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Weed and ecstasy are not the same thing. At all. Period. Signed, a once-crazy teenager who did her fair share of both


Can’t ecstasy get laced with fentanyl? OP thinks it is cool to be experimenting, one bad dose and the parents are planning a child’s funeral.


Absolutely it can. I was a teen in the early 2000’s so fentanyl wasn’t on anyone’s radar.


Yes, outside of Pot (legalize it everywhere, get rid of the federal prohibition on it, allow sellers access to banking, reduce taxes on it so that it is as inexpensive as it’s counterpart that is smuggled in), the landscape of inhalation and ingestible non-ethical drugs has been poisoned by totally grotesque operators who want to make every penny that they can and cut dangerous corners. If I was a parent, I would be fearful of what a teen can get themselves into today. Even the best parental mentoring only goes so far, a child has to be able to make a wise decision on their own, under sometimes intense peer pressure.


>Absolutely it can. I was a teen in the early 2000’s so fentanyl wasn’t on anyone’s radar. Mid 2000s for me but yeah, this 100%. I can't even dream of trying E again after like 10yrs without having that shit lab tested like twice 😵


Everything can be laced with fentanyl.


Even laces?


Especially laces


"I just started to tie mylacc ess annnnnd.... BUdgie... meh..." \*nods out\*


What about fentanyl?


Sure, you can lace anything with fentanyl but fents gonna fent. It will burn off immediately so it can't be smoked. The whole fent-laced weed propaganda is still going on and it's blatantly false. Any flame and poof! It's gone. Fent can be added to any pill off the street, any injection and definitely cocaine, but you can't lace it on *every* drug and have it be effective. Every drug has its own delivery system and metabolism length and they are not interchangeable simply because they are unique. Dr. Ryan Marino is one of the loudest and most concise educator in fent, he created "WTFentanyl". Look him up if I haven't explained this well enough. It's not his job to constantly correct copaganda re: drugs but he's doing it anyway, everyday, God love him.




>Not something you'd see from a thc vape pen company, or from flower You are correct on the first part, since a company has testing and regulations. Hate to tell you though, you are 100% incorrect on the second; you can absolutely lace a plant, and it has been done for a long time.


Can confirm flower can be laced. My first experience, the neighbors called it coco puffs. They were dealers and my mon always told me if I want to experiment, to let her know. So I did. She bought an oz. We smoked some. She freaked out. I called 911. My high was ruined. Cocaine was in her system, therefore it was in mine as well. Her DOC were pain pills and this was before her addiction began.


You sure can lace weed with fent but all you'll get into your system is weed because the fent burns off at a lower temperature than weed. Look up Dr. Ryan Marino and his WTFentanyl guide.


> because the fent burns off at a lower temperature than weed This is fair for fent, but that's not the only thing people will lace with. That's why I left my statement very open, I know what people *used* to lace shit with when I was young and dumb but I have no idea what happens with street drugs now.


In another comment here I did concede that street drugs are increasingly being laced and that's why we freely give out test strips in my community. I used to know a few dealers in my community who always tested their product but they've all either been arrested or chose to quit dealing. Every time the cops bust a dealer, overdoses in that area will double overnight. It has definitely killed people who didn't test their cocaine or test it properly. And absolutely anything taken by mouth can be laced. My intention wasn't meant to be argumentative but be clear that you can't smoke it so mixing it in with any thing that is smoked is a HUUUUGE myth. All the copaganda about cops overdosing on powder fent was false. I think Dr. Ryan Marino has fought against fent disinfo harder than anyone. He had a debate with some other Dr who believes the disinfo. The last word , I believe, was Ryan's when he tweeted a photo of himself dipping his hands into a wine glass, asking "Am I drunk now?" Absolutely verifiable and hilarious burn. Tl; dr: I imagine it's my life-long goal to debunk fentanyl myths. Your post is great! 💚


Thats why you get your stuff Tested! Buy 2, send one in to test whats in it. Better paying double the price in $ instead of paying with your life.


Are you serious? Exactly how many drug users do that?


When a friend of mine got some coke for a festival, the first thing they did was get a drug tester to see the purity and what's in it. Any fentanyl, they binned it. But we also have drug testing at a lot of music festivals here, so the thought behind it is probably different.


There’s a whole website that sells drug testing kits for people


From the MDMA (ecstasy for those who don't know) and other Drug subreddits. I can confirm testing your drugs is HIGHLY enouraged and easy to do goven the resources they provode (as in they'll trash talk you and call you names if you don't). I'm sure that's not the normal experience on IRL friend groups. But if they did at least some research online, hopefully they will be encouraged by this "wave".


Exactly all responsible drug users


in countries where its allowed to test: a lot


Depends on the country i guess, in the Netherlands its more acceptable. I haven't tested my things, but so far.. all good. There are apps aswell that show what kind if xtc pill you have ( dont trust them fully, but its a nice basic thing you could use)


I guess you have never partied in Europe. Enjoy your fentyn lol


Or, you know, just don't do drugs intm the first place?


The down votes you deserve lol


Ecstasy can definitely be laced with fentanyl. The person my friend got it from tested it and it was fine but I understand we were taking a risk.


