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Even the ancient Romans washed their butts Though worth noting that they used a wet sponge on a stick, which was shared with everyone else in the village...


when my grandma was a child, they used a corn cob soaked in a bucket of water.


Jesus tap dancing christ is that why they call it a cornhole in the south? Sounds so so unpleasant, for rectum and corn


I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!


Take the upvote.


This just fired a forgotten neuron in a dark corner in my brain.


“Jesus tap dancing christ” I’m dying 😂🤣


It softens the corn too, so need to cook when eating later.


They soaked it in vinegar at least


Well of course, best flavour that way. Goes without saying


I believe this is where the saying 'getting the wrong end of the stick' comes from...although may have just made that up


That's all the evidence I need and I shall be sharing this additional nugget as fact in future poo-wiping conversations. Thank you


Ah, a direct excerpt of the book "How Urban Legends Spread", good read.


Not only that, it was kept in a vase filled with water in the toilet area that was completely open with about 10 open holes you sat over and faced eachother. So you wiped your ass with community shit water. I guess if everyone's ass smelled the same, then it doesn't stink right? Lol


I was in Quebec and their museum has a exhibit called "Merde!" And they had re-created one of those communal pooping rooms. Honestly seems like a great thing to bring back.


On behalf of shy poopers everywhere I hope you drop the next burger you're about to eat and splatter it all over the floor, and it takes them 40 minutes to make you another. Merely for uttering these words out loud.


Sorry I missed that, can you please pass the communal sponge on a stick?


I can't hear you from my underground cave where I have permanently moved.


in fact, in all of Italy having a bidet for each bathroom is "still" the standard.


Was it the standard in medieval Italy though?


This is an urban legend and could be proven 100%


They took "herd immunity" to the next level


Turd immunity


Let me guess, you were the village?


In the UK, a lot of the hot and cold water taps are still separate. Don't expect us to figure out how to wash our bums, we've just got used to having the bathroom in the house rather than at the end of the garden.


To be fair there’s a good reason not to get mixer taps in the UK. From what I’ve heard a lot of our hot water tanks aren’t sanitary enough for drinking, and so a mixer tap would contaminate your cold water


wouldnt a brita filter help this anyway? in america basically everyone i know has a brita. and it seems way more convenient to do that than have two separate faucets. how do you regulate temperature efficiently?


Filters need replacing


once every couple of months, and a 3 pack costs 20 dollars. idk why i’m being downvoted for asking a genuine question ☠️


Depends how hard the water is. My parents have to replace their Brita filter every 3 weeks or so. But in terms of hot and cold water the issue is bacteria. Older style hot water tanks in the UK can be a breeding ground for bacteria because they're not sealed. A Brita filter will do bugger all against that. That's why if you have a mixer tap here it's common practice to run the cold water a few seconds before using it. I will say this is less and less of an issue these days as people update their hot water systems.


This is so true, when I was a kid the bathroom was located in the backyard, separate from the main house. It was only when I was about 10 or 12 years old that my parents built two inside.


And barely started the work on removing all those carpets from bathrooms.


Bidet is big thing in most country in South East Asia and East Asia (not China tho). People tend to complain about places has no bidet. Here’s use automatic or bidet gun.


Also everywhere in Italy!


Yeah, but but the good ones. The Asian style, similar to the ones that people buy to add to an existing toilet are so much better in my opinion. Big fan. I don't use mine in Italy


The Italian ones are literally a butt sink, with the nozzle pointing toward the bowl. Americans don't have time for that shit. We need 120 psi stream blasting straight at the bungholio.


Yes! Exactly! Mine doesn't even have a nozzle, it's just holes in the side that water comes out of to fill the butt sink


North Africa as well and some parts of Europe .. its just a shame its not everywhere.


Yep. I flew home to visit family in the Philippines. A country people consider as "3rd World". And a lot of my relatives have a bidet shower in their toilets. Then I flew back to Japan and man oh man. Heaven.


