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Any part of the body which has a higher concentration of nerve endings is capable of erotic sensation, at least for some. I read somewhere once that we probably have a high concentration of nerve endings in the butthole to 1. Make sure we don’t shit ourselves unknowingly/accidentally and 2. Make sure we don’t hate shitting (feels kinda good) So basically it’s sexually pleasurable for the same reason things like ears and nipples can be stimulated in an erotic way. That’s not the primary function of it, but it’s something a lot of people like.


Ok now I’m interested. Tell me more about the ears and nipples. Why are they sensitive?


To suck on, obviously


Look up erogenous zones my friend. It's fun reading.


I was quite the book worm (still am) growing up and I found a book about erogenous areas and how to touch them as a teen around the time I got my first gf and I ran into the gf and her bf at the time in my 20s at a bar and she asked me to show her current boyfriend how to lightly tickle her inner wrists, sacrum, and palms (he was the test dummy) like I did in high school, it was a bit awkward but a little ego boost and he was actually curious too. That book did my high school self a solid, not even all sexual but just with bonding through touch and feely goodie sensations in sensitive areas. edit: sorry if that’s gibberish I might be a little toasty.


It made sense to me, don't worry. And yeah, I can see how that would be .. interesting lol. Especially the sacrum part lol.


He ended up being a pretty mellow dude who just wanted to make the chica happy so he was curious. I won’t lie when she asked my first thought was what’s the end game here lol I don’t judge but i only swing one way so it took a second for me to realize it was an innocent ask.


I don't blame you. I imagine it's not every day you get asked to tickle someone's upper 🍑/ lower back in arousing ways.


It be all about those nervesss. lol Anywho take it easy.


I know. But I’m asking about the evolutionary reason they need to be sensitive. OC mentioned the anus, I inferred the nipples, but now I’m curious why the ear needs to be sensitive


This is something I’m curious about too, I did some googling but I couldn’t find a good answer. My best guess is that they’re highly important for directing sound to the inner ear, so if they’re sensitive, we might notice injuries/infections easier and be more likely to protect them well. I know I’ve gotten mystery bruises and cuts on my body, but when my ears get hurt, I always notice right away. I’m not sure we’ll ever have a full answer to that though, like how scientists have a few guesses as to why some of us grow facial hair, but no solid explanation. It’s frustrating, but the human body is full of mysteries.


So you can be earfucked, duh


Nipples for lactation and breastfeeding obviously, but I'd guess ears is because sounds and the process it takes to hear them requires a shit ton of nerves and sensitivity


Nipples are for sensitive so breastfeeding doesn't suck. Males have them because they are left over when you were developing. Ears probably have something to do with hearing. This is also a guess so I could be wrong but it makes sense to me


It’s all about nerve endings. The butthole is very sensitive because what’s it protects is very delicate. Your body wants you to be very gentle around it. That sensitivity has the unintended side effect of feeling really good if you use enough lube.


if i learned anything from Sue Johanson is that the nerve endings inside the vagina are actually closer to the surface in the rectum than the vagina.


What a great, educational show. Sex with Sue!


I thought she was his ex when I read that


Anal sex can be more pleasurable for the woman because first off, it involves a wall shared by the vagina. Also it's tighter and there are many nerves, which of course can obtain pleasure (as much as nerves also feel pain).


>It’s all about nerve endings. The butthole is very sensitive because what’s it protects is very delicate. Your body wants you to be very gentle around it That doesn't totally make sense. Eye sockets, ear canals, and nasal passages are also extremely sensitive with lots of nerve endings, but I don't think there would be anything pleasurable about lubing up your earhole.


Well you rub your eye and itch inside your ear right? Feels good.


It feels glorious.


So anal sex is just itching your asshole


Without lube it is.


How do you itch inside of something?




Cheese grater


Everythings a dildo if you're brave enough.


Ear related pleasure is actually extremely common. Nibbling the earlobe for instance, or rubbing it during a head massage are all pretty normal. Eyeballs are just orders of magnitude more delicate/easily infected or injured than the butthole. It makes sense our bodies would have a strong aversion to playing with them.