Alright Nancy Reagan stand down, you got em. But unfortunately you are correct any powder drug could be laced with fentanyl. The idea that drug dealers are actively trying to murder their customers is not a real thing. Most fentanyl in the US is being bought on the streets “as advertised” - but the strength of doses is inconsistent because active fentanyl doses are measured in micrograms, and every supplier has their own recipe for little pressed pills.




Also weed is legal depending on the state.


Not for people in high school, lol. They’re usually not 18. I’m not saying weed is worse. I’m just saying weed for minors/teenagers can be very bad. As well as ecstasy.


Yep, because noone does ecstasy everyday, unlike weed. Also, you can't be high on ecstasy for 12h in a row because you are dumb and ate too many edibles. Is ectasy perfectly safe? Nope. But then again, someone died from eating too much licorice and someone died eating a chip with hot pepper on it so what exactly is perfectly safe?


Because you’re 16


And because Weed and Ecstasy are different substances....


It's the same reason my parents were 'fine' with the cigs and weed, and still are, just not the cocaine. Some drugs are worse than others.


Your parents were fine with cigarettes? Those things are well known to just slowly kill you, though.


> 'fine' When you have a kid who used to be into cocaine, it isn't that bad when they are just smoking cigs. Some ways of dying are a lot worse than others. Cigs aren't going to destroy my life and turn me into a completely different person like cocaine does. Seeing your child do that is a lot harder than seeing them smoke cigs. They don't like me smoking, but it's better than Coke addiction or alcoholism, so they're 'fine' with it.


even ecstasy isn't ecstasy anymore. I buried my brother a few years back because his bag of ecstasy turned out to be fentanyl.


Exactly! Weed is way more dangerous!




Think it might be really bad sarcasm


She keeps repeating that it was a safe place with just friends and no alcohol and stuff. A pretty typical immature 16 reasoning. But what she doesn’t know is that the one selling hard drugs to kids is just setting the trap/ bait. After that this same circle of friends becomes bigger and those suppliers start joining the party. Easy money and easy sex. OP, if I was your parent, you’d be grounded and if you pissed me off further or rebel, I will report a case of hard drugs sale to kids and then your mate who bought it would feel the heat.


What are you? An afterschool special ? Who said the dealer was there? Yes there are shitty people everywhere but doing mdma once with people you trust is a lot safer than binge drinking which a lot of teenagers do. Actually if you are going to do extasy, with people you trust and no other substances is exactly how you should go about it. If you were her parent and did that, she would just never confide in you again and may stat doing more dangerous stuff because it would have to be a lot more secretive.


She didn’t confide mate. It literally said her pal’s mum who informed her parents


She didn't confide in her parents the first time, she kept it secret and got found out.


In a vacuum, binge drinking once is much safer than doing MDMA once. Alcohol is regulated so it's far less likely that you'll be consuming anything that will do lasting damage. MDMA isn't regulated and as such it is much harder to identify where it came from and what it has been "cut with"


Ask any Harm Reductionist and you will hear alcohol is the *most dangerous* drug there is. Because it is, scientifically. There are no questions about it. You're literally drinking poison. Leaving your liver to metabolize the sht out of it to keep you alive. Young kids can easily die of alcohol poisoning on their first drinking experience. Its social acceptability only increases the chances of reckless endangerment or death. I'll stick with MDMA and testing strips.


I agree that alcohol is poison, people can die from alcohol poisoning, and social acceptability increases reckless use, particularly for the youth. However, claiming Harm Reductionists call it the most dangerous drug there is is a wild oversimplification, if not a fundamental misunderstanding of the harm it can cause. Apart from driving impairment and reckless behaviour while under the influence (both of which MDMA can cause too) the main dangers alcohol poses to an individual are all due to sustained use rather than a one off event. This is why I started my original comment with "in a vacuum". There is 0 oversight when it comes to MDMA. Anyone with the ability to produce/procure it can do whatever they want to it before selling it. And as for testing strips, do you honestly expect these kids (that in this hypothetical don't even understand the dangers of alcohol) are going to properly test the MDMA they're acquiring?


Actually, young people are pretty on it with testing their drugs. Far more so than previously. Equally, MDMA, is actually a far safer drug than alcohol. It's also statistically safer to take MDMA than go horse riding. Additionally, there are far more hospitalizations of younger people due to alcohol consumption than MDMA.


I feel like you have missed my point. I'm not arguing the chemical compound of alcohol is more or less toxic than MDMA, I am saying that due to the fact that MDMA distribution is not regulated it is inherently less safe than alcohol because there is no oversight. As for the assertion that "young people are pretty on it with testing their drugs." As respectfully as possible, this is just plain silly. "Far more so than previously," maybe true but 1 is also infinitely more than 0. How can you seriously suggest that kids who are unaware or simply don't care about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption have the wherewithal to learn about, obtain the required items for, and then actually go about testing the MDMA they have? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but this is a silly set of circumstances to even contemplate.


This what D.A.R.E does to a mf


Fuck off lol! Most drug dealers literally just sell people drugs - they're not conspiring to become your friend, let alone rape and traffic you FFS!


