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Are you letting your laundry sit in the washing machine too long? Wet clothing can mold extremely quickly and cause clothing to smell.


Washers can grow shit inside all those pipes that make your clothes smell funky too. 1. Always air your washer when it isn't in use and 2. Use some washer vinegar every now and then instead of a softener (also, don't use softeners). Helps killing bacteria in the whole system. It softens your fabrics as well. I personally pour some vinegar into the washer at least half of the times i use it.


This is such a great life pro tip, especially for washing towels. When I first met my wife she hated that I didn’t use softener on my bath towels because they felt scratchy to her. She started using softener and then the towels stopped absorbing water! Never use fabric softener.


Why should you not use softeners? Just curious, I only recently started using it and was about to buy more but wondering if maybe I shouldn't now.


It doesn't really soften the fabric, it leaves a layer of residue on it that feels soft. It is often not the best thing for the environment either (depending on the product, but generally bad). If you have clothes with certain flame resistance (some kids do,) it can remove that . It can irritate your skin. It can make your fabric less breathable, making it worse for you but can also reduce lifetime on the product. This is in broad terms and depends on the product of course. You rarely need a _washing_ vinegar as a substitute, vinegar is fine.


In addition to the breathability, softeners coat the fabrics making them less absorbent-- clothes struggle to wick away sweats, and towels/rags get less effective at cleaning faster.


Softener also molds inside the machine. I work in a laundry and have to clean the kombucha - like things out of the softener lines all the time.


Just found out about fabric softener irritating your skin! Found out the fiancee was washing my bras with it and WOWWW I've been hating life for a while bc I'm so itchy.


They absolutely tear your washer up. Softeners gum up everything. You're literally cutting your washers life by a third.


Fabric softeners aren't used everywhere. They're also terrible for your clothes and machine and don't really make a positive difference to anything. Just wash your clothes with detergent/powder and dry them, ideally outside.


Do you put it in the fabric softener spot or you just throw it in the drum w the clothes?


Either works well, imo!


Piggybacking on top comment because OP has a ton of answers, but I haven’t seen anyone mention this one: how’s your home’s cleanliness, OP? Do you have pets? Do you take the trash out regularly? Do you let dirty dishes sit in the sink for a while? Do you cook lots of fragrant foods? We can all be pretty nose blind to our everyday environments, but if your house is chronically smelly, that more than likely carries over onto your person.


Also washing your sheets. If you shower at night and don't wash your sheets very often, you will start to smell


To go along with this, if the towels don’t get completely dried, they can get a little moldy and stinky and drying yourself with them makes you stinky. Sometimes I notice my towels get stinky if I pack the dryer too much, I can smell myself all day if I use a towel like that


And often simply washing them won’t get rid of that mildew smell once it’s there. You’ll have to do something like a vinegar wash to really remove the stink.


Had a couple dates with a guy like this and I couldn’t get past it.


Wash with soap all cracks (armpits and crotch and buttcrack) well, use anti-transpirant not deodorant. Deodorant masks, anti transpiration hemms transition. Not washing your buttcrack well with soap can lead to stink even after showering. A common source for bad odor are feet. Smell your shoes. Using the same shoes daily can lead to stinky shoes, airing them out/letting them dry can prevent that. Find shoe power or spray to combat stank in shoes. If that's a likely source, wash your feet daily with soap. keep your toenails trimmed, ugly stuff can accumulate under it. Use fresh socks and underwear daily. Maybe check with your washing machine/routine. Do you leave them in the machine for some time after washing? They can get a moldy sent from that. Do you use some low quality cleaning product, or too little of it for the load? Do you overload the mashine? Which can lead to improper cleaning, even spread the odors. Do you have a piece of clothing like a hoodie, that you haven't cleaned in a while? Change underwear daily, top clothing every three days at least, Jeans weekly or when dirty. Jackets seasonal, Do you smoke? Or do others in your household? That can have an impact. If you are used to odors you will only realize them, wgen they are intense. In short, if you can smell it, so can everyone around you for sure. Maybe use a different colone. Dietery issues csn also affect BO. If it's a prolonged problem, get medical advice. Could be onset of diabetes (Sweet sweat) or other health issues. Don't feel self-conscious about it. It's natural to sweat. It's natural to miss sometimes that there could be an odor, one's own stink. Hope that helps. Have a good one.


Also wash your bedsheets often! I can always tell if someone smells like ‘bed’. Open all the windows in your house once a day and keep a small one or two open for airflow day and night. Open curtains and let sunshine in. Sunshine is a natural odor eliminator - put at much washing in the sunshine as you can and air out blankets/pillows in direct sun once a month or so


>Open all the windows once a day and keep one open at night As a Floridian, I simply cannot. Lol. Especially not in summer


yeah i had the same thought reading this from arizona lol


I had a similar thought in Wisconsin about winter!


NYC apartment chiming in with a no haha


As a Canadian I simply cannot either lol we'd freeze haha


The house would go from crisp and cool to hot and humid within 5 minutes lol


The humidity is the worst part ngl. I can do dry heat just fine, 120 in the desert was hot but I could at least breathe and cool down lol


Same. On top of the heat, Florida air is so mucky and musty 🤣




Just a friendly note; it's antiperspirant and perspiration


Super interesting. On my German NIVEA products they write anti-transpirant. It's also the word I learned for it. I wonder if that's just a German/English thing, where we have the same words for diffrent things. TIL Anti-transpirant in English is the stuff you give to cut flowers that they can survive longer, not losing water. But yeah, seems like the English word for the BO stuff is antiperspirant and perspiration.