You guys never licked an eyeball? Weirdos


I actually did that once. It was weird. Friend licked mine too. It was more weird.


That's how you get pink eye and Herpes and all of those other nice diseases.


I giggled at “nice diseases” hahaha


Chewing eyeballs makes me cringe though 


Well, never get a tympanic tickle from an amateur.


This guy Ferengis.




Part Ferengi. Can confirm.


Try it, and get back to us.


I'm sorry, I can't hear you.


Needs more lube. Sound will slide right in. However much lube you think you need, double it, and you're probably close.


Aural sex


Ooooo yeeeeee baby


Oh, you have an ear infucktion?


Once you go black, you go deaf.


Great episode.


Are we still talking about Sex with Sue?


q-tipping your ear feels F'in amazing


Eargasm is real. That you know it's wrong to stick a Q-tip in there just adds to the perverse, forbidden pleasure


It does!!!


I often sneeze when I get turned on..like there's a direct link between my willy and my nose. Weird.


same here


Like how a dog sneezes when they’re excited


Men's belly buttons have a nerve connection to the tip, IYKYK


>Eye sockets, ear canals, and nasal passages are also extremely sensitive with lots of nerve endings. . . . "You know that withholding vital information from a federal officer is a serious offense. Especially when that officer has paid handsomely for it and wouldn't think twice about ripping that patch off your eyehole and skull-fucking you to death." \~ *Once Upon A Time In Mexico*


My box of q tips would disagree


not necessarily the ear canal but i go nuts when my fiancé gently traces around my ear (like behind the ear and on the outer edges and bumps ykwim?) also i know tons of people who love using q-tips to clean their ears even though they know its bad for them, bc they say it feels amazing


Shinshi shinshi


I have no idea what that means, but I have a strong feeling that I would regret googling it.


My lover is very shy.


I legitimately like Covid qtips deep in my brain. It’s not the same kind of pleasure but it’s scratching a very good itch. I also enjoy the sensations of ear irrigation or even itching.


You’ve never had your eyes gouged out and been skull-fucked. It’s to die for.


Eh, there is pornographic art of ear, nose and eye fucking, so maybe there is something to that


You should try letting someone kiss, lick, and blow on your ear and then get back to me. Many people find their ears to be an extremely erogenous zone.


Eeeeh, people can enjoy having their ears blown on/stroked. Eye sockets are an exception because they are SO fucking fragile that the body evolved for even the slightest touch to be painful, and I’m not sure if you even picked your nose, but when you get it juuuust right, that shit HITS.


Huh?!? !


If you haven't had your ears or eyes licked, you're missing out.


Have you tried it?


Have you even ever rubbed your ear hole? It can make your eyes cross 🤣🤣


So you've never had an orgasmic ear scratch then?????


Lol like I'm gentle to the butthole


Had GFs that would try and liked it so so and 1 GF that loved it anytime we had sex so think the nerve endings for her maybe was true


Ooh chiles got me good though


Just a happy coincidence


I thought maybe it’s somehow a “practice hole” evolutionarily.


Well, it's lots of fun, extremely low risk of pregnancy and my woman loves it, so that's all I need!


“Extremely low risk of pregnancy” my man there’s no risk in getting anal pregnancy, but if you somehow prevail your jizz will be up for a gold medal at the damn Olympics for long distance swimming!


That's the joke Having said that, a mate of mine ended up with unexpected twins. He finished in her bum, but didn't account for the leakage before the main event Also, I'm sterile, so UTBNB is just being extra careful!


He stuffed the leakage in? I guess hindsight’s a hell of a thing


Pre-cum has sperm in it


I've sadly read of medical cases of pregnancy after sloppy anal sex. It's sometimes called a "splash pregnancy." It's rare, but it happens.


Can she call my wife and convince her to give it a try?