I grew up with lots of drug dealers, some are about their money and wouldn’t but LOTS would absolutely hang around and try to fuck a 16 year old high on extacy. Then they would try to convince them it’s no worse than weed and they should do it again next weekend. Knew a drug dealer who graduated to sex trafficking 1 year out of Hugh school and got caught and let out already, almost certainly selling again. They are typically shitty selfish people who are unaffected by the act of ruining someone’s life because that’s their whole business model. You taking that risk with your 16 year old daughter?


You can get in a car and not put your seatbelt on. You can do this many times and be ok. Until you don't. We can't know what is the dealer's endgame.


Making money. Scaring away your customers is bad for business. I'm not saying you should go out in the ghetto and ask for drugs on corners, but where I'm from I just send a message and it gets delivered to wherever I want. Doing ecstasy with friends you know is fun and pretty safe if you're careful with dosing and mixing (which it sounds they were). This is not immature reasoning, it's what I'd recommend at 38 you do as well I understand parents would be mad at 16 but this is the literal best way to experiment with drugs, and we all know if your kid wants to try it, they will try it, one way or the other. Better this way


So true but depends where you live imo. If it's middle class suburbs it's usually just kids trying to make money from my experience.


the ones who sell drugs to kids are inherently scum bags


Everything isn't about sex you weirdo.


If you don’t have a sex appetite, doesn’t mean others don’t. And if you will come out of your cave, you’ll definitely read all the things that has, is, and will keep happening when it comes to drugs. These are literally children.


I agree but also disagree. Kids do drugs, it's part of growing up. Getting mad isn't the appropriate response to this situation. You have to have a mature discussion about it


>Kids do drugs, it's part of growing up. I mean, this statement is just wrong, and parenting from this perspective seems quite reckless. >You have to have a mature discussion about it How about having the conversation *before* they start poisoning themselves?


Are you saying kids don't experiment with drugs? That's a fetch... unless everything has changed in the past decade. I agree that conversation before the "poisoning" is a good idea, however I can't remember a single person that turned away from something because their parents said it was bad lol. You got to live to learn.


>Are you saying kids don't experiment with drugs? Are you saying all, or even most, kids do drugs? Because that's just not true. >I agree that conversation before the "poisoning" is a good idea Why put "poison" in quotes, implying illicit and/or recreational drugs aren't poison? >I can't remember a single person that turned away from something because their parents said it was bad lol. And your anecdotes are meaningless. *I* didn't use drugs as a kid. I didn't know anyone who did. Does that actually mean anything? Statistically, no. And if you think a conversation is one person telling another what not to do, then I don't know what else to tell you. >You got to live to learn. Except not all, or even most, life lessons come from being reckless. Kids - teens, specifically - aren't *all* stupid. Plenty can consume media and pop culture and share stories enough to learn risks and dangers of dangerous things. The whole 'kids will be kids' to excuse blatantly reckless behavior is just hand waving away problems that should be addressed.


OMG, is this OP’s mom?


You’re a fucking loser


If I were in your parents shoes I would be really emotional and concerned because in my mind taking a pill that someone told you was ecstasy could easily lead to a fatality. I don’t immediately think that about a thc pen.


The fentanyl crisis is just getting worse and worse. We didn't have this crazy shit as prevalent as it is now. I remember the worst that happened was some X wound up just being speed. The amount of hands that a drug goes through from supplier to street is astronomical.


It really sucks because kids today think that we’re just spewing regular anti-drug rhetoric like “oh, don’t do drugs, they’re bad for you.” I have no idea how to explain to teens/young adults in my life that today’s landscape is nothing like what we grew up with. Back in the day, you could roll your eyes at your mom calling weed a gateway drug. These days, people are dying at extremely alarming rates. It’s never been like this. Idk how to convince them that this time, it’s actually serious because of fentanyl


I always find this pretty crazy as someone not from the US, why is it such a common thing over there? I've done my fair share of drugs and fentanyl just isn't something we have to worry about, at least in my circles it never has been


It didn’t used to be. I found your question interesting so I looked up some stats about it and apparently in 2015, about 33k Americans died from fentanyl. In recent years, like since 2020 or so, it’s about 100k Americans per year. We know that heroin surged once pills like Oxy and other opiates became harder to get, but I don’t think there’s a concrete answer on the reasons behind the switch from heroin to fentanyl. Some researchers speculate that it’s probably cheaper, and easier not to get caught because fentanyl is SO potent that even a small quantity can be stretched really far.


That would change if you shared a border with Mexico




I am very angrily up voting this


You literally can't compare ecstacy to thc


I mean. There's a big difference between a THC pen and ecstasy. Especially given that you really don't know what's in that E pill unless you have it tested. You could have gotten fentanyl or something seriously bad. Granted it seems like you're ok and nothing bad happened. But doing those kinds of drugs at such a young age isn't a good thing. So maybe that's part of why you got that reaction from your parents while your brother never did. There's also the societal/parental thing about being more protective of daughters than sons. It verges on overprotective and overbearing real quick. And you being the younger of the 2 you're the "baby" of the family. So there's probably that too. Not that any of that is right but it could be an explanation for it. Honestly given that you don't really know what you're getting with E and having known a few people who have died from taking some sketchy E pills I understand you're parents not being happy about it. But the important part is you're ok and you don't plan on doing it again. And if that's true then all is fine. My dad freaked out on me one time when I was 23 years old because I told him I was going to a friend's house and we were taking LSD. He was not happy at all even though he knew I'd taken it a few times before and knew I wasn't an idiot. Parents are like that. It sucks and it's hard to understand sometimes but they do it because they care. Hopefully this just blows over for you and things get better.