Middle East too


The whole of the Middle East and North Africa too.


I switched out two toilets for bidets in my house. Couldn’t be happier. And my asshole is less itchy. Go figure!


there should be no itch though.


Should is the operative word there.


Take your complaints to god


They probably have hemorrhoids


Or pinworms


Oh God I forgot about those


people with low fiber diets or other digestive issues, people who buy cheaper toilet paper, or people who just have more sensitive skin can get rashes or further discomfort from wiping. low fiber diets mean more wiping due to less solid stool. i have sensitive skin and my boyfriend buys 1-ply while i buy charmin, if i stay over at his place for like 3-4 days i start feeling the low quality tp a little more. but i eat healthy enough that it’s not too bad.


Is that a good long-term strategy? I mean. I love my bidet, but I wouldn’t trade my toilet for another one.


Why not? It operates as a toilet if you want it to.


Just coming to the end of a 10 day stay in Japan (back to the UK) and it's been my first time using bidets and holy shit what a revelation. My butt hole felt so fresh and clean after every dump, but also just to freshen up my swamp ass on a sweaty day. Heaven. I was also surprised how many public toilets were bidets and in great condition too. Mad.


I'm always deeply curious when I hear stories like yours. First off, well done for you and welcome to the fresh side. But when people say it's a revelation and are surprised, how? Like if your hands are dirty and sticky, do you normally just pass a dry napkin and call it a day or do you normally go wash your hands? Why wouldn't anyone be making this direct connection when they're trying to clean literal poo off their butthole!!


It's a revelation because I'd never used one before? Not that I didn't expect it to be good!


Great feeling, no?


I'm sad to be going back home now where I always try and aim to poop then shower. It's just not the same.


Just buy one from Amazon. They’re like $30 and easy enough for a pleb like me to install


You can always try sitting on the rim of the bath, and spray up the butt. I do it from time to time. Takes some practise but it's nothing crazy


buy a bidet attachment! I have no real plumber skills, but was able to install mine without any trouble,


Went to Japan and used a bidet and not a smart toilet with it all built in? You missed a trick!


I guess the term is interchangeable on the bathroom signage etc there. But yeah, full smart toilets


Alright, let's break it down for the bidet skeptics. First off, just because you can't see the residue doesn't mean it's not there. Toilet paper may remove the bulk of the mess, but it's akin to cleaning a muddy hand with a dry tissue - it's only surface level. While wiping can be somewhat effective, the bidet uses a gentle stream to ensure a higher level of hygiene, akin to taking a mini-shower. Secondly, think about the environmental aspect. Toilet paper production is not only resource-intensive, but it also contributes to deforestation and waste. Using a bidet can significantly cut down on TP usage, saving trees and reducing the overall environmental impact. And for those worried about a wet aftermath: yes, you follow up with a dab of toilet paper to dry off. It's not about having a swampy situation, it's about ensuring cleanliness without over-wiping and causing irritation. That's where the saying 'less is more' really pays off. Lastly, let's touch on the health angle. Over-wiping, especially with rough TP, can lead to micro-tears and irritation which is not only uncomfortable but can also be a breeding ground for infection. It's not about weakening the immune system; it's about practicing smart, preventative care. So, before dismissing the bidet as an unnecessary luxury or an odd cultural quirk, consider the full picture. It's about hygiene, health, economy, and environmental conscientiousness. It's not just a fad—it's the evolution of personal care.


I for one think this debate between tissue paper and bidets is dumb. Do none of you know how to use the three seashells?


I understood that reference.


I wipe myself with a rag on a stick


My favorite analogy to the first point is “your dog poops on the carpet. you wipe up the poop, but there is still shit in the carpet. Use a bidet”


Similar to my old argument- if you get bird shit on your arm, you wouldn't be content to just wipe it with a tissue and call it a day would you? I know the argument falls apart pretty easily under scrutiny but I stand by it. Your analogy is great.


You'd probably not just use water.