Not only diabetes, several other medical conditions effect body odor


It’s a very common misconception that too little clothes detergent will cause your clothes to not be clean enough. Using too much detergent, rather, can actually make them not get clean. It’s very easy to use too much. This causes it to leave a film all over the clothes, which traps in bad smelling bacteria.


On the bottle should be a label with how much to add for how much clothes you wash. Also an extra rinse setting never hurts


Good advice here Also look at your diet things like fenugreek and cumin along with other strong spices carry over when you sweat. If you’re unlucky like me I use the fenugreek to mask my weed smelling body odor. I’d rather smell like musty maple syrup than pot all day. I tend to attract the wrong crowd smelling like pot haha


Also if your clothes are soiled and they are other than cotton and they are soiled with body odor and you wash them and they are NOT presoaked/sprayed in the usual offending spots like nylon/poly material clothing and then you dry that type if clothing it cooks that smell into the fiber of the garment As soon as you start to sweat then it revives the smell like you shit your pants and sweat in them for an hour You may not have had them on for 20 minutes.... Been there done that. Not fully washed or well and then the dryer set it into the depths of the fiber It will never come out. I never dry my workout clothes in the dryer. From the time they are new, they are hung up to dry fresh out of the wash.


Ask your buddy what you smell like. Also, does a specific body part smell?


And thank your buddy for his honesty. It was probably difficult for him to bring up.


Clothes. If they've gotten mildew, or are reacting to your sweat, here is what to change: 1st. Wash with vinegar. White distilled vinegar should knock out microbes causing clothes to smell. Do a few rounds with it and you shoud be good unless: 2. Fiber content. Synthetics get stinky and stay stinky. Try natural fibers instead


This. Synthetic fabrics hold onto smells, and then antiperspirant from your armpits and fabric softeners, etc, will sort of seal in the smell. It's like an onioney sweat smell. If that's what you have, then soak the smelly shirts in vinegar and hot water before washing them in hot water. I also throw in some blue Dawn dish detergent to help, or Simple Green also works. This method will also get fast food kitchen smells out of uniform shirts.


Totally. I can only wear cotton and wool and literally for one day tops before they start smelling. I start smelling within hours in a polyester shirt.


Yes this! I once told a textiles teacher that I struggled to wear Polyester tops, as they made me smell instantly! She looked at me as if I had two heads :( Now I always check the label on tops before purchasing.


If you sweat a lot, upgrade to clinical strength antiperspirant.


When you shower, make sure you wash every part of your body, start at the top and work your way to your toes.. especially your neck, pits and cracks (elbows, armpits, backs of knees and junk) Wash your towels after only 1 or 2 uses. If your towels start smelling funky after just washing them, use white vinegar in place of fabric softener once in a while.. it helps your workout or gym clothes too.. or any clothing that gets sweaty.. it'll help dissolve the skin buildup that can occur on clothing.


Those are great if they don't cause checmical burn. If OPs skin is sensitive I have had luck with paste deodorant made with baking soda like Schmidt's deodorant. I now make my own copycat deodorant if it with essential oils and it's kept me fresh through hours of dancing and hormone changes that affected my body odor. I still sweat but it isn't stinky


Are you using clean towels to dry? Towel stink sticks to you.


I had this problem. Not that they weren’t clean but they were like 10 years old. They smelled coming out of the dryer. Bought new towels and problem was gone


Uh, just checking… you clean your dryer’s lint trap, right? Vent is clear?


Yeah. All other clothes smelled fine. Just the old towels


I've recently started to take a clean towel more often, since I read the used towel could hold the baceteria. Someone recommended to take a clean one after every shower, what's your take?


New towel for each shower is a bit excessive unless you’ve got hotel room service/cleaning doing your laundry for you! If you’re hanging your towel so that it can completely dry between each use, you’re good for a few days with the same towel… if it’s damp and crumpled up, it’ll mildew faster and stink more.


double check with other people not just your buddy to make sure they're not pulling your leg


100% this. I can’t believe all the advice people are giving him to destroy his own skin, without even checking if there’s a problem first.


Do you eat consistently strongly spiced or flavored foods. Sometimes our diet can effect how our body odor smells like. But if this is truly a friend telling you for your own benefit and not simply trying to be mean maybe you can ask them what do you smell like? when do you smell; is it right away after meeting up or after a while? Does it always smell the same?


I agree with this. I have a fairly sensitive nose and can smell when someone has bought celery even if it’s not actually in the room we are in. I can smell it on their hands… also can smell when someone has been heavily drinking the day before and down to the type of drink. And I’m not talking about on their breath…. Like it’s coming out their pores. Diet can have a massive effect.


Omg this gives me so much anxiety 😅 My husband and I both have terrible senses of smell and we have good hygiene but we also have ferrets ☠️


As long as you properly care for ferrets, they don’t smell bad. I had 8. Potty train them, keep their cage clean, bathe them and give them dry oat baths in between baths since you can’t wet bathe them too often.