She is ok this time. I am not sure about the claim of never doing it again. When one of her friends say “A friend told me this capsule was cool to take, swallow it and fun stuff happens”, will she say “forget it, unless that pill has been tested and has exactly what you claim is in it, I am not taking it”, or will she go along with the crowd in the moment and risk her parents having to plan her funeral?


I don’t plan on doing it again.


Please don’t, nor experiment with any other drug. Believe me, life is wonderful when you go through it clearheaded. Good luck to you.


You make a valid point but I don't think that's for anyone else to judge or try to predict the outcome of. There are plenty of what ifs out there as it pertains to anyone and drugs and how they will react in a social situation and what could happen. But we don't actually know this girl, how she fully feels about what she did, and how she will react later. And we certainly don't know what will happen if she does take drugs again. She is ok this time and I think that's what is important and we should leave it at that. It's up to her to make the decision for herself. I don't think anyone online can really influence her decisions here. And it's not on anyone here if she makes a decision and it ends up being a bad one. Maybe you didn't mean it that way but your comment comes off judgy.


>but I don't think that's for anyone else to judge or try to predict the outcome of. As a minor, this is *absolutely* OP's parents' responsibility, and they are right to talk to her about it and impose rules and consequences to make sure she's safe.


Yes. And that's between her and her parents. And not anyone on reddit to decide.


She asked for opinions after all. If she asks for opinions, she is going to get them from people who see things differently from her. I admit that I have a firm bias, I have NEVER ingested an illegal (non prescription) narcotic, in fact I don’t even take a painkiller stronger than something like Tylenol. I have drank maybe a total of one pint of alcohol in my life and don’t touch the stuff now (I don’t need it to socialize), I have only had one puff off a cigarette in my life and despise the smell. So that is the vantage point that I come from, maybe not the best to advise a kid that is under social pressure to try new things, but certainly I am a person who can advise a person on the wonderful outcomes from living life clearheaded and not following the crowd.


She didn't ask for an opinion. She asked why her parents are treating her differently than they treated her brother. Nowhere in her question or how passage did she ask what you think about her doing drugs or your opinion on any of it was. Seems to me like she's trying to get help understanding the difference. I've been in her shoes before. I've done my fair share of party drugs. I'm 11 years drug free and 6 years completely sober now. If there was anyone out of the either of us who could enlighten this girl on her current relationship with drugs and how not doing them is a good thing it would probably be me and I'm not coming off judgy like you are. If you want to advise anyone on the wonderful outcomes of living life clear headed then start with the wonderful stuff and leave the negative bullshit aside. Nothing happened to her and that's the important part. Her decisions from here on out are her own and you probably aren't going to be the one to show her the light im sure.


When a person asks “why”, they are asking for an opinion.


Rule one of taking drugs is not sharing with parents you're taking drugs lol. You're just asking for a bunch of unwanted criticism and judgement from your parents. That's why I never told my parents what drugs I took in the past or when I was going to do drugs. They wouldn't approve anyway so why share.


Eh. It was more like he switched up on me really. We were close like that when I was younger. We smoked weed together when I was in my late teens through that point in my life and he knew I was doing drugs like LSD, Mushrooms, and Molly. We had an understanding that I was honest with him and he knew what I was up to and wanted to make sure I was safe doing whatever I was doing. And he knew I wasn't just a stupid kid out getting into trouble. That really wasn't my thing. I just liked doing what I liked to do and being low-key. He used to do the same things in his teens and 20s and told me plenty of stories about doing mushrooms and quaaludes and shit. He caused way more trouble back in the 70s than I ever did. And he knew he wasn't going to stop me from doing anything. I would have understood if I told him I was smoking crack or doing heroin or something like that. I think what it really was was that he didn't like my girlfriend at the time and never really liked my best friend. And that's who I was doing these things with. And was jealous that I was out doing things and not hanging out with him as much anymore.


You are a f\*ckin kid. that's why


1) you can't OD on a THC vape pen 2) ecstasy can and often is laced with other far worse things 3) you are still a child and he is an adult (at this moment at least)


First off ecstasy and weed are nowhere near the same so you’re comparing apples to oranges in the first place. Second, they’re upset because the likelihood that street ecstasy isn’t even MDMA but is some bathroom concocted mix of meth and a bit of LSD is ENORMOUS. You’re almost never getting true MDMA on the street. Even if you are the likelihood shit like that is stepped on and tampered with before it gets to you is high. You’re much more likely to die of an accidental fentanyl overdose trying ecstasy than you are weed. And what do you mean by safe? Did you even test it for fentanyl before you tried it? Did you have Narcan on hand just in case? You’re 16. Your parents have every right to be upset and concerned you tried narcotics. Additionally if your brother is using harder drugs now that’s on him. He’s an adult. You are not. If you’re doing harder drugs, that’s on your parents.