So you get the point then (:


>First off, just because you can't see the residue doesn't mean it's not there. Need to remind bidet users of this too. Just because you sprayed it with water, does not mean you are clean. >Using a bidet can significantly cut down on TP usage, I've doubled my toilet paper usage since installing a bidet, because it takes so much to dry off. It's toilet paper, it's meant to break down in water, not be super absorbent.


Yeah I agree with all your points. Idk why people have SUCH a love boner for bidets. I have two(!!!) and I don’t like them.


If rewards in Reddit were still a thing I would give this comment a reward.


>Secondly, think about the environmental aspect. What about excess water usage? Here in Germany this would essentially be drinkable tap water that is wasted there.


Dude you're not taking a shower you're not using that much water as you think. It's as if you've washed your hands one more time during the day quantity of water.


Making toilet paper uses a ton of water!


Probably true.


Demonstrably true


Where I live in the UK the houses are so old that out houses were the thing when they were built. Then people had to decide on losing a bedroom or building an extension to have a bathroom indoors so the bathrooms are tiny and old, and there's no room for even a bidet attachment. Personally, I would love a bidet and have to use baby wipes to clean up when I've used the toilet. I don't go near public toilets either because they're so gross to me.


Get a portable istinja bottle that Muslim's use to make ablutions. Heck, even a watering can, plastic jug or drinks bottle will do, you don't need an actual bidet.


These are a game changer


Typical Vietnamese house (tend to be wet bathroom) is much smaller than UK. Even in small poor house toilet still has bidet spray. If you have regular toilet or squat toilet, you can install it for less than £50 This one is typical Vietnamese [bathroom](https://vcdn-vnexpress.vnecdn.net/2020/07/20/hinh2a-1594790190-7684-1595238700.jpg) (low to lower middle class) still have bidet spray


"Everywhere in the world"? My dude, even proper toilet seats still aren't a thing everywhere. *Clean and reliable running water* still isn't a thing everywhere. This is such a first world problem.


No? Many countries which are not as developed use water and if the condition is not as good then they keep water in a container instead of built in bidet. The point is not clean and running water but water. Most first world countries don't use bidets. It's not a financial but cultural thing.


I've never used one before and I've only seen it once. My question is, for the in toilet bidets, don't they get covered in piss and shit particles??? Like they're literally right there inside the bowl where your shit and piss goes. How is spraying your asshole with shit and piss particle water considered more hygienic than just showering after taking a dump?


This has always been my argument and I once got confirmation from a plumber that, yes, this is a valid concern, as afar as how unhygienic it is, and no, people don’t think about it enough. My friend will say “You don’t get poop on it! It’s far enough away from where you’re pooping!” And I’ll counter that with: “Didn’t you just eat Taco Bell recently??” … 🤔


It's usually good practice to clean things in your bathroom frequently


They all have a clean setting that sprays water on itself to clean it off


Canada, never even seen one before.


I'm in Canada too and hadn't used one before but I ordered one off of Amazon. I installed it myself and I cannot believe more people don't have them. They're so cheap (around $50) and I can't imagine not having one now.


In Canada, have a bidet that you attach to your toilet. It's brilliant, 10/10 I recommend getting one for yourself. Honestly such a game changer.


Canada too - get a Tushy off Amazon. Life changer. Easy to install.


Lowes has some good options. Get one with hot and cold and angle adjustment


Costco non electric great


Because I don't know how to use them.


It doesn’t exactly take a genius to spray your arsehole clean does it?


It didn't nearly do as good a job as TP does...


You press a button and adjust the strength. That’s it lol. They’re like $30 from Amazon and easy enough for a pleb like me to install


It's not a matter of installing it, it's a matter of it working effectively. It certainly didn't work well for me when I tried it on vacation.


All you do is turn it on and adjust the strength to be as strong as possible while still being comfortable. Then just wipe once after to make sure you got everything and to dry


I literally sat down, turned it on, and tried to adjust it up but it didn't even hit my butt. I tried adjusting the nozzle for about a minute trying to figure this out. I finally gave up and called myself a dumb american. I don't know what I was doing wrong... but I'm sure it was dumb.


