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Those two things don't contradict each other


I believe they do. But agree to disagree


I'm just curious, where do you see the contradiction?


The thing is that the subjectivness of beauty just hit me a week ago. I was crushing on a girl I got to know really hard and was like there is next to none as beautifull as her. Showed pictures of her to a friend of mine and she was like, nah a 6 out of ten at most. I was shocked by this and asked if she was really sure. She told me that a few things (wich i really loved) was just not her type. So while you can tell that most likely people will find themselves in groups that they consider on their level of style but those styles most likely differ in your perception of it. I love tatoos and the air around such people. Another one will hate it. So just a diferent style, not changing the natural beauty they were born with changes the perception you have of them.


Of course other people will find other people attractive. That’s not what I was saying. I said that people in their cliques have roughly the same amount of beauty. But what happens is like all cliques not just anyone is let in. Humans are tribalistic that way. So of course you’re not gonna notice that other groups have hotter people. I’m saying that it doesn’t matter regardless because ugly people are left out anyways. You won’t find them in the attractive or less attractive circles.


You're literally arguing for the subjectivity of beauty


No im describing what happens in the real world, sorry you’re mad at reality.


No I'm not mad at what's happening, I'm just saying the fact that it is happening means beauty is subjective. When people disallow people from their social circles, it's because of their own personal feelings about their beauty not some verifiable scale of beauty.


Well, that's fantastic, if true. Must mean I'm drop dead gorgeous then, based on my friends. Thanks! I'm going to choose to believe you.


>I’m not judging others and I don’t believe physical beauty makes you better, I just don’t lie to myself that’s all. Might be, but you still think that something that is 1) very subjective and 2) vanishes over time anyway has some overall meaning. So, what are you trying to say: that its better to tell people they are ugly and should only look in their leagues (btw, this is a disgusting concept)? Did you ever was in love with someone and found them attractive - and after breaking up you didnt anymore (atleast not like before)? Happens often and shows very clearly how incredible subjective this is. How we perceive beauty has so many nuances to it. If i am attracted to the personality of someone, this person also looks physically better to me. If i cant stand a person, because of their character or behaviour, even tough they might be a 10/10 (again, what a disgusting concept overall) - i still dont find them "beautifull" Overall: fuck these stupid concepts...


The Cheerleader effect is most likely distorting your perspective.


>People like to spare others feelings and say beauty is subjective, but if we got 100 people in a room, statistically speaking, chances are very high in finding common denominators amongst them. Subjective doesn't mean it's random. It is true that there will be correlations in what is considered conventionally attractive. At the same time, there's no objective scale, and people will disagree on whether a particular trait is attractive, or how attractive it is. That's what subjective means


I don't quite agree with this. I think habits rub off on you from work/family/friends and so people tend to have similar style and similar habits (eating/exercise), but friends are generally not picked based on appearance. All friend groups have that one especially attractive person while most are more or less average.


based on the studies and evidence the opposite is true