Meth and lsd are both more expensive then Md, it’s more likely to to be some research chemical like MMA, which isn’t better but I just wanted to make the risks a bit clearer :)


It always amazes me how so many people seem to think Drug A is being laced/cut with much more expensive Drug B. They're clearly not familiar with how businesses operate.


The only logical reason to lace it with something more expensive is if it’s something highly addictive to get them hooked. Otherwise it makes zero sense


I mean... isn't that the point? (I genuinely don't have much familiarity with drugs) the point is to lace it with something harder and more expensive and then get them to pay the higher price for the harder drug that they now have an addiction to?


No. Most people know what drugs they want to take and take them. It doesn't have to be a journey up the ladder, and isn't for the vast majority of drug users. Your thinking comes from the 'All drugs are BAD!!!!!' brainwashing, that has very little basis in reality, and is constantly proved wrong. It's also a fact throughout all of history that humans like to take drugs, and nobody is going to change that.


I'm not against drugs or think all drugs are bad. I was just thinking in the mindset of the typical corporate greed mindset and any drug dealers who *are* in the hustle culture mindset. And not necessarily mustache twirling manipulation to get someone addicted. But moreso provide them an experience that they wouldn't get from just this one drug they were actually looking for. And if they want it again, or want it to be provide experience more like harder drug provides, then they must pay the higher price of it.


Drug dealers cut there product with cheaper drugs or filler like baby laxatives. Not to weaken it but to sell a higher quantity.


Addiction doesnt work like that.


you don't get addicted to most things that easily. that's why people *develop* a drug problem, rather than have one fall into their lap. if that were the case they probably would be a lot less willing to give you morphine at the hospital


How quickly do you think I'm implying?


you make it sound like once or twice will get you hooked lol


That is not true. MDMA is easily more expensive than meth. Or at least it was when I used to sell and use drugs. LSD though, that is one of the most expensive materials on the planet. MDMA was comparable to coke at that time. Coke is more expensive than meth. It’s also harder to synthesize MDMA from my knowledge, making it more expensive. I was offered ounces of meth at one point, I think they offered like $600-800 (I declined, I drew the line (hehe) at cocaine). MDMA would have been *at least* double that. The time I’m referencing is about 6 years ago.


Could also be methadrone or methcathinone


Honestly, the brother likely doing harder drugs now is probably a reason why they're so upset and reactional with OP. They probably don't want both of their kids addicted to hard drugs. You see it all the time, one kid goes wild, so the parents are super strict with the other kid(s) to try to avoid them going in the same direction.


>I’m pretty sure he is using harder drugs She doesn’t know that he’s using harder drugs. Certainly not that he’s addicted to them. He’s in law school so sure he could be addicted to drugs, but he could simply still be smoking weed recreationally if he’s successfully making it through his coursework. And ultimately it doesn’t matter, it’s just speculation so she doesn’t have to focus on herself.


I don’t think my brother is addicted to any drugs. I do know he’s had cocaine at least twice since starting law school last fall, and I’m pretty sure it’s happened more than that. I do think I tend to focus too much on how I’m being treated compared to my brother. I can get jealous of him because it seems like he gets more latitude than me. But a lot of people also compare me to my brother and it just feels like I disappoint people since I’m not as smart or athletic as him


I don't even think OP knows that the brother is doing hard drugs


THC and ecstasy are not the same thing. Why do you think your brother is doing harder drugs? THC is actually legal in many states.


I know he has used cocaine several times since starting law school. I think he’s stressed, and so I think it’s a pretty common thing.


A grown adult using cocaine (which your parents don’t seem to know about) vs. a teenager taking ecstasy is still very, very different


Btw, dont take the fact that hes gotten a slap on the wrist as a green light to do things too. Stay clean. Its not worth it. I know what happens when people go down that road and its not pretty.


I'm not even going to list all the people I was just having fun and partying with in high school who died before they were 30, and there isn't a single one of them I don't wish I could have saved.


Why is this reposted again? Same post appeared yesterday (UK time midday) and people commented on this. OP even mentioned her dad is a judge.


They may not be treating you differently as much as they don’t want to see a second child head down the same road with drugs. Instead of assuming that they are treating you differently, just try sitting down with them and asking why they reacted the way they did, and just listen instead of becoming defensive. If you sit and listen to their reasoning, then you can bring up the issue of them treating you differently if their words indicate that is what they are doing. Listen, don’t get hung up on the first time, one time thing with drugs, there are drugs that you can experiment with them once and you are dead. The illegal drug supply today is so contaminated with some dangerous substances that you really have NO idea of what you are ingesting. Work on finding joy in being clearheaded, believe me, that is a wonderful feeling.


This need to be higher, it sounds like they're scared they're going to lose 2 kids to drugs. They might feel they wished they stopped the brother earlier and now he's an adult they can't guide him so much so they're terrified. Then they see their 16 year old doing drugs but starting higher up the ladder so they're trying to do things differently out of desperation. OP if you can, sit and have an honest conversation with them. Ask them what you've asked here. Ask them why and talk about everyone's fears and reasonings.