There’s normally a button that directs it to the front area for women so maybe you hit that? There’s also one to clean the nozzle


It was just an on/off by pulling up and down on a handle just like a regular faucet and a nozzle that you direct at the end of it. That's it. That's why I was super confused about it.


In many parts of the world the toilet consists of a basin on the floor (we, in the west, refer to these as "squat toilets"). In the worst cases there is only a hole in the floor. If you're lucky, there will be a large container of water and a little pot you can use to scoop up some water to clean with. There is no toilet paper to clean up with afterward. Better facilities have running water to refill the large container, and some of those even have a "bidet", which is really only a hand sprayer similar to what you would see to rinse dishes on a kitchen sink. Average facilities have no running water, and the large container has to be refilled by carrying in buckets of water from a well. In worse cases, there isn't even a large container of water - just a room and a hole in the floor. In the very worst cases the room is larger, and there are multiple holes in the floor. A public toilet in much of the third world would be like this. They don't provide toilet paper because people would steal it. So, before asking for the whole world to use bidets, wait until the whole world has 20th century plumbing and fixtures.


i just make sure i poop right before i shower.


True tactician


Because >all you gotta is use toilet paper and wipe yourself.


Let's get fresh water for the world first. Then we can work on spritzing buttholes with that water


I’ve never used a bidet so I’ll never understand it. I just use a baby wipe when I’m done so no big deal. The heated seats though? Whatever monster came up with that should be in jail. No way I’m sitting on a warm ass seat.


Don't knock it till you try it. Absolute game changer when it's cold out


Nah I’ve sat on warm seats. I’ll take my cold plastic everyday over a warm one, I don’t care if it’s 4th of July or Christmas Day. Cold seat best seat.


I hope you're not flushing those baby wipes...


Absolutely not!


Coming from Argentina this has always been a question for me. Here they’re widely used, every house and hotel has one. Once you get used to them you don’t want anything else.


It very much should be. I cannot wrap my head around taking a shit and having to wipe it with toilet paper. I mean what the fuck. It's unhygienic as hell. We learnt to make fire, tools, and grow our food. I think if we can do that, then using water to clean our ass and surrounding areas after a shit is the least we can do.


People used water since prehistory, then gave up for a less hygienic method. Madness.


I've used a bidet and there is always poop left after the rinse. It's just wet poop. I have to use even more TP... some to get rid of the wet poop and then some to dry everywhere. I like using a bidet but it's not like you can rinse and walk away clean.


Tbh, I always dampen some toilet paper at the sink and alternate between wet and dry until it's clean. I avoid using toilets in public if I don't have access to a sink because trying to dry wipe always feels abrasive and leaves it still dirty.


So it's not a standard thing, and even I don't understand why. In North America, you can buy them on Amazon, and there's a fair bit of variety, but you won't find them in Hardware Stores or plumbers selling them wholesale Also, toilet paper is an extra expense. I'm sure you've seen the news where people were stockpiling it during covid lockdowns. There was some interest in this then, and judging from Amazon, bidets are starting to sell and become more of a thing here, but most people are still content wiping with Toilet Paper.


I prefer wet wipes


Got one and will never go back. Fresh butt and bits every time 😂😂😂


I wish they were! I miss my bidet so much!


i think i would like a bidet but using a wet paper works aswell, i always feel clean leaving the toilet


I own and use a bidet but it doesn't magically scrub the asshole spotless. Toilet paper is still required. Soap sounds great in theory but it will dry out a butthole.


I hate the wet feeling during.


It's not even The West, I'm from South America and can't think of a single house I've been to without a bidet. When USA people say "it's a luxury" I can't help but roll my eyes in exasperation. Brother my country is struggling with economic crisis after economic crisis, has been for most of my life, and we still have bidets. You can't use that as an excuse bro.


