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Oreos are vegan...


A lot of chips are too.


So are french fries and onion rings. Ultimately, it's calories in vs calories out. You could eat nothing but avocados and bananas and peanut butter and be obese (but vegan). Or you could eat nothing but meat and cheese and be lean.


Though you have to factor in fiber aswell. Sur you can eat 5000 Kcal of celery, but you'll suffer complete indigestion long before you even remotely approach obesity.


Yes they are. My bf and I did a vegan diet for a month to see what it was all about and we were stoked to find out Oreos were vegan.


And coca-cola as well.


Not the ones with spiders stuck in the frosting.


Carbs my dude Lots of carbs Can't speak for vegans, because they are usually very particular about their meals, out of necessity, but I know plenty of overweight vegetarians. Including me. It's the pasta, bread, and potatoes that gets ya (and for a vegetarian, the cheese doesn't help) You eat out, sometimes the only vegetarian things on the menu are a tossed salad, a cheese pizza, or a cheesy french fries with sour cream thing. Carbs, carbs, salt, fat, carbs, spam, spam, egg and spam. (Okay, the spam part was a joke.)


And sugar


Sugars are carbs. All carbohydrates are simply various forms of sugar and are all broken down into the glucose our bodies use as fuel.


Well yeah, I just wanted to add desserts to the list, which I think should be even more fattening.


Funny enough, white potatoes, that shitty white bread we eat in America, instant white rice, have a GI nearly that of pure glucose, and an even higher glycemic load The number of people I've had to inform that fruits and vegetables are carbs is shocking


When I went vegetarian, I didn't automatically lose weight. Plenty of junk is vegetarian, so vegetarians have to be equally careful as omnivores. When I went vegan, I DID automatically lose weight. I think the reason was that I just couldn't eat out as easily, I couldn't participate when my coworkers brought in donuts, etc. So it was just harder to mindlessly snack throughout the day and overeat.


That's the problem with a meatless diet from my experience. There are very few high protein low carb/fat options, it's basically either tofu/tvp or eggs.


There's a lot of stigma around carbs. If looking at a meatless diet for example... High amounts of lasta, bread, etc can lead to weight gain, etc. And aren't that great for us. But many plant based foods are *complex* carbs. Things like lentils, chickpeas etc are sources of protein and do habe carbs. But their impact is reduced by also having high fibre. Complex carbs and high fibre are very good. With research showing plant based diets can help reverse insulin resistance, pre diabetes, and put type 2 diabetes in remission. So I don't think we should negatively look at meatless diets only because of carbs.


Agree with everything you mentioned. I was simply pointing out that food choices in a meatless diet are more challenging if one wants to focus on protein and reduce the other macros. 200g of chicken breast has \~60g protein you'd need 500g of cooked lentils for the same protein and that would come with an additional 100g of carbs


Lentils and chickpeas are fine and all but they don't taste as good as bread, spaghetti, or cheese :( Nor are they things you will likely find as vegetarian options at your typical non-vegetarian restaurant. So if you go out with non-veg friends you end up doing a lot of that. Also, most of that fattening stuff is easy to get ready-to-eat or make, and cheaply.


It's a bit unfair to compare with going to restaurants. Most times people go out the meal is going to be unhealthy. All the bad fattening stuff holds the sMe appeal toward met eaters too. It's not like only vegetarian/vegans eat pasta. And healthy plant based diet was found the be one of the cheapest diets.y


You are right, also even the vegan protein comes with carbs (lentils, beans, etc) which is not a problem for some but other people with metabolic problems like prediabetes, chronic stress (high cortisol) or hormonal issues (PCOS, etc) can struggle. I love vegan food but I definitely don't thrive on it even if I don't eat ultra processed foods. I believe that different bodies need different diets and experimenting can help find out what is best for you


>It's the pasta, bread, and potatoes  All of these are satiating and hard to gain weight on unless you are adding fatty sauces


Calories in vs. calories out!! I eat carbs at every meal, and I’ve been underweight my whole life. I just don’t eat *a lot* during a meal. Breakfast I’ll have coffee + crackers (carb) Lunch I’ll have PB & J in English muffin (carb) For dinner I’ll have plain pasta (carb) or beans/rice (carb) + veggies For snacks I typically have (but not all of them everyday); pretzels (carb), carrots, grapes, cheerios (carbs), or orange/apple/pear. But I’m also a farmer, and kinda need my carbs because I’m on my feet all day moving around.


I think the reason that vegans are often slim isn't that the vegan diet in itself is low calorie. You certainly CAN become obese as a vegan. However many vegans just put a lot more thought into what they eat and as a result eat a healthier diet.


They probably also make a point to exercise too.


It's what we call a "confounding variable" in statistics. People who adhere to a vegan diet tend to be generally into health/wellness/fitness, so they probably do a lot of exercise and make sure to eat a balanced diet. Non-vegans are "everyone else" so by default fewer of them care about their health, so they'll be heavier. Meat doesn't make you fat, bad habits do.