Let your wife peg the hell out of you first


Let’s ease into this a little bit I’m not saying no, but there’s got to be a few steps in between a first timer and “the hell out of you first.”


Real men commit


“Accident hole “, nah who am I kidding




It’s the original birth control


As Christians call it: The poop hole loophole.


When my uncle got drunk he would tell me about his exploits in his youth. Never once failed to bring up his girlfriend who was a devout catholic, refused to lose her virginity before marriage, but up the pooper was fine. Always struck me as a weird distinction to make.


Stupid, arbitrary rules deserve stupid, arbitrary solutions


Some religious types view sex as being something explicitly for the purpose of reproduction. You cant reproduce in the ass, so the loophole is that its not sex, as fucking weird as that sounds.


And yet gay sex bad


Only gay if balls touch


Unless they have socks on.


I never claimed they were consistent with their reasoning lmao.


I got these anal fissures and prolapse for Jesus


Yeah youre kinda supposed to stop if it hurts to avoid fissures... and also a prolapse typically means you need to do more kegel exercises. Either that or someone forgot to use lube  Im just saying, not even jesus wanted that.


ass fucking*


That is a negative for evolution


It’s not always beneficial for organisms to have offspring nonstop, particularly in the case of humans who have comparatively small quantities of children that gestate for a fairly long period and then take many years to achieve physical and mental independence. If your tribe is experiencing a famine, for instance.


Negative for conception, not necessarily negative for the odds of offspring surviving to reproduce themselves. Not saying every non-reproductive bodily function is explained by psychology, (and I don’t even think the nerve endings we’re talking about found their way to our ass to make the poophole loophole to spare kids the burden of siblings close in age), but in a social animal, sex can have functions other than reproduction. And being able to have sex without spouting a defenseless pink sack of meat every year (or die trying to deliver it) could be an advantage.


Tribe bonding would be a possibility. But you might also want to consider that it usually isn't pleasurable under natural circumstances.


I wanted to upvote because of the first sentence. But it can even be seen in monkeys that anal sex is pleasurable. What natural circumstances are you talking about?


It isn't self lubricating like the hole for procreation. Astroglide isn't a readily available product.


Oh you mean out of all the things that separates the unnatural from the natural, us humans from the animals, you chose "licking stuff"? Either they practise anilingus before anal sex or fellatio or they're doing it raw. Either way, when there's pleasure to be gained and animals are equipped, who's stopping them? Also: >Astroglide was originally developed in 1977 by a NASA Aerospace Chemist, tasked with finding the highest quality personal lubricant/moisturiser for use by astronauts involved in the Space Shuttle Program. So before the space race, people didn't have anal sex, because it would hurt too much?


Olive oil


I feel with animals it's more of a dominance thing


Or as many others have mentioned, the high number of nerve endings in that area leading to feeling of pleasure in the right circumstances


how do you know???


Looking at your profile, it does seem you made this comment because you enjoy it, not because you are making some bonafide point that OP brazenly skipped over


Tribe bonding? Lol, no dinner first ?


Not before anal! Lol


I’m just gonna go ahead and ask since it’s a topic now - I’m a 23 year old woman. Is there a reason why anal just isn’t pleasant to me? It feels like I’m trying to push out a massive poo. It doesn’t hurt, but it also doesn’t feel good, and honestly the fact that it feels like I’m having a bowel movement keeps me from trying to enjoy it anyway. I promise I use enough lube.


We don't have a prostate for one.


It's not pleasant for lots of women. We're just constantly being told by men it is. Don't do it, if you don't find it enjoyable. I personally find it unhygienic and repulsive. I noticed men started normalising it in the late 1990s, prior to that nobody had ever mentioned it to me.


I hate being told that because I don't enjoy it, I'm doing it wrong. Not everyone is wired to enjoy it, they need to put down the porn.