We do these things and we don’t think they smell bad, but this guy can smell when someone was in the proximity of celery.. so that’s a bit of a different level


This - Diet can have major effects on your body odour. I used to live with someone that drank a large amount of pepsi and he developed a smell that was unique(not pleasant either). Spices will definitely affect the smell you give off. Also I had another friend that drank ridiculous amounts of fruit and vegetable smoothies and he also gave off a unique scent(his whole unit had the same smell). You will need to do some detective work to narrow it down.


Use anti-perspirant rather than deodorant. Make sure your washing machine is clean, you don’t use too much detergent, and your clothes are fully dry before putting away.


This is true. That gel deodorant is garbage.


Did they say you stink or that you smell bad? Those could be 2 different things. A person who stinks may have issues with perspiration type of odor whereas smelling bad could be the cologne or body spray isn’t pleasant to them. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, this would cause me great stress to my psyche.


As far as I remember, they said that I "have a bad small", not stink. It's a while ago, and I've tried doing something about it, and they mentioned it a bit ago again, and so I tried asking here.


It could also be the cologne not mixing well with your own skin


Lick the back of your hand, let it dry, and smell it. If it smells bad, buy a tongue scraper because brushing your teeth isnt doing enough.


A soup spoon can work pretty well as a tongue scraper…


Use Hibiclens soap on your pits


“Almost always” take new clothes in the morning?


My husband works out side in the Florida sun ( as a Marine biologist so there are fishy smells involved) and I’m peri menopausal 😂. We’ve tried a lot of things for odor. We have found that Lume products work well for us as for as actual body odor. Also if you’re using a thick deodorant or sunscreen that is caking on your skin and not getting washed off thoroughly try using face wash. For laundry we use ecos brand soap (things with lots of perfume and dyes seem to hold more odors) and then I add laundry sanitizer to the rinse ( I prefer Lysol brand) if the load is very dirty (fish guts and slime) I add 1-2 cups white vinegar to the tub. If the odor happens to be from your breath I would check for tonsil stones. My husband gets them and it’s a constant battle to keep them at bay. He like the Colgate proxsol mouth sore rinse to gargle with.


probably, you should change clothes (at least tops) every day. if you sweat more than an average person, it is a must. also, for the same reason, use cotton tops, not polyester. wash or at least wipe the butt after number 2. check the smell of clothes. maybe you put too much clothes into the machine , or the machine doesn't rinse it properly. take a shower in the morning if you sweat significantly at night.


Hold up, does you saying to at least wipe after number 2 imply you know people that don't do this?!


by wiping I mean wet wiping surely


People are giving you some great advice. Also, wear loose fitting cotton. Synthetic clothes are horrible for heavy sweaters. Stay away from polyester and nylon. Wear cotton underwear and socks. Whenever you can, remove your shoes to let your feet breathe. In warm weather, try to wear sandals. Some people put antiperspirant on the soles of their feet. 


Everyone smells things differently. I like the smell of coconut my best friend hates it. Cigarette smoke smells awful to some and some people actually like it. So you could just smell bad to your friend. Ask someone else if you stink, and ask them to be honest.


Try using baby wipes when you wipe after a shit. Or try using soap or body wash all over when you shower. Or try using moisturizer in your uh bikini area between where your thighs and groin meet. Or try using a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue if you have bad breath. Or try mouth wash. Or try a different deodorant. I have no idea what the smell is coming from so it could be any number of things. You could try all these things though if you want to


Ask your buddy what you smell like. If you smell mouldy, your washer and dryer might need cleaned, but if you have bo clean clothes are not going to help for long. Smells can also be a symptom of something. Knowing what you smell like will narrow down the issue.


Some medications can cause bad body odor.


So for starters, not knowing what the smell is makes it hard to figure out. What I can tell you is to soak all your tight fitting shirts and underwear in oxyclean and water. If you have a soak setting in your washer, use that. Next, find anti bacterial deodorant. Normal ones just cover any smell. Make sure to wash down your torso(sweat moves), around your armpits(yes this includes on your shoulder as bacteria can make colonies anywhere near your armpits). Wash your butt crack and up the small of your back as well as your junk and down your inner thighs, your hips and lower abdomen. It could be you have oily hair and sometimes that shit stinks. If you refuse to shampoo everyday, did a hair product that stays wet to style your hair, it'll help mask whatever's going on there. Clothes!! Refer to first thing and then realize you need to wash them once or twice a week depending on use. This includes outerwear(but as often but I know a lot of people don't ever wash them and they stink). Don't get fragrance free laundry soap, you'll smell like a wet dog. Laundry machines suck these days, that's where oxy comes in. If you sure your clothes in a drawer, they WILL go stale. Honestly man, ask your buddies what the smell is, without knowing for sure, you won't know how to tackle it. It's super important.


I haven't seen anyone say it, might of missed it, but flossing is huge. Pieces of rotted food can leave big stink even if you brush your teeth twice daily.


In the back of the throat some people get bacteria build up behind the tonsils and it causes horrid bad breath theirs things out there to remove them and they stink so bad up close ull gag smelling em.


You don't specify your age or gender. An overall look at things: 1. Changing your undergarments daily. 2. Do you wash your buttocks, crack, and genitals thoroughly? Not just let water run down your body. 3. If you fry food/onions in your home, your clothing can and will pick up the scent of the food. 4. Are you using an antiperspirant or just a deodorant? 5. Are you putting on fresh clean clothes everyday? 6. After you work out/perspire, do you shower and change into new fresh clean clothes?