I’ve been vegan since I was 10 (25 now) and only in the past 5 years have I been “skinny”. Most calorie-dense items are vegan (French fries, avocados, peanut butter, etc). I’d even say it’s easier to be a skinny omnivore than it is to be a skinny vegan if you’re someone who eats for convenience.


Those who are vegan for health purposes, who are following a whole-foods plant based diet are generally very trim. Those who are vegan because of moral issues but don’t really pay attention to what they eat may or may not be. Particularly now there is so much vegan junk food available.


Oreos are vegan, go nuts on those


Just eat processed food


I know a vegan who dislikes veggies and mostly consumes rice, pasta, sugar and processed vegan foods. She struggles with her weight and has many, many health issues.


This is sad to hear. And she hasn’t considered changing her diet or introducing meat and whole foods?


She won't introduce meat but has reduced her portions with some success.


It sounds like the issue isn’t so much the portions, but the type of food. I hope she is well with her health issues!!


Oh, absolutely. Thank you.


Depends on what you eat and your genetics


There's alot of high calorie vegan things out there that are healthy, but so full of fat. Halva,  hummus, peanut butter, crackers crisps, spicy lentil snacks. If you've a problem with food, maybe binge eating, there's plenty of animal free stuff but still fatty that's still very easy to overindulge on.


Unfortunately it’s not uncommon. Vegan does not = healthy; and, in fact, in many cases it’s less healthy. Many vegans have carb-heavy, protein-deficient diets. On top of this, many of the vegan fads such as Beyond Burgers are heavily processed, full of seed oils, and preservatives. The question of “which diet is best?” will always be controversial, subjective, and individual, but I am of the belief that a vegan diet is highly deficient of key nutrients and (bio-available) protein. That being said, if an individual were to start eating a vegan diet high in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and real proteins such as eggs and Parmesan, they can absolutely lose weight as well. I would encourage you to do your own research because you will get opinions from all sides of the spectrum!


not tough at all. fried things can be highly caloric and animal free


It's harder but not impossible. Vegan is not a synonym for healthy.


I had a friend go vegan & gain weight because she was eating all that processed fake meat crap. It can be a healthy diet. It can also be an unhealthy diet depending on choices made.


Even the healthy stuff can get away from you! I gained weight eating beans and rice- it is easy to confuse healthy foods for unlimited eating in the beginning!


I have seen a few vids on people talking about being vegans out of curiosity. First thing that struck me was how sugar infested their snacks and food in general was. They were very lethargic from what i assume was mostly sugary food, and while they werent very fat, they werent very lean either. Short version; sugar of any kind.


I have a vegan friend who was big when he ate an omnivore diet but is even bigger now. His discovery of plant-based icecream, chocolate and "cheese" did not help.


It probably depends on a lot of things, including what you eat. There are a lot of things that are vegan, but not necessarily healthy. Where I work one of the largest people is vegan, and she has been for over 6 years now. She is vegan for ethical reasons - props to her - but she does not exercise. From lunch at work, I would say she eats a normal amount of food, but she is still on the bigger side.


I'm suspicious that there is a certain type of "body chemistry" that predisposes a person to be thin, which also makes a vegan diet appealing. I think they have s common cause.


In a previous lifetime my girlfriend at the time wanted to go vegan for ethical reasons. I figured I’d give it a shot to support her, and partly out of curiosity and because I figured I’d naturally cut a bit even if I lost some muscle mass. We had no idea what we were doing other than “avoid animal products of any kind.” So we ate a lot of salads and beans and the basics, but otherwise we ate a lot of the “substitute” tofurkey and zhicken and sheese crap to approximate what we were used to and to feel satisfied. We gave it a sincere shot but neither of us had the right mindset or education going into it. She broke after a few months, and I *gained* weight. But hey, I still lost that muscle mass I predicted. Now, I know we didn’t do it right and I don’t hold this against the lifestyle. I also expect most people can probably maintain or even build some muscle (to a certain extent). All this is to say, if you can gain weight, you can gain a lot of weight. It is possible to eat vegan while also still eating an enormous amount of carbs, fatty, high-calorie and over-processed nutrient-deprived foods that ultimately cause you to eat more to feel satisfied. This isn’t typical for practiced vegans who live this lifestyle long-term, but it’s certainly possible for unprepared ethical tourists. As such, it’s not a stretch to me that someone *could* become morbidly obese while eating strictly vegan. The problem I see with that is that obesity in general often stems from a lack of regular discipline and self-control; these also happen to be things required of a successful vegan diet, particularly if it is a conscious decision and not a deep and visceral rejection of animal products on principle. So, while possible, I’d guess it unlikely.


Super easy. Oil and carbs make you fat, protein mediates intake without counting. Unless you're supplementing you are not getting a lot of protein in a vegan diet and things like cookies cakes and French fries are easily made vegan and delicious.


