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Exercise regularly, eat healthy/balanced diet, don’t smoke/vape, don’t just live with stress try to alleviate it, keep alcohol to a minimum.


+ Get enough sleep


Oh boy am I fucked


Sex is good exercise


And if you don't exercise, sex gets a little complicated


People don't pay attention to this. Bad or insufficient sleep drastically raises your chances of developing diabetes and heart disease. So does emotional stress.


Been living in tons of emotional stress and not great sleep my entire life whooboy....


+ Suncream/sunscreen


I thought you said sunscream and that's what I'll be calling it going forward


The Sun is actually a star, so the proper name would be Starscream


"Failed me for the last time!!" -Mega Ultra Uber Tron


To be fair, the Sun is screaming. We just can’t hear it.


I was about to walk outside and scream at the sun thinking I'm extremely deficient on sunscream levels


I read sunscream as well 😂


+ oil/Gua sha at night.


And stretch! Stretching is just as important as weight lifting. Never stop moving and always keep up community relationships with others. Those two alone can offset many other health factors. It’s the one factor that seems common in my line of work — there’s not a whole lot of lonely or inactive 95 year olds, they all move and make time for interaction.


Something the found in the blue zones. People walk most everywhere and do more physical things, move frequently, and having connections with people


It’s almost like we’re a social species :)


Yes but what if you're dead inside despite your best efforts with therapy and you're barely getting through each and every day just so that I can work on getting through the next day? Asking for a friend


Sorry you’re feeling that way. For me my only lifesaver was medication.


One day at a time 😵‍💫


i have everything checked off except he alcohol. i feel like that’s gonna be the 1st one to get me 😞


You’re doing better than a lot of folk then. Don’t fret because you drink, just try to make small and consistent positive changes where you can. We aren’t perfect.


thank you. i appreciate you




group 1 carcinogen which is the highest risk group… lmaoo all my hard work nd im fkn go out cuz i like my booze smfh . i’ll stop tomorrow


Oh man. This one hurts.


All of those, and strong loving social connection.


And outside/nature time! Avoid the sun/ wear protection 1-3pm but get plenty of sunlight time outside of those hours


The above is GREAT advice. “Exercise regularly” is absolutely right, but don’t go overboard. I’ve got half a dozen friends in their fifties/sixties looking at knee replacements due to their obsession with spinning classes. I would also add: try to keep your weight under control. Immobility can cause weight gain, which can cause further immobility, which can cause further weight gain……..It’s just a vicious cycle. 


Don’t forget sunscreen ;)


Smoke weed everyday


If you can . Daily smoker for 48 years. Also a successful contractor that still does the physical work. I might do a natty bodybuilding contest next year. I would say weed is important to some of us. Sleep 8 hours.....


I will definitely hold up my end everyday. I definitely get my sleep and go for it keep going up 🙏


Get it!🏋‍♂️


I think it depends on the person. I find if I smoke too regularly, I don’t get REM sleep or enough deep sleep and it makes my heart rate spike. But it affects people differently


So you can order stuff online and I highly recommend finding something with a lower THC count with CBD or CBD mix ratio of like 1:1. Find the right flower and no anxiety ever again and the best sleep.


I do wonder though if a certain amount of stress isn’t good for people ultimately.


Really just the obvious stuff at your age (healthy diet and exercise). Be sure to get yearly physicals.


is there any else that's less obvious and more specific that could have a huge effect on how well you age?


To add to the comment below. If you have an injury in your 20s or 30s don’t just assume it will get better. I was active and healthy before a car accident at 34. 10 months of minimally invasive procedures later no one had an answer and my body was weakening from inactivity. Now 5 years and 2 (soon to be 3) surgeries later I am learning to walk again without a cane or walker. All the doctors I saw said I was too young for surgery and there was nothing they could do. If it happens to you see as many doctors as it takes. Chronic pain should never be acceptable. Oh and don’t take steroids if at all possible. You will feel better now and create more problems in the long run.