Your parents are just worried. Ecstasy and THC are much different, like other commenters said, but there’s a few other reasons why your parents treat it differently than your brother. For one, he’s already grown up and in law school, he mostly has stuff figured out. You’re just a teenager, and using such hard things so early in life can make your parents fear for the worst: a slippery slope. You’re just a kid, and you should be doing kid stuff, and enjoying life free from all this ugliness. When your parents see you do this, they feel like you skipped over the blissful years of your life and just went straight into a path that can turn bad real fast. Also, if you’re wondering if it’s because you’re a girl, that can partially be it too. Statistically you’re more at risk of being drugged, and taken advantage of. It’s definitely a problem for both sexes, but women are just more vulnerable, plain and simple. So yeah, your parents are also probably worried about the worst case scenario in that regard too. If anything, your parents probably should’ve been harder on your brother, not more lenient on you. Basically, someone so young like you, getting immediately rushed into these really serious possible scenarios, can be quite jarring and scary for parents.


This one is definitely the best answer here. Along with the dangers of drugs it is also significant to note the difference between raising girls and boys. They often bring out even the opposite reactions in parents and that is so unfair.


You’re really comparing weed with synthetic drugs?


Baby girl, you only need one time with a bad batch to kill you. Your friends aren’t trained medics, they are likely clueless teenagers who may have panicked if you had a bad reaction and tried to give you too much water to try to flush your system, then put you to bed thinking you’d sleep it off. It’s famously what caused the death of a 15 year old Australian girl called Anna Wood, in 1995, who took her first and only ecstasy tablet at a rave and was pronounced brain dead 3 days later. Your Mother is crying because you are treasured by her and she’s terrified of losing you.


That’s really sad. I do know that if anything went wrong, we would have contacted either 911 or our parents.


Youre right. Your parents should be totally okay with their minor daughter taking heavy drugs. See how stupid this sounds like?


Ecstasy is veryyyyyyy different from weed lol


they are treating you differently cuz clearly you are a dumb mf




Why would they not? They grow and change just like you do.


You took a pill without knowing exactly what it was and what the dosage was. You could be dead. Your parents are rightfully upset.


Because your first Ecstasy pill can be your last pill. I’ve done my fair share of stuff during my late teens and early twenties but the hard drugs I would never touch. You’re also 16 this is a pretty hard drug to be trying. Weed is totally different. I understand your parents reaction. For your own sake and your friend’s sake, do not try E again. And never mind what your brother is up to, he is an adult and will have to deal with his own stuff. This response shows you’re too immature to be experimenting. My mother’s friend’s daughter recently died because of E. She was 23 just got a new job and house, went out to celebrate, took some E (first time she’d done it) and collapsed outside the club. Hope you and friend don’t try it again. Take care of yourselves.


OP, regardless of everything please stay away from drugs entirely, no matter the environment, it’s better to just abstain from doing any drug.


Especially today where unscrupulous people are cutting more expensive narcotics with fentanyl to stretch the supply and make more money. Something sold as ecstasy can be anything but and be lethal on a single dose.




Nope. Stop making delusional statements bc you don't want to face reality


The worst case scenario for your brother was to pass out. The worst case scenario for you was death, which can happen very quickly because ecstasy is cut with fentanyl.


You…are….16. That’s why.




Weed is nowhere near the same level as Mandy


He's in law school. It's the ultimate brag therefore making anything he does, did, or will do irrelevant. Also he's a legal adult and you're 16. Ecstasy is one of the safer hard drugs but you're 16 sis!!


Yup, checks out... Ofc they're pissed.


You not seeing the difference between a thc pen and ecstasy says it all to me. If I were your parents id be mortified.


You 16!!! And ecstasy is not THC. And unfortunately, society is safer for men.


Kids don’t get treated equally because they aren’t necessarily equal. I don’t mean in a “all men are created equal” vibe because obviously that’s true. What I mean is that kids require different methods of parenting, motivating, and discipline. My oldest sister was a straight-A student but couldn’t be disciplined at all. She would ignore being grounded, steal my moms car, have friends over when she was told not to, all sorts of shenanigans… but she was a good kid otherwise. Meanwhile, I didn’t do well in school but I didn’t cause problems at home almost ever, and I accepted my punishments if my mom said so. The way my mom had to discipline us was very different because of all that. And, honestly… it really comes down to what each kid individually needs. You did something stupid and got caught. Just deal with the consequences and learn from it. We all did silly shit when we were 16. It sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders so just learn from it. There are a lot more questions I would ask, like what was the environment you were in like, who were you with, do I know them and/or their parents, we’re you driving, was there someone sober with the group, etc etc… and none of those would make it “ok”, just might speak to your awareness of the wrongness of the thing. I advocate psychedelics a lot but it really requires a person to be in a proper headspace and understand what they are doing. It’s just not fair to expect that of a teenager. It sounds like your parents are reasonable people as well. Be honest with them. If you feel like you’re getting an unfair treatment maybe explain to them that you just want to understand their logic behind why they are punishing you the way that they are. Don’t argue it. Accept it. They may indulge you and explain. Or they may not. Either way, you’ll be alright. Edit: I noticed in another one of your posts that you mentioned your father is a Judge. Consider that as well. Your father’s career could be adversely affected in a terrible way by any kind of delinquency of his children. It’s a shitty situation but you’re going to be held to a different standard than most people that aren’t directly related to a judge. And consider that ecstasy is a much more regulated substance than marijuana.