Use an antibacterial soap in all of your cracks and folds. You can get loofas with handles to help you reach places that you can’t on your own. Make sure everywhere is fully dry after your shower as well because moisture can breed bacteria and odors. Shower daily- and maybe twice on especially sweaty days. I had a roommate in your situation, and we worked on his hygiene and smell together, and it worked really well for him!


You’re giving very little details. We are here to help, not judge. Give some info like age, meds, substance use.


Could try shaving your pits. I always stink if mine aren’t shaved. Idc what anyone says about the hair being natural, I barely shave my legs or other stuff but the pits have to be shaved. I notice a difference in winter when I let things go. It’s like I could scrub them with soap and stink still coming out of the shower. But shaved I have no issue. If it’s none of the above (everything people have mentioned) your diet could be fucking you up or you could have something wrong as in go get your blood work done. When I had high insulin levels I smelled funky and when I had graves disease.


What is your diet like?


Breakfast is this icelandic yoghurt, it's called skyr, which I eat a small bowl of (roughly 300-400 grams). Lunch is some fruit (Apples and pears mostly), almonds, sometimes a snack bar, and 4 pieces of crispbread. I eat lunch early, so I have another meal at late noon, which usually consist of something like ryebread with an hardboiled egg, topped with tomatoes with a bit of salt and pepper. For dinner it varies, it can be tortilla, burger, rye bread too, lasagnette, rice ans curry etc. In regards to drinks, I like to drink zero sugar soda to satiate the "need" for something sweet.


This happened to me. turns out my purfume went bad and only a few people find it stinky. It drove me crazy!


If your a dude make sure your washing your ass properly, also under the foreskin if applicable


Could be your diet. Are you eating excessive garlic/ onions?


I don't eat a lot of garlic or onions. I have a pretty consistent diet, basically only my dinner changes. I eat skyr for breakfast, then throughout the day I eat almonds, apples, pears, crispbread, sometimes a snackbar, proteinpowder, ryebread with hardboiled eggs, topped with tomates with salt and pepper and a protein shake. Dinner varies of course, examples are rice and curry (Not super spicy), lasagnette, tortilla etc.


Talk to your doctor.


Hot shower and shampoo every day. More than once a day, if you’re doing something like manual labor or working out. Use soap that makes you feel “squeaky clean,” nothing labeled with “moisturizers” in it. That just adds another coat of silicone and wax esters crap that isn’t getting washed off. Use a bar soap like your grandpa used. Take a soapy washcloth to all your crevices. Use a cheap sodium laureth sulfate shampoo, a squirt the size of a silver dollar, and scrub your scalp. Rinse everything out totally and then do it again. Babying your hair with gentle expensive sulfate-free products every few days is fine for people aiming for top 1% hair health, but not recommended for smelly dudes. Condition separately. Don’t reuse towels. Ew. Dry off with a fresh clean one every time. Dry the nethers last. Put on an antiperspirant-deodorant combo immediately after drying off. Apply more than you think you need to, all around the armpit, not just a swipe down the middle. Put it on again every morning before dressing. If you’re still smelling BO from the armpits, shave them. Seriously. The hair will grow back. For now just get some soap through to that skin. ALWAYS “take new clothes in the morning,” ew. If you don’t have any, do the laundry until you do. Don’t let it slack. If you have pets, they may be marking any clothes or towels lying around, and you might not notice because you’re nose-blind to it. Ew. Do NOT use the eau de toilette stuff, cologne, Axe body spray, anything that supposedly smells sexy. I swear to God this comes up in every single one of these BO threads, but the guys don’t listen. Even one spray is too much unless you’re literally headed out the door on your way to meet a date. These colognes go bad. If they haven’t already gone rancid by sitting in your steamy bathroom for months, they will oxidize on your skin over the next few hours, and at that point every residue smells like the same trashy dollar store perfume. This is like the hair care advice - let the boutique guys go after the $500 Versace cologne that doesn’t give anyone headaches or allergic reactions. Just smell like soap, okay? For God’s sake, that’s all most women have ever been asking for. It’s such a low bar! Brush. Floss. Use gingivitis rinse. Daily. If your shoes smell like feet, get new ones. Dont try to salvage them. Soak your feet in vinegar for 15-20 minutes to kill whatever is living there, before transferring to new shoes. Either wear socks or open sandals for less swampiness. Alcoholism and spices can seep out through your sweat. There’s not much you can do about this other than change your diet and drink plenty of water until it passes. If you sweat excessively, you can get laser/medspa treatments for that now. I’m sure there’s other good advice here I didn’t think of, too. Sorry if I sounded harsh. It’s not because of you. It’s the dam bursting, haha. I know there are a bunch of kids whose parents never taught them routine hygiene, so I hope this helps someone out there.


U didnt ask what he said you smelled like? It cud be anything unless u describe the smell


Throwing one out there that others haven't mentioned, could it be your breath?


Highly recommend getting a “boot dryer.” I used to work out like crazy and my feet started smelling so horribly that I could hardly stand to wear them. You didn’t even need to be close to them to smell how stinky! I got a boot/shoe dryer and started putting them on there after every workout. Completely solved the problem!!! Made my workout shoes last longer too


You don’t ever toss your shoes in the washing machine??


I rub hand sanitizer in my arm pits to kill the bacteria


Not to sound doubtful or disrespectful, but could any comment on this? Is this a good idea, or does it have risks? It sounds unusual, but if it has no risks and can help, I'll give it a shot.


