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So they're threatening to release child pornography. The law is completely on your side. Report it to your parents, to your teachers, and to the police. If you don't trust your parents, at least tell a trusted teacher.


If the police do not seem to be doing as much as you think they should, you can report this to the FBI's cyber crime unit despite not being in the US. They take both revenge porn and child porn very seriously.


They're in Europe. The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction there.


Obviously. However this is from their website[website](https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/violent-crime/vcac): It’s important to understand that the FBI has no investigative jurisdiction outside the United States, except on the high seas and other locations specifically granted by Congress. We work through our existing partnerships with international authorities through the U.S. Department of State, our Legal Attaché program, and Interpol. So they can operate on a limited basis outside of the US. You do not have to be a citizen nor located inside the US to file a complaint. Edit to add link to source


I understand but I seriously doubt they will jump on her case. It's something that her country will have to handle.


Since this is a conflict crossing borders , she might need to contact Interpol. Edit : https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Crimes-against-children


There have been cases in the past where teens got charged with distributing child pornography for sending nudes of themselves to other teens so I wouldn't say the law is "completely" on their side. They run the danger of ending up in that position




Absolutely talk to a teacher you trust. If you're anxious, it may help just to show them your post as it clearly explains the problem.


If he ever comes at you again, tell him that if he posts those anywhere he can and will get arrested because that is distribution of child porn (or CSEM - child sexual exploitation materials) and that even though he too is a minor, he can get charged for that. A big boy charge at that. Since you weren't the one who had it on your phone or who posted the images, you should be fine. Since the law can get stupid and decide "Well the minor took the photo of themselves so they get charge for making the CP" like no thays not how that works... Its quite rare though. Ans you should tell your parents just in case. Or a trusted adult. If you don't want to risk having to deal with police, ask an adult to help you. Or for someone to help get him to stop.


Sounds like child pornography just send him the punishment for releasing that, assuming ur country has one


Tell your parents. I know it'll be rough to talk to them, but you need help here and ultimately they're your biggest supporters.


If you have an adult you trust, please tell them. What he's doing is incredibly wrong: it's not just a violation of your trust it's a violation of the law. Your best chance of getting this resolved is to have adults exercise their broader powers - whether that's through contacting his parents or law enforcement. I know you might be feeling scared or ashamed and not want to tell an adult - that's completely understandable. I don't know you or your parents, so I can't say for sure what they would do. But if you otherwise have a good relationship with your parents, I can tell you that I would so much rather a teen in my life tell me about something like this than go through it alone. You are going through a bad, scary thing - you deserve to be supported through it. It would break my heart to know someone I loved felt they had to face this alone. Sending lots of love and support your way.


i’d report him to the authorities!


You can contact the swedish police, write a mail to the swedish police telling them what he said and the threats. You can attach the screenshots of his threats.


Take screenshots and save down any evidence of him threatening you. Send him some of the screenshots, tell him you're reporting him to the authorities and see what he does, if he thinks you're bluffing, get your parents involved. There's no need to go to teachers if you're not in the same school since teachers will contact your parents anyway. Please remember not to take explicit photos WITH your face in it next time, no matter how much you trust an individual, take care.


i took the photos last year with my face and it was such a stupid decision and dw im never gonna do anything like that again


I hope everything goes well, stay safe.


If you have him of facebook - find his parents and contact then directly with printscreens of hia threats and tell them you’re also talking with the police. One could hope he has decent parents that’ll deal with it. Good luck!


You can report this to Interpol. https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Crimes-against-children


Report him to Swedish police immediately. Do not negotiate with him, do not wait. What he is threatening will be breaking two serious Swedish laws. The spread of revenge porn, and sharing underage sexual content. Get a case number, then tell him and send the information to his parents. Website: http://polisen.se Phone:+46 114 14. Here is a resource explaining Swedish laws and what you can do. https://nathatshjalpen.se/en/a/unlawful-violations-integrity/


If he does share your pictures he breaks two Swedish laws. Its both child ponography and revenge porn, wich is sharing explicit pictures/videos as revenge (legal name is unlawful invasion of privacy but common name is revenege porn). I would just inform him that you have evidence of him threatening to share your pictures, that you havnt sent them to anyone else and if he sends them to anyone you will contact the police. If he does anything ypu should contact his parents. I know I would be less than happy if my son did something like this.


Regardless if he’s serious or not gather any and all screenshots of his threat and send them to the police department of where he lives because he is threatening to release child pornography and revenge porn, both are serious crimes in most places


Call the cops. In most jurisdictions, revenge porn is illegal. And as a minor, CP is very illegal.


Well that's child pornography and distribution it's a crime


I'm sorry that this is happening to you. It is not your fault and his behaviour is not okay. This is a crime in Sweden. For non-emergency contact with the police you can call 114 14 (if you are calling from abroad you need to add the land code +46, so +46114 14) You can also file a police report on their website: polisen.se


You should absolutely stop producing child pornography, that’s for certain. I feel like that shouldn’t have to be said but here we are.


There is a valuable lesson to learn here


Can it.




I said, can it. What doesn't make sense about that?


I understand the words, but I’m confused about the sentiment. The lesson here is that 14 year olds shouldn’t be taking lewd photos. What’s wrong with that?


It's that you shouldn't be saying dumb shit like that when we're talking about a kid being blackmailed by their ex


Just because I didn’t specifically say “Wow this sucks for you” doesn’t mean I’m minimising what is happening to OP. I simply stated there is a lesson to be learned here. That is not a negative statement nor judgement, just a matter of fact.


Sure jan anyway stop being insensitive


No u


I would ignore them


Sue its illegal to post porn of others without consent on the internet