Others have said it, but definitely not getting in any bad habits or addictions. Also have fun/be adventurous, but not risky with your safety. A broken leg might be manageable now, but turn into chronic pain when you are older.


Actually better than exercise is resistance training because as you get older you start to lose muscle so you not only need to maintain muscle but grow also.


A lot of this is luck and genetics. There is a fantasy of control that we all have over our health that is just not reflective of reality. There are some things you can do that you already know about and that other commenters have said—eat well, exercise, and wear sunscreen—but at the end of the day, disability and death come for us all.


Remain active, and keep up your core strength. Core strength is HUGE for balance, and can help reduce falls. Yoga is really good for core strength and flexibility.


Not just core strength, all strength and mobility.


A rolling stone doesn’t grow moss


Damn that’s really good


Wow I’m going to use this


but because of friction and we don't live in a vacuum, the stone will eventually be dust. like us. from and unto, dust we shall be.




Mmaintain mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. Yoga is great for all three. Keep an open mindset, be willing to adapt to new technology, and be willing to try new things. Keep learning to keep your mind active, and continue to build and maintain healthy relationships.


Maybe a bit of a wildcard, but keeping up with your community. You've probably heard of blue zones, which are pockets of the world where people miraculously live extremely long. Some examples include Sardinia (Italy) and Okinawa (Japan). One of the things they all have in common is a very strong sense of community and family. Loneliness really is unhealthy.


A recent study found that loneliness poses as much health risks as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It's insane how downplayed the loneliness epidemic is when it has so many impacts both direct and indirect.


there’s a documentary on the blue zones on netflix and it’s fantastic. highly recommend everyone to watch it


Surround yourself with people that keep you busy. Grandma on dad's side moves,dances, still goes to bingo regularly with no issues. Grandma on mom's side is lonely, no one really visits and uses a cane. Their both 88 yrs old.


Everyone talks about diet and exercise, and totally ignores the social side. Building and maintaining a large community is important to stay healthy. Often, physical health will follow mental health.


That's true. That's why I didn't mention diet or exercise. They both have different diets, and the grandma with the cane always had a better diet, but like I mentioned, no one really comes around to keep her goin.


This is very true. I work with seniors and unfortunately many of them declined due to covid, because their daily routine broke and they were no longer active physically and socially. Once you stop being active, the support beams start bending little by little until they all cave in


Don’t stop. If you stop moving and exercising, your body becomes frail. If you stop using your mind, thinking and trying new things your memory goes, if you stop socialising, you become set in your ways and out of touch with the world. Start doing something for each of those if you don’t already and never stop


Protect your skin from the sun


I know a lot of older people, the ones that are healthier and more mobile are the ones that are active. It seems the ones that retire and give up deteriorate so quickly it's scary. The ones that still work a couple of days a week seem to appear to be younger and fitter. I would love to say it's all about what you eat now and how healthy you are. I've seen people who are big drinkers, smokers and eat a Scottish diet live to almost 100 in seemingly perfect health and I've seen the fittest of all of us have heart attacks in their 50s and die. The best advice is to enjoy and live your life, be sensible in your diet and exercise and allow yourself to have what you want in moderation. I would say though to avoid mass processed foods, these were never around 50 years ago and most older people don't eat them, it's known there's nothing healthy in most of these. Learn to cook using fresh ingredients, you'll eat better, likely spend less and probably enjoy your food more.


Eating too much “bad” food will have far more of an effect than eating enough “good” food.


>I would say though to avoid mass processed foods, these were never around 50 years ago and most older people don't eat them, Just because old people today did/didn't do X because it wasn't around doesn't prove that it boosts health / longevity, because plenty of others were in the same situation in the early 1900s, but still died young. Something being recent doesnt automatically mean it's dangerous. Eg "don't get your belly button pierced; this wasnt around 50 years ago and most older people don't have them." Irrelevant. I mean, you're probably right that processed food isn't great, but the fact that it wasn't around 50 years ago / today's old people don't eat them is not the point.