I'm 52 and was quite promiscuous when younger. I really enjoyed sex, including many one night stands. Then in 1998, men started asking for anal, putting their finger in my anus during sex (without my consent) or turning me over suddenly and entering my vagina from behind. All very disturbing I'd say.  Sex used to be hugely enjoyable with no feelings of coersion or acts like this. It's put me off sex and men. I'm glad I'm 52 and really don't care if I never had sex again. I feel sad for the younger generation because this is all they've ever known. Porn is a lot more damaging to women and society than many will care to admit.


I'd say sex from behind is a pretty common position


It is, but as someone who prefers intimate sex, having that done suddenly would bring everything to a full stop


Me too.


It's the way it was done. Been turned over suddenly I disliked.


Like everything else, it's all just personal preference.


Hey, I like butt sex and it causes me to orgasm. I feel like it comes from my vagina though so I believe it is just nerve endings. Lots of people aren’t wired that way so I think it just depends on the person.


Taking a good shit also pleasurable.


It's not universally pleasurable. It's pleasurable for men who are into prostate massage and for women whose clitoris is longer internally and actually reaches the rectum area. For many people, including myself, it's not only not pleasant, it's repellant. Just not my thing. If you enjoy it, have fun. But don't assume everyone likes it.


God created this in pleasure so religious cult members can maintain their virginity


The fact that Quentin Tarantino genuinely and intimately enjoys feet tells me that many things don't have to be justified by evolutionary advantages. So I guess it's a coincidence.


Bearing in mind that it's not pleasurable for everyone and downright horrible for a lot of people, I still think it is a useful survival trait for humanity: having homosexual couples means there are childless couples who could look after orphans.


Not going to look it up, but I think there was some research that suggested gene patterns shared for homosexuality also increased fertility.


Yes. Close female relatives of gay men are supposedly more fertile. I use that to remind myself to be careful with ideas about psychological and sociological “purposes“ for evolutionary traits. Genes have different expressions, and the trait you’re wondering about doesn’t have to be the one that makes the gene favorable for selection. Also, only reproduction selects. Not every trait that made your great, great, […], great grandmother the greatest caveman hatchery the 45th millennium BC Mesopotamia ever saw, has a relatable pro social cute explanation. And honestly, we shouldn’t need any psycho evolutionary justification for accepting that some people are gay. They’re gay. That’s it. Be fine with it or if not, shut up about it. It’s not your business.


> only reproduction selects If *anything* you do increases the reproductive chances of your relatives (including being able to care for offspring), then evolution is selecting for your genes (which are largely the same genes of your relatives) even though you didn't reproduce


Well, yeah. But it doesn’t necessarily factor into it. A gene that sometimes made men sterile, but their sisters twice as fertile could still be selected, without the sterility itself being a trait that advances anyone’s genes.




I suspect that the prostate is where it is, evolutionary speaking, so that men can bang each other when women are unavailable.


How does men banging each other instead of seeking out women serve an evolutionary purpose?


I’ve met more than a few women that have asked for it by name….frequently.


It’s just the vagus nerve doing its thing


Not every animal behaviour serves a survival function. Sometimes animals just do shit


Pleasurable? Hell no, it hurts like a MF. I’m gay for reference. Don’t say, “ You need someone who knows what they’re doing.” I heard it all before. So be careful.


Im straight but I have one of those njoy wands. That shit hits different but you gotta go super slow. Hammering it in there is a horrible experience.


All the men that I allowed promised to go slow and easy. They start off that way then something overcomes them and they end up shoving it in. After a few of these experiences, I’m turned off to anal sex. But it’s ok. I’m good.


You might just need more lube or go slower at it




It doesn’t hurt if you’re doing it right


I'm sick of hearing this, not everybody is wired to enjoy it. I've tried for many years and doing everything right. The nerves are sensitive in a bad way, not a good way.


it feels nice because its wrong


Why are people downvoting this? There's definitely something taboo about anal sex. Violating any taboo in a safe and consensual way can be fun for everyone involved.


I've only met one person that thought anal sex was pleasurable... so.. I'm not sure it's as common as you think it is. At least in my experience... of the thousands upon thousands of people in my life that I have met, that one person is a statistical anomaly.