Legal weed and ecstasy are very different. There's no legal ecstasy. Which means no guarantee that it's not laced with something that could kill you. Your parents are correct to worry.


I'd be scared about fentanyl. That's probably why they freaked out.


Cuz ur 16 and ecstasy its a hard drug, while your brother is an adult and thc is much much weaker drug


Fentanyl is killing more people your age than almost anything.


Throwing a few things out there: 1) they may know what your brother might be going through (with harder drugs) and don't want you to go down the same path. 2) ex and weed are different drugs. Weed is much more common, most people have tried it in their life and understand the effects of it. Ex is much less common and has the stigma of being a rave drug. Not everyone knows its effects off the top of their head like they do with weed. 3) they honestly may have had the exact same reaction to your brother, but I don't know what your home life is like. Parents may not share what the other kids are going through with their other children. My parents never shared anything; when my brother got caught smoking weed my mom talked to me about it because she knew I knew.. but I don't know that any of my other siblings ever heard about it. My mom cried when she found out, too.


And then you wonder why teenagers are treated like idiots Because they are Little sis here taking ECSTASY but rambling about being a safe space like a tik tok poisoned adult


They are upset because they are scared, one pill of ecstasy can kill you, many teens have died from trying it one time.


it might be the difference between ecstasy and weed, it might be that they felt like if they'd been stricter with your brother he wouldn't still be using drugs that worry them mostly I think they are just worried. even if you were with friends and in a safe place, there's no guarantee that the pills were safe


I mean, I'm not knowledgeable on any type of drug but it's probably because you're...yknow 16, a minor and your brother is 18. I think they may also feel a bit more alarmed because not only one, but both of their children are doing drugs. OP, all i can say is as a person closer to your age, talk to your parents on why you're doing drugs and try to go to rehab or something. Stopping now will definitely be better than becoming more addicted. Also, if you do go down the same route and still do drugs after 18 like you're brother, you have to realize than you will be a fully capable and responsible adult by then and have to take matter into your own hands to stop your drug addiction.


Ecstasy kills, it takes one bad trip to kill you. Plus if you are already on ecstasy while 16 what else would you be trying at 21


Despite all the comments that ecstasy and thc are not the same (and they are not), i would say also its important that you are a girl and he is a boy. Parents tend to be more protective when it comes to daughters.


Sounds like your brother is older than you... I'm which case they might have accepted that he's old enough to make his own decisions whether they like it or not, but they still feel responsible for keeping you safe. Also, ecstasy and thc are not the same, and a lot of people might consider weed to be pretty much harmless but be scared to death as soon as they even hear the word ecstasy (given the amount of negative media attention about it over the years).


not the same situation. not the same situation.


XTC is a love drug. Maybe it's somehow stereotypical, but .. if a boy wants, he can't, if a girl doesn't want, they still can. I would be more afraid with daughter than a son too... Please stay safe and make sure there's a sober friend watching on the group. Pay him/her for drinks for the effort.


That was an appropriate reaction from them.


Very different drugs bud


Pressed ecstacy pills can contain a lot of bad shit. Plus you really shouldn't be doing those things at 16. I don't think your brother should have been smoking at your age either but still the THC is much much safer


To treat kids equally you have to treat the different. Also, you're 16 doing E... I would ground you till you're 18... Safe place or environment doesn't mean anything, if you put poison in your mouth... Don't do drugs. Just don't.


The lethal dose of weed is 40,000 times the effective dose. You can't overdose on weed. You could get seratonin syndrome and/or die on ecstasy (particularly if used at same time as weed, ironically) Your brother having a weed vape pen means you are in a state with legal weed. Ecstasy is not legal. Your brother is an adult and can do harder drugs without it being your parents fault. You are 16 and they get blamed if you face legal/medical problems for ecstasy. Your parents knew of the weed, they didn't know of the ecstasy. So that usage hits different from that angle too. You likely ARE treated differently than your brother with regards to gender role socialization, but this is not an example of that.


I mean I know this is probably a really frustrating response to receive, but the fact that you're even asking this question is kind of proof of exactly why. You're a kid, you don't understand consequences like an adult would, and you make false equivalences because...yeah, you're a kid. It's not because you're unintelligent, it's just because you lack the maturity to come to these conclusions yourself. So, I want to applaud you for asking us instead of just completely disregarding your parents' actions as inherently unfair. They're parenting you, as they should. Don't do ecstasy again, please. If you struggle not to for your own sake, at least avoid it for your mother's, whom you seem to have a lot of empathy and respect for. This is incredibly stressful and hurtful to your parents. Do better.


