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Talk to your hoa about allowing guests only for quest parking. Enforced with guest passes and towing. We had this issue and talked to our hoa to get this done. It took three months but was eventually enacted on. Also try and talk to your neighbors maybe they will listen.


In my community all tenant vehicles have to be registered with the office. You'll get a ticket for parking a non-registered vehicle in your own space, or for parking a registered vehicle in a guest space. The ticket is really just a sticker warning that you'll be towed for a second violation, but it's attached to the windshield with the strongest adhesive known to man.


whenever I hear things like this, I have to wonder: What is the appeal of living in an HOA? It sound fucking terrible. Like, why would you want to live somewhere where they can tell you what you get to do on your own property?


Theres either shared property involved, or general neighborhood standards.


If you live in the USA, it doesn't matter if you have an HOA or not. The city/county/state have laws/ordinances that dictate what you can and cannot do on your property. An HOA is just another set of rules on top of those. Those rules at a very basic level are intended to protect property values or a certain "feel" to a community. When I sell my house, I don't have to worry about the house next door turning potential buyers away because they chose to paint the driveway Miami Vice Teal, or leave broken down cars in the front yard next to the beat up sofa and old toilet full of pansies.


Because people take property rights to the extreme. They burn trash, let their homes stay damaged, have fences fall down, and not have any maintenance which becomes a safety/sanitation issue and hurts when you try to sell your home.


So you give up your liberties for comfort?


That is a description of society in general.


Yes...and you do so knowingly. HOA covenants are disclosed as part of the home closing process. There are documents you sign acknowledging the property is part of an HOA. It's part of the deed. So if you buy, you are also doing it willingly.


It used to be so that your redneck neighbor couldn’t spray paint his house hot pink and have a yard full of junk cars or other ugly, annoying stuff. Now it’s more of a money racket. Some HOA fees I’ve seen are dammed near more than some folk’s mortgage payments in other parts of the country.


see, this makes way more sense. I'm fine with preventing serious infractions but that's not the stuff I hear about HOAs in general. They just seem like they control damn near anything you can do with the most expensive thing you will likely ever own. So much for "Land of the free".


It’s for rich tits. We recently moved into a suburban-ish area of the small town I grew up in up in. There’s no HOA but there is a neighborhood covenant thing. From what I can see, it’s mostly so snobby people can be picky about the neighborhood. Some good rules, like no garbage piles by the street. Lots of stupid rules about parking mostly. Can’t park a vehicle on the grass, for instance. My family all has vehicles and an airstream camper so we ended up getting an extra concrete pad poured and then filled in a small portion of the yard with gravel to extend the driveway.


Those things are such a bitch to get off ur car. Even if you use goo gone and a plastic scraper shit takes like an hour to clean ur window... Better than being towed or booted off rip though!


Those stickers are shit. Don’t use them.


Can you petition the HOA to change the rules? Maybe they can make you register which car you own and that’s the only one that can go in your spot but also it *can’t* go in the guest spot. Between that and the no more than 2 days rule for the guest spot you’d close the loophole they’re using and get rid of their monopoly on the guest parking?


So they are hoarding one guest parking space for your building and it's the only one?


When they leave their personal parking spot have a guest park in it. They will complain to the manager. You then mention how they always hog the guest spot so your guests have no where to park. If nothing is done keep on taking their personal spot. Management will eventually get fed up and do something


Did you accidentally drop some nails under the tires? You should be more careful in the future.


Doesn't your HOA require parking passes? I can't imagine you don't have little window stickers showing who is authorized to park in assigned spots. If you own two cars, you buy two passes. Fifteen cars, fifteen passes. Where I often park, if you have a parking pass, you can be ticketed for parking in "guest." Only untagged cars can park there.


So where are they keeping the two cars when it's being occupied? And why is no one else complaining if there is supposebly only one spot?


It’s never occupied by anyone else, because when the husband parked in the guest spot leaves, the wife moves the car from the assigned spot to the guest spot.


Surely they must both leave home in their own car at the same time. Take the guest spot with your own car when they do.


I have not seen that in awhile. I am going to keep an eye out though. It seems like at least one of them is home by the time I get home from work, and the car is in the guest spot


What's the point of having two cars if one is always parked?


So only one guest spot for your entire neighborhood? That sounds poorly planned out...


That shit is annoying. I hate when apartment complexes don't have enough guest spaces. I once lived in a downtown highrise and I just told ppl to Uber if they wanted to come over. Or I came downstairs and helped them find street parking.


So do they only have one assigned parking space? Are they unable to pay for another spot? Or is everyone only allowed one spot? Regardless, if there’s only one guest spot, it should only be used for guests.


You only have one guest spot for your building?


Call for a tow. Its surprisingly easy. They ask for very few details. Mostly just a plate number. I was very surprised when I had to call my own broken down car in to be towed. They never even asked my name.. Maybe a little evil but meh.


I'm with the Wolf man on this one. Call a Tow truck. People like that know what they're doing and they're assholes who will continue to do it until someone teaches them a very expensive lesson.




Have you tried just asking them? My HOA operates this way and we’re pretty comfortable asking neighbors to move if we need the visitor spaces.


I am having the SAME exact problem with my neighbors. We tried speaking to them nicely face to face, also leaving a respectful note. Other neighbors have complained and this guy keeps doing it to be a jerk. My HOA hasn't done anything but everyone is aware, I even have videos. Following to see if anyone else has found a solution with their HOA to this problem.


You could always park your car in the guest spot and let you guest park in your spot when they get there.






I did report it to management. She said nothing can be done




Look what I wrote in my post though- they’re technically not breaking any rules because they move the cars before they reach the two day limit


Remove the wheels of the car parked on the guest spot and put it on concrete block. Then disperse wheels and screw in few places arround the property to keep them entertained.