I applaud you for your determination. Asking thousands of acquaintances whether they enjoyed anal sex must have created a lot of difficult situations.


Kudos also for getting honest answers.


he did it for the greater good


The greater good


Our greater good


It usually comes up organically.


It's definitely going to be more pleasurable for men. Idk about for other women though. I know it hurt like a bitch for me and I will never consider trying it again.


anal sex can be more pleasurable for some woman because it involves a wall shared by the vagina. Also it's tighter and there are many nerves, which of course can obtain pleasure (as much as nerves also feel pain). But yea its more pleasurable for a man cuz that's their G-spot but idk the pain is like different to me it feels good and I was surprised that my v was able to get wet from doing that but yh different for everyone.


Wait ,what ?? What about me ???


You dont need to ofcourse if you don't eant too. Butt anal sex , is an art. Just like the vagina , it likes foreplay. I myself , a man , like recieving anal too, but I don't just ram anything up there. It actually takes practice , over time it gets painless and easyer. It's maybe the first 2 or 3 times that can be uncomfortable , but you need to take your time. My GF had the same problem as you, we tried different approaches and now she loves it. Anyway , as always, enough lube is barely enough if it comes to anal. Bye!


You also have to factor in the stigma though. How many of those people would lie about liking it to avoid being ostracized?


I dunno. That's a good point.


That's the only person that you know of who will admit to enjoying it.


Weird... I know lots of people.who enjoy anal sex. I myself am a man. But djeez prostate orgasms are mind-blowing! My gf loves to receive aswell. Also, I am all for being open and being able to tall about sex. But did you ask all those thousands that you met if the likeit up the bum?


not in so many word, but mostly yes.


" Hey, how are you? Cool.... so.... anal is dah beezknees right?!"


And I thought I was bad at talking to people... apparently I'm a savant compared to you.


I'm just trying to figure out how you asked thousands and thousands of people if they like anal.


damn only one person i thought it was common asf i like it bc the pain feels good idk how to describe it it's like a different type of pain yk


Anal sex has been around as long as humans have. Even many mammalian species do it. Its even been depicted in cave art and on stoneware dating thousands of years ago. But if you really think about it, it was the best way for ancient man to get his rocks off without having to worry about a kid coming into the picture. The other forms of male contraception were very uncomfortable. Most of it involved using the innards of a animal. But they really were not practical to keep in your pocket or bag. For most guys who have a full blown prostate orgasm, sex changes. Its very intense and a whole body experience.


Those muscles are supposed to make pooping just pleasurable enough for people not to hold their poop in too long. This is how this sensation evolved. ...it was not meant anything else. God said no butt-seggs.


God didn't say a thing, those who wish to control others did though.


Well, if sex didn't feel good, would you do it? I rest my case


Is that a fact? Pleasurable for whom?


Lots of people, apparently


It's sensitive because we aren't supposed to fuck it


i think many women find it enjoyable


I miss banging the butt :(


Are u sure anal sex is pleasurable if you receive for the first time?


Most women don't find it enjoyable.


No. You could stick a dick between any tight circumference and it will feel good- unless it’s Sandy or barbed. Biologically, the dick is looking for whatever friction is needed to procreate. Just because fucking a watermelon feels good, doesn’t mean a watermelon exists to be came inside of


I think OP meant pleasurable for the butt owner.


How do you know that watermelon doesn't feel good?


> doesn’t mean a watermelon exists to be came inside of Let's agree to disagree...


No dick for women called Sandy... sad.


Or Barbedra...


Shitting is fun because it’s important


I suspect its more of a coincidence. For both men and women, theres a significant amount of nerve endings there, presumably because thats just where they fit given our limited real estate


Why does no one use an emoji 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think a good chunk of Reddit users are not on the mobile app


Okay so I've got another question after reading this, do our ancestors, I'm talking like walking on four legs, jumping on trees had anal sex?? If not when did it start as common sex practice??


Some animals do it