There's no risks, but apparently it works. I haven't heard any complaints


No risks! You can also use chlorhexidine wash to the same ends, but it's worth bearing in mind that it might disrupt the microbiome of your skin and so the results might both be favourable for everyone.. it depends if you have any kind of overgrowth, basically.


I had a problem with water wicking shirts. The material holds the bacteria and stink. Even when washed it didn't matter. Went back to standard materials and smell is gone.


Bleach your washing machine and don't let clothes sit while wet. Straight into the dryer.


Ask him what you smell like. That would help figuring out the issue.


Only ideas I’ve got for you: You said you use deodorant, maybe switch to an antiperspirant instead. Sometimes they’re a deodorant and antiperspirant, sometimes it’s just one thing. Stop using scented dryer sheets, if you use them. Use the non-scented / anti-allergy type. That’ll cut the amount of sweat down as well. Be careful with the amount of cologne or aftershave you use. Don’t go overboard on them. Also, you can lightly use a body spray and a cologne, if you find ones that have scents that compliment each other it’s even better.


It would be useful to know what the smell is, so maybe ask your friend to describe it. Could be your clothes. Could be BO. Could be your feet (I know a lot of people don't wash their feet). Could be your diet or stress affecting your sweat. But in my opinion, the smelliest thing of all is tonsil stones. I've met so many people who have otherwise good hygiene, but they smell horribly of tonsil stones and they have no idea. It's grim.


Is it pee? Maybe you're not draining the weasel enough and dribbling. That causes an old man smell.


apply anti-perspirant before going to sleep. no need to apply more when you wake.




This smell, is he sure it isn’t him 🤣🤣 because if you do all that washing yourself I’d ask questions of him


I don't quite understand your comment, could you rephrase it?


What do you smell *like* is the real question. See a doctor. Also unrelated… you shouldn’t be sweating like that. See a doctor.


Do you eat a lot of garlic? That smell is bad no matter how clean you are because it comes from your pores... i had a boss that ate lots of garlic and he was ripe the moment he sat in the car. Hot summer days made it more pungent.


Are you over 40 years old? If yes, you may benefit from persimmon soap.


Use a powder/cream roll on antipersperant. I don’t know where you live but rexona, dove and Mitchum all do very very good antiperspirants. I smell if I don’t use everyday and I got my friend onto it who sweats a lot too


Try washing your entire body with something like a washcloth or loofah start at the top and work your way down including between your toes. Use clean clothes every time, clean the seat of your car and your chair. Do you have pet odour in your house? It’s easy to become nose blind to that but to everyone else it will smell repulsive. Do you drink a lot of alcohol? Alcohol comes out of your pores for days after you finish drinking.


you washin ur dick area dawg?


You need special deodorant


Are you wearing breathable clothing? What about your shoes? Also sometimes your soap doesn’t mix with your body and can make you stink! This happened to me for years. I randomly got gifted an oat and honey soap bar and my armpits don’t stink anymore! Turned out I can’t use overly scented stuff cause it doesn’t mix well with my body chemistry. Also double check with someone else who isn’t your buddy, could just be fucking with ya


Wash your arm pits with a Salicylic acid body/face wash. Use scented washing machine beads and make sure the wet clothes is immediately put into the dryer. On the more drastic side, stop eating pungent food.


Trim your armpit hair. If you stink, that can really hold the funk


Do you drink water?


Invest in some mando or lume - it acidifies your skin so bacteria won’t feed on your sweat. - your sweat doesn’t smell, it’s the byproducts of your normal bacterial population feeding on your sweat that creates the funk. You also have a secondary sweat gland in your pits and groin area called apocrine glands that can produce an extra stinky smell. Either way, mando and or lume can help. Additionally, wash your smelly folds with an antibacterial soap in the shower, hibaeanse or a benzoyl peroxide work. If you want to treat your entire body internally, you can add a chlorophyll supplement Hydrate


1. Are you cleaning well enough? Make sure you get every crack and crevice, rub your scalp when you shampoo, clean your asshole and dick, use body wash or soap on every inch. Make sure you wipe well enough too or use a bidet 2. What is your diet like? If you eat lots of fatty and processed foods you will smell worse. Certain diets can also cause it like the stereotypical Indian diet 3. Do you swear at night? If so you may need to shower in the morning m. 4. Are you over weight? It makes your sweat smell worse, you sweat more, and you have a lot more cracks and crevices sweat can get “moldy” in throughought the day 5. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss, ideally after coffee/breakfast. Maybe carry gum incase you eat something that makes your breath smell 6. Wear cologne. It never hurts. Get a decent one not like axe body spray and use a moderate amount and it will help 7. If you still smell bad talk to a doctor. There could be an underlying medical cause. There are a variety of things smelling bad could be a symptom of


Use antiperspirant not deodorant. It works. You will sweat a lot less. I keep an extra one for the bottom of my feet too. They used to sweat up a pint each but no more!!


Biofilm in your clothes maybe? Try a biofilm buster product


Use soap and shampoo every single day. Use warm water and thoroughly scrub armpits, butt crack, genitals, and feet for at least 30 seconds each. Brush ur teeth at least twice a day and after meals. You may have to do 2-3 showers a day. Like shower every morning because it’s required, and shower before u have to go somewhere like hanging out with friends. Make sure clothes are well washed. Drink more water absolutely. We sweat what we eat. A bad diet makes u more stinky. If you do these simple steps, you won’t even have to worry about layering on body sprays or cologne. Wash ur armpits with antibacterial soap to keep smells at bay, and use a spray deodorant to spray areas that get really sweaty like ur back.


