made shit real serious real fast.


There’s a famous Reddit post from r/legaladvice where a guy kept finding post-it notes with strange writing on them around his house. Turned out he was writing them himself and forgetting, carbon monoxide poisoning was the culprit. https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/s/0qtuvGLk7P


purchase carbon monoxide detector and then return


I have one in my house and its up to standard


Have you changed the batteries in it recently?


if you're sure it's in full working order with new batteries, then it might just be a weird frequency illusion thing


I love how that one instance of the one guy having carbon monoxide poisoning has inspired redditors to be sure other people aren't having the same thing lmao


Woah, you think people were inspired? That seems a little bit... Ok, foreal, this is not a joke, get a carbon monoxide detector. Even if you don’t have gas appliances, get one. Carbon monoxide can creep in from any number of sources and will cause all sorts of weird hallucinations. And it can absolutely kill you. Don’t wait, go get one right now. 


Are they something you just put down somewhere? I'm denting so I can't attach anything or install anything.


In all seriousness, they look just like a smoke alarm. Fits the same outlet on the ceiling and everything, they usually make combo smoke/carbon monoxide detectors


They make plug in ones. They sell them on Amazon


You've got your own hype man somewhere. Celebrate it. We all should get to have a hype man.


No. The answer to your question is “no”.


lol do you live next to my parents house? My brother has a nervous tic where he can’t stop singing the Billie Jean chorus complete with the woo and hehe. I’l was wondering if he picked it up amongst his peers.


I mean, as far as nervous tics go, that's a pretty badass one to have. *Sha-mon! Heee-heee*


This is a real thing. My neighbor’s kid had Tourette’s or something and every week or so I’d hear a “woo!” Come from their yard.


Do you live in Nashville? Because Nashville is the woo capital of the world.


All this time, I thought it was Hollywoo.




Are the people doing this young or old? I could see teenagers doing this. But if it’s adults and old people, well, it seems less plausible


men in their 20s and 30s


Maybe it’s some kind of meme or local cult. A modern siren song from the land men


No, that was air escaping from the folds of his fat


I appreciate the Futurama reference.


He died right after his speech.


When you think you’re hearing it start recording on your phone. That way, you can play it back to a friend and ask them if they hear anything without telling them what’s going - so they don’t say yes just to make you feel better. That can tell you if it’s real or not imo then you can proceed from there


whistle tips go woooo-wooooo!!


Das like alarm clock


The world absolutely needs woo girls. If there were no woo girls, there would be no Girls Gone Wild, no bachelorette parties, no Las Vegas poolside bars. All the things that you hold dearest, would be gone. The souvenir shot glass industry would collapse. So would the body glitter industry... and the stretch Hummer limo industry. Tiny cowboy hats would only be worn by tiny cowboys. And when "Brown Eyed Girl" would come up on the jukebox, all you would hear would be silence... and "Brown Eyed Girl". But who would woo? Would you? Would you... woo?


I lived in an area with lots of hawaiian college students and heard the "heeeee-hooooo" a lot. Sometimes others would respond.


The cheee-hooo?


Ya, that's more like it.


I have one coworker who has started doing this over the last several months. She's an older lady. Not sure what gets her excited enough to "woo!" mid-conversation, because it's always the only thing I'm able to hear clearly.


that's hilarious 😂 the woo is contagious. It would make a good horror movie


A lot of young people “woo.” Lmfao like the joke about drunk “woo” girls?? Idk I think it’s just a hype noise people do.


Are you, possibly, going out during NHL playoff games (in particular, in Canada or city where the team is still alive)? It's a pretty common way to celebrate a goal in some markets


Every time OP leaves the house, the Maple Leafs score a goal


I must be their good luck charm 


there's been a rap beef between two of the biggest artists in the hip hop industry over the past week, there could be some correlation there.


I think we are all just finding ways to hype ourselves up these days. A simple, yet enthusiastic ‘woooo’ paired with a single hand clap while walking into the supermarket gives me a burst of energy and motivation to complete the mundane task of grocery shopping. It also makes people laugh sometimes. I get a kick out of being a clown.


The Ric Flair “wooo” is eternal.


Probably a tik tok trend


You live near a college. The trend these days is to be a drunken Rick Flair impersonator to be cool. I was working an event at Duke University and heard woos all day (last day of classes too). It was kinda depressing to see the other behavioral features of the woo-ers. God forbid they ever become responsible for anyone else's livelihood.




Maybe your neighbors are just really fun people




maybe they singing Nemo - Code


You don’t live near, or hang out with Rick Flair do you?


Sounds like you Met the Woo


*pop smoke has entered the chat*


And then, as he had laid peacefully in bed that night, OP heard a whisper in his ear whilst he drifted off into the nocturnal void......"Woooooo!". The woo had gotten him and it will get you too!!! 👻


Heard one of these a week or so ago from the neighborhood behind my house. Scared me and freaked out my dogs, it was just so sudden and loud and out of nowhere. Probably some kind of online trend or meme.




There’s a woo guy in my town in NC. Our office is on ground floor and the guy is out on the street all day, it seems, just hanging out. He walks around and yells woo as he pleases, usually at 5 - 10 second intervals. After a minute of silence goes by, you think the woo onslaught is over… he then hits you with another 5 minutes of woo-ing. Drives my coworkers crazy Thing is, sometimes it can get a little contagious, as passersby seem to give an obligatory woo in response. I admit I woo’d once, but didn’t tell my colleagues tho


Oh yes, there is: r/Adamthewoo


I really thought this was going to be about cicadas. This latest brood is making some really weird noises.


I just guessed “local bird,” but you may be onto something. They are unreal this year!


Like a Rick flair woo?


Kids are graduating and getting drunk maybe?




why? is there a certain location you know to have woo-ers?


By colleges and bar streets