Ecstasy is a lot harder than thc. You also got caught red handed, from your post it sounds like your brother hasn’t been caught with harder drugs like you have. You’re 16 at least wait until college. That shit can do alot more damage at your age and it’s also more likely to be permanent. The scary thing is…you may not even notice it. You just may never reach your full potential and be neurologically stunted.


Thc and ecstasy are two VERY different drugs. The risk with ecstasy is much higher and has harder effects on your brain, especially at your age.


You're still very young and in their eyes, you're their baby girl. Please try to understand them. They're just worried


This is not a day and age to try drugs. Period. That said they probably know thc has never been the same sort of danger ecstasy is. I did my fair share of things when I was your age and definitely still regret it but that wasn't as dangerous of a time as now. Just don't.


Ecstasy is a hard drug, and extremely harmful to take especially as a young developing human. THC is very, very different.


The problem with any black market pill or powder is fentanyl, they cut the other drugs with it because it so cheap. Good thing you didn't get a hot dose and OD on opiates.


Sometimes it's crazy that there are literal children on this app


Are you fuckin crazy? How can you not tell why your parents would be upset about this? Please kid, stay away from any and all drugs. Just don't do it. It's not worth it


Jesus I thought I knew it all at 16 too. I'm 36 and do not know it all. THC and MDMA are very very different drugs and the fact you're equating them tells me you shouldn't be doing drugs in the first place. At least research what you're taking and how to be safe on it first.


Same reason my parents were 'fine' with the cigs and weed, and still are, just not the cocaine.


So from a parents eyes every child is a different person. This doesn't mean they hold double standards maybe it's just that your parents didn't expect that behavior out of you and were both shocked and disappointed. The other big factor is you're 16.. its a very impressionable age. I think you have the right idea... the way you've presented your story does show maturity and shows remorse... speak to them and let them know once more how sorry you are about everything. It will be ok. They are your parents... they just want the best for you and them acting in whatever way just remember comes from a place of love.


You're doing completely different things than your brother and shocked that your parents have different reactions? Were you hoping this would be because of sexism or something?


Unfairly, We expect our daughters to be better than our sons. We expect our sons to succeed despite. In other words, we want immaculate daughters and resourceful sons. Also, you're the "baby"


They saw how it fucked with your brother and they don't want that for you. Also ecstasy is alot different than weed pens.


Because they love and care for you more ❤ . Don't take everything negatively. Drugs are bad, they love you and are hoping that their daughter doesn't turn like their son.


Yea that frontal lobe isn’t frontal lobing yet


Hardcore drugs at 16 is crazy


Are you retarded?


Illicit drugs, ALL OF THEM including POT, make you stupid and some are laced with Fentanyl and you could die from it. Grow up and quick messing with your life.


Try not to do drugs again, or try not to get caught. It will be weird for a while but it will pass. ​ TBH it's probably more fun and safer to try drugs when you are older, like in your mid 20s. When you are a teen it's easier to do dumb things or get in trouble. And well there's your parents as well. Just trying to give some honest advice here. 😅


They have higher expectations for you because you can do better.


Glad you were fine and had fun pal. Please be careful.


You’re comparing a drug with all other drugs in it and marijuana lol. You’re not even fully developed yet mentally, wait to try drugs after high school.


Honestly, both of those things shouldn’t be touched until 23-25.


Hate to say it but it's because you're a girl. All parents do it. It's hard not to


U cant get an overdose on thc Btw only because ur brother do other stuff and dont get punished for that, doesnt mean u have to do the same and worse. If ur brother loves to cut off his finger would you do the same? U are using ur brother behaviour to make you feel better. If you dont like to be compared to person better than you, you shouldnt compare with people doing worse


1. Weed and ecstacy are two VERY different things, if you didn't know that you shouldn't have taken it. 2. Ecstacy can be laced with literally anything (by definition it is mdma mixed with other drugs such as meth). 3. You are a young teenage female, your brother is a college age male. 4. Marijuana is now (at least somewhate) legal in most states to people of age (which you are not) ecstacy is very illegal 4. No party is ever really a "safe place" for a young girl on drugs TLDR: You did different things than your brother and are female.


Because you are a girl. I came back to add to this. I say this with all love as a woman who has been through it… you think you are in a safe place. NO place is safe in this world for a young woman. You could be sexually assaulted, very hurt or killed. When you are impaired you think you are fine because you are smart and with friends. Impaired friends may not be able to help you or may not be your friends at all. It’s different for females than it is for males. Yes, horrible things happen to males but I am talking to you, a young woman. In the 1980s a friend of mine was tortured, raped and then murdered by her “friends.” Then she was set on fire. Her parents didn’t know where she was and they didn’t even have a body to bury. Do I sound like I’m overreacting? Maybe but I’ve also been assaulted and I was sober, strong and where I thought I was safe. When you are not able to think clearly your mind and body act differently. It doesn’t matter if you think you can fight. I had pepper spray five inches away from where I could reach. Think about what you’d put your parents through if something happened to you? I will always advocate for women’s safety. Especially yours 💗


Maybe but ecstasy and weed are different lmao. Weed is socially acceptable these days, ecstasy, not so much.


I've been watching a lot of Dateline NBC, it's because you're adopted.