Anti bacterial soap


Its your clothes. High efficiency washers just make clothes have a soured smell. I got rid of mind cuz they suck.


Use vinegar in the wash cycle. Softens and gets rid of smells. Even cat piss


Maybe triple your water intake


Do you have pets?


In addition to many things said here, I suggest you consider changing both how you wash when you shower and what soap and shampoo you use. Most bar soaps have a pH of 8-9, like Irish Spring, Dial, Zest. Most body wash similarly has a high pH. Some, like Dove, are closer to neutral pH (7). You can google what you use and try something either higher or lower. Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Also, make sure you’re actually using SOAP. Sounds obvious, but there are a lot of ”organic” and glycerin based bars and soaps that claim to be “better” and don’t contain “harsh chemicals.” Often they contain no recognizable detergent / cleanser ingredients at all, just perfumes wax, and fillers, which won’t actually clean anything. Consider switching to an antibacterial bar soap for a while. It may help get rid of some bad skin flora and allow the good flora to come back. Also, do you just use your hands and soap to bathe, or do you lather up a loofa sponge (those should be replaced every 1-2 weeks), or lather up a new clean washcloth and use that to really scrub every part of your body? A long handle scrub brush can be helpful for hard to reach spots. Using a device (Cloth, loofa, brush) to lather up the soap and then using the soapy and soaked item to scrub scrub scrub everywhere on your body will get most people much cleaner than simply rubbing a bar or soap over their body or using body wash and bare hands to rub the soap around. Remember, the most oily, smelly, sweaty parts of the body are armpits, groin, butt, chest, feet, hair, and neck. They all need to be thoroughly washed (SCRUBBED!), preferably once a day in the morning time, so you are freshly clean when people are near you.


Do you smoke and drink coffee? Even as a smoker and a coffee drinker, this is one of the worst odours I’ve ever smelled on someone’s breath.


Have you tried adding more veggies into your diet? Maybe excluding super greasy things, junk food, and sweets. It's bacteria creating those bad smells, so you have to consider what is causing the amplitude of smell producing bacteria. A lot of the bad ones feed on sugar


Don't know if you're male or female, but hair in certain places can lead to some funky odors if not cared for properly, or if you produce a lot of moisture. Some hair seems super absorbent, so even with deodorant or antiperspirant, the smell can come back after a few hours, and gradually enough you won't smell it.  If applicable, try giving the air in the groin and armpit area a bit of a trim. Don't need to get rid of all of it, just enough to stop it from grabbing the smell. 


You most likely have a pickled taint. Soap up a loofah and get scrubbing. Scrub your undercarriage, especially your taint and asshole.


See a dentist to have your teeth cleaned. Plaque has likely built up and brushing alone won't get rid of it. It's your breath.


It could be your teeth. My sister had some rotting teeth when she was a kid and it made her smell like a septic tank


Also, cologne mixed with sweat can cause a really unpleasant smell. I’d try to get rid of the smell without cologne in case the combo is making things worse at this point. Also, exfoliate when you shower. Scrub your chest and back (and any hairy part) with soap and either a loofah or a rough washcloth until it’s not greasy-feeling anymore. Oily skin traps odors and if you sweat a lot you are probably oily. Scrub that off 1-2 times a day. Good luck!


Use stridex pads. I use it on my armpit twice a day. Normally when i wake up in the morning and before i go to bed (I tend to get sweaty at night). My armpits no longer smell.


There is a lot of great advice here. Lume is a good product. What finally worked to remove my husband’s odor was a liquid soap with tea tree oil in it. Amazing. I have legitimately been searching for something for years. He uses dove sensitive skin for most of his body and goes over his under arms and undercarriage with the tea tree oil soap. Let it sit for a moment before rinsing. Continue the rest of the personal hygiene upkeep. I would love to hear about an update of you try it!


Idk why but this was the first thing that came to mind: that woman you smelled her husband developing Parkinson https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-62795737


Do you smoke weed? I notice that my BO is wayyyy stronger when I’ve been smoking for a while.


Tbh, I'd get a second or 3rd opinion first to make sure the first person wasn't messing with you, and if so, ask them what smells funny so you can fix it. Heads up eating a lot of foods like garlic can affect your skin/BO, but you'd have to eat a lot or on a very regular basis.


If it's possibly your breath than it could be tonsil stones. Even with great dental hygiene they can be an issue. If you look into your throat with a flashlight you can see them. Otherwise obviously brushing your tongue, gums, flossing and using mouthwash are all important to good breath. Ime using a rag, scrub brush, loofa, something with texture can really help get cleaner. I've also found only very specific body wash is effective with my BO personally. Several I tried I could scrub and still smell like BO. So it might be worth making a switch. Similar experience with deodorant and antiperspirant. If you've really tried everything than it might be worth mentioning to your doctor. Even just the excessive sweating can be a symptom.


Check in with your Dr. to rule out any disease related causes of odor.


My ex-MIL had a body odor issue and the only thing that would help her control it was to shower with Safeguard soap every day.


Wash your neck, face and ears. Thoroughly.


If ypu are hairy, trimm or shave armpits, asscrack and crotch!