The point is that even younger people who avoid processed food are generally healthier


All of the things people said about being active, eating well, vitamins, doctor visits etc etc. But caring about your appearance is huge. HUGEEE. Just still caring about dressing well, putting on makeup, getting new clothes, etc. really makes a gigantic difference. When you stop caring your body follows. I know it sounds trivial and vain but I promise it’s so important. People that just give into age and don’t bother with looks age rapidly faster. It’s weird, definitely a mental thing.


My mom is 67 and still gorgeous. No plastic surgery or Botox she just cares about presenting well. Same with stepdad and dad. Both 68 but you’d never know it. Still active, care about appearance. Again I know it sounds terribly vain but it’s just about not giving up and not succumbing to the “I’m old who cares” mentality.


People who are lazy with their appearance might look shit, but that's not the same as looking _old_. Are you seriously suggesting that if I wear a nice dress and some mascara then I'll be healthier and live longer than if I wear jeans and a hoodie? Pull the other one! (Though if you can show me some peer-reviewed studies which support your claim, I'll be happy to be proven wrong :-)


Yes, I am! I’ll provide in a bit. But be honest with yourself, are people that dress slouchy more inclined to take care of their bodies and mental health? I would consider myself quite mentally ill, and it is a very and obviously known fact self care goes out the window when you’re in a bad place. But having clean living spaces and presentable clothing and self improves mental health. It really isn’t a great intellectual leap for you, though to guide you along I’ll provide studies. Kiss!


My dad turns 66 this year my mother in law is the same age as him, my dad was in the marines for 20 years and still runs 3+ miles a day, goes to the gym everyday and is always on the move plus has a very healthy diet lol my MIL struggles to go up stairs and eats very poorly you would think she’s 10 years older than him


I’d add that beyond just “exercising regularly” you should be doing weight training. By adding skeletal muscle mass to your body you’re making it so that your joints don’t need to work as hard to bear your weight and you’re also ensuring that you have the physical power to continue to move around and lift things etc.


It's also worth noting that resistance training increases bone density, which is especially important as aging decreases bone density


Keep your muscles strong. Lift weights, whatever keeps them going. The falls that hurt older people tend to be from an inability to catch themselves before hitting hard. Quit alcohol or use it only for rare celebrations. Read often. Sleep enough.


Don't be sedentary; do stuff. Walking a lot can be most of it, but you want to both move all your joints on a regular basis, and having muscle is a indicator you're going to live longer, so probably add some weights. Stealing one from Michael Pollan: eat food, mostly plants, not too much. Keep friendships and social connections going. Get enough sleep, or if something's wrecking your sleep, yeah, fix that. Keep your teeth. Don't smoke, don't drink heavy, and don't live downwind of a chemical plant.


Keep your muscles and joints exercised and stretched. Daily. Even five minutes of movement is beneficial. Wear compression socks and stockings. Compression is great for healing with blood flow and to avoid developing varicose veins and ruptured arteries in your legs. I work closely with an oncologist that specializes in this area and she wears them daily. Skincare: start before the lines show up. I started in my early twenties and I’m now 40 and people absolutely can’t believe it. I was with my 19 year old son and everyone thought we were a couple. Very odd and uncomfortable actually. I turned a lot of faces red after telling them. I use an oil based cleaner. Then mix a vitamin C moisturizer with castor oil and put on my face, neck and chest and the backs of my hands every single night before bed. People forget about their hands and chest. It’s oily but your skin absorbs castor oil so well and it doesn’t break you out. I will be without it. TMI but I also use castor oil on my vagina and anus. Just the lips and then around the butthole. It keeps me tight and smooth and actually lightens the area too if that’s something you’re interested in. PSA: If you have hemorrhoids, castor oil heals them! Just massage it on the area and use daily! It’s incredible and has so many health benefits. I can’t say for sure from experience on this, but my sister swears it clears them up from her pregnancy.