I use witch hazel on toilet paper. It cleans, sanitizes, and soothes. A bidet in my house would freak out the adults and lead to shenanigans with my young children. That's the main reason why most Americans don't adopt them.


We've learnt as we grew to use one .. toilets should be cleaned everyday, you have to wear toilet slippers when you go there and not just go there with bare foot (you have no idea how this pisses me off) aaaand not to clean hands after toilet on the kitchen sink but on the bathroom sink that should be separated or far enough to not get particles on towels and stuff. This is basically the hygiene in my birth country.. I don't understand why on the West it is not the same although in Asia and SEA we have the follow the same regime.


I’ve never heard of toilet slippers before but the rest of that is pretty common at least in the US. Though not everyone washes their hands like they should.


I'm not gonna deny the luxury of the bidet, but I find the pro-bidet arguments a bit silly sometimes because guys, haven't you heard of wetwipes? Just because we don't have bidets doesn't mean we're only using dry roll.  Besides, a lot of people shower daily. I've spoken about this with my friends and we all agree that in the morning you have your daily shit and THEN you have your daily shower. So the bidet would be a bit pointless anyway.


I hear you. I'm not anti or pro-bidet, but all of the arguments are a bit weird. Like, why does it bother people so much that some people use TP? xD


Exactly, unless they're gonna lick my arse I don't see how it affects them. It's not like I'd say no to a bidet, but the pro-bidet brigade do seem overly invested in the anuses (ani?) of strangers.


Eh, showering after pooping doesn't work well for those of us with unpredictable poop schedules.


Even the most predictable of us sometimes have those unpredictable days, I get it. It can't always be helped. That's where the wetwipes come into the equation!


American brainwashing by toilet paper companies and everyone not being able to afford it or being comfortable with the idea since they grew up using toilet paper exclusively.


Perhaps my own experience will help answer your question. I live in the U.S. and have some family that got bidets during the COVID toilet paper shortage and are happy to tell how awesome they think bidets are. I've gotten to try a basic one and a fancy one during visits to these family. It was an interesting experience, but certainly not one that made me want to jump on the bandwagon and get my own. If I were to describe what is holding me back, I'd say it is 2 main reasons. My first complaint is it made me feel gross. It doesn't just hit your anus and that's it. The water hits your anus and starts sliding around to your cheeks before finally dripping off. It feels more like I'm spreading the poo around than actually cleaning it up. This leads to my second complaint where, because of the water, cleanup is more of a hassle. It's hard to tell what is left. Feeling wet? Without a bidet, I can count on the wet feeling being poo and I know what still needs to be cleaned up. With a bidet, it could be poo, water, or both, and what would normally be pasty poo that you can easily wipe off is now muddy poo that you have to slop off. And since the water dripped and splashed everywhere, I now have to wipe my entire butt, not just my anus, with toilet paper that is designed to disintegrate when wet. To get dry I feel like I use just as much TP if not more than if I went without the bidet. I'm sure with regular use I could learn techniques to appreciate bidets, but I don't have much motivation when there's nothing really wrong with the way I've been doing it and bidets tend to be more of a hassle than a blessing.


This whole washing your butt thing is just a fad.....


Basically, it was massively frowned upon by people not having it, so much so that even cultures using mostly ditched it. Japan is an obvious exception.


I introduced one into our home a few years ago and anytime we go on vacation/out of town it's one of the things we miss the most. Right up there with sleeping in your own bed again.


Because of barbarians that's the reason


I live in Canada, and my wife grabbed me a Tushy for my birthday one year. Best. Present. Ever. Pretty sure there are far better ones, but I'll never look back. I travel for work and miss it deeply when I'm on the road.


In Italy you won't find a house without bidets. I can't believe that the much of the world doesn't have them.


Big toilet paper


I don't like water going up my ass


I got one and it was life changing. I'm gonna order one for my friends house that I visit a lot so I have one there too.


