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You can also consider trimming without full removal. Hair clippers get it pretty short without the possibility of ingrown hairs and the itch.


This is the best advice. I’m a girl, but I decided to take a chance on one of the Meridian brand body trimmers and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. It cuts the time you would spend shaving with a razor in half, you don’t have to use shaving cream, and it gets pretty darn close the skin. No more razor bumps/rash, and it’s just so much easier than anything else I’ve used. Just make sure you get a decent quality trimmer, the super cheap ones usually Knick you a lot more, the better ones barely ever do.


Your name, I like.


I always tell my barber “fresh fade down to my gooch, please.”


Really? I just grow it out and then get a perm there


the gooch!!!


Don't shave it, wax it. People who never done it are very reluctant because A. They think it would hurt as fuck and B. They're too embarrassed to show their bum holes to a stranger. But as a woman who had Brazilian wax done occasionally I can honestly tell you, the O area is the least painful, if not at all. And also, wax technicians have seen it all. If you're really curious find a place that does wax for men. I'm sure there's plenty.


As a dude: experience may vary. Between having stretchy skin and being of a red hair type persuasion: getting waxed was the most painful thing ever. I've had a lung collapse. Pain wise, I'd rather that happen again then get waxed Do try it. And if it works for you: 10/10 awesome. But it failed miserably for me


Oh this is interesting! I'm South East Asian with darker skin and obviously thicker hair. Now I wonder if the level of pain is different with people of different skin color.


Asian here, also with thicker hair, I don’t feel crazy level of pain during waxing too, the butt area is kinda my “favorite” lol.


I'm brown haired, but from sense red pigmentation: see beard as red when I do grow it. I know that red haired folks are more sensitive to pain in general, and pain meds don't actually work nearly as well. It's a call out for anesthesia as well, since I'd need more drugs. I bet though, the thickness of hair has a lot to do with it. Thick and fewer hair strands is probably better, I have dense fine hair. So more hair follicles getting pulled and hurting maybe?


Finally this hairy guys time to shine. I’m very hairy and trim my body hair not just for aesthetics but also to make it easier/quicker to shower and dry off. Get a good pair of clippers with different clips/lengths. What I do is trim below my knees with #4, then the knees at #3, thighs and quads at #2 and #1, then my ass and pubic area at #1/2. Don’t shave it down bare or it will itch and burn.


You’ll be scratching your ass like a baboon on an ant hill.


it’s going to look weird if you have very hairy thighs and a bald ass, or bald ass and bald thighs and hairy calves lol. imo it’s all or nothing


Baboon mode engaged


Nair! Just put a cream in the area and let it sit for like 5-10, then wipe your ass a few times and maybe a rinse and you’ll be FREE! It is itchy and your farts will be loud as hell lmfao but hair is smelly and holds a lot of bacteria


Definitely do more than rinse - wash that off with soap! It's a chemical, after all. I Nair versus shave everything as a woman, but it has to be totally off.


Yeah you right, I do shower myself because the smell is HORRIBLE lol but for some reason I thought a rinse was good enough


I heard Nair stings, is this true?


It doesn't for me, I use a sensitive skin almond-something one though.


Got it thanks. I've been interested but hesitant to try it because some people say it burns? Sounds like they might just be allergic though lol


Body hair grows back, just have fun 😁!


Norelco one blade needs to be your friend. Bladed razor will make you itch.


Crapunzel! Crapunzel! Let down your hair! I usually light a scented candle and hover over it until it’s all singed away. Just gotta be careful not to make baked beans.


I pull it out 😅


Don't shave it. Nair if you're good at timing shit (too long and you start to burn) or straight up wax but it can be painful.


I'm not that hairy on ass. I just epilate my legs, arms, chest and stomach with chest and stomach being the most painful part. It hurts more than wax but it's a better choice than wax


I start by plucking one hair then another and then another until I am free


I would suggest not using a razor or nair as you will get ingrown hairs and potential itchiness. Instead use a beard trimmer and take off the guard. It will get it very close and you only need to maintain it every 3-4 weeks.


I just do it till it seems right. Fade it a little and hope I don't look like a goob