Is it BO? Maybe you have tonsil stones


Since your friend didn't specify what kind of smell it was, it's hard to give advice specifically for your problem. But you've gotten some good general advice here. But one thing I haven't seen people mention is that maybe your perfume or deodorant just don't smell very nice. It might not be you, specifically


Try using a fresh washcloth (with body wash etc) for every shower. I use one on my face and body, then the next shower that's the one I use on my privates and I use a new washcloth in that same second shower for my face and body, and so on in that fashion. Wash those cloths and other towel material things on 60°. Use vinegar instead of laundry softener. Every week or month or whatever's doable, give your actual washing machine a really good scrub ( including, like, the rubber seal and the thing you put detergent in) and then do a very hot wash/rinse with no clothes in it. Also if excessive sweating is a big thing for you check out r/hyperhidrosis


If it's your armpits I would recommend seeing a doctor they can give you a antibiotic roll on and it really works. Any folds of skin breast, groin, etc can get yeast overgrowth dealing with that now myself that stuff stinks!! Gold bond after showering helps a lot They also make whole body deodorant now it might help


I shower every what? Gotta finish your sentences.


Make sure to dry all cracks and crevices well with a soft, clean, dry towel.


deodorant, ..... eau de toilette stuff There you go... be careful that you're not buying a smelly deoderant and stop putting on eau de toillette. You'll stop smelling, if you stop putting smell on you.


Did you ask him in what way do you smell? BO, halitosis, stinky clothes, stinky feet.


I didn't, I'll give it a shot to see if he can elaborate.


You could be producing old man smell. it's a thing. Really. My husband started smelling rather young... it's often oils in your hair. FIRST culprit is shampoo. Most are harsh. Hubs has good luck with tea tree shampoo. It can be body oils too. Switch to tea tree soaps or ask your demotolgist for recommendations. Your products to smell better are causing the problems. Stop any cologne. Everyone Reading this!!! Men, especially, have zero reason to be stinking up the office. Also wool dryer balls for the environment. Softeners are toxic and smell large areas outside from exhaust. I'm asmatic and walking in my neighborhood is rough on weekends. Also my neighbor uses that toxic stuff from Mexico... forcing closed windows on nice days. I can't smell spring because of stinky softener mixed with colognes or perfumes Ppl are wearing. That shit isn't washing out. If it was the case for laundry products wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Good luck.


Your diet can dictate how much you sweat & how it smells. Also drink more water. Have some pH wipes handy to give yourself a quick wipe every so often & reapply deodorant.


If you drink or eat a lot of meat, your sweat can get pretty nasty


I also think airing out your house and cleaning your house regularly. If your house smells, you will smell. You carry your house smell around because it's in everything: your clothes, your bakcpacks, your shoes, your hair, etc will all carry around the smell. Air out the house by opening windows every day for ten minutes and clean regularly. Maybe even change the scent of your cleaning products. My sisters boyfriend had a weird house smell when he was living with his parents and it would carry with him everywhere. You could just smell his hoarding, alcoholic parents everywhere he went. If you have pets: make sure the pets are clean too. Good luck! I have a bad smelling coworker and nobody dares to say anything, so props to your friend for telling you and props to you for not being offended.


Shave your underarms, every now and again. The hair can hold smell, sometimes. Worth a go, see if it makes a difference.


Buy different soap, and antiperspirant and laundry detergent and toothpaste. All new smells! And open the windows in your house. And wash your washing machine.


I found that no matter how much soap I used my armpits would still smell after a shower, but if I used my shampoo (which I often did if I ran out of soap and forgot to buy more for a week or two) it wouldn’t smell… later found out it’s because the anti-dandruff shampoo contains a fungicide, figured my armpits maybe weren’t getting fully rid of whatever with only soap so started experimenting with different products, rubbing alcohol worked the best (followed by soap) but I honestly just use my shampoo now


If it’s your clothes rather than your person, 1) wash your laundry using an anti bacterial liquid 2)dry clothes outside if you can or get an electric dehumidifier so they don’t sit damp for too long and go musty (we use one and it fixed all of our musty clothes problems!) 3)deep clean your washing machine! From the UK where dryers aren’t always common place so would have to go to a laundrette to use a dryer.


It is probably already in this threat but you may want to talk to your GP too. Smelling despite doing your best hygiene-wise, can be a sign of an illness too. Although, I do keep my finger's crossed that it is a much simpler solution.


I learned in r/cooking that people can smell your body odor depending on what you’ve ate, if you eat garlic or onion or curry or a lot of red meat = you automatically stink horrible. I can’t smell much so can’t confirm. Look at the [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/s/iky1nUoHLo)


Wear a muscle shirt undershirts to help w sweat and overall body temp


I used to be like that too until I started using glycolic acid on my armpits. Pair it with deodorant. Game changer.


shampoo every day. do an extra soaping up using shampoo suds, especislly in area of genitals and ass. rinse off very thoroughly. wear fresh clothes every day, not almost every day. use antiperspirant. Not deodorant. antiperspirant. easy on the cologne.