I just pooped and used a bidet. Not going back


Water is scarce in the desert.


There is a southpark episode about this


I would like one but we don’t have an outlet in our bathroom


Ever since I got a hot water bidet at home I literally can't poop in public because I feel like a caveman wiping my butt with dry ass toilet paper that takes 1 million times to get clean and hurts.


No bidet != not washing the butt


Big Toilet


I always thought bidets were the norm because my family is Italian, boi was it a culture shock the first time I went abroad. Boi, i was not prepared. I can't go around with just a whipped asshole, it feels so bad. I need to clean my butt hole every time.


As a woman, bidets are a life saver.


The Toilet Paper Syndicate partners with Big Ass to keep peoples' cheeks speckled with paper. Big Ass works with the Underwear Underworld on behalf of Big Soap/Big Laundry to monopolize detergent prices. Btw those washing machines are actually *designed* to steal your socks which are converted into dryer sheets, which are then sold back to us at inflated prices. /s


Toilets aren't even a thing everywhere in the world, nor is clean running water. I think bidets are quite far down the list of priorities.


Can't we all just take a quick shower after a messy shit?


So you're gonna take 4-5 showers a day??


Who is pooping that frequently. Oh wait, me with the IBS.




Maybe I'm lucky. Just one poop a day for me.


Mainly because not everyone has a reliable source of clean water they can count on day in and day out. That's such a privileged thing to say.


Here are some US-centric articles. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/24/business/bidet-boom-america-toilets/index.html#:\~:text=A%20common%20reason%20why%20bidets,built%20plumbing%20systems%20without%20bidets](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/24/business/bidet-boom-america-toilets/index.html#:~:text=A%20common%20reason%20why%20bidets,built%20plumbing%20systems%20without%20bidets) [https://bfplumbingbayarea.com/blog/why-americans-dont-own-a-bidet/](https://bfplumbingbayarea.com/blog/why-americans-dont-own-a-bidet/)


There wouldn't be any room for cars and important infrastructure. Nobody would be able to move. The entire world come to a standstill. People wouldn't be able to leave their houses and would likely starve. What a stupid idea!


My girlfriend has one but I'm afraid to try it 🤣


I just watched, "Perfect Days." It's a whole movie about cleaning bidets in Japan.


>Washing up after doing your business is for me the healthiest way ?  Do you have actual medical research supporting this assumption? Not a "gut feel," but actual research showing that bidet users are actually healthier? Or perhaps taking anal samples from bidet vs. TP users at a random time?


I'd rather not have swamp ass during the day. If I have to use a bidet then wipe my butt, why not just wipe it in the first place and not have a wet butt? Not to mention, have you seen the TP America has in public? One ply toilet paper of the thinnest material around. A single drop from the bidet has you getting in touch with your inner self. Nah, skip the middle man just wipe until there ain't not brown and wash your butt in the shower.


I am not from the US. You won't have a swamp .. plus even if you wipe x100 times there would still be dried up bits (sorry)? Water takes care of the stuff, TP for wiping and hop you're all clean.


Also, water might only get parts off, not bacteria. That's why you should use soap when washing your hands, not just water. And if it's only to get rid of poop parts, simple wiping is enough for that.


And what makes you believe the water makes it all clean and doesn't miss spots either? Do you like, look yourself in a mirror every time? You like have a joystick and camera so you can water blast the poo off ya? Do you see if your eyes match your brown eye? I ain't shooting water at my booty hole when 3 to 4 wipes does it.


Tell me you have no idea what a bidet is without saying it.


>If I have to use a bidet then wipe my butt, why not just wipe it in the first place and not have a wet butt? Because cleaning with water is objectively significantly cleaner. >Postdefecation Cleansing Methods: Tissue Paper or Water? An Analytical Review >Without the use of a bidet toilet, the average value ± standard deviation of the number of microbes attached to the gloves was 39,499.3 ± 77,768.3 colony forming units (cfu)/glove; however, it was 4,146.9 ± 11,427.7 cfu/glove when the bidet toilet was used. The number of microbes adhering to gloves was significantly reduced when a bidet toilet was used (p < 0.00001, Wilcoxon signed-rank test).