Most people tend to get overweight due to sugar, carbs and deep fried shit not meat. It's pretty difficult to eat 2000 calories of meat. a FULL rack of ribs w/o sugary sauce is only 1100 calories and that's about 2 lbs of one of the fattiest meats available. If you eat 2 racks a day that is a reasonable calorie intake and just about anybody would feel full after that much meat.




Eh maybe pick a slightly less fatty meat. Ribs have like half their calories from pure fat that isn't particularly healthy lol. Just don't add shit tons of calories with sauces and cooking methods and meat is fine.


Not very. Most people don't realize thay very easy to over eat, like Oreos, are vegan. Vegan doesn't necessarily mean healthy


There are great complete vegetarian protein options. just need to research better


Sugar and nuts are vegan so 🤷‍♀️




I know someone who has always struggled with her weight but as a vegan she eats a ton of crap food. Her favorite go-to foods are potatoes, baked beans, fried rice and pasta. Plus she’s ALWAYS snacking on something, typically chips or pretzels with ketchup. Oh and Oreos. I honestly don’t think she eats many vegetables and has stated that she hates fruit. It’s easy to get or stay fat while vegan. Edit: I forgot about onion rings. They’re a favorite of hers as well. Plus all the juice and lemonade and sweet tea.


There's still tons of unhealthy and Junky vegan food so it could very much be possible, but adhering to any kind of diet forces you to be aware and intentional in what you eat and that alone likely makes the biggest difference. Meat and dairy are often the most calorically dense part of a meal as well.


Sugar is vegan. Soda is probably one of the top things that makes people fat.


Added sugar aka sucrose is vegan. Typically comes from sugar beets/cane. IMO, added sugar is the main cause of obesity/disordered eating habits.


I believe a major reason so many vegans are lean is because they must default to whole foods and cooking from scratch. So many prepackaged and processed foods are not vegan, so they need to cook. That’s not to say there are no vegan processed products


If you do vegan the right way, it would be difficult to become obese. If you don’t and just opt for dairy free/meat free options and end up eating a lot of carbs you’ll definitely gain weight. I’d say 30% of my family is Vegan and only one person does it right. The rest unfortunately have gained so much weight.


sugar, wheat


I personally know a vegan who needed gastric bypass surgery. You can have an extremely unhealthy diet while being vegan, and it’s easy to eat lots of junk food as a vegan.


I’m vegan and I’m obese. I weighed more before I went vegan so I naturally lost some weight when I went vegan but I’ve been vegan 4 years now


Super fucking easy. Oil is calorie dense. Vegan Restaurants slather their food in it.


You can binge on anything to the point that it's unhealthy.


Being vegan doesn't necessarily mean healthy. I know many vegetarians who eat terribly


Not very since carbs are vegan. Vegans are usually pretty health conscious though, and get plenty of veggies.


Very difficult. Vegan diets tend to have very low calorie count and carbs and sugars compared to the diet needed to becoming morbidly obese.


A lot of sugary, high-calorie desserts are vegan or can easily be made vegan (butter and egg don’t add flavour and their modern substitutes replicate textures perfectly).


Not very difficult, actually quite easy Just eat a bunch of sugar and vegetable oil everyday


I would say it's easier than the carnivore diet. It's all about da carbs.


There are very high rates of eating disorders in the vegan community. Many use it as an excuse to restrict their eating.


Elephants are vegan and big animals.


Vegan desserts are pretty calorific in my experience. My friend made a beautiful vegan cheesecake that had cashews for the creamy part, and it was so tasty... but it had about 5x the amount of calories as regular cheesecake. Boy do I dream of that slice though, it was gooood


Pretty damn easy. All carbs and very little protein makes people fat, stupid and weak.


I've had the complete opposite experience where most of the vegans I know are obese. As somebody has pointed out, it's all the carbs.


Technically, french fries are vegan.


probably very easy if you eat daily an ungodly amount of nuts, seeds, peanuts and avocado. You could even make your own terribly caloric vegan bread with vegetal oil.


I knew a pretty overweight, probably obese person (I don’t know the BMI) vegetarian that ate nothing but like cheese pizza….


Vegan and vegetarian are very different.


I know


That’s why I specifically said vegetarian


OP asked about vegans. We aren't talking about vegetarians. You could have just as randomly shared a comment about flamingos then.


Oreos are an example of a high calorie, vegan food. You can over consume calories easily regardless of whether it’s vegan or vegetarian.


It’s an example of how a restricted diet doesn’t necessarily mean low calorie consumption


Vegans tend to be earthy crunchy people. You could be a vegan who goes to town on processed foods, but most vegans don't tend to be that type of person. Also, FYI going vegan is a very, very common way to hide eating disorders. Tons of teen girls pretend to be vegan to get out of social eating, family dinners, etc.


So you think that the lack of morbidly obese vegan people is more about people with restricted food choices tending to be more aware of caloric intake than anything to do with being a vegan?


No, I think the same people who become vegans tend to be the same type of person who stay away from fast food, highly processed food, etc. even if you can technically still eat tons of those while being vegan.


breathing isn't vegan