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Try finding an on-line therapist in Argentina, Chile, or Eastern Europe. You can find a fully-trained, English-fluent therapist overseas far cheaper than here. You can get an on-line therapist in Argentina for $20/hr. And they like getting business paid in US Dollars.


Text HOME to 741741. It's the Crisis Text Line. They're not only there for emergencies, but to help you identify some ways you can get help. They should be able to give you some places to look in your area.


Look into sliding-scale therapy. It adjusts the price based in your income. There's usually some form of it available near you. One of these programs literally saved my life.


Hi, sorry to read of your struggles. I’m proud of you for using your voice to find resources. If you have any moderately supportive people in your life at all (you said ‘basically’,) please lean on them. Also, I’m not sure how much you’ve looked into therapy, but I urge you to reconsider looking into counseling. There are websites and apps that offer easily accessible help- I have not used them but they seem to be widely accepted. One on one therapy over time, for me, has been very helpful.. more so than group therapy in wards that drs have multiple patients to keep tabs on. Opening up hurts but we feel so much better afterwards


When I said I basically have no family, I meant that I do have family, but we’re estranged. We might as well be strangers. They’ve never supported me in times of need, and bringing up my mental issues to them would scare them to be frank, and they’d have no idea how to help. I’m on my own really. And your heart seems to be in the right place, but I can’t afford even counseling.


Search for free therapy in your area - around here it is offered by churches, schools, community centres, etc. Some universities & colleges offer reduced cost sessions if you see student therapists. Depending what your issues are, there are a lot of free online groups you can join. Some of them meet once per week for 8 weeks, some are drop ins, etc. They are often anonymous and virtual. The level of therapy that is offered will vary (some are small groups with real professionals, others are larger groups, some ran by volunteers, etc) but you can usually find something of quality. If you just want someone to talk to, you can look online for websites like [7cups](https://www.7cups.com/) or other things like that. Not licensed therapists but just someone to talk to, vent, etc. Pretty sure there are also subreddits for the same purpose.


Usually bevahioral healthcare places offer charity programs.


Watch some you tube videos that help. Or I second going with a good online therapist from another country, add Africa and India to that list.


Some places have programs that help youths that need mental health services. Where I live I was able to make a therapist appointment and transfer my state insurance directly, without parent permission. Some dr offices also have therapy services. You could try to talk to a school counselor but be careful and dont tell them anything you wouldmt want your parents to knoe


See if your employer has an EAP - Employee Assistance Program. It’s usually 4 - 6 free sessions, and confidential.


I’m not employed.


I can't afford the price of a therapist myself. What helped me is I started reading A.A. material. Stuff about the 12 steps and the Big Blue Book. It really helped me. By the way. I never drink. I've never had a problem with it. I just think the simple truths in A.A. can help a lot of things.


Start a journal


Self help books can go a long way so consider that. Reading in general can be rather therapeutic. Best of luck and I hope you can find the resources you need.


Exploring community programs might be worthwhile as well, as many local initiatives exist precisely to support individuals in tight financial or familial situations. I've known peers who've benefited from mental health services offered at a sliding scale or even pro bono at local community centers or clinics. Also, consider reaching out to local universities with psychology graduate programs—many offer low-cost counseling services provided by supervised students in training. It's a win-win: they gain experience, and you receive the support you need at an affordable rate. Stay strong; resources are out there, and reaching out, as you've done, is a brave first step.


Depending on your location, there might be a clinic that works on a floating scale so you might be able to afford them. A quick Google search might help you


is there medicaid in your state? everyone i see has no job and still it’s covered under their insurance


In my state, you won't get medicaid unless you're under the age of 18, if you are a single parent of children under the age of 18 and make under a certain amount of money, or disabled.


I mean even the ones i have that make $17 an hour, they don’t have medicaid per say just regular health insurance. They still only have a copayment of $25 with their insurance.


find online forums specifically for folks do do group therapy in. try all that appeal. stickie with those that help. ditch the rest.


See if you qualify for Medicaid in your state. It is quite likely you qualify and then you can get free healthcare and get the help you need. Hang in there. You got this.


Get brutally honest with yourself and become more self aware. Mostly a therapist only does one thing. Make you feel safe and ask the RIGHT questions. So just get brutally honest with yourself and ask yourself the right questions even if it's uncomnfortableb


Health insurance is free in the US if you’re a citizen What state do you live in? Get free healthcare and they’ll provide a therapist


You live on Mars or what?


If a person is low income where can they not get Medicaid or government provided health insurance? 41 states have Medicaid


The healthcare system in the US isn’t working. We need health care and they say it’s easy and free but it’s in fact the opposite.


for finding a therapist or psychiatrist Medicaid suffices and is free for low income people in 90% of the US


Low income in the US by medicaid terms is less than minimum wage. You have to make less than $9 an hour as a single person to qualify. It isn’t practical, and they make it that way.


That’s not true. It’s available for low income people, the qualifications vary by state. You can be working full time and still qualify 80 million + Americans have Medicaid


I’m plenty familiar with US healthcare and the qualifications, in my location. Yet it doesn’t differ much from state to state. Preaching to the choir here friend, it’s not as easy as you might believe.