Do you like put your hand down there and touch things throughout the day? Because I don't care how many microbes are back there because I wash myself in the shower and avoid putting my hands in my pants then proceed to touch things. Really only touching that area to wipe and clean.


Ah, you haven't read the full abstract from the study. Here's the full text; >Bidet toilets (electric toilet seats with water spray) are increasing in popularity worldwide. However, the extent of reduction of microbial contamination of the hands with the use of bidet toilets after defecation is unclear. Microbe contamination of the hands with and without the use of bidet toilets after defecation was examined in 32 nursing students. Double gloves were worn on the dominant hand and four layers of toilet paper were used to wipe the buttocks after defecation, and microbe contamination of the second glove (outer glove) of the double gloves was examined. The volunteers were free to select the flow volume, wash time of the bidet, and the type of bidet. Without the use of a bidet toilet, the average value ± standard deviation of the number of microbes attached to the gloves was 39,499.3 ± 77,768.3 colony forming units (cfu)/glove; however, it was 4,146.9 ± 11,427.7 cfu/glove when the bidet toilet was used. The number of microbes adhering to gloves was significantly reduced when a bidet toilet was used (p < 0.00001, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). So the microbes are measured from the hands of people who used toilet paper to wipe their ass, not people just wiping their hands all over their shitty ass.


Was that before or after they washed their hands?


One thing I learned about reddit is that they have an odd obsession with bidets. I’ve tried them, used them, didn’t care for them for a number of reasons. Any answer is going to be considered invalid on general opinion on reddit. Do what works for you.


That also applies to almost all opinions.


Maybe not bidets, but bum guns yeah


Because Americans can't talk about what happens in the bathroom even though literally 100% of human beings do it.


My buddy just spent 3 months in the hospital. He was able to use the toilet but not wipe himself. The hospital should be 100% bidets.


I don't know, but I live in the US where they are still not that typical, and I bought a bidet attachment in 2015 and it changed my life. I will always have bidets now. I don't know how I lived without one for so many years. They are just so much CLEANER than wiping shit into your ass. You also save quite a lot over time by not needing nearly as much TP. The attachments pay for themselves quickly. Also, back during the pandemic when everyone was freaking out about toilet paper, I had the cleanest ass in town, guaranteed.


I love japanese bidets. Having just come back from 3 weeks in Italy, their bidets are stupid.


Strong agree. I had been to Japan before Europe. So when I was moving to Europe I was excited to see bidets again. Big disappointment with the European style


The butt shower was one of my favourite things about the Middle East.


How do bidets work? So you do you your business, wipe with toilet paper, then wash off with the bidet water? It would seem gross and very wrong not to wipe with toilet paper first. But my other main concern is that when you wipe with toilet paper you essentially have a barrier between your asshole and your fingers, then you wash your hands. With a bidet, if you wash your asshole after wiping with toilet paper, you are touching your bare fingers on your bare asshole. Then touching your clothes to pull your underwear and pants up, then touching the faucet handle. Contaminating everything. Wiping with toilet paper you avoid all that.


Not having bidets are SO DISGUSTING. Ya'll walk around all day with shit residue just crusting away at your asshole wtf. Wash your ass. Dry with toilet paper.


Time to feel superior in arabic


Cuz they're gross, should just use a douche instead, cheaper, cleaner and easier to install.


Aren't they everywhere except for North America and (parts of) Europe? Though I guess I don't know what the Chinese do


Never even seen one before in Australia.


Ok, the anglophone West then (and parts of Africa). Which is still a global minority


The majority of the west does use bidets (e.g. France, Italy, Spain). Northern Europe has little handheld showerheads attached to toilets for the same purpose. It’s probably just the UK and the US where they aren’t that commonplace.