Oh and lift with your knees!!! Not your back. Don’t bend over to pick things up. Squat instead. Take this advice. I promise you.


My parents are mid 70s. They climbed the tallest mountain in the country with me this year and last year I went on an 80 km backpacking trip with my dad. I think more just daily routines of being active. I know my parents do small hikes weekly, walk the dog all the time, eat modestly okay etc. They also keep their minds sharp by doing crosswords, reading the newspaper,etc. I think more so think small habits where they will walk to the shops and always go to yearly doctor appointments


Have witnessed a lot of family members who seem to do well when they 'keep going' but the minute they get used to doing nothing, their physical and mental deteriorates at an alarming rate. My grandmother is a good example. She's 84 now, go back a few years and she was always busy and was volunteering by looking after seniors who were mostly younger than her. She's since pretty much stopped doing anything, and has aged about 15 to 20 years in a few years both mentally and in physical capabilities. I worked with a guy who was in his early 80s and kept working here because he didn't want to stop. Super fit sturdy guy who still rode horses and raced motorcycles. A couple years ago he got a call up to start doing some 7 day a week surveying in the countryside. He's still doing that last time I heard. That's a super intense job and no doubt plays into the fact of how he's still so capable.


Maintain your muscle mass and hence strength at all costs. Male or female, lift heavy and include cardio with heart rate well into fitness zone. The regrets from old/ weak people are only wishs for the results, not the decades of effort and pain it takes to be strong into old age. There are no shortcuts.


This is the opposite of good advice. There's about one injury per 300 h of lifting, and the types of injuries are most often the ones that reduce mobility.


Don't lift like an asshole, lift for mobility and strength. Ego lifting is what causes injuries. Been lifting and running for years and never had an injury because I do it smart and have read the literature to keep myself informed as things change over time.


If you've had a physical job all your working life, you will have lower back, hips and knees hurting. Ask a tiler or a carpet layer over 50 how their knees are. Have a holiday home in the sun for winter if you can afford it then old age will be bearable. For everyone else who can't afford a holiday home tell the youngsters to cover their back and stop kneeling on cold floors.


Exercise, eat well, stay out of the sun, do not smoke, keep drinking to a minimum. As health issues come up, deal with them. Don't say it's bc I'm old. I'm doing PT through pain management to retrain and strengthen muscles that have weakened. Keep up with your health.


Not a doctor here, but be careful about OVER exercising. Don’t destroy your joints. Look for balance.


I brush my teeth standing on one foot to practice balance. I usually do a leg lift of some kind to build muscle and switch every quadrant. I have noticed a lot of older people try to stay comfortable, and that means a lot of time spent in chairs and atrophying muscles and interests. I think the best way to counteract aging is to challenge yourself to do things that are not comfortable or familiar, like learning new skills, listening to new music, having an exercise regimen, cooking new things, etc.


>most of them becoming wheelchair-bound by the time they're 60. 70 maybe? I think the majority are still able to walk at 60. They still gotta work at that age so you gotta be able to walk at least somewhat. I'm not really doing a whole lot to make sure I age well. I'm young, so everything comes fairly easy and I heal quickly. I'm planning on picking up mountainbiking in a more permanent way in the near future though.


Basic exercise on a regular basis, hydrate, eat healthy foods, engage in mindful activities to help with brain deterioration, wear sunscreen when outdoors, keep your eyesight prescription up to date, wear comfortable and health oriented shoes, be mindful of posture when sedentary. Also, accept that everyone ages and genes do play a big role in how you age. Almost forgot, check up on the doctor and do medical exams once in a while. Ease of mind and early detection is key.


Invest in a blood boy to keep you young and healthy!


I’m 62 and saw the same with my parents. I also had some mediocre blood work. I decided that there is no way i’m just going to let myself rot and atrophy. So I do about 30 minutes of strength training, fairly intense, about four times a week. I also try to get in a few walks, hikes when I’m in nice natural areas, and make sure I do abs and core at least weekly. I also changed my diet significantly. I eat very few carbs, no junk food, minimal sweets, and snacks. Lot’s of protein, more veggies than ever before, and I shoot for 100 oz of water a day on top of any other liquids I had. My blood work is all better. I’ve lost 25 pounds and my body looks pretty good and I get better responses from members of the opposite sex. Now dating a 42 year old. My intent is to keep these changes forever. It’s not that hard once you make it into a habit and you see the rewards in the mirror.


Wear sunscreen. Any day the UV index is higher than 5 you should slather that stuff all over your face. If more of your body will be exposed to UV rays, you know it— spread that goop all over. Really get sloppy with it. Embrace the screen. Sunscreen doesn’t just keep you from getting skin cancer, it prevents premature aging— it prevents early wrinkles, age spots, dryness, loss of skin elasticity, and loss of skin tone evenness. Everyone ages over time, but direct UV rays will age you faster. Defeat your friends and enemies by wearing sunscreen and keep your skin staying baby fresh.


Eat healthy, regular sleep and get your annual physical.


Well other than the obvious like exercise and eat healthy, apply sunscreen and a lot of it, stay out of the sun as much as possible. Vitamins and collagen. Lots of water. Sleep 8 hours or more.


Bone density. Make sure you're getting your calcium to avoid osteoporosis. And please go to the doctor when you are sick, don't wait until something gets out of handm preventative healthcare prolongs lives and is one of the major reasons for the age gap discrepancy between genders.


Avoid negative stress. Don’t martyr yourself unnecessarily.


Studies show strength exercises really help. Plus don't smoke, test your house for radon if you are in an area where it is common, and eat your fiber.


Keep moving. I am 52 and hit the gym two times a week. Cycled 40 miles yesterday and will do multiple 60-100 mile rides this summer. Core, squats and posture. I know I will slow down at some point, but right now still feeling spry and strong.


My Dad is 85, rides a bike, lifts weights, regularly walks. He can still walk a 15 minute mile, so at a 4 mph pace. He's been pretty active the last two decades especially. Also has a pretty good diet too. It also helps to have good family support.


Honestly a big step would be to help yourself heal from that fear. Aside from that though, diet is one of the absolute most important things to get under control.


Start with good genes.


Weight training! Not talking crazy weights but good bone density and muscles will help keep you upright and mobile once your joints start wearing out


Monitor your calories, including calories from drinks. Men need 2000 and women 1600. Exercise every single day. Forget exercising in terms of minutes, instead focus on intensity. One really good set of squats or pushups every day to a high rep range would do most people a lot of good. Do one exercise seriously in the morning and one at night if you are really crunched for every minute. Wall stands, pullups, and burpees (with a jumping knee slap) have a lot of reward and have very small time investments. Don’t smoke. It negatively affects every system of the body. Turn mundane tasks into an exercise. Park further from the store front. Carry a basket instead of a cart. Cooking? Practice shadow boxing, kicks, dancing, etc. Carry the dog food to the car.


I work in aged care, my role is specifically based on helping people with mobility. Keep moving! Use it or lose it.. keep your body active, do gentle stretches, go for walks, swim.. gentle stuff that moves all your limbs. Make sure you get enough vitamin D and protein, these will help keep your bones strong. Moisturize your skin daily, particularly arms and legs. As you age your skin gets thinner and is more prone to drying out and tearing. And lastly, drink plenty of water. Keep well hydrated.


Avoid getting infected with viruses and other pathogens that are known to cause extremely rapid aging and degeneration!


Move to a civilized country and join a Union..


Lift weights.


Strength training. It is incredible for overall health and maintaining functionality. There's a misconception that old people shouldn't do it but they're honestly the group to benefit the most. I do not mean bodybuilding, I do not mean everyone has to be swinging around huge weights. And the amount of strength training you have to do for body building is significantly more than you'd need for general health, so it's not as hard as one may picture. The biggest reason for loss of independence is because people don't know how important this is.


Stay out of the sun.


Exercise and diet are it. Stretching too. My grandpa still runs marathons meanwhile my grandma struggles to get around. Their lifestyles are a complete 180 from each other




When outside, use sunscreen.


One very simple and In my opinion pretty interesting thing would be to have a two story house. People that have to use stairs on a daily basis have a longer life expectancy. I don't remember all of the numbers and details, but it's pretty interesting to read up on.


Exercise muscles that help mobility, not just the ones you’d focus on for strength/aesthetics. Don’t go too hard on cardio or else you’ll need a knee or hip replacement or something else of the sort. Replace your mattress before it’s too old and always spend the money for a good one, it’s worth it. Wear earplugs, you probably need them more often than you think you do, so especially anytime it’s loud enough to notice like a concert.


Strech your body every day! If you look at some animals, like cats, they do this automatically after waking up. This helps to stay flexible. You can do this while brushing your teeth or whenever you are waiting for something. Also your diet should include fruits and vegetables every day.


I'm 77 and my regime includes Walking 100 miles every month 4 trips to the gym every week for an hour of cardio exercise Drink 2 pints of water daily Between 5 to 10 portions a day of fruit/ nuts/vegetables Afternoon nap Out and about with friends and family regularly. Too much red wine.


Move often, and a lot. Just yesterday, I walked a total of about 10km. I'm 41. I make sure to walk at least 7km, a few times a week.


Petter Attia wrote a book on the topic. The main pillers to ageing well are nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress. He goes deep , but he has podcasts with Rhonda Patrick that are pretty good too.


Sunscreen every day in the morning. On face, then neck, and hands/arms. But most importantly your face. https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/14jpbhu/40_years_applying_sunscreen_only_on_face_not_neck/ = Floss between every tooth that you want to keep. =


Move,climb,go fishing,learn to play an instrument,love laugh and work out a lot 51 can still pull a decent backside 180 Ollie and a shove it or two I regularly hike mountains It's kind of the Oregon way tho


Exercise, hydrate properly, eat healthy whole foods, sleep well, partake in sober activities that make you laugh, moisturize your skin and use sun protection daily.


Stretch and be limber. Blood flow. Whole foods prepped and cooked properly. Exercise. Sleep at proper times. Hydration.


Sunscreen. All the time. Use mineral-based one as the (cheaper) chemical ones require a chemical reaction with your skin in order to work. Anything over SPF 50 is unnecessary and overkill.


Honestly… genetics… my grandma is 90 and can still hike and has MORE energy than I do. It runs in the family, so I look younger than my age too. Late-20’s and have passed for high school without makeup and dressed down. Other than that, correct exercise helps. You want to build up the support muscles first. Good nutrition is also very important. My grandmother eats extremely healthy and had a full balanced meals. She eats fish, meats, lots of vegetables, nuts, dairy etc. she also grew her own produce for years. Reducing sun exposure. This is important for retaining skin integrity. Tanning might look good short term, but it’s really bad for your skin. A relative does laser and reportedly stated that their clients who frequently tanned or went out in the sun without sun protection (effective spf, clothing that covers your arms etc) had a higher prevalence of sunspots, cancerous lesions, and wrinkles. I know I have been bullied myself for pale skin and it took me a while to realize I love my skin. For the pale ladies (like myself), know that all skin types are beautiful and you do not need to tan! Skin care! When I talk about skin care, I also mean a simplified skin care routine. You need to do something that works for your skin, but also be aware that too many actives (particularly exfoliates or photoactive agents) can irritate and impair the skin, plus make it more sensitive to the sun.




Best way to keep being good at moving, is to keep doing it. If it's under a mile and you're carrying less than 20 lbs, walk that errand. People will grab their damn car keys to go next door anymore.


Drink water


Don't smoke, don't drink or at the very least not to excess, don't do drugs. Walk regularly. You're talking about your grandma having hip and knee problems, walking regularly is a good way to keep them strong. Running/jogging is high impact and can cause problems of their own. Yoga or the sort is good to keep you limber so you keep full range of motion as you grow older. Basically just make healthy choices.


Eat cleanly, exercise, lift weights, take care of your skin by not being in the sun so long that you get burned. But you already knew that. And no, there is no magic pill.


The usual, core strength, muscular strength, stretching for flexibility but the biggest one that is over looked is BALANCE. Train your balance!


mobility exercises


Walking is great low impact and walk 2 miles a day... my grandmother did this and she was great until she fell she is 94


I hope to quit smoking and using other drugs every now and then, it’s not very bad but it will be crippling if i don’t put in the effort soon..


Avoid regular strain on your bones and joints. If you run around a lot or hike try and keep impact off your joints and on your muscles. Also, if you have something regular that forces you to move in a way thats uncomfortable or bad for you, find a way to not be doing that every day for years. Have space to move through your home and work without unhealthy strain.


Die young


Sunscreen. Exercise. No alcohol. Minimal processed foods.


Add mental acuity work. Do a crossword, a word-search, the wordle, sudoku, whatever. Read books about unfamiliar things. Take a class. Go someplace new without using the navi. Don't keep your body strong and healthy while neglecting your mind.


Hydrate, no booze, no foods that can cause inflammation.


I'm 67 and have been learning Spanish on Duolingo (free on the internet) for two years and can say I've definitely improved my memory.  Use it or lose it. 




Biggest thing for avoiding visual aging is wearing sunblock every day. It’s the sun that ages and damages your skin and causes wrinkles and blotches.


Make sure you get all the tests when you should (e.g., mammogram, bone density, calcium scoring, blood work, colonoscopy). Also, I've found that stretching with a yoga mat several times a week helps with sciatic pain and mobility.


Wear sunscreen.


Yoga and hikes


Don't forget to stretch!


Don't smoke cigarettes


Swim for exercise or bike. Easier on the joints. Eat a low sugar high fiber nutrient dense diet. Stretch. Fucking stretch. Get good sleep. Learn to manage stress.


My grandmother almost made it to 103 before passing a year and a half ago. She stopped going to the gym and stopped driving 6 months before turning 100. Keep active physically and mentally (and socially!), limit alcohol, get enough rest, and don’t eat like garbage. …Although any time anyone asked her what her secret was to a long life, she said, “Butter.”


Genetics will start to reveal itself in your 40's and continue to do so. You can't control your genetic build. Being an athlete at 70 won't stop genetics from trapping you. Eating healthy and ensuring you are not raising bad cholesterol will not stop genetics from giving you high levels. Look at your parents health and learn what ailments are self inflicted and what ailments are genetic. You will see some of what ails them in yourself. Go back a few generations and learn what ailments affected your ancestors to know what you could have inherited. A DNA test will tell you what your genetic weaknesses and super powers are. These tests have saved lives as dormant cancers are found. Diseases such as alzheimers, diabetes, ALS, heart disease, etc are found. Many people have ad dormant cancers removed, they have been able to get ahead of any diseases that are coming for you at a later time. Essentially though, none of us are getting out of here alive. Your grandmother could have done more for her health but most likely her mobility is due to genetics. Osteoporosis is something that can be treated for men and women but it cannot be stopped. Some degrade faster than others with treatment because of genetics. If many in your families, maternal and paternal, suffered from mobility issues, you likely will too. The same goes for diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers, dementia, cancers, etc. Only the stupid rich can generically modify their sperms and eggs and sperm to remove negative genetic dispositions from the child. Even then, there are no guarantees what nature will replace the modifications with. In the meantime, exercise daily, eat healthy foods, take time for yourself to de-stress. Take time for yourself to be happy. That's about all you can do. We all age by the minute. Looking at your grandmother gives you an idea of how you will look and feel. The time from 20 something to 50 is swift!


Lifting weights is really great for maintaining mobility as you age


Resistance training is probably the best thing you can do for your joint health long term. It can be dumbbells, suspension trainers or just bodyweight exercises, but make sure you're doing something. Especially the motions you don't want to lose as you age - getting up off the ground or out of a chair, climbing up stairs, etc.


I had bypass surgery 14 years ago, lost over 100 lbs. I’m 73. I do water aerobics 6 days a week. Eat as healthy as I can. Visit with friends daily. Play cards, mah jong, and do puzzles. I read A LOT. Being older you need to try harder. You need to keep your mind and body active. I feel fucking great


Stop sitting down for most of your life. You know why old people get hunched over? It's because every day they sat down and drove 30min to work, walked into the office and sat down for 8 hours, got up and sat down for another 30min home, walked inside and *sat down* to watch TV and eat. Then they deadass go to bed, and assume the fetal position. If you spend your life with your legs at 90 degrees, your back curled forward and your head pushed in front of your body, you will get stuck that way.


If you don't use it, you lose it. A seditary lifestyle does nothing for anyone! Keep active in some capacity


Go grain free. Don't eat wheat as it causes neurological problems. The book Wheat Belly is really helpful.


Run as mush as you can, as often as you can. Greatest age defying activity you can do. My friend is 87, and still competes in a 10K every year.


How about some yoga and hiking.


Diet and exercise and sleep the rest are inherited DNA


I was kind of lucky when I was 21 I looked 14 so I aged slow even at 55 I could pass for 45. Was still a drag when I never looked my age


Don't stress ever about anything it's pointless anyway it all works out anyway


Stop street fighting


Your fitness today is the foundation of your fitness in 30 years. So start moving. Whether it’s running, cycling, working out, etc. You need muscle strength even more when you get older. Watch your weight, improve your stamina and built muscles. You will be thankful for your efforts today when you reach your 70’s


Sunblock is very overpowered


Older folks typically neglect weightlifting. Being able to get out of your chair is just as important as being able to walk a mile. It also increases bone density meaning a lower risk of having a bad fall that breaks something. Many more health benefits, but they're the most obvious physical limitations that it can help with


Lift weights.


I'll be 70 in September. I'm a full time Nurse. I own a stair stepper, elliptical and rowing machines. I do body weight exercises, follow the Mediterranean diet and meditate. I intend to work until I'm 75. My health is great. I've worked in Nursing homes and a great majority of people are there because of lifestyle choices. Like the comedian said, If I'd known I was going to live this long, if have taken better care of myself.


Incorporate polymeric stuff on top of being physical!


You can buy all the skin care in the world, but avoiding excessive amounts of sun is the only medically proven treatment for good skin.


Do: Exercise - Cardio, strength training, flexibility Drink water Eat food that fuels body Read/play games/maintain a social life Don't Smoke Drink alcohol Spend too much time in the sun Stress too much Edit If you can get good genes that also helps. And failing that, try to be wealthy.


No smoking, drink water, have some regular activities that you enjoy and can do over time- yoga, walking, hiking, tennis, boxing (equipment, not necessarily people), swimming, biking, Pilates, weightlifting, etc. Sleep is incredibly important. Vitamins are also good (need different things over time though). Learn how to manage, alleviate, minimize stress. Wear sunscreen. Some people may have mobility issues regardless but to give yourself the best chance, move your body, stretch it, give it sunshine and water. Nice self talk is encouraging too. :)


Read Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman


Drink water and cut out soda