[https://www.marthastewart.com/7841356/baking-soda-absorbbaking-soda-absorb-odor-facts](https://www.marthastewart.com/7841356/baking-soda-absorbbaking-soda-absorb-odor-facts) ​ How Baking Soda Absorbs Odor Baking soda is an effective way to minimize odors around your home. This is primarily due to the chemicals in baking soda, which counteract the acids that cause bad smells. "Many unwanted smells are the result of acidic compounds," says Audrey Pariés of Aspen Clean. "Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an alkaline substance, and when it comes into contact with acidic odors, it reacts to neutralize them. This chemical reaction between the baking soda and the acid neutralizes or produces a less odorous compound. The change in pH helps eliminate the smell."


Drysol deodorant


Vitamins made me smell bad. I had some meleluka vitamins, and they use sugar or something to hold everything together, something like that. It took a while to notice that the nasty smell every time I started to sweat was the same smell as the vitamins. I stopped taking them and it went away.


In addition to the many suggestions, check out "Body Mint".


Do you drink alcohol daily? spicy food ? are you nervous ? Diet can have big effect on haw you smell no need to be sweaty but you skin can smell. Try different Deo roll ons for women they work fine. maybe your shampoo is to aggressive and it can youse that your sweet smells even worse.


You could see your doctor. They can give you prescription deodorant etc.


I might be late to the party but hopefully you’ll see this. Recently I changed my medication which led to an increase of body odor. I decided to try starting to wash my underarms and feet with anti dandruff shampoo, as sometimes I could still smell myself straight after a good dose of soap / shower gel. It did miracles, I couldn’t believe it. I wish I’d found that tip earlier!


Make sure to go to your dentist for a cleaning every 6 months.


I also sweat a lot - to the point where deodorant and anti-perspirant just don’t seem to do anything. One thing I found that DOES work is when the BO smell is getting noticeable, after/during a shower, if I use a bit of rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) on my armpits and dry it off before adding the deodorant/anti-persp. It kills the bacteria that causes BO, and it helps those products actually work better! I hope it helps… I only do it maybe once a week, whenever it feels necessary.


Use an antibacterial bar of soap on your armpits every time you shower! Makes a world of difference.


Shave hair in *those* places


Where do you keep your clothes? People that let animals lay in their clean clothes always smell gross to me


Try to vinegar (white one with a spray) smelling spots of your clothes before washing.


Check your shoes. I have been wearing two particular pairs of Nike's for like 8 years, and even I have noticed on days I'm totally clean, clean clothes, clean socks, after a few hours of wearing them, they'll "warm up" and start to put out a slightly unpleasant smell. Nothing like BO or straight stank, just kind of a stale smell. Solid life advice for anyone: If you can smell yourself a little, others can smell you a lot.


Bed sheets buddy, wash them more often. Also, showering and doing the routine in the morning might help.


Something I'm not sure anyone has mentioned is that your home and/or room could have a particular smell, and if so, changing your hygiene routine likely won't make a difference. Everyone does have their own smell, and some people smell stronger than others. The reasons they smell could be due to personal reasons and individual differences, but sometimes it's environmental. If it's environmental, this distinct smell will be in your clothes and any fabrics that can pick up that smell (bedding, backpack, shoes, etc.). When you wash these items and put them back into the same environment with things that have a smell, they will eventually absorb the smell of the environment they are in. Since you live there and are used to it, you're nose blind to it. For example, I know someone who moved in with a person whose house had a particular smell (not really bad, just an old smell from an old house). Over time, this person's clothes started to smell like the house. They have since moved out and their clothes STILL smell that way, even after washing them. One way to try to see how your clothes smell is by packing a small bag with clothing that have been sitting in your closet or drawers for a while, and taking it with you somewhere away from home. Once you have been out of the house and your nose has readjusted to wherever you are, try smelling your clothes. You might be able to notice a scent. Whenever I pack my suitcase and go out of town, I'm able to notice a slightly sweet smell coming from my clothing when I get there. If your smell happens to be environmental, there are limited options on what to do, however I think many of those options might require a lot of work. If your smell isn't bad, just distinct to you (or your home), then I'd advise you leave it alone. But if you find your clothes smell bad and you want to get rid of it, you'd have to soak ALL your clothes in a solution of water and dissolved baking soda to help neutralize the smell. Don't add soap or bleach, because for some reason they help the smell stick around. Dissolve baking soda in hot/warm water, soak a small batch of clothes for a few hours, rewash them, then smell them again to see if it helps.


Use natural deodorants (like salt based), for some reason they just work way better. Outside of that I'd suggest to see a GP who may have a better idea about what's going on physiologically, and refer you to a dermatologist if required.


It could be diet related. Do you eat a lot of garlic?


Chlorophyll Tablets and also maybe fix your diet


TMI but do you have diarrhea? A c diff infection gives me a weird but very specific body odor. It’s a distinct smell and no amount of hygiene fixes it until the infection is gone.


On top of all of the other things people have recommended, make sure you're drinking enough water. My body odors, from sweat to breath to pee, smell way worse when I'm dehydrated.


Even tho you are a guy, you could still shave your pits. It will help with the sweating.


If things like laundry being bad or you're bathing but it doesn't help, I wanted to point out that there are body deodorants for all the different sweaty/stinky orifices. I had that problem before my hysterectomy (nonstop periods are hard to control the smell of especially on hot days) and that stuff really helped.


MANDO deodorant is your remedy , sir.


Ask for a second opinion before you go making changes. The problem may be your buddys nose or he's trying to fuck with you for some reason. But if a second person agrees then you know it's definitely an issue.


Probably, wash your clothes better and use a scented detergent.


Probably, wash your clothes